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Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War

03-10-2023 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by EastCobb
I'm not saying that isn't true but I never thought that was the case. I just thought Democrats are too much bleeding hearts to ever want to lay the smack down on anyone, live and let live, who cares. What time is brunch tomorrow?
You can fit what amounts to 100kilos of heroin into something roughly the size of a shoebox with fentanyl and it costs nothing in comparison. It can't be stopped. And humans will still be doing drugs long after we're gone. Prohibition and the realities of smuggling will continue to incentivize finding smaller/more potent alternatives. Cartels aren't killing us--our dumb drug laws is what's doing it.
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-10-2023 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Tobacco kills millions worldwide annually and the US is one of the worlds biggest exporters. And that stuff doesn’t even have a legitimate medical use like opioids.

Of course if China decided to bomb North Carolina, guys like lozen would have a fit, but somehow blowing up Mexican villages is different.
Well chyna can f around and find out

They already wrecked the world with either their **** eating habits or crappy labs
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-10-2023 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
You can fit what amounts to 100kilos of heroin into something roughly the size of a shoebox with fentanyl and it costs nothing in comparison. It can't be stopped. And humans will still be doing drugs long after we're gone. Prohibition and the realities of smuggling will continue to incentivize finding smaller/more potent alternatives. Cartels aren't killing us--our dumb drug laws is what's doing it.
Fentanyl kills. There’s nothing useful about it outside of a doctors usage
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-10-2023 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
Who I am is a computer scientist who has created multiple spreadsheets based on statistics produced by States and made available by the CDC.

I am not an Influencer, Troller, lie peddler, drug company businessman, or basic antivaxer.

Yeah as a Jew I am a little bit leery of doing something that the Nazis would do. But my point was basically that if you want to save 100,000 lives the way to do it isn't to raise the stakes of the drug war we are currently losing in the US. And have been losing every year for the entire 50+ years of its existence.

I agree with you that most people know the pros and cons of the Covid vaccines right now. Which is why over 90% of the 60,000,000 or so 65+ Americans have taken the vaccine.

And the funny thing is that while we would probably save some thousands of lives of either people who have taken the vaccine or people who can't medically take the vaccine, the vast majority of people whose lives we would save are basically anti-vaxxers. In my opinion (similar to yours) that is their choice to make. Not mine.

I don't really agree with your Nazi point though. We mandate vaccines for children to take before they are allowed to enter into schools. The reason being that it will save the lives of other children if they don't. It is exactly the same thing that is happening today with adults who aren't taking the Covid vaccine. They are risking not only their lives but the lives of other adults who are choosing not to take the vaccine. I guess the big difference between children and adults is that with adults they are old enough to be allowed to make that decision on their own. And they will be endangering mostly people who are making that decision. But still it isn't everyone. There are probably around 7,000,000 Americans who cannot take the vaccine for medical reasons. And many of them are likely 65+. So their lives are being put more at risk by adults who are choosing to not vaccinate. And of course some of the 7,500 or so vaccinated people who will die every year from Covid could be saved as well.

Ah, Ok. So no medical qualifications then as I suspected. Glad you now agree with freedom of choice though.

By the way I disagree with the highlighted part of your post. There is no evidence to support that. It is now accepted science that the vax does not prevent transmission.
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-10-2023 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by EastCobb
Well chyna can f around and find out

They already wrecked the world with either their **** eating habits or crappy labs
I dont think the USA wants that smoke. Chyna would **** us up. I mean, they already are economically.
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-10-2023 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I dont think the USA wants that smoke. Chyna would **** us up. I mean, they already are economically.
Chinas GDP growth took a **** - much harder of a **** than US after covid due to a few factors, one being their covid response. They've been catching up but it's been slowing down due to alot of their catalysts depleting. They aren't the boogie man that they are purported to be as of the last couple years -same with russia. It's one of those things where everything you read on the matter going to end up being complete horseshit.

They still got decades of grinding outside of Taiwan.
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
I dont think the USA wants that smoke. Chyna would **** us up. I mean, they already are economically.
Because they pretend to be 1st world but they are 3rd world in many ways?
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
Chinas GDP growth took a **** - much harder of a **** than US after covid due to a few factors, one being their covid response. They've been catching up but it's been slowing down due to alot of their catalysts depleting. They aren't the boogie man that they are purported to be as of the last couple years -same with russia. It's one of those things where everything you read on the matter going to end up being complete horseshit.

They still got decades of grinding outside of Taiwan.
Russia is no comparison to China

Originally Posted by EastCobb
Because they pretend to be 1st world but they are 3rd world in many ways?
Bruv the USA is 3rd world in many ways. Why do you think so many people do fent?
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by EastCobb
Fentanyl kills. There’s nothing useful about it outside of a doctors usage
Ya, it's wild that you don't see nearly the same amount of people dying from the accurately dosed pharma stuff--but the same chemical is dropping people like flies when you take away those protections and let some high school dropouts mix it up in the woods It's a true mystery.
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by Brian James
By the way I disagree with the highlighted part of your post. There is no evidence to support that. It is now accepted science that the vax does not prevent transmission.
I don't think anyone ever thought the vaccine did prevent transmission. But it can reduce transmission.
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I don't think anyone ever thought the vaccine did prevent transmission. But it can reduce transmission.
You can go on Youtube and find 10 minute videos that contain 50 short clips of prominent Democrats saying exactly that the vaccine stops infection AND transmission, but that doesn't matter much to the narrative now.

