Originally Posted by Slighted
let's be real, the only thing stopping the US government from taking every single person's gun if they wanted is the optics involved.. there is absolutely ZERO threat gun owners pose to the government(tyrannical or not). that is the imaginary part.
Well, it would also basically be throwing away every principle our country was founded on, so there's that, too...
Also, completely disagree with your latter assertion. It shows that you don't really know what you're talking about.
Any individual gun owner poses no threat to the government. A few individual gun owners pose no threat to the government.
On a loosely coordinated nationwide scale, 10,000 or 20,000 lone wolf extremists engaging in terrorist attacks, targeted assassinations, both symmetrical and asymmetrical, etc, etc absolutely pose a massive threat to those in power. That's where you get into 'civil war' type stuff. You'd also have massive command and control breakdown, since a large percentage of people expected to enforce your far left wing idealistic nonsense by 'shooting that harmless old guy who owns an AR15 and refuses to give it up' won't do it. Some would absolutely join the other side.
I don't think you understand the dimensions of the problem itself and have reduced it down to some simplified formula in your mind, where "Because the children we ban guns and everyone agrees because children and better world!". Painfully naïve.