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Fringe conspiracy containment thread Fringe conspiracy containment thread

01-26-2024 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Cool. And when he seemingly appears in person, will you be betting on a body double, a hologram, an android, or a supernatural shape shifter?
I'm going with evil twin.
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-26-2024 , 04:15 PM
A hologram? I don't think he's worthy of a hologram as much as the Pope was, but that's just me.

"There are more things between heaven and earth, Horatio, then have been dreamt in your philosophy" -Shakespeare
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-26-2024 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I'm going with evil twin.
That's a good idea.
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-26-2024 , 05:33 PM
A possibly Satanic conspiracy of serial murder also allegedly involving Freemasonry.

Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-30-2024 , 12:12 PM
I just heard through the grape vine marine JAG's just grabbed treasonist Merick Garland. He's another key player in the criminal biden regime like Austin was. Sorry lib tards, another one of your hero's (allegedly) got popped for treason against the United States. LIke Austin, let's see how they play this one out too. Will he be admitted to the hospital for elective surgery on his prostate, or will he suddenly fall sick with covid? Only time will tell. This hasn't been confirmed to me yet but it came from a very reputable source. I will f/u with further confirmation when I get it.

Also, they just cancelled the first week of Feb (as well as the whole month of Jan) for the terrorist trials at Gitmo. Let's see if the rest of the month gets cancelled as it was for this month.
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-30-2024 , 12:53 PM
Pooped for treason, is that the same as scheduled for back surgery?
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-30-2024 , 03:12 PM
Seems he has a long list of charges and was one of the top people in control of the corrupt regime, and puppet biden even took orders directly from him. I'm taking bets betting that when they test his blood for covid antibodies he won't have any, meaning he never got their vax (most all the detainees I know of didn't get it even NIH officials).

There's a war going on in our military and there will be imho a civil war at the border before all's said and done (there's already a civil war within the military where people are dying on both sides but it's being sold to all the tards as something else).
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-30-2024 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Seems he has a long list of charges and was one of the top people in control of the corrupt regime
So, who else is part of this?
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-30-2024 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
So, who else is part of this?
While I'm asking, who are the good guys in charge?
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-30-2024 , 07:40 PM
The surgeons?
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-30-2024 , 09:02 PM
This is from around 3p local or 8pZ this is the Marines departing Guantanamo Bay. I showed you last time what happened when I heard a rumor, these rumors are being backed up and they're coming from more credible sources than you think. Our military is already in a civil war of which people have died on both sides, I know that for a fact (but the globalist's media spins it into something else) and it's about to break out in the public's eye starting at the border in Texas. Keep your eyes on Putin, who was the first one to fight this regime in public by stomping them out in Ukrane where they were up to no good to say the least.

There's still a small number of generals still loyal to the fake installed regime but they're being over taken by the alliance, which is composed of several countries that went through the same thing the U.S. went through, having a president installed who's loyal (and owned) by the globalists. I also know bolsonaro's been staying at mara lago on and off ever since the fake election threw him out in Brazil. Wake up ppl take your heads out of the sand it's about to get more volatile over the next months leading up to the election, if there even is one.

This guy had a lot of doubles and gave them a little bit of a hard time narrowing down the real one but they're confident that's what they have. I saw the list of charges against this guy he's definitely a demonic and cruel power hungry puppeteer pleasing scumbag of an individual (as they all are), I can assure you.

Last edited by Playbig2000; 01-30-2024 at 09:15 PM. Reason: vocabulary
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-30-2024 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
I just heard through the grape vine marine JAG's just grabbed treasonist Merick Garland. He's another key player in the criminal biden regime like Austin was. Sorry lib tards, another one of your hero's (allegedly) got popped for treason against the United States. LIke Austin, let's see how they play this one out too. Will he be admitted to the hospital for elective surgery on his prostate, or will he suddenly fall sick with covid? Only time will tell. This hasn't been confirmed to me yet but it came from a very reputable source. I will f/u with further confirmation when I get it.

Also, they just cancelled the first week of Feb (as well as the whole month of Jan) for the terrorist trials at Gitmo. Let's see if the rest of the month gets cancelled as it was for this month.
Wanna bet
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-30-2024 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Wanna bet
I'm willing to bet the rest of the month will be cancelled, I have absolute confidence.
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-30-2024 , 09:40 PM
Do you wanna bet garland is going to be tried for treason before April 1

What enemy of ours has he been been betraying us to?
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-31-2024 , 12:39 AM
woah, we need to rename this thread, i was expecting stuff like contrails
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-31-2024 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
I'm willing to bet the rest of the month will be cancelled, I have absolute confidence.
I guess you lose. My calendar says January 31.
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-31-2024 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
A hologram? I don't think he's worthy of a hologram as much as the Pope was, but that's just me.

"There are more things between heaven and earth, Horatio, then have been dreamt in your philosophy" -Shakespeare

You have confirmed for us unequivocally that Lloyd Austin is dead. As I expected, he appears to be resuming his duties. So we need to square the circle.

This video is from January 29. Is the video a fake, or is the person in the video a body double, hologram, android, or evil twin?

Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-31-2024 , 11:57 AM
Can someone give me cliffs on this? I'm lost. Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-31-2024 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo

You have confirmed for us unequivocally that Lloyd Austin is dead. As I expected, he appears to be resuming his duties. So we need to square the circle.

This video is from January 29. Is the video a fake, or is the person in the video a body double, hologram, android, or evil twin?

Not sure. The ears on the left are from the video above, and the ears on the right are from the first link below.

Are they the same ears? The ones in the youtube video also look much smaller. Can they change in the span of a few years?

Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-31-2024 , 01:01 PM
Luckbox is the expert on ears, but you are giving him a run for his money.
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-31-2024 , 01:44 PM
They always forget to replicate the ears
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-31-2024 , 03:57 PM
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-31-2024 , 04:09 PM
Same head, different ears. Fools them every time!
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-31-2024 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Are they the same ears? The ones in the youtube video also look much smaller. Can they change in the span of a few years?
The collar of his shirt appears much bigger in the first photo as well. Very suspicious. I wonder what the connection could be between ear size and collar size.
Fringe conspiracy containment thread Quote
01-31-2024 , 06:36 PM
Luckbox, have you completed your investigation yet for playbig?
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