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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

10-31-2020 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
before COVID Trump had the lowest unemployment rates in the last 50 years. The S&P500 hit an all time high this August during the middle of a pandemic! With Trump, people are incentivized to actually work and not leach off the government. Also, taxing businesses less allows them to create more jobs because they can re-invest their profits.
Being president isn’t just about sitting in the Oval Office during the auto pilot days.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
People can still take precautions regardless who is president. The states can also control their domain by implementing rules, I don't think the federal government needs to be involved and shutting everything down everywhere.
The problem is trump supporters are brain washed morons (wave in the mirror), and Trump has politicized a deadly medical crisis.

This is KILLING lots of people. Would be cool if we could get back the 150,000 plus people who likely died from Trump’s incompetence and narcissism.

But keep blaming everyone else like a good trump stooge.

Three more days until your life of relevancy ends.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
My dad is a trumper so I called him yesterday to ask him what he thought of the election etc. I asked pretty polite questions and he started screaming at me. He told me the world would be a terrible place if biden/harris won along with how the media unfairly takes shots at trump and doesn’t fairly report on him. He than said foxnews covers both sides very well and wouldn’t admit that cnn/ foxnews both have very leaning views toward their base of viewers.

Not going to lie, I want to end my relationship with my father. I asked him
If he has a college degree. I do but he doesn’t. Why should anyone take his opinion seriously. Lmao. Probably won’t talk to my father for a while. It’s really embarrassing.
Damn. Sorry to hear this man. No real advice other than don't make any brash decisions without sleeping on it.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

We really are in the stupidest, most selfish timeline imaginable.
I saw another analogy today. Say you are on a nice private yacht and one of the people decide to tear out the floor and let the water in. Others obvious complain, but his “My room, my choice” put them in their place.

We can’t reiterate enough how crazy it is that this deadly global pandemic became wholly politicized in the United States.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
blind with your fascination with beating Trump. this makes sense given that the left makes decisions based on pure emotion.
Right, right, you are smart and rational, unlike us:

Originally Posted by nohands
dems and pps who are undecided... hop on the giant red wave that is coming for freedom and against communism
lol who do you think you fool with this ****? Who on earth do you think is reading your posts like "yeah this nohands guy, very rational, he knows what he's talking about"? You're as low-information as bundy but at least he has the excuse of not living in this country. What's yours?
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:51 PM
I'd appreciate a PM with a few bullet points as to how that post of all things on this forum was a candidate for immediate deletion. You know, for behavior modification purposes.

And because I'm a huge fan of mental gymnastics, as all of my detractors know.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:53 PM
Like Trump's campaign is literally going around like "we're saying Merry Christmas again" in his rallies and conservatives are somehow idiotic enough to think their platform is emotion-free, just pure rational thinking happening in their heads
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by noon
The Pollster Who Thinks Trump Will Win
Robert Cahaly, head of the Trafalgar Group,

In an interview, Mr. Cahaly won’t reveal much about his methods,
but he says his polls mitigate what social scientists call “social desirability bias.”
Do people lie to pollsters? “Yes,” Mr. Cahaly ...

My Opinion: This guy looks at what other pollster's numbers are, and then bigly slants them
in favor of the Republicans. Keeps the overhead down that way.
His profit margins must be nice.
There is no evidence people lie to pollsters. It actually defies human nature. Trump supporters are absolutely loud and obnoxious almost to a person, this is established.

It is just wishful thinking by a partisan pollster who thinks if they just always break republican they will win once in a while. Contrary to Mason’s believes this does not end the existence of the pollster. Especially when delusional republicans continue to fund it.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

nohands, how happy does this scene make you on a scale of 1-10?
Wow. I read about this last night but refrained from posting without more evidence, and that video is definitely evidence:

ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
This is both true and a completely silly response. Hospitals trying to extract more from patients isn't even a secret. Lying about COVID deaths as a means of boosting profits is utter nonsense, and to think the former has anything to do with the latter is laughable.
Correct. There is no magic mechanism to create dollars from treating COVID vs other deaths.

One derposphere theory I saw today is there is a prefilled in box on doctor paper work saying someone died from COVID. Like there is any paperwork with such a box, or that that is how deaths are classified on paperwork via thousands of checkboxes of potential causes.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Right, right, you are smart and rational, unlike us:

lol who do you think you fool with this ****? Who on earth do you think is reading your posts like "yeah this nohands guy, very rational, he knows what he's talking about"? You're as low-information as bundy but at least he has the excuse of not living in this country. What's yours?
Another post full of emotion, go figure.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Rebelp
Two consecutive nohands posts

And his consecrating response to myself:-

“Long live the queen”.

