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Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Free Speech (taken from Trans thread)

06-05-2022 , 02:10 PM
Didn't seem like context mattered all that much to you 20 minutes ago when you were "victimizing" Uke an accusing him of all sorts of stuff with 0 evidence.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
That doesn't seem to make so much sense when you put it like that. It's out of context.

I think elon understands the situation and people involved in it, when he says it. And he hits the bulls eye as you can tell by the resonance.
Fight the power of organised capital second/or richest man in the world, freeedooom.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
But you're simply regurgitating part of their "counter web of lies". The bolded is just a straight up fictional retelling of the history of American academia. Universities were NEVER the vanguard of free speech. People I know, who were among the first generation of serious mathematicians on Wall St had to leave academia because it was clear that their involvement in the anti-Vietnam War movement would prevent them from getting academic jobs. Here is a more famous example from the social sciences

Before that, someone as credentialed and respected as Robert Oppenheimer was marginalized and almost fired from the IAS for very tenuous links to communism. Imagine how bad it must have been for newly mintd Phds or Post Docs just starting their careers without Oppenheimer's undeniable accomplishments.

It's no coincidence that these are left wing views canceled by academia that have been completely whitewashed and erased from history by people trying to present what they call cancel culture as some new modern aberration.
The argument IS NOT that Uni's were perfect prior and that no one would get push back or find a hostile audience for their ideas. The argument is that things have been getting ever WORSE driven by an ever more aggressive and intolerant far 'left' who get outsized voice and representation in these matters. And much like a how a small number of far right extremists are targeting several strategic and key choke points where they can now use outsized power to shut down free speech (books, school curriculum, etc) to nefarious ends, so too have the far left been doing the same but for, far longer, from what I can see.

2018 T he Decline of Free Speech on the Postmodern Campus: The Troubling Evolution of the Heckler's Veto

The Twenty-First Century has presented new challenges to the traditional ways that free speech in America has been encouraged and protected. While the right to express one’s opinions has become increasingly problematic in society at large, it is particularly imperiled in the very places that pride themselves as being open marketplaces of ideas – on college and university campuses.

Today we’re faced with numerous campus speech codes that substantially limit FirstAmendment rights. They are ubiquitous and often cavalierly invoked. For civil libertarians the good news is that not one of the few such codes that have been tested in court has been found constitutional; the bad news is that few have been tested. Moreover, the current codes come with new catch-phrases like “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” and “cultural appropriation” – all calculated in one way or another to shelter students and others from the honest give-and-take of discussion and debate about topics that might be controversial.

Those with opinions that might challenge campus orthodoxies are rarely invited, and often disinvited after having been scheduled, or shouted down or otherwise disrupted. When protestors embroil visiting speakers, or break in on meetings to take them over and list demands, or even resort to violence, administrators often choose to look the other way. Students have come to take it for granted they will face little or no discipline for such disorderly conduct. ...
Fewer Students See Freedom of Speech as Secure
A new report finds that a growing majority of students believe their campus climate stifles free expression. But the share who support disinviting controversial speakers has fallen

While most college students believe that freedom of speech is a cornerstone of American democracy, a new report released Tuesday shows that a shrinking share sees freedom of speech as secure. A growing majority also believe their college or university stifles free expression.

According to the report from the Knight Foundation, which surveyed 1,000 students between 18 and 24 enrolled in any kind of higher education institution last year, 84 percent said free speech rights are critical to American democracy. Yet only 47 percent said that their freedom of speech rights are secure, a share that has declined steadily since 2016, when 73 percent said they were secure.

Additionally, 65 percent of students believe their institution’s climate stifles free expression, preventing people from saying what they believe because others might find it offensive. That’s up from 54 percent in 2016.

Adam Goldstein, senior research counsel for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, said that over the past five years, students have begun advocating to restrain speech on campus, a departure from the historical trend of administrators trying to stifle student speech.

“Students are increasingly afraid of each other,” Goldstein said. “They’re afraid that they’ll be targeted for the things they say, and that makes them more reluctant to say things in the first place.”...

Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Fyp. The left is dead. Don't you have another thread decrying the demise of the Democratic party?

But there basically is no left. Just a few Marxists teaching sociology classes with zero reach... Everyone you think is the left is actually on the right

As for this actual thread.... There is a lot I could say now that I've become decently close with an individual who is transitioning.... But I can't say it for that exact same reason. Sad.
It is 'sad' that you feel you cannot talk of a real world trans person experience here but you would be correct that if it does not conform to the 'one true Opinion' expressed here you will be attacked for it and almost certainly labeled with a bunch of pejoratives, as if you are passing judgment and taking sides and not just relaying experience.

I hope you do detail your experience but certainly understand why you might not.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Didn't seem like context mattered all that much to you 20 minutes ago when you were "victimizing" Uke an accusing him of all sorts of stuff with 0 evidence.
Yea sorry uke. It also happened in another thread the Poo fingers thread.

So this is what cuepee said and then the reply from uke.

I disagree with what uke said here. Claiming that a left prof doesn't have an advantage on the internet is bizzare to me.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
'the idea of 'campus academics who tend far left (oversized self identification with even marxism as opposed to general public) who do have an agenda to use their platforms to push extreme left agenda's.

And then uke said this:
I'm so confused. Isn't the median "campus academics'" platform like 30 twitter followers, a grad student, and hopes to publish 2 papers a year in an obscure journal nobody but other academics in their narrow sub-discipline will ever read? Heck, I have a larger platform than 99% of academics (on account of YouTube), which makes me about as influential as your average 14 year old 2 months into their tik tok 'journey.'

Which didn't make so much sense. Cuepee was talking about the issue of major channels having a left agenda and then uke was talking nonsense. Thats gaslighting right there. Trying to disguise something, downplay it, denying. Uke ^^

Last edited by washoe; 06-05-2022 at 02:39 PM.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 02:40 PM
Wait, you think left wing professors have an advantage over the koch brothers etc?

Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 03:46 PM
Well I'm glad washoe finally managed to quote the post and golly gee look at that, it doesn't say anywhere in there that "the left has no reach" as claimed.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 04:02 PM
you know what u did. and again you're trying to deflect it. stuff like that is driving masses to the right, and then what? You have trump again or worse but with more idiots.

All your fault then. you had to drive people insane with the gaslighting.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 04:08 PM
How many people were banned from the internet, in retrospect even unrightfully?

even hard liner liberals were scared of this bullshit, of voicing their opinion. even them were saying this is bullshit! You took it too far and now you have to admit that you abused your power. or else trump and then boom. youre f either way.

You had to play Stalin, you had to oppress everyone and drive them insane with your nonsense. now you get crazy populists. karma is a bitch.

Last edited by washoe; 06-05-2022 at 04:19 PM.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 04:24 PM
Washoe and reality like ships in the night.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 04:50 PM
And in Canada specifically where uke is certainly to be amongst the outlier, far left of already very left grouping...

Our Universities are Skewing the Next Generation to the Left
Essay, Culture Wars, Lee HardingAugust 11, 2020

How leftist are Canadian universities? The answer is “very.” This was confirmed in the last in-depth study on the matter. Even though the study is somewhat dated, nearly every piece of data and less methodological approaches have shown the same thing. Canada’s universities are leftist to the core—and most of the periphery too.

The most definitive confirmation ever given of the universities’ leftist bias was made by M. Reza Nakhaie. She co-authored two studies that gave us our last good look. The 2011 “Ideological Orientations of Canadian University Professors” showed how professors rated their own ideological leanings and compared it to other segments of the Canadian population....

These findings were built on the Canadian Election Study 2000. That examination showed that university-educated people were further left than the general public. And why wouldn’t they be, having received their education from left-leaning university professors?...

...In the year 2000, the average person was five times as likely to vote Reform than a professor would, and twice as likely to vote Progressive Conservative. The professor, on the other hand, was 3.4 times as likely to vote NDP. ...

