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Flawed US-justice system innocent behind bars for life-Daniel Holtzclaw Flawed US-justice system innocent behind bars for life-Daniel Holtzclaw

05-22-2021 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
Ob boy, what have i gotten myself into again? I did not know about this at all, trust me. (although I had a hunch) To me her politcal views are of no interest. All I do care about is the justice of this case. And I see injustice, huge injustice. But now I see what this is all about to others. Its a stupid fight between left and right and somehow the life of a person didnt matter anymore. It became political, more than I thought.
Lol, you cited a far right conspiracy theorist and claimed a "mob of BLM supporters where[sic] calling for a verdict" in the OP even though the timeline doesn't fit and this case seemingly got very little attention as it happened. Why are you complaining that it is political when your case is based on politics?

Election truthers say it's just about truth and not politics either. I am certainly willing to admit this dude is innocent like the 2020 election was stolen from Trump based on the 2 min I've skimmed this thread.

Last edited by ecriture d'adulte; 05-22-2021 at 11:10 AM.
05-22-2021 , 11:04 AM
Thread delivers.

Cant be raping old people because look at his attractive young GF will be one of the dumbest things I read on the internet for some time, and that is a massive achievement.

Bravo washoe.
05-22-2021 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
This thread is losing my interest without me dedicating a lot of time to it, but here's where I'm at:

When people say court documents are generally accurate this isn't trusting big government. It's because there are multiple parties present at hearings. There's a judge, jury, the defendant, witnesses, journalists, members of the public, and both sides have lawyers present.

You can't just fake court transcripts after the fact. Those things, as far as I know, are available to both sides on request. You'd better believe if courts started "faking" that stuff there would be more than a little uproar.

Otherwise the narrative here seems to be that the police actively searched for women to sue them to frame some random cop. Given everything we do know about the police, I find this a bit of a stretch. I'm sure he wouldn't be the first person to get stitched up but I'm sure there are better ways than getting your whole department dragged through muck and facing multiple potential claims.

It also falls into more classic rape apology where it's just so easy to find a whole bunch of money grabbing women more than happy to stitch up a guy because going public against a cop who raped you is apparently easy, fun, and profitable.

Add into this, it's not surprising he ran checks on the women (seems reasonable), and it's definitely not surprising that he did this in spite of apparently failing to properly report at least some of these stops and seeming to hide that he was stopping them (seems far less reasonable).

And the other complaint is that they looked for black women he'd stopped and definitely didn't ask anyone else (probably need to back that last part up). I'm going to need a good reason to think the cops hadn't actually developed a profile here, or that they weren't simply checking out the mysterious stops where he'd failed to report or turned off his gps.

As I said, I'd have to really dig into this case to go much further but so far I'm still on cop accused by poor black women in Oklahoma facing an all white jury. If people were asked to set the over/under on a case like that I'm guessing they'd lean heavily to awards acquittal unless there were some pretty good evidence. Look how strong the case against Chauvin was and no one was sure we'd get a guilty until the verdict was read.
I've looked into the holtzclaw case, he's guilty, IMO. Granted my basis means heavily on his interrogation, in conjunction with the evidence. His disposition during his interview was damning for me.
05-22-2021 , 11:43 AM
washoe, try to wrap this up today. You need to drop a bomb to change everyone else's position. You have been unsuccessful so far with your current trajectory.

Bomb's away... or let it go.
05-22-2021 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
washoe, try to wrap this up today. You need to drop a bomb to change everyone else's position. You have been unsuccessful so far with your current trajectory.

Bomb's away... or let it go.
Im not expecting for everyone to understand this, especially not immediately. A few will be able to look through this fast, but not many. As you and I know, the majoritiy of people is pretty dumb. The same as you are not expecting everyone to win at poker. I am pretty confident that any elite player will get this.
05-22-2021 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Lol, you cited a far right conspiracy theorist and claimed a "mob of BLM supporters where[sic] calling for a verdict" in the OP even though the timeline doesn't fit and this case seemingly got very little attention as it happened. Why are you complaining that it is political when your case is based on politics?