As Orwell once said:

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”


"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,"
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Rhetorical: How many children's lives would be saved if all receive vaccines and boosters? Also factor in the theory that some that get vaccinated may suffer from a reaction to the vaccine and boosters. If that math alone saves a few children.......
Britain recently passed a law people under 50 arent even eligible to get boosters moving forward without a special exemption. It is hard to find actual data because the media/big tech suppresses facts that dont support their approved narrative, but many first world countries dont even offer boosters to children anymore. A lot of people have done that math, and decided it isn't worth it.
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Victor

Bruv the USA is 3rd world in many ways. Why do you think so many people do fent?
Because we have a lot of really stupid people
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
You can go on Youtube and find 10 minute videos that contain 50 short clips of prominent Democrats saying exactly that the vaccine stops infection AND transmission, but that doesn't matter much to the narrative now.
Cool I found one but it was trump
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by wet work
Cool I found one but it was trump
Trump made the vax. He saved lives from the chyna virus
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I don't think anyone ever thought the vaccine did prevent transmission. But it can reduce transmission.
Your right its not like the President of the USA thought this

Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by EastCobb
Trump made the vax. He saved lives from the chyna virus
Which is why it's been hilarious watching conservatives try to have it both ways the last couple years--is he here to save the world or destroy it? No rational person gives a rip that he played a role/signed off on something ~99.99% of people would've done in that situation. But then he got caught up in falling for one of the dumbest political dances of our lives.

I just did a negative test this morning--feels good
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Which is why it's been hilarious watching conservatives try to have it both ways the last couple years--is he here to save the world or destroy it? No rational person gives a rip that he played a role/signed off on something ~99.99% of people would've done in that situation. But then he got caught up in falling for one of the dumbest political dances of our lives.

I just did a negative test this morning--feels good
Almost as stupid as libs blaming trump for deaths made by Chyna
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by EastCobb
Almost as stupid as libs blaming trump for deaths made by Chyna
I'm not fully sold on china did it yet. I still think there are other possibilities--if those military games had any role(as one example) that opens it up to lots of options. The timing of when we put a pause on the gain of function ban plus trump giving the cia free reign to do whatever the hell they want as his first priority makes me at least consider that there may be other possibilities.

But even if we take the china did it option--the let the bio-weapon rip strat was always going to stack up some bodies. If you have say 5 choices and argue for what would most likely be the worst one you would have some responsibility for those deaths. It's all kinda guesswork though because we don't really know what the results would've been for all the strats we didn't choose--we only have results for what we've done so far. And we account for a pretty large chunk of overall deaths worldwide--so there is a pretty good argument it wasn't the best choice. If conservatives are bound and determined to keep jumping into the abyss--who are we to stop them? It's not like you care either
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
Russia is no comparison to China
They're not, obviously. But China's response to covid really rekt them, economically. They're now dealing with a laughable housing market as fewer of their poeple are willing to partake in their **** going forward.
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I don't think anyone ever thought the vaccine did prevent transmission. But it can reduce transmission.
That's debateable. All the studies I have seen quoted to back the claim that it reduces transmission have been about the delta variant which isn't even in circulation anymore. Even those weren't exactly conclusive.

And there were plenty of people saying the vaccine prevented transmission including the head of the CDC.

Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
They're not, obviously. But China's response to covid really rekt them, economically. They're now dealing with a laughable housing market as fewer of their poeple are willing to partake in their **** going forward.
I just think China is on its way to being the global hegemon despite whatever setbacks or problems they have. The USA is clearly an empire in decline.
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
That's debateable. All the studies I have seen quoted to back the claim that it reduces transmission have been about the delta variant which isn't even in circulation anymore. Even those weren't exactly conclusive.

And there were plenty of people saying the vaccine prevented transmission including the head of the CDC.

Here is an article about a recent study showing that Covid vaccines reduce infections from Omicron (conclusively)

If it is true that they said the vaccine prevented transmission of Covid then it was wrong. People make mistakes. But it was early in 2021 when the discussion of "Breakthrough infections" came up showing that it was happening. So I can't even remember people saying that the vaccine would prevent infections.

Also just reading the quote above the head of the CDC was saying that the data "Suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus". She wasn't even lying. Their data was wrong.

Historically vaccines have been able to stop some diseases without being 100% effective. The results often depended on the % of the population that had taken the vaccines. In the case of Flu vaccines and Covid (SARS) types of vaccines it is clear that the virus mutates faster than the vaccine can stop it.

I would imagine that the original vaccine would be less effective against the Omicron variant than against Delta or Alpha. But the recent vaccine update is geared to fight against Omicron.
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I just think China is on its way to being the global hegemon despite whatever setbacks or problems they have. The USA is clearly an empire in decline.
Not hard when everyone allows them to kill millions with viruses and steal technology
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
03-11-2023 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by EastCobb
Not hard when everyone allows them to kill millions with viruses and steal technology
I dunno if you want to compare body counts
Fentanyl Crisis and the Failed Drug War Quote
