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Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Greta Thunberg - truly amazing

12-05-2021 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by ejames209
One of the greatest environmental minds of the 21st century. People attacking a child are cowards and closet science deniers
Wow. That says a ton about where the environmental minds of this century are at ffs
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
This is of course correct.

This is why we should lower the voting age. If the interests of younger people are increasingly diverging from those of older people we should grant them more direct political representation.
The younger generation has always been in lockstep with their parents and grand parents! Until now! Lmfao
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
I don't know how to reach those people. In fact - and here's one for the Deuces Anthology - I think we should literally go to war with them. It's worth it. Because they aren't dumb they're just greedy and there might be no appeals possible.
Typical neo- lib, listen and follow us or else we will fight you!
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 11:12 AM
Curious, what are her demands? With all her popularity she isn’t very good at getting the word out. Obviously treating the world better is a lofty goal but leftists use it as a money and power grab. Get specific Greta! Don’t just use emotional rhetoric like a politician does.
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I’m not sure that at 17 they were sent into Iraq( I think this is true) I just remember 17 year old guys in my Kansas town joining the army and leaving.
Maybe to basic training
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by ThePLOGrinder
What I personally (and many others) want to know is, what proportion of climate change is due to humans? I have not heard this answered. Is it 1%, 10%...0.5%?

In the 1970's we were told that we were facing an ice age. We did indeed have an ice age 2.4 million years ago which lasted until 11,500 years ago. The earth has a natural cycle. What percent of climate change today is down to the earth natural cycle? We hear about polar bears going extinct, yet how many people realise that there are more polar bears nowadays compared to the 1960's? Why has the polar bear population increased? We have had ice ages and warm periods. Thus people who might say we are climate change deniers are actually completely wrong. We are the opposite and say that the climate has been constantly changing. We need a proper scientific discussion and debate.

We are told CO2 wrecks the planet and this has been made the enemy. There is evidence to suggest (although not conclusive) that as temperature goes up, CO2 goes up and as temperatures go down, CO2 goes down. It is not 100% clear but CO2 is a good fertilizer and plant gas which we depend on. We are being told it wrecks the planet. Yet water vapour is 490 times more important as a greenhouse gas than CO2. However, we focus on CO2 because those in charge can ban petrol motorcycles, car diesel, gas stove etc. There is an argument to suggest that we need more CO2 because it greens the planet. Even NASA admitted that the earth is more greener probably due to more CO2. Look at greenhouses, they triple the amount of CO2 because the plants love it. We NEED a proper scientific discussion!
Ssshhhhush. Don’t bring logical thoughts that run contrary to this great opportunity for a power grab! Imagine the whole world United against a single boogeyman! Do you know how powerful an opportunity this is? As Saul once said, never let an emergency go to waste. Did I get that name and quote correct?
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Humans love food, so if you triple the amount of food you eat you will be three times as healthy, amirite?

You might want to read the scientific literature on the subject instead of demonstrating your ignorance.
Love this type of debate. Not providing an argument or facts just saying “read up, buddy boy, you’re obviously ignorant. Trust me!”
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
How so?
There is a huge problem with old batteries and how to recycle them for starters
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
The science is confusing. Cows are bad apparantly but when I try to do my bit by eating as many of them as possible then that's wrong.
Try comparing a volcanic eruption and what it does to co2 levels compared to the cars running around the earth
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by harkin
Sounds like something straight out of a rand novel, “we the living” comes to mind. Can you lefties not see the power grab taking place?
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 01:01 PM
Yes she really is truly annoying
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
12-05-2021 , 01:45 PM

Did you lose the password to your main 2+2 account?
Greta Thunberg - truly amazing Quote