Election truthers say it's just about truth and not politics either. I am certainly willing to admit this dude is innocent like the 2020 election was stolen from Trump based on the 2 min I've skimmed this thread.
Alright, so here is the thing, I am not a trump supporter, I do not care for trump or anyone. I do not care for Biden. I came across Michelle Malkin apr. 1-2 years ago and I didnt know what she believes in, who she is voting, whos shes sleeping with. Ive seen her before, she looked faimilar, but thats it. And I didnt care, I still dont care.

I care about this case? Yes, because this could hit me too, or you, if you want to live in the USA. To me personally, Michelle Malkin is one thing and one thing only, an investigative journalist, and a pretty f good one. Thats what I think of her, and I will look into her work more and present you the work that shes done. Im sure she did something good for society, but thats just a hunch. Because what she did in this case is outstanding and risky. She was one of the few that questioned this. I respect her deeply for this and nothing else matters to me. Why do you hate her so much? What has she done to you?

This was not a fair trial, and you should care about this too imo. That is all that matters to me. See what happened:

"Through the trial, Oklahoma City’s black community stood in solidarity with the alleged victims, rallying behind a social and racial justice group called OKC Artists for Justice. Hundreds gathered to protest outside of the courthouse. At one point, the cries for “justice” grew so loud that the judge had to pause and explain to jurors what was happening."

"Black Lives Matter activists launched a race-based crusade against Holtzclaw, amplifying and shaping the narrative that he targeted poor black women. As “Michelle Malkin Investigates” shows, the timeline of the Holtzclaw case overlaps with the racial unrest in Ferguson, Mo., which erupted after 18-year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot by a white police officer. The OKCPD fired Holtzclaw shortly after the allegations emerged, perhaps fearing backlash similar to the violence that broke out in Ferguson."

So much for “innocent until proven guilty.”

"This case was about social justice, not actual justice. Guilty or innocent, 29-year-old Daniel Holtzclaw was used as a prop for liberal race baiters. The type of sentiment expressed by Crump, a man of the law, should concern any person who believes in the fairness of our judicial system. "

Last edited by washoe; 05-22-2021 at 01:14 PM.
05-22-2021 , 01:02 PM
What's the evidence that suggests this guy is guilty and what are the reasons why Washoe is arguing he isn't?
I know nothing about this and don't want to watch youtubes on it either.
05-22-2021 , 01:16 PM
There is not one single piece of evidence, thats the problem.

You could just read this article here lucky and help me, instead of your stupid aliens, this guy is locked up.

"As the Oklahoma attorney general's office fights to keep hidden from public view the results of secret hearings on the DNA science flaws and falsehoods in former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw's case, two prominent experts have stepped forward to shed bright light on the government's myriad mind-boggling failures.

Forensic scientist, criminal profiler and crime reconstructionist Dr. Brent Turvey and independent forensic DNA consultant Suzanna Ryan spoke out about the Holtzclaw case for the newest episode of my investigative program on

Reflecting on the confirmation bias that drove the investigation, the elementary failures of evidence collection and the forensic missteps, Turvey told me that he and his colleagues "cannot understand how this case got into trial at all."

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Holtzclaw is the wrongfully convicted Oklahoma City patrolman caught up in the nationwide anti-cop frenzy and social justice riots of Ferguson and Baltimore. After initial accuser Jannie Ligons -- who is suing Holtzclaw in a high-dollar lawsuit represented by Al Sharpton 2.0, Benjamin Crump -- went public with her sensational sexual assault claims in June 2014, Oklahoma City sex-crimes Detectives Rocky Gregory and Kim Davis solicited a field of 13 total accusers. They were all black women and almost all had histories of drug abuse, mental illness, prostitution and multiple crimes.

No "linkage analysis" was done to establish a factual basis for the alleged victim profile, Turvey told me. The profile was created from gut feelings, not science or professional expertise.

Seven additional accusers, including one male, told such preposterous stories that the cops were forced to reject them out of hand. Only one was prosecuted for lying to police. Of the 13 who went to trial, the jury rejected five of the accusers' stories and cleared Daniel of their charges (18 out of 36 total).

