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Gun control Gun control

06-06-2022 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Flush has certain insecurities that manifests itself in these types of personal attacks.

Insecurities seems too strong.

You guys are creepy because you try to hide your true motives behind really bad excuses that you insist on defending way past the point a reasonable person would. Also you use this odd technique of detailed gas lighting.

I would never leave my children alone with a guy like you so you do arouse certain insecurities in me.

But you're not a threat (for any number of good reasons) so I'm acting out more of frustration than insecurity.

Good job trying to use that therapy word though.
Gun control Quote
06-06-2022 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
No ****.

Just because you understand where the racism comes from doesn't mean it's not a factor. 3x dude. T H R E E .....F U C K I N G ......T I M E S.

For a guy who's trying so hard to sound like an intellectual you're failing in a really spectacular manner.

Assuming race has nothing to do with it, even when it clearly does, is patronizing.

If you think you're going to white-splain the blacks into submission you may not get the utopian unity you're striving for.
Calm down, Skippy! This is quite inconsistent behavior from a troll like yourself.
Gun control Quote
06-06-2022 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by nick619
Then retired military without documented mental health issues. That better? I am retired military with no mental health issues. Can I have my weapons please?
Count me as a no.
Really getting sick and tired of the right wing leaning 'bureaucratically privliged class' that's being created in this country with cops and military, which is also bizarrely extended to like, government and municipal workers... The military allows people with IQs as low as 80, in some cases, "law enforcement" litearlly bans people with IQs in certain ranges they deem 'too smart'.

If we're banning guns, you get no special pass.
Gun control Quote
06-06-2022 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Oh ok. So not totally batshit lagtight-levels insane then I guess.
Kewl, the town drunkard is back! How have you been?
Gun control Quote
06-06-2022 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Calm down, Skippy! This is quite inconsistent behavior from a troll like yourself.
If you patronized me for sport that was brilliant.
Gun control Quote
06-06-2022 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
If you patronized me for sport that was brilliant.
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06-06-2022 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Calm down, Skippy! This is quite inconsistent behavior from a troll like yourself.

Yet if you made a post even close to that, you would be temp banned. Heck, I was temp banned and threatened with a permanent ban for simply defending myself against people making outbursts like that.
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06-06-2022 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
Count me as a no.
Really getting sick and tired of the right wing leaning 'bureaucratically privliged class' that's being created in this country with cops and military, which is also bizarrely extended to like, government and municipal workers... The military allows people with IQs as low as 80, in some cases, "law enforcement" litearlly bans people with IQs in certain ranges they deem 'too smart'.

If we're banning guns, you get no special pass.

Every capable American has the choice to join the military or police force. So no, it isn’t a “special pass” for me as you have the same opportunities.
Gun control Quote
06-06-2022 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by nick619
Then retired military without documented mental health issues. That better? I am retired military with no mental health issues. Can I have my weapons please?
If you pass the requirements and the law allows it, then go ahead. My point was you shouldn't be able to walk into a gun shop, show a military I.D., and the seller says, "Hoorah! Semper Fi good buddy!" and hands you whatever you want b/c you're one of the "good ones".

The fact that you said "weaponS" gives me pause though, not gonna lie.
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06-06-2022 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Proffett
If you pass the requirements and the law allows it, then go ahead. My point was you shouldn't be able to walk into a gun shop, show a military I.D., and the seller says, "Hoorah! Semper Fi good buddy!" and hands you whatever you want b/c you're one of the "good ones".

The fact that you said "weaponS" gives me pause though, not gonna lie.

Yes, weapons as in plural. I own a lot of guns. 10 years from now I will still have those guns and more. I have more than earned my right to have them regardless of your opinion or anyone else’s. Ain’t America great?

And now I will go sleep like a baby knowing I can defend my family from evil people thanks to having firearms. Good night everyone.
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06-06-2022 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by nick619
Every capable American has the choice to join the military or police force. So no, it isn’t a “special pass” for me as you have the same opportunities.
Some police departments ban persons with IQs over a certain number, thus precluding anyone who's not 'average'.
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Insecurities seems too strong.
Or weak... just depends on one's perspective.

Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
You guys are creepy because you try to hide your true motives behind really bad excuses that you insist on defending way past the point a reasonable person would. Also you use this odd technique of detailed gas lighting.
So my being in favor of gun control measures is creepy and trying to hide true motives? Odd.

Perhaps you're just lumping me in with other people, whose opinions you disagree with, because that's easier to do for people incapable of thinking critically?

Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
I would never leave my children alone with a guy like you so you do arouse certain insecurities in me.
Good. I already raised my kids and currently paying almost $200K/yr for their education and not looking to raise any others, but nice tip of the cap to the alt-right kooks via the indecorous exploitative use of children. MTG would be proud!
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
I disagree with the 'repeal the second amendment', but do respect it as the only intellectually consistent anti gun rights position there is.

You defeinitely, absolutely would have ton who would not comply.
Many gun owners would actively resist, some very violently. Its what stopped outright gun bans in 68 and 94.

I know these people, very well, and it would 100% happen.
It wouldn't happen to the degree they think it would, their imiginary 'second revolution', etc, most would absolutely comply, but a ton wouldn't, violence would happen and there would be a lot of Tim McVeighs and there would be bloodshed on American soil because of it.

