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Hitler was a socialist Hitler was a socialist

08-09-2020 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by esspoker
No, I've known there's a base of centrist democrats, but I know an increasing amount who veer to the far left, and they're very vocal on social media. Judging by Bernie's and AOC's success that's not a stretch to say.
For the benefit of anyone unfamiliar with OP's fanciful definitions, he believes that the NYT is "highly left wing".

Originally Posted by esspoker
I have no comment. When a man claims to be a long-time conservative but works for Northwestern, a highly left wing university, and publishes an article in the NYT, a highly left-wing newspaper, why do you think it should change my mind? This is a common lefty strategy. They think conservatives are as herdlike as them and that I should change my mind based on an appeal to authority/ad populem. In fact I can almost guarantee that the professor in question just advanced his own career by publishing this article.
08-09-2020 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Yes, it was you, and it was in BFI in the "is the economy a zero-sum game?" thread 8 months ago.

This objectively factually incorrect myth that you've concocted in your head from listening to Hannity, Rush, Trump, and all of those hidden, fact-checked articles you read on your targeted social media every day, has obviously been stewing on your mind for a very long time. Have you taken any concrete steps to prevent the Democrats from implementing Nationalsozialismus in America yet?

You couldn't have been that earth-shattering considering I've completely forgotten about it.
08-09-2020 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by esspoker
You couldn't have been that earth-shattering considering I've completely forgotten about it.
Something tells me you've been on the receiving end of this line before.
08-09-2020 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I was pondering to at some point make an anecdotal description of Scandinavian economy / politics / policy. I think it can be more illustrative to many than pouring historical facts and numbers. Perhaps there is a forum interest for it as well, since they often tend to come up in a "socialism vs capitalism" debate, and the reality is... well, a bit more nuanced (as it tends to be).

But suffice to say they have a "checkered" past, often incorporating both elements of a planned economy (socialist) and a capitalist-inspired production economy. Contrary to foreign conception, Scandinavian countries have a very different economic development, they sort of just ended up in a similar place. Sweden has been a "mini-Germany" relying on big industry, a strong monarchy and later on powerful business leaders, Denmark was an agricultural economy that grew into being very pro "small business", Norway was a planned economy that strongly aligned with US production methods to exploit its natural resources and slowly morphed into a capitalist welfare state.

I don't think I want to comment on the issues you listed in a short forum post. Suffice to say there are of course issues like in any country, but by and large these are well-run countries with highly functional welfare states.

I think it's an interesting proposition to run America more like those states. Although America IS already a welfare state. When comparing the US to a tiny country like Norway, which is largely homogenous in culture and race, with a history of ethnic Norwegians who share common mores, the welfare system MAY be feasible in the long run. There's always the problem of people wanting more and working less which remains to be seen. They're also rich from oil which will not always be sustainable.

America is an exception to most countries based on it's unique character. Identity politics comes into play far, far more than in those nordic countries. The questions of who gets what will likely tear it apart, especially as the youth is taught they're victims every day.
08-09-2020 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Lol ....
U just said Bernie his far left while he uses Danemark Sweden etc as being a Model American should follow and you say those countries aren’t really socialist because of there free market .....

Which is it !???
AOC is an out and out socialist. I've seen 0 evidence of any economic sense from her. She probably does think Norway is a socialist country and if given power she would try to literally socialize the economy. The way Bernie and AOC talk, it's like they think Bezos is stealing from people. They don't realize he's growing the economy. Do you?
08-09-2020 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
esspoker, the better line for you to take is, "there are features common to both socialism and German fascism that I find objectionable." That line isn't as much fun. And it doesn't support the risible statements of people like Glenn Beck and Dinesh D'Souza. But it has the benefit of not being absurd on its face.
I like how people keep calling Hitler fascist when not a single time did he mention fascism yet a thousand times he mentioned socialism. Nobody in this thread has posted a shred of primary evidence that Hitler was a fascist.
08-09-2020 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Intelligent posting and correct historical facts do seem to be lost on someone like you.
Ah, I remember now. Me and TS destroyed you. You just kept doing cute little "fyp" things and thought it was argumentation.

Thanks for sharing this again. TS had a great post, said better than me:

There are a few axes of human belief/preference that matter

1. The legitimacy of centralized power vs individual sovereignty

Nazis and socialists are both on the left here and have very similar views. In fact, that's why the Nazi Party arose out of hard left socialist ideology, because they're almost identical. Left wing thinking seamlessly turned into fascist thinking with little effort. You just add racism. Nazism could never have arisen out of a right wing philosophy that champions individualism and the sovereignty of the individual. It's a philosophical opposite that's so strong it stays true even if you add racism. On the other hand, left wing thinking is so similar to Nazist thinking that all you need to add is a little racism to a leftist and boom, you have a Nazi.

2. Fundamentalism vs laissez faire

The degree to which other considerations were allowed to be trampled for the primal importance of the philosophy. Socialists, antifa, Islam, the modern Left, climate change denial deniers, and Nazis are all strongly fundamentalist, in which one particular philosophy/moral goal overrides all other considerations and manners and becomes all important.