Detectives Gregory and Davis preemptively told accusers they were searching for sexual assault victims of a "bad guy" on the police force and badgered women who repeatedly had denied they were victims of any sexual improprieties, refused to look at lineups or described an alleged attacker as "short" and "black" or "dark-skinned" (Daniel is 6-foot-1, pale and half Japanese).

Turvey -- who has worked for government agencies and universities across the world and authored multiple peer-reviewed textbooks on criminal profiling and investigation, forensic criminology and victimology, forensic science, criminal justice ethics and law enforcement corruption -- called the Oklahoma City detectives' approach "one of the most biased ways of approaching criminal investigation that (he'd) ever seen."

"You have detectives who have started with the notion that Mr. Holtzclaw is guilty," Turvey recounted, "searching through as many potential contacts as he's ever had" to confirm their narrative. Detectives weren't interested in pursuing other leads who matched accusers' descriptions. They were "just interested in making their case against Officer Holtzclaw. That's the definition of confirmation bias."

It's a major red flag, Turvey (whose most recent textbook is on false allegations) told me, "because the possibility that you're dealing with somebody who's falsely reporting the crime goes way up when you approach the case in this fashion."

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Out of the eight remaining accusers' claims and alleged crime scenes, there were zero corroborating witnesses, and there was zero direct forensic evidence. The Oklahoma City Police Department's crime lab identified what it characterized as "epithelial cell" DNA from one lone accuser -- a troubled 17-year-old girl with a history of violent crime who called Daniel a "hot cop." Her trace DNA became the linchpin in the case.

At her lab in Carlsbad, California, Ryan showed me how Oklahoma City police crime lab analyst Elaine Taylor neglected to perform simple serological and forensic tests on Holtzclaw's uniform pants. She explained that Taylor did not use an alternate light source, "which is a very common practice" in sexual assault cases to detect saliva or vaginal fluid stains. Nor did Taylor conduct basic saliva tests (which she oddly told the jury she "refused" to do) or a presumptive vaginal fluid test, which Ryan demonstrated.
Ryan also noted how Taylor "incorrectly stated that no male DNA was present in two" of four DNA samples taken, "when in fact there was." The reason the error was so grave is that prosecutor Gayland Gieger (who has zero training in forensic science) used Taylor's false characterization to argue and bolster his own unscientific conclusion that because Holtzclaw's DNA was not found in the minuscule mixtures of multiple contributors, the DNA could have only gotten there through sexual contact via the teen accuser's vaginal fluid.

"Well, you can't say that," Ryan commented. "If you don't do a test for something, you can't make a statement like that. ... There was absolutely no body fluid identification," she told me. "It's not scientifically sound."

Moreover, in reaction to Gieger's mockery of transfer DNA at trial and Gregory and Davis's claims to me that it is "almost impossible" to transfer DNA indirectly, Ryan, who has worked as a DNA analyst for both public and private DNA labs and served as an expert witness in forensic serology and DNA analysis more than 100 times, forcefully responded:

"That's not what the journal research shows. There are article after article after article talking about not just primary transfer -- we directly contact each other -- but secondary transfer. Now we're discovering there's tertiary transfer. A study by Dr. Peter Gill, who's one of the co-authors of our paper (on Holtzclaw) as well as a co-author of a recent journal article, found quaternary transfer."

Both Turvey and Ryan point to the incompetent mishandling of the evidence bag containing Holtzclaw's pants by Rocky Gregory (who is the son-in-law of forensic analyst Elaine Taylor) as a potential route for DNA transfer and contamination. While watching video of Gregory sticking his bare hand in the evidence bag, Turvey remarked:
"This shows somebody who doesn't understand physical evidence, doesn't care about the physical evidence, so it's not just creating an environment where contamination is likely, but also showing a culture where they don't care about physical evidence at all."
Turvey and Ryan, who do not know each other and who have had no contact with Holtzclaw or his family, are two of six internationally renowned experts including Dr. Peter Gill who released a public report on scientific issues in Holtzclaw's case last summer. Because of systemic failures in the basic testing, handling, collection, analysis and interpretation of evidence, the scientists determined that Holtzclaw "was deprived of his due process right to a fair trial" and that his "conviction should be overturned and he should be given a new trial."