Australia and the UK aren't good examples of 'how a gun ban would work in America', most of their guns were registered/accounted for (meaning there weren't 300,000,000 firearms with plausible deniability as to ownership) and their 'gun culture' bears no resemblance to what we have here.
Extremists galore, it's what drove me away from that scene. You would have to take very aggressive action against people to make them give up their guns.
let's be real, the only thing stopping the US government from taking every single person's gun if they wanted is the optics involved.. there is absolutely ZERO threat gun owners pose to the government(tyrannical or not). that is the imaginary part.
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
let's be real, the only thing stopping the US government from taking every single person's gun if they wanted is the optics involved.. there is absolutely ZERO threat gun owners pose to the government(tyrannical or not). that is the imaginary part.
I used to think this, but I think the gun nuts layout realistic scenarios of what that would look like. Let's just say ZERO threat is probably more like non-zero threat.
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes

Perhaps you're just lumping me in with other people, whose opinions you disagree with, because that's easier to do for people incapable of thinking critically?

I'm not sure I said I disagree with your opinions.
I'm pretty sure my problem with you is that you don't express them clearly, and waffle around and come off as a creep.

In this case you interjected yourself in to a conversation I was having with a guy who was consistently race baiting.

The fact that you picked this battle to fight...well. You know, my critical thinking skills are leading me to make assumptions.

I understand that you can be playing 3d chess and portraying yourself as a creepy alt-right guy. I never attach real personalities with the posters here know. I'm just reading what you write.
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
Some police departments ban persons with IQs over a certain number, thus precluding anyone who's not 'average'.
"Some" does not equal "all" therefore I stand by my comments. Also, there are certain jobs in the military that require extremely high IQ's. By all means, join.
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 09:15 AM

Bullet proof backpacks for teachers and students selling out.

The Military Complex celebrates this increase in profits with this new hot line.... errrr I mean... 'this increase in safety'.
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 10:12 AM
Mexico has strict gun laws, some of their cities have some of the highest murder rates in the world. Heroin, cocaine and meth are all highly illegal but go to any high school parking lot in the US and score as much as you want.

It's a complicated issue but the laws of supply and demand and the love of the almighty dollar will always rule over human lives.
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
let's be real, the only thing stopping the US government from taking every single person's gun if they wanted is the optics involved.. there is absolutely ZERO threat gun owners pose to the government(tyrannical or not). that is the imaginary part.
Well, it would also basically be throwing away every principle our country was founded on, so there's that, too...

Also, completely disagree with your latter assertion. It shows that you don't really know what you're talking about.
Any individual gun owner poses no threat to the government. A few individual gun owners pose no threat to the government.

On a loosely coordinated nationwide scale, 10,000 or 20,000 lone wolf extremists engaging in terrorist attacks, targeted assassinations, both symmetrical and asymmetrical, etc, etc absolutely pose a massive threat to those in power. That's where you get into 'civil war' type stuff. You'd also have massive command and control breakdown, since a large percentage of people expected to enforce your far left wing idealistic nonsense by 'shooting that harmless old guy who owns an AR15 and refuses to give it up' won't do it. Some would absolutely join the other side.

I don't think you understand the dimensions of the problem itself and have reduced it down to some simplified formula in your mind, where "Because the children we ban guns and everyone agrees because children and better world!". Painfully naïve.
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by jcorb
Mexico has strict gun laws, some of their cities have some of the highest murder rates in the world. Heroin, cocaine and meth are all highly illegal but go to any high school parking lot in the US and score as much as you want.

It's a complicated issue but the laws of supply and demand and the love of the almighty dollar will always rule over human lives.

Why compare a country with known drug cartels entrenched in powerful political positions that routinely undermine the good of 'the people' for their own short term economic gains to America ?

Oh. never mind.
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
let's be real, the only thing stopping the US government from taking every single person's gun if they wanted is the optics involved.. there is absolutely ZERO threat gun owners pose to the government(tyrannical or not). that is the imaginary part.
For the most part they won't be fighting the government guns. They'll be killing and terrorizing the civilian population that sent the government guns. Insurgency 101.
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by nick619
Yet if you made a post even close to that, you would be temp banned. Heck, I was temp banned and threatened with a permanent ban for simply defending myself against people making outbursts like that.
Good point. I suspect I'd at least get a warning for accusing a POC of "black-splaining."

On a related point, I'm not sure why the word "mansplaining" isn't considered sexist.
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by nick619

I admitted to it. They asked for exact dates......was like LOL like I'm supposed to be able to remember that. Either way, it wasn't a problem. If that is the only thing holding you back from joining the military, now you know.
Back in the 80's that was probably okay.

Since we took your pot away we haven't lost any helicopters in the dessert though.

So good move on our part.

Now go form up like a good boy !!!!
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Back in the 80's that was probably okay.

Since we took your pot away we haven't lost any helicopters in the dessert though.

So good move on our part.

Now go form up like a good boy !!!!

I was born in the 80’s, so surely wasn’t in the military in the 80’s. But whatever you say. Gun control
Gun control Quote
06-07-2022 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
Well, it would also basically be throwing away every principle our country was founded on, so there's that, too...

Also, completely disagree with your latter assertion. It shows that you don't really know what you're talking about.
Any individual gun owner poses no threat to the government. A few individual gun owners pose no threat to the government.

On a loosely coordinated nationwide scale, 10,000 or 20,000 lone wolf extremists engaging in terrorist attacks, targeted assassinations, both symmetrical and asymmetrical, etc, etc absolutely pose a massive threat to those in power. That's where you get into 'civil war' type stuff. You'd also have massive command and control breakdown, since a large percentage of people expected to enforce your far left wing idealistic nonsense by 'shooting that harmless old guy who owns an AR15 and refuses to give it up' won't do it. Some would absolutely join the other side.

I don't think you understand the dimensions of the problem itself and have reduced it down to some simplified formula in your mind, where "Because the children we ban guns and everyone agrees because children and better world!". Painfully naïve.
red dawn fan fiction. in a scenario where the US government actually wants to take the guns. they are taking the guns.
Gun control Quote