...Thankfully, some Canadian intellectuals believe students deserve better than the left-leaning group think. “We should all be concerned by the growth of a university ideological monoculture,” wrote Christopher Dummit in the National Post. The PhD professor of history at Trent University asked, “[H]ow can we trust scholarship to give us useful answers if there isn’t genuine intellectual debate?”

Debate isn’t possible when only one side of the argument is allowed. ...

...At the end of this, what can be done? Dummit has two solutions. One is to ensure that a diversity of viewpoints receives equal treatment in hiring decisions. Dummit’s second idea is that research funding agencies should “emphasize curiosity-based research,” especially in the humanities and social sciences. Dummit says “popular ones these days are anti-racist, ‘critical’ studies of various persuasions, settler colonial studies,” but that scholarship would be better advanced by funding studies that test and challenge those theories.

“If we don’t fix our universities, we all lose,” Dummit writes. “We need to make it an orthodoxy that the best universities are heterodox universities.” He’s right. And, even better, he wouldn’t mind if someone challenged that idea. If Canada could fill its ranks of professors with people like Dummit and with the approach he advocates, universities would truly fulfil their label of “higher education.”
Instead, sadly the kids get more 'uke's' who swear they can not see any problems in their midst while not realizing that is the best argument to how deep the problems are.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 05:09 PM
Does anyone who reads the below believe uke would be the type to encourage his students to seek out information on opposing views? Really??

And our friend in this forum who condones violence as a tool is obviously in good company in the far left as highlighted below.

With an already small group of center and right leaning Professors and students you would think Universities would go out of their way to make room for them and encourage them to speak so there is some diversity of thought and debate. Something that is typically regarded as a strength of systems... but nope, the opposite. They suffer the same type of bullying and silencing tactics and cancel culture tactics that pervade social media and forums like this one.

Do you risk putting forth your argument, having it distorted and lies attributed to you and to try then to unbury yourself from all that, if anyone is listening or cares, at that point with regards to what is fact and true? You are not winning that battle and thus you just stay silent. Let the bullying tactic win.

Are Colleges and Universities Too Liberal? What the Research Says About the Political Composition of Campuses and Campus Climate

October 21, 2020
“Is Academe Awash in Liberal Bias?” This is one of many recent headlines trying to grapple with a question that we’ve been debating for decades: are colleges and universities dominated by liberals? Over the past few years, charges that colleges and universities are “about Radical Left Indoctrination” have come from several quarters, including from the highest echelons of our government, making this a question that merits serious attention.

...The data for three campus constituencies unequivocally show that liberals are considerably overrepresented on university and college campuses. And the research on campus climate reveals a decrease in openness to non-liberal viewpoints...

...While their research yielded interesting data, it was fielded right before the extreme liberal lurch took off in the mid-2000s....

...“It appears that a fairly liberal student body is being taught by a very liberal professoriate — and socialized by an incredibly liberal group of administrators.” Taken together the data clearly illustrate that liberals are overrepresented in the faculty as well as among the students and administrators...

... Some analyses would take the dominance of liberals within the academy as a definitive indicator of bias in the academy. ..

...Having said that, we also know that there are professors who are not necessarily as thoughtful about helping their students explore and wrestle with opposing points of view. So while the strong liberal bent of professors is certainly one of the factors that likely contributes and conduces to the narrowing of acceptable viewpoints on campus...

...The findings of the fall 2019 Heterodox Academy’s Campus Expression Survey of over 1500 students uncovered similar trends. Students were asked how comfortable they were sharing their views on six topics: politics, race, religion, sexuality, gender, and noncontroversial issues. With the exception of religion, for all other topics Republican students reported being more reluctant than Democrats and Independents and were markedly more hesitant to share their views on politics, race, sexuality and gender...

... 2019 survey of over 4,400 undergraduates on the state of collegiate student expression shed more light on these troubling trends: 68% felt silenced because “their campus climate precludes students from expressing their true opinions because their classmates might find them offensive.”