Scientific and ethical lapses before, during and after the Holtzclaw trial should raise alarm bells across forensic and investigative communities inside and outside the Sooner State. Repeated evasions of transparency by Oklahoma prosecutors and police brass about their handling of the Holtzclaw case should trouble criminal justice watchdogs on all sides of the ideological spectrum nationwide.

Justice, like democracy, dies in the darkness."

Lucky, the highlighted portion is the only evidence they have, and it comes from a 17 year old girl who called Daniel Holtzclaw a "hot cop" after he pulled her over.

King Spew, is this enough of a bomb? There is no smoking gun, thats all they have and a bunch of lies and a media circus.

Last edited by washoe; 05-22-2021 at 01:24 PM.
05-22-2021 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I care about this case? Yes, because this could hit me too, or you, if you want to live in the USA. To me personally, Michelle Malkin is one thing and one thing only, an investigative journalist, and a pretty f good one. Thats what I think of her, and I will look into her work more and present you the work that shes done. Im sure she did something good for society, but thats just a hunch. Because what she did in this case is outstanding and risky. She was one of the few that questioned this. I respect her deeply for this and nothing else matters to me. Why do you hate her so much? What has she done to you?
She isn't. She routinely publishes false stuff aimed at the dumber end of the far right like 2020 election conspiracy theories. Do you think those have merit as well? If you agree they don't do you agree she is a terrible journalist?

I get that why far right morons might be interested in this case, but you started the thread to get others interested. I'm just telling you I'm not interested based on Michele Malkin being one of the few sources you have, the fact that the dudes GF claimed he was not guilty because he could rape better people and the numerous elementary grammatical errors in your OP.
05-22-2021 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
There is not one single piece of evidence, thats the problem.

You could just read this article here lucky and help me, instead of your stupid aliens, this guy is locked up.
Let's be clear here that you're the alien guy and not me, but I'll try to help you by at least moderating the discussion some and using my superior powers of discernment that others lack.

Question: Do others here agree that there is no evidence? It would seem they do not-- so what is the dispute there?
05-22-2021 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
and the numerous elementary grammatical errors in your OP.
Picking on a second language English speaker's grammar.
Stay classy Ecriture.
05-22-2021 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
She isn't. She routinely publishes false stuff aimed at the dumber end of the far right like 2020 election conspiracy theories. Do you think those have merit as well? If you agree they don't do you agree she is a terrible journalist?

I get that why far right morons might be interested in this case, but you started the thread to get others interested. I'm just telling you I'm not interested based on Michele Malkin being one of the few sources you have, the fact that the dudes GF claimed he was not guilty because he could rape better people and the numerous elementary grammatical errors in your OP.
Your thinking is too black and white. Even if you think they are your enemy, you need to debunk them and argue with the enemy. You do not even understand what the "enemy" is saying it seems.
05-22-2021 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Picking on a second language English speaker's grammar.
Stay classy Ecriture.
That's not picking on him. It's just a fact. If you type up something with a ton of errors, people are not going to spend time to learn about it like he is asking us to do.
05-22-2021 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Your thinking is too black and white. Even if you think they are your enemy, you need to debunk them and argue with the enemy. You do not even understand what the "enemy" is saying it seems.
No, that is exactly wrong. If we felt the need to argue against conspiracy theorists, 9/11 truthers, creationists etc that's all we'd have time to do. I'm completely content to ignore them as I will with this case based on the flimsy, fairly bigoted case you've made itt. You also are unwilling to answer direct questions about Malkin's record. I'm the customer here. You're trying to get me to read and watch youtube videos so you need to assuage my concerns.
05-22-2021 , 01:47 PM
Is there evidence that this guy is guilty?
So far I have Washoe saying there is none and silence from the opposing side.
06-21-2022 , 10:41 AM
No I didn't ignore it and in fact addressed it with the wikipedia piece on McCarthy so maybe you should reread my post.
So no it isn't 100% support any more than agreeing with Anne Coulter on a murder case is supporting her.
06-21-2022 , 11:33 AM
read this good CV. every letter of it.

"City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw says she was raped by a black man in a never-before-seen deposition video.

