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Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

05-29-2020 , 03:00 PM
LOL. Trump press conference today: reads a short, low-energy, prepared statement on China that sends the Dow a hundred points lower and leaves without taking questions. Sad!

(edit: Dow turned around! Minneapolis may be burning while Trump fans the flames and COVID may still be killing thousands of Americans, but we got that going for us!)

Last edited by goofyballer; 05-29-2020 at 03:13 PM.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
Peaceful looters in Michigan.
Not one shot was fired.
It would be interesting to compare the property damage, deaths and injuries between the peaceful protests and the violent riots.

Last edited by bahbahmickey; 05-29-2020 at 03:48 PM.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
Peaceful looters in Michigan.
Not one shot was fired./QUOTE]

It would be interesting to compare the property damage, deaths and injuries between the peaceful protests and the violent riots.
The peaceful protests for cops to not kill black people and governments to not give them cover when they do didn't work.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by redbuck

or all looters are black???
I appreciated the humor of this post.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
Peaceful looters in Michigan.
Not one shot was fired.
These guys are terrorists using guns to attempt to achieve political ends because they want to be able to play golf.
It's a big difference between that and burning down the dollar tree in response to a murder.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey

The peaceful protests for cops to not kill black people and governments to not give them cover when they do didn't work.
Can you be more clear if you are talking about the riot in MN or the protest in MI and what you are trying to say about it?

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
These guys are terrorists using guns to attempt to achieve political ends because they want to be able to play golf.
It's a big difference between that and burning down the dollar tree in response to a murder.
I bet that guy on the left hasn't played golf in over 10 years.

I think these guys peacefully use guns to get the PR that the rioters get when they riot. Peacefully protesting w/ a half-assed threat of violence is far more preferable than the actual violence the rioters are doing.

Last edited by bahbahmickey; 05-29-2020 at 04:06 PM.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey

Can you be more clear if you are talking about the riot in MN or the protest in MI and what you are trying to say about it?

I bet that guy on the left hasn't played golf in over 10 years.

I think these guys peacefully use guns to get the PR that the rioters get when they riot. Peacefully protesting w/ a half-assed threat of violence is far more preferable than the actual violence the rioters are doing.
Try reading up a bit.

Property damage is not equivalent violence.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 04:21 PM
I would freak out and leave the area/town if I saw people hanging around with assault weapons like that (or any guns for that matter).
Murica I guess...
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 05:03 PM
I've encountered people with guns like that at almost every airport I've traveled to internationally.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
If the First Amendment doesn't protect the freedom of the long oppressed Presidents of the United States from basic fact checks and their right to glorify violence by private entities then our democracy is truly dead.

And hats off to Fox News and warriors for freedom and justice everywhere. Because of your bravery, the Presidents of the United States will one day be free. We shall overcome.
Fox's INGRAHAM: “And to our African American fellow citizens I say this. Given his own experience with an out-of-control FBI and unfair investigations, given all his work now on criminal justice reform, President [sic] Trump knows how poisonous and out-of-control law enforcement process can be. We should spend more time trying to work together to ensure that we have a fair and just society. All human beings have inherent worth. All of them are endowed by God with certain inalienable rights. From the evidence available thus far, it looks like George Floyd was denied his.”
This is like saying Whole Foods was out of the tofu curried salad I usually get so I understand famine, too.
not really though. it is like inventing something called idk "frufru curry sushi salad" and saying they are out of it to outrage MAGA's...and saying yeah because of that I understand what it's like to starve to death.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 05:17 PM
I guess the reason I’m always baffled why people engage in bad faith operators like adios, sheepsheep, Joe, redbuck etc is it’s kinda missing the point of trump and why he’ll never drop below 40% approval. You’ll never change their minds so you’re just playing tennis by yourself against a wall

The guy represents a culture shift they want where you can spread unsubstantiated lies and conspiracy theories that even a president will parrot, where you don’t have to take accountability for any stupid thing you’ve ever said or done, where you’re always a winner no matter how many times you’ve lost, where PC dies and you get to be proud of being white without giving a **** who knows it

They won’t ever give that up because that candidate didn’t compromise or pivot off of any of that and he won the presidency. It’s an ideology that’s going to poison the government til long long long after Trump’s gone. There is no measurable way any action taken by the trump government has improved, for example, joe6pack’s life. In fact this administration almost certainly will have shortened his life expectancy and hurt him financially in the short term and near future. But he’ll go vote him again and be proud to do it. Why?

Because he gets to come onto an internet poker forum and rile up the libtards without ever accepting any kind of comeuppance and that’s good enough for him
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by redbuck

so, all blacks are looters??
When a white supremacist murdered a person in cold blood using his car, Trump's words three days later were: "I think there is blame on both sides. You look at, you look at both sides. I think there’s blame on both sides, and I have no doubt about also had people that were very fine people on both sides."

That remark is probably one of the greatest political victories of violent white supremacists in modern US history.

Now, I don't know if Trump sees color as a problem, or if he is just categorically unable to criticize people who vote for him. I don't overly care either, I'll just remark that he is very incompetent in his position.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
Fox's INGRAHAM: “And to our African American fellow citizens I say this. Given his own experience with an out-of-control FBI and unfair investigations, given all his work now on criminal justice reform, President [sic] Trump knows how poisonous and out-of-control law enforcement process can be. We should spend more time trying to work together to ensure that we have a fair and just society. All human beings have inherent worth. All of them are endowed by God with certain inalienable rights. From the evidence available thus far, it looks like George Floyd was denied his.”
This is seriously A+ trolling. Sometimes you just have to tip your cap and move on.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
Peaceful looters in Michigan.
Not one shot was fired.
****ing idiots
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 06:52 PM
So lets not pretend violent protests are what Trump has an issue with.