And most recently the aforementioned FIRE free speech survey of almost 20,000 college students confirmed that self-censorship on campuses is prevalent: Six out of ten college students say they have kept quiet due to fear of how others would respond. Breaking this down further, the largest group on campus which self-censors is “strong Republicans” (73%) and the lowest is “strong Democrats” (52%). These findings are in many ways a continuation and deepening of trends from 2016 and 2017 when conservative students reported self-censoring more than their liberal counterparts.

Student willingness to use violence and engage in behavior to explicitly stop speech is another area where the FIRE report uncovers disturbing trends. Those identifying as extremely liberal said violence to stop a speech or event from occurring on campus was “always” or “sometimes” acceptable at a rate double than of students identifying as extremely conservative...

...“[I am] afraid to disagree with certain liberal talking points because even if I do not agree with the conservative side either I feel like I will be rejected for not being ‘woke’ enough.”

It’s not just the students who are biting their tongues on campus. Faculty too are hesitant to freely share their views. As we have seen in this current school year already, the cost for professors can be high. Even those with tenure are deeply concerned as viewpoints that are not part of the progressive wave or do not publicly comply with liberal norms that dominate are not welcome. As such, many professors are now afraid to speak their minds as the professional and personal consequences to them can be severe. ...

... a national survey of over 900 faculty and found that two-thirds of conservative professors simply avoided sharing their opinions because of fear of negative reactions from students and peers compared to just one-third of liberals. This significant difference is strong evidence that viewpoint diversity is being severely curtailed. Conservative professors – already an endangered minority on campus – are well aware of the possible ramifications of sharing their views and fear professional repercussions for disagreeing with their liberal faculty and administrative colleagues. A group of Sarah Lawrence students came for Abrams, demanding his resignation, apologies for actions he never committed, and a slew of other institutional changes. Abrams is among a long list of faculty who have been attacked, cancelled or forced to resign and this new dynamic is not a secret whatsoever....


Taken together the research on students, professors and administrators reveals a clear liberal skew. Studies on campus climate conclusively show that conservatives on campus are considerably reluctant to share their viewpoint freely. This could be mistaken as an issue about the comfort levels of conservative students. But what the evidence also reveals is that it is not just conservatives who are self-censoring. Recall as per the findings of the FIRE survey 53% of both moderates and liberals were also uncomfortable sharing their ideas. It’s certainly noteworthy that the majority of even those on the left “often feel intimidated” sharing ideas that go against the dominant, habitually liberal, views present on campus. This should give us pause to step back and recognize that campus climate is shaped by forces, including, but far beyond the ideological skew of those on campus, such as the fear of censure, peer judgement, etc.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
And in Canada specifically where uke is certainly to be amongst the outlier, far left of already very left grouping...
I'm really not. I know you are really bought into your fabricated caricatures of me as some sort of imagined far left culture warrior or whatever, but down here in reality I don't know if I have actually done a single action that is tangential to the "culture wars" that you would actually disagree with. Like **** man, you are in the Canada thread, you know I largely spend my timing defending the centrist liberal party!

Originally Posted by Cuepee
Instead, sadly the kids get more 'uke's' who swear they can not see any problems in their midst while not realizing that is the best argument to how deep the problems are.
I suppose it depends on what you mean by "problem". I don't disagree that university professors are in general more left leaning than the general public, as evidenced by that ancient 2000 data. As you can see form the same chart, the number of "extreme" left people who rate themselves as 7/7 is only 6% of the population. Over 60% of professors were those moderated in the 3-5/7, neither far right nor far left. And it certainly doesn't establish that there is some massive problem with free speech or a range of expressable views or anything else.