Those who released the video say it should call into question the integrity of the entire investigation into Holtzclaw. The videos detail one of Holtzclaw’s accusers interviewing with police and attorneys, and Holtzclaw’s advocates state these videos show her statements being contradictory. The link to the video can be found below."

this is the THE best example of cancel culture. my thread here got closed and I was denied to make further arguments. the guy got framed. prominent civil right advocates said it. he got 260 years for it. some murders get 4 in your country, what did he do? you don't even know it and if you read this article you'll see it's full of bs. the whole case. he got denied parole a few month ago.

why was it cancel culture. because it involved minorities and blm got involved. yes the same blm that stole money out of charities now. I'm all for minorities but not when it gets abused like this.

also read this CV

"But could the allegations be proven beyond a reasonable doubt? Holtzclaw’s attorneys argued that the state’s case not only unfairly stoked public outrage that biased the jury, it also depended upon the clumping together of 13 victims’ testimonies which presented numerous flaws and discrepancies. There were no third party witnesses. DNA evidence was only found to corroborate "

Last edited by washoe; 06-21-2022 at 11:42 AM.
06-21-2022 , 11:46 AM
what's cancel culture? an example would be this and exactly this. trying to protect a minority and getting bs results while doing so.

cuepee, cv I think the guy got thrown under the bus and is innocent. I said it before the trial was great bs. blm? protesting outside when the jury was deliberating. and im not a racist, in fact the opposite. this was pure racism against cop of asian heritage.

and yeah it's the guy who had this model girlfriend and got accused of raping a 70 year old granny. total bs!
06-21-2022 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
read this good CV. every letter of it.

"City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw says she was raped by a black man in a never-before-seen deposition video.

Those who released the video say it should call into question the integrity of the entire investigation into Holtzclaw. The videos detail one of Holtzclaw’s accusers interviewing with police and attorneys, and Holtzclaw’s advocates state these videos show her statements being contradictory. The link to the video can be found below."

this is the THE best example of cancel culture. my thread here got closed and I was denied to make further arguments. the guy got framed. prominent civil right advocates said it. he got 260 years for it. some murders get 4 in your country, what did he do? you don't even know it and if you read this article you'll see it's full of bs. the whole case. he got denied parole a few month ago.

why was it cancel culture. because it involved minorities and blm got involved. yes the same blm that stole money out of charities now. I'm all for minorities but not when it gets abused like this.

also read this CV

"But could the allegations be proven beyond a reasonable doubt? Holtzclaw’s attorneys argued that the state’s case not only unfairly stoked public outrage that biased the jury, it also depended upon the clumping together of 13 victims’ testimonies which presented numerous flaws and discrepancies. There were no third party witnesses. DNA evidence was only found to corroborate "
So if you remove the claims of Smith, Holtzclaw still gets sentenced to 201 years?


I mean, come the **** on.

"While reviewing Ligons' case, the two sex-crimes detectives remembered a previous report of forced oral sex committed by a police officer. Looking back through police records, the detectives found the report of a woman who said she was stopped in May 2014 and driven to an isolated area by an officer who forced her to perform oral sex. No action had been taken at the time of her report, but when the detectives contacted the woman, she showed them the route that the officer had taken on the night of the attack, and it matched Holtzclaw's GPS route that evening. The detectives then reviewed Holtzclaw's automatically recorded history of running names through the department's two databases, looking specifically for people who had been checked out multiple times, and they contacted those women. In the initial investigation, six women were willing to come forward to testify, and the GPS device on Holtzclaw's patrol car put him at the scene of the alleged incidents. Police records showed that he had called in for a warrant check on all of them. Their investigation covered a six-month period, beginning with the first woman who was willing to come forward, a woman whom Holtzclaw arrested for drug possession in December 2013 and then forced oral sodomy from while she was handcuffed to a hospital bed."
06-21-2022 , 12:21 PM
oh yeah! no action. LMAO are u f kidding me? thats bs, it was a set up. ligons? are you kidding me? do your background check on her. golddigger, she was the worst liar in this.

and here is your only bs EVIDENCE on what you are giving 260 years for. also ligons traffic stop. oh yeah makes no sense, right?


and here is your ligons! if you are a poker player u can tell she is lying I hope.