Both Nazis and the modern left are fundamentalists who favor centralized power over robust individualism. Ultimately what killed all these 80 million people (fascism) and 200 million people (socialism) was the centralization of power in a noble fundamentalist endeavor. Such disasters arise from large numbers of individuals who support centralizing power, however innocent and noble it might seem to begin with.

Last edited by esspoker; 08-09-2020 at 05:13 PM.
08-09-2020 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Intelligent posting and correct historical facts do seem to be lost on someone like you.
In fact you still never responded!

Originally Posted by Shuffle View Post
1 million killed in Stalin's purges, and in China there were about 30 million deaths in the famine they had (can you even blame that on government economic policy?...debatable both ways) and estimates of a few hundred thousand to 20 million in the cultural revolution.
It's not debatable at all. First they killed all the landlords and owners. Then Mao ordered the mass killing of sparrows (yes, sparrows) because they ate grain from farms. Sparrows also killed pests, which eventually overran the fields and destroyed the crops. The government took away money, separated children from their families in mass collectives where you worked for points rather than dollars. As camp leaders were given bonuses for good performance, they lied about crop numbers and nobody knew how bad it got, or they did and didn't care, as they just took the grain for themselves and for the cities, and let the countryside starve to death. Anyone who spoke up against this was put to death or put in prison.

Such hair-brained ideas aren't possible in a (right) free market society - farmers given individual land would figure out sparrows are good and would work in their own self interest. Of course in theory not all centrally planned governments are this incompetent, but they pretty much all are. No one person knows how to manage an entire economy.

As for Soviet Union, similar results, which is why Kruschev begged Mao to stop trying to socialize the farms, but he didn't listen. Millions died in Russian famines from the same policies - killing all the successful farmers, collectivizing farms, getting rid of competition and the free market. All attempts to equalize people have ended in total devastation.

Remember when you said that it was "debatable" that communist policies led to the deaths of millions? When did you destroy me? Interesting you decided to count this as a victory.
08-09-2020 , 04:59 PM
It’s quite remarkable how many idiots consider Hitler and the Nazi party as socialists. Socialists in name only. Yes the SA wanted a socialist agenda for the Nazis. Due to concerns from his industrialist supporters Hitler killed off Röhm the leader of the SA and essentially disbanded it. The Nazis where supported by the capitalists and where a fascist and capitalist state. The main opponents to Hitler witching Germany where socialists, trade unions and communists and weren’t his supporters. I guess when you get that far right you start to feel there’s similarities to the far left.
08-09-2020 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by esspoker
08-09-2020 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Trying to re-paint Hitler as a socialist is an attempt to deflect the -obvious- overlaps in rightwing nationalism/populism etc today. Because if the rank and file have to come to terms with the implications of where they're being led--well it's just not a good look--nazis are the baddies duh even though most don't seem to mind literal nazi wannabes hanging around the outskirts that naturally gravitate where they feel at home. So instead you just try to change the definitions and muddy the waters to provide some thin veneer of rationalization i.e. hitler was a socialist! lol

Everybody grab a nice red little hat/uniform
The fact of the matter is Hitler wasn't a classical liberal, which doesn't necessarily make him right-wing. Heavy regulation of industry isn't the hallmark of right-wing politics. I remember a few months ago there's a bunch of lefties wanting Trump to essentially nationalize manufacturers to produce medical equipment.
08-09-2020 , 05:08 PM
Heavy regulation of industry was very much a hallmark of right-wing nationalism/reactionary.
08-09-2020 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by esspoker
AOC is an out and out socialist. I've seen 0 evidence of any economic sense from her. She probably does think Norway is a socialist country and if given power she would try to literally socialize the economy. The way Bernie and AOC talk, it's like they think Bezos is stealing from people. They don't realize he's growing the economy. Do you?
Interesting ...
U just said US is already a welfare country , how can OAC makes it more socialize than ?

About amazon and Besos, do you consider someone not paying his taxes as stealing or not ?
When u see a company like amazon, making billions and paying 0 federal taxes while at the same time , gaining lot of profit from US costumer which result in closing like 30% of retail stores and so , destroying jobs which results in destroying a part of the economy , how can you say amazon isn’t stealing the Americans by not paying taxes and suppose to help the US economy when amazon is one of the main reason its destroying jobs ??

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 08-09-2020 at 05:30 PM.
08-09-2020 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by esspoker
I like how people keep calling Hitler fascist when not a single time did he mention fascism yet a thousand times he mentioned socialism. Nobody in this thread has posted a shred of primary evidence that Hitler was a fascist.
Well, Hitler openly admired Mussolini, and Nazi Germany is almost always described as a fascist state. There were differences between, say, Italian fascism and Naziism, just as there are differences between socialism as practiced by different states. For example, Nazi Germany was more focused on race than many other fascist states. I'm not sure how this distinction helps your argument that Hitler was a socialist.