Also lol at your climate change denying source.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
The argument IS NOT that Uni's were perfect prior and that no one would get push back or find a hostile audience for their ideas. The argument is that things have been getting ever WORSE driven by an ever more aggressive and intolerant far 'left' who get outsized voice and representation in these matters. And much like a how a small number of far right extremists are targeting several strategic and key choke points where they can now use outsized power to shut down free speech (books, school curriculum, etc) to nefarious ends, so too have the far left been doing the same but for, far longer, from what I can see.
The argument is whether

cancel culture is why most universities have shifted as the vanguard of free speech to restricted thought police areas only where only one line of thought is tolerated and the rest threatened and shut down.
is accurate. I don't see how anybody who isn't completely ignorant of the history can say it is. From the red scare to Vietnam, academia has, in the past, had far more restrictions on speech and association than they do now.

The commission's conclusion was that "Communists should not be employed as teachers" because membership in the CP meant that they had surrendered their intellectual integrity. In a poll taken among Harvard Faculty members by the Crimson, this point of view was upheld, 218 to 108. Those critical of the commission report felt that a blanket rule should not be applied and that each individual should be judged separately according to his fitness to teach.

Nonetheless, the statement by the commission settled the first of the three questions relating to academic freedom and Communism: if a teacher was a Communist, he would be fired, whether he had tenure or not.
This wasn't some fringe view in the 40s and 50s. Harvard professors at the time by a 2:1 margin thought tenured professors should be fired for membership in the communist party and one member of the commission, who helped write those guidelines, resigned as President of Columbia on January 19, 1953. The day before he would be sworn in as President of the United States.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
you know what u did. and again you're trying to deflect it. stuff like that is driving masses to the right, and then what? You have trump again or worse but with more idiots.

All your fault then. you had to drive people insane with the gaslighting.
In the last 2 elections, the 2020 Presidential and the 2018 midterms, Democrats set all time total vote records and 100 year turnout % records. Do you think the masses are flocking to the left because of the behavior of people like you?
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
In the last 2 elections, the 2020 Presidential and the 2018 midterms, Democrats set all time total vote records and 100 year turnout % records. Do you think the masses are flocking to the left because of the behavior of people like you?
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Fyp. The left is dead. Don't you have another thread decrying the demise of the Democratic party?

But there basically is no left. Just a few Marxists teaching sociology classes with zero reach... Everyone you think is the left is actually on the right

As for this actual thread.... There is a lot I could say now that I've become decently close with an individual who is transitioning.... But I can't say it for that exact same reason. Sad.
I am curious of your opinions, you should share them and I'm sure the mods would be fine with it. You're probably overthinking it.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Not watching that. But understand that you can't answer when the facts completely contradict your poor attempts at gaslighting.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 07:31 PM

And here! I haven't watched it yet but like the titles.

Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 08:15 PM
Do you think the titles help explain what is driving the masses to the left?
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
I am curious of your opinions, you should share them and I'm sure the mods would be fine with it. You're probably overthinking it.
Yeah it's nothing bad. But she's definitely a "troubled" individual-- and if the question is: Is she troubled because she is trans, or trans because she is troubled-- then I think it's more the latter than the former.

But I'm not too comfortable using what aspects of her psychology that I've gleaned to make this point.....and obviously sample size of 1, trans people aren't a monolith etc etc.

Still though-- 20 years ago she'd probably just be gay or bi-- so there still is that element there that draws from genetics. But I also think there is also a large societal element that goes into it-- and of course that's how it goes and that there are both nurture and nature aspects to the psychologies of individuals isn't that enlightening of a point.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I'm really not. I know you are really bought into your fabricated caricatures of me as some sort of imagined far left culture warrior or whatever, but down here in reality I don't know if I have actually done a single action that is tangential to the "culture wars" that you would actually disagree with. Like **** man, you are in the Canada thread, you know I largely spend my timing defending the centrist liberal party!

I suppose it depends on what you mean by "problem". I don't disagree that university professors are in general more left leaning than the general public, as evidenced by that ancient 2000 data. As you can see form the same chart, the number of "extreme" left people who rate themselves as 7/7 is only 6% of the population. Over 60% of professors were those moderated in the 3-5/7, neither far right nor far left. And it certainly doesn't establish that there is some massive problem with free speech or a range of expressable views or anything else.