Last edited by washoe; 06-21-2022 at 12:28 PM.
06-21-2022 , 12:28 PM
Jasus Washoe, still shilling for Holtzclaw? I take it you still haven't read the court sources and are accepting the likes of Michelle Malkin as an unimpeachable source?
Dude's a serial rapist who deliberately preyed on particularly marginalised vulnerable women, abusing his authority in the process and he's where he belongs. Move on mate seriously.
06-21-2022 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
read this good CV. every letter of it.

"City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw says she was raped by a black man in a never-before-seen deposition video.

Those who released the video say it should call into question the integrity of the entire investigation into Holtzclaw. The videos detail one of Holtzclaw’s accusers interviewing with police and attorneys, and Holtzclaw’s advocates state these videos show her statements being contradictory. The link to the video can be found below."

this is the THE best example of cancel culture. my thread here got closed and I was denied to make further arguments. the guy got framed. prominent civil right advocates said it. he got 260 years for it. some murders get 4 in your country, what did he do? you don't even know it and if you read this article you'll see it's full of bs. the whole case. he got denied parole a few month ago.

why was it cancel culture. because it involved minorities and blm got involved. yes the same blm that stole money out of charities now. I'm all for minorities but not when it gets abused like this.

also read this CV

"But could the allegations be proven beyond a reasonable doubt? Holtzclaw’s attorneys argued that the state’s case not only unfairly stoked public outrage that biased the jury, it also depended upon the clumping together of 13 victims’ testimonies which presented numerous flaws and discrepancies. There were no third party witnesses. DNA evidence was only found to corroborate "
Just caught this now. You already did a thread on Holtzclaw and neither your arguments for innocence or your sources were sound. From what I know of the case he's guilty. And I've no desire to rehash things either.
I've even less desire to read anything that dribbles outa Amanda Knox's mouth either, absolutely zero doubt whatsoever that she got away with murder. I haven't even clicked on your link but just bet that she's shilling for him and making a case for innocence,, which considering she's a trial convicted sex killer will be of no surprise if I'm correct.

As I told you before you need to read the court sources before engaging in advocacy for convicted defendants. Again Holtzclaw is where he belongs and I've no interest in anything Amanda Knox blathers.
06-21-2022 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
oh yeah! no action. LMAO are u f kidding me? thats bs, it was a set up. ligons? are you kidding me? do your background check on her. golddigger, she was the worst liar in this.

and here is your only bs EVIDENCE on what you are giving 260 years for. also ligons traffic stop. oh yeah makes no sense, right?


and here is your ligons! if you are a poker player u can tell she is lying I hope.

Did you read the section I quoted at all? It had nothing to do with Ligons. It said WHILE they were reviewing the Ligons case, they were able to find other evidence from different instances.

Like, take two seconds man.
06-21-2022 , 12:45 PM
if you truly believe ligons and the other women were raped where is the evidence? not one single bit of evidence? c'mon mate. you must be dreaming.

ligons was a broke drug addict and saw this as a chance to sue for millions and imo couldn't even tell how he looked like.

"Holtzclaw is the wrongfully convicted Oklahoma City patrolman caught up in the nationwide anti-cop frenzy and social justice riots of Ferguson and Baltimore. After initial accuser Jannie Ligons -- who is suing Holtzclaw in a high-dollar lawsuit represented by Al Sharpton 2.0, Benjamin Crump -- went public with her sensational sexual assault claims in June 2014, Oklahoma City sex-crimes Detectives Rocky Gregory and Kim Davis solicited a field of 13 total accusers. They were all black women and almost all had histories of drug abuse, mental illness, prostitution and multiple crimes."
06-21-2022 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Did you read the section I quoted at all? It had nothing to do with Ligons. It said WHILE they were reviewing the Ligons case, they were able to find other evidence from different instances.

Like, take two seconds man.
He had his thread closed on this already. The exact same points you raised were put to him there too. His sources were terrible and his argument re he court sources rather bizarre as he claimed court reports/sources could be easily faked ergo unreliable. Unlike Michelle Malkin and links to Holtzclaw supporter sites.