Also, LOL at the bolded being a serious distinction for you. Mussolini had no problem with the fascist label, and if we were talking about Mussolini rather than Hitler, you would be making exactly the same argument that Mussolini was a socialist.
08-09-2020 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
Rebranding fascism to something more popular is a pretty time honored tactic, be it socialism, conservatism, liberalism, or even communism.
In 'merica I'd have thought branding fascism as socialism/communism would put people off it.
08-09-2020 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
Heavy regulation of industry was very much a hallmark of right-wing nationalism/reactionary.
As far as I can tell the only example of a far-right government that nationalized and heavily regulated industry, since the French Revolution, is Hitler and the Nazis. Seems Nazism is a better definition for Nazism than right wing, or left-wing. Fascist is probably what you're looking for. Fascism, can be left or right.
08-09-2020 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Interesting ...
U just said US is already a welfare country , how can OAC makes it more socialize than ?
about amazon and Besos, do you consider someone not paying his taxes as stealing or not ?
When u see a company like amazon, making billions and paying 0 federal taxes while at the same time , gaining lot of profit from US costumer which result in closing like 30% or retail stores and so , destroying jobs which results in destroying a part of the economy , how can you say amazon isn’t stealing the Americans by not paying taxes and suppose to help the US economy when amazon is one of the main reason is destroying jobs ??
America is a welfare state to a degree but taxes can always go up and up, which is what she wants. It's a bad move for GDP growth.

You don't understand basic economics. Bezos isn't taking profit from people, it's a willing exchange. He's growing the economy in proportion to how much he makes, creating jobs, adding value. He does pay taxes, as do sharefholders, as does the business. But if the gov't doesn't incentivize them to stay, amazon will just move offshore and pay 0 taxes.

You want the amazons of the world.

You don't want them out of the country.
08-09-2020 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by esspoker
I like how people keep calling Hitler fascist when not a single time did he mention fascism yet a thousand times he mentioned socialism. Nobody in this thread has posted a shred of primary evidence that Hitler was a fascist.
Because the best way to make believe uninformed electorate is to used words that is not reflecting the reality , it’s called lying ......

Do you really believe the US patriot act was patriotic and reflect true American values ?
Get real ....
08-09-2020 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
The fact of the matter is Hitler wasn't a classical liberal, which doesn't necessarily make him right-wing. Heavy regulation of industry isn't the hallmark of right-wing politics. I remember a few months ago there's a bunch of lefties wanting Trump to essentially nationalize manufacturers to produce medical equipment.
This refers more the "historical classification" stemming from French politicians and nobles sitting on the right side in the French assembly, signifying their allegiance to monarchy, conservative values and authoritative law. So it is not so much about economics.

And even from there, the similarities to fascism are often superficial.

As far as I see it, two people can be fairly left-wing and right-wing and still be pretty much equal distance from Nazism.
08-09-2020 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by esspoker
I like how people keep calling Hitler fascist when not a single time did he mention fascism yet a thousand times he mentioned socialism. Nobody in this thread has posted a shred of primary evidence that Hitler was a fascist.
Where d'you think the Nazi Party's 'Roman' salute came from? And Hitler's Beer-Hall Putsch was part of a conscious attempt to imitate Mussolini's March on Rome. (Hitler wanted to stage a 'March on Berlin', only armed police got in the way and opened fire, so that was off.)
08-09-2020 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Well, Hitler openly admired Mussolini, and Nazi Germany is almost always described as a fascist state. There were differences between, say, Italian fascism and Naziism, just as there are differences between socialism as practiced by different states. For example, Nazi Germany was more focused on race than many other fascist states. I'm not sure how this distinction helps your argument that Hitler was a socialist.
Bolded part is not an argument. It's interesting, and I'm actually curious why it's the case, as I've seen 0 evidence so far of his "fascism." If anyone actually shows some, I will call him a fascist.
08-09-2020 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
Where d'you think the Nazi Party's 'Roman' salute came from? And Hitler's Beer-Hall Putsch was part of a conscious attempt to imitate Mussolini's March on Rome. (Hitler wanted to stage a 'March on Berlin', only armed police got in the way and opened fire, so that was off.)
Maybe there was some influence, sure. But there was clearly some influence from Marx as evidenced in hundreds of quotes - also Marx influenced fascism. So should we call Hitler a Marxist?
08-09-2020 , 05:28 PM
This thread is ****ing hysterical. I’ve never seen someone so sure of something that is so easily proven false. Yo OP, did you make it from broke to millionaire yet? Your posting history is incredible. Keep up the good work.
08-09-2020 , 05:32 PM
Despite the reference to socialism and workers in the party’s name, Hitler promoted National Socialism as the complete opposite of socialism and communism. He promoted it as an ideology devoted to advancing the welfare and power of the German Volk (a national or ethnic group defined by its supposed race). The party developed a 25-point platform based on nationalism, antisemitism, and expansion. The program also called for the overturning of the Treaty of Versailles. To advance their agenda, the party formed paramilitary units called the Sturmabteilungen (Stormtroopers, or the SA).
08-09-2020 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
esspoker, this thread is classic Dunning–Kruger effect. Objectively, you don't even know history or seem to care about facts.

I would reply to you further but you don't seem interested in actually learning. For anyone interested, they can look into the events that lead up to the Night of the Long Knives.
I love a guy who insults you as he runs away from an argument