Also lol at your climate change denying source.
I can accept you are not. I can accept it has moved so far to the left of you that you would not even be considered extreme.

What we know of you for sure, as demonstrated, is that you, at the drop of a hat, are willing to lie and slander anyone who uses the wrong words or expressed thoughts you think wrong. You may admit 10 pages later what you attributed them was not what they said while asking them to admit they that is what they meant anyway, as a way to say your slander and leis were justified and perhaps the further left of today would never acknowledge any such thing. So I accept that.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
The argument is whether

is accurate. I don't see how anybody who isn't completely ignorant of the history can say it is. From the red scare to Vietnam, academia has, in the past, had far more restrictions on speech and association than they do now.

This wasn't some fringe view in the 40s and 50s. Harvard professors at the time by a 2:1 margin thought tenured professors should be fired for membership in the communist party and one member of the commission, who helped write those guidelines, resigned as President of Columbia on January 19, 1953. The day before he would be sworn in as President of the United States.
And yet it is not far worse.

Not in the aspects we are discussing...

2018 T he Decline of Free Speech on the Postmodern Campus: The Troubling Evolution of the Heckler's Veto

The Twenty-First Century has presented new challenges to the traditional ways that free speech in America has been encouraged and protected. While the right to express one’s opinions has become increasingly problematic in society at large, it is particularly imperiled in the very places that pride themselves as being open marketplaces of ideas – on college and university campuses.

Today we’re faced with numerous campus speech codes that substantially limit FirstAmendment rights. They are ubiquitous and often cavalierly invoked. For civil libertarians the good news is that not one of the few such codes that have been tested in court has been found constitutional; the bad news is that few have been tested. Moreover, the current codes come with new catch-phrases like “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” and “cultural appropriation” – all calculated in one way or another to shelter students and others from the honest give-and-take of discussion and debate about topics that might be controversial.

Those with opinions that might challenge campus orthodoxies are rarely invited, and often disinvited after having been scheduled, or shouted down or otherwise disrupted. When protestors embroil visiting speakers, or break in on meetings to take them over and list demands, or even resort to violence, administrators often choose to look the other way. Students have come to take it for granted they will face little or no discipline for such disorderly conduct. ...
Fewer Students See Freedom of Speech as Secure
A new report finds that a growing majority of students believe their campus climate stifles free expression. But the share who support disinviting controversial speakers has fallen

While most college students believe that freedom of speech is a cornerstone of American democracy, a new report released Tuesday shows that a shrinking share sees freedom of speech as secure. A growing majority also believe their college or university stifles free expression.

According to the report from the Knight Foundation, which surveyed 1,000 students between 18 and 24 enrolled in any kind of higher education institution last year, 84 percent said free speech rights are critical to American democracy. Yet only 47 percent said that their freedom of speech rights are secure, a share that has declined steadily since 2016, when 73 percent said they were secure.

Additionally, 65 percent of students believe their institution’s climate stifles free expression, preventing people from saying what they believe because others might find it offensive. That’s up from 54 percent in 2016.

Adam Goldstein, senior research counsel for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, said that over the past five years, students have begun advocating to restrain speech on campus, a departure from the historical trend of administrators trying to stifle student speech.

“Students are increasingly afraid of each other,” Goldstein said. “They’re afraid that they’ll be targeted for the things they say, and that makes them more reluctant to say things in the first place.”...
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 09:59 PM
I don’t know why I’m supposed to care about student polls when a major plank of one of the political parties is basically lying and saying that campuses used to have free speech but now don’t. But if you’re simply saying things are about the same now as in the past, you’ve walked back your ludicrous claim that campuses before whatever you mean by cancel culture used to be free speech havens and you now agree with me. I think it was worse when university administrations in conjunction with the government were actively suppressing speech but that’s a minor detail.

Last edited by ecriture d'adulte; 06-05-2022 at 10:08 PM.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
06-05-2022 , 10:30 PM
Nope. We are referencing the DECLINE.
Free Speech (taken from Trans thread) Quote