No dumb luck involved in her acquisition of 80 billion or so then?
Plus a large number of people got their wealth or the foundation of their wealth generationally. And that is literally dumb luck.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
Another post full of emotion, go figure.
Your entire voting decision is based on your religious beliefs lol
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
trump killed 700 people at his rallies but no one person got covid from blm protests

still amazing
Do you need a Tutorial on how masks work and a second one on how air circulates indoors versus outdoors? Seems you do!
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Your entire voting decision is based on your religious beliefs lol
tack on a comment meant to be an insult
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
There's a lot of these douchebags here sadly, but they will disappear soon. Lately whenever I see one of these guys in Austin I extend my arm out the window and flip them off as I pass, or tell them "**** trump and **** you" if they are in a parking lot. So far none of the cowards have done anything back.
I agree. I am a Texan and have no time for these clowns. They are absolutely cowards and will totally disappear shortly.

This is their last grasp at feeling any sort of thing in their life before they return to their deserved and earned irrelevancy.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by markksman

This is KILLING lots of people. Would be cool if we could get back the 150,000 plus people who likely died from Trump’s incompetence and narcissism.
Yes, global pandemics by nature kill lots of people.

can you please provide us with the details of how you arrived at this number? That Trump is 100% directly responsible for ~ 150,000 of the ~ 230,000 total deaths in the U.S.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:21 PM

Where's that dunce who was just catching some vapors over the use of the word "fascism" the other day?
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:25 PM

Seriously. This **** is not normal. There has NEVER been a requirement that the election has to be decided on 11/3. It's 100% because Trump thinks he might be in the lead at this time.

This is how democracy dies - by destroying all faith in it among your enraged cult. Then you have an excuse to do anything you want. Any Trump-voter who apologizes/downplays this stuff is delusional.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:25 PM

Notable about the Texas GOP attempt here is that the Texas Supreme Court already told them to **** off, so we now have conservatives running to the Supreme Court to try to get them to overrule the sovereignty of their state election process, which is normally something conservatives have very strong feelings about!
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
Yes, global pandemics by nature kill lots of people.

can you please provide us with the details of how you arrived at this number? That Trump is 100% directly responsible for ~ 150,000 of the ~ 230,000 total deaths in the U.S.
South Korea and the US both had their first case on the same day. South Korea did well. Trump did not.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
Yes, global pandemics by nature kill lots of people.

can you please provide us with the details of how you arrived at this number? That Trump is 100% directly responsible for ~ 150,000 of the ~ 230,000 total deaths in the U.S.
Sure. Use a comparable country like Canada for instance and compare the death rates. Like the USA#1 - Canada had a rough start with the virus, with a lot of deaths in homes for the elderly. However, since then Canada has been a lot more pro-active in mask usage, and there is none of the weird political baggage associated with masks that Trump and his followers created in the USA (which oddly is likely why he will now lose the election).

The current cases per capita comparison:

USA - over 28,000 per million

Canada - 6,000 per million

The current deaths per capita comparison:

USA - 711 per million

Canada - 268 per million

Now, keep in mind that the USA#1 is chugging along at a much, much bigger difference for now, with the USA#1 deaths per day about 1,000 and growing very quickly and Canada's daily is about 30, so the USA#1 has a current death rate more than four times Canada per capita and that difference is growing.

If we simply apply the different death ratios between the USA and Canada to date (268/711 = 0.38), then simply using that as a guide around 60%+ of deaths would not have happened had the USA#1 utilized an approach similar to Canada, and Canada was not the world's best at this either.

60% of the current 225,000+ deaths is about 140,000 people who would not have died had Trump handled this with a basic level of competence. A ton more people would also not have long term effects as well, as the cases is much larger per capita (with that gap increasing) due to how Trump handled Covid.

There you go, some simple math that you asked for, and I provide it knowing it will have zero impact on you.

All the best.
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:37 PM
Do you guys remember the absurdly petty **** conservatives called Obama a fascist for only 4 long years ago? Never thought I'd miss that
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:38 PM
so in 3 days trump is gonna pack and rage?
ex-President Trump Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:50 PM
ex-President Trump Quote
