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How will coronavirus affect the US election? How will coronavirus affect the US election?

03-12-2020 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
For it to be racist, race would have to be the prime motivating factor. In this case it isn't.
This is a pretty stupid take.

If any motivations are racist (in anything) it's racist.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 02:17 PM
I would have put that in a spoiler here with a trigger warning for sexists about female on male non-sexual aggression but it doesn't work for tweets.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 02:22 PM
Biden gave a competent address on C-19.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
This is a pretty stupid take.

If any motivations are racist (in anything) it's racist.
Not really. I would just call it common sense. Something in short supply these days it seems.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Sure seems like it when you pick only one of the badly affected countries to single out, not to mention the fact that sorting by ethnicity is really stupid at this point when we have community spread everywhere.
In the midst of a potential economic meltdown, you still incessantly find ways to call people if that's the most important thing in the world, as always.

Decades, thousands of post, hundreds of situations where you always go on these bullshit crusades. Even if you were right, so what? Yeppe, you are morally superior, and they are what?

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 03-12-2020 at 02:38 PM.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 02:34 PM
Now is not the time to talk about it. Have some decency!

it didn't happen

it happened but it wasn't my fault

it was my fault but it doesn't matter, so what

How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
Biden gave a competent address on C-19.
He earned at least a couple treats for that.

How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 02:36 PM
The problem with not eating Chinese is that where do you draw the line? Italian as has been mentioned but what about Korean and Japanese? Never had Persian but clearly we're running out of good food quickly.
At least Vietnamese still apparently safe. I need that Pho in my life.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
In the midst of a potential economic meltdown, you still incessantly find ways to call people if that's the most important thing in the world, as always.

Decades, thousands of post, hundreds of situations where you always go on these bullshit crusades. Even if you were right, so what? Yeppe, you are morally superior, and they are what?
Uh, this was started by someone finding it incredibly important not to call things racist.

Also, I can call things racist on the internet and engage in elevated personal hygiene and social distancing all at the same time.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Uh, this was started by someone finding it incredibly important not to call things racist.

Also, I can call things racist on the internet and engage in elevated personal hygiene and social distancing all at the same time.
Uh, no. It was started by someone pointing out that AOC is an ignoramus. Which is indisputable at this point.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Uh, no. It was started by someone pointing out that AOC is an ignoramus. Which is indisputable at this point.
No, it isn't.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 03:09 PM
Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro tested positive

edit spokesperson in the Brazilian embassy said the reports that President Jair Bolsonaro has coronavirus are "false."

"We can let you know of any further updates, but so far this is not true, and there is no official confirmation of any sort about this."
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Not really. I would just call it common sense. Something in short supply these days it seems.
Originally Posted by joe6pack
For it to be racist, race would have to be the prime motivating factor. In this case it isn't.
OK- so to be clear- for you its ok to base decisions prejudiced on race, as long as its not the prime factor and its controlled by facts and other facts?
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 03:18 PM
Broadway is going dark.
The PGA Tour is banning fans.
The NFL is cancelling its annual meeting.
Numerous basketball tournaments are canceled.
Major League Soccer's season has been suspended.
The National Hockey League's season has been suspended.
This month's release of "A Quiet Place II" has been postponed.
The next "Fast and Furious" movie has been rescheduled for April 2021.
Some scripted television shows are pausing production. Additional talk shows are forgoing studio audiences.
The Montclair Film Festival is being rescheduled.
Jerry Seinfeld's comedy shows are being postponed.
Billy Joel's performances at Madison Square Garden are being delayed until the fall.
The Metropolitan Museum, Carnegie Hall and other New York museums are temporarily closing.
In Washington, The National Archives has canceled events through the beginning of March.
In Los Angeles, City Hall will close to all non-city hall employees.
Sunday's Democratic debate on CNN is being moved from Phoenix to Washington.
The Association of Tennis Professionals suspended the men's pro tour.
NASCAR will hold races without fans.
And within minutes of writing this post, the 2020 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in Cleveland was postponed and Duke University suspended all athletic competition
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 03:20 PM
And yet I'm still at work.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 03:22 PM
Economically, this is...i got no comment. want to say, writing off whole year? -10gdp? Forget recession, a depression? but I dont know enough right now. It's crazy times right now I know that.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 03:24 PM
it's not going to be fantastic, i'll tell you that.

one silver lining is that I think this is going to be the final nail in Trump's coffin. Figuratively if not literally.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 03:25 PM
Zero entertainment industry, zero travel/transportation (inc. Uber etc) industry, oil industry shock, restaurants? Malls?...Campbell's Soup doesn't make up for it.-9.00%
21,434.43 / -2118.79
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 03:35 PM
I'm curious how Trump supporters on 2p2 feel about his handling of the crisis thus far. The more he opens his mouth, the more markets plummet.

How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 03:48 PM
Spoiler: They think he's handled it great. Not sure why. He might have a natural ability or something.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 03:52 PM
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 03:58 PM
Unfortunately, it's not just Trump.
Conservatives in general have an obsession with eliminating government.
Just before the outbreak, the cdc was basically gutted. This went under the radar for most people.
If conservatives had their way, America would basically be a second Somalia.
We have to urgently change the education system in this country.
Basically, every state chooses it's own curriculum. It can not be that kids in some states are taught in school that Abraham Lincoln was an invading aggressor and the North committed genocide against the South.
And then we wonder why this country is so messed up.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 04:03 PM
Alrighty, time to have a huge cup of tea and check back in on my favorite non-racist web forum that I heard has totally cleaned up all of the shitbags and lowlifes from their forum....

Originally Posted by joe6pack
Race isn't the prime motivating factor.

For it to be racist, race would have to be the prime motivating factor. In this case it isn't.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 04:17 PM
The Dow lost a Herman Cain.

How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-12-2020 , 04:22 PM
Can't you guys just be happy for Insoo 1k hotel rebate?
You monsters!!
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