Trump also will not accept non violent protest of this type of police violence towards minorities.

And if you satisfy Trump and do neither you will be ignored. No f*cks will be given.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
I guess the reason I’m always baffled why people engage in bad faith operators like adios, sheepsheep, Joe, redbuck etc is it’s kinda missing the point of trump and why he’ll never drop below 40% approval. You’ll never change their minds so you’re just playing tennis by yourself against a wall

The guy represents a culture shift they want where you can spread unsubstantiated lies and conspiracy theories that even a president will parrot, where you don’t have to take accountability for any stupid thing you’ve ever said or done, where you’re always a winner no matter how many times you’ve lost, where PC dies and you get to be proud of being white without giving a **** who knows it

They won’t ever give that up because that candidate didn’t compromise or pivot off of any of that and he won the presidency. It’s an ideology that’s going to poison the government til long long long after Trump’s gone. There is no measurable way any action taken by the trump government has improved, for example, joe6pack’s life. In fact this administration almost certainly will have shortened his life expectancy and hurt him financially in the short term and near future. But he’ll go vote him again and be proud to do it. Why?

Because he gets to come onto an internet poker forum and rile up the libtards without ever accepting any kind of comeuppance and that’s good enough for him
Yeah all of this for sure.

I mean I get Goofy's explanation, but people like him and Wookie and the rest of the left-wing crew (who are much more articulate and eloquent than I) spend way too much time with the tards, which almost seems like a win for them because they're wasting brain power and empathy on some white power douches while they just copy and paste garbage like 12 year olds spamming pepe.

Like whoever said before just ignore them and life is infinitely better here.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 07:59 PM
trump is now saying "when the looting starts. the shooting starts"...said originally...
The phrase was considered to have contributed to the city's race riots in the late 1960s, according to The Washington Post.

Headley, who died only a few months later in 1968 and had been denounced by civil rights leaders, was described in an Associated Press obituary as the "architect of a crime crackdown that sent police dogs and shotgun-toting patrolmen into Miami's slums in force."

Wallace, a Democrat who fought to preserve segregation during his political career, also used the phrase when he ran a third-party presidential campaign in 1968. According to The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, he said the same thing to his supporters during a campaign event in Pittsburgh's Civic Arena: "When the looting starts, the shooting starts."

Later Friday morning, hours after Twitter noted that Trump's initial tweet violated rules, the White House official Twitter account posted the same tweet with the "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" phrase.

Trump is saying, duh, a guy was shot during the lootings. i am just trying to warn people, first the looting and then innocent people will get shot. i know nothing about this other alternative meaning. I said these liberal far leftist better get it in gear or I will send in the national guard and get the job done right, these THUGS wont win and when the looting starts the shooting starts...

This reminds me of when he stood in front of the world with Putin and he said "I will tell you Putin was very strong in his denial (that he interfered in 2016). I don't see any reason why it would be him"

Then Trump returned from Helsinki and after a day, got on TV and said he "misspoke". I meant to say, I dont see any reason why it wouldn't be him. (this actually happened) because there is no reason why the second statement should logically relate to the first statement (Putin was very strong in his denial).
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 08:15 PM
Trump vetoes bipartisan resolution, supported by veterans groups, that sought to overturn his strict rules on student loan forgiveness

The resolution put Mr. Trump in a difficult political position. The veto saves Ms. DeVos from an embarrassing rebuke by her boss, but it puts the president at odds with dozens of veterans groups that helped persuade 10 Republican senators to vote to overturn a major domestic policy of the Trump administration. Veterans groups said the rule failed to protect military service members who have long been the targets of predatory tactics by colleges because of their lucrative G.I. benefits.
Several groups, led by Veterans Education Success, began running advertisements on Fox News programs urging Mr. Trump to sign the resolution, which Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent to the White House last week.

The news of the veto left groups despondent.

Only hours beforehand, the American Legion, a nonpartisan group that represents two million members, pleaded with the president to sign the resolution, saying that Ms. DeVos’s rule would make it “nearly impossible” for cheated veterans to use it.

Ms. DeVos’s changes raised the bar for borrower relief claims, requiring applicants to individually prove that a school knowingly misled them and, even if students were bilked, that they were financially harmed by the deception. They also set a three-year deadline on claims.

“Veterans have been aggressively targeted due to their service to our country,” wrote the legion’s national commander, James W. Oxford, in a statement on Friday. “Student veterans are a tempting target for certain online and for-profit schools to mislead with deceptive promises, while offering degrees and certificates of little-to-no value.”
Trump gives lip service to supporting vets but when he has to choose, he's on the side of corporate grift every time
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 08:18 PM
Sounds Presidential. Sad!
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 09:37 PM
Owned the libs again.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 10:24 PM
There's weak leadership in Washington, according to...

...Donald Trump
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
LOL. Trump press conference today: reads a short, low-energy, prepared statement on China that sends the Dow a hundred points lower and leaves without taking questions. Sad!

(edit: Dow turned around! Minneapolis may be burning while Trump fans the flames and COVID may still be killing thousands of Americans, but we got that going for us!)

A state is burning to the ground, the country is faced with a massive health crisis and he runs away like a little baby.

Imagine seeing Trump and how he behaves and believing he is a strong, confident person. I am not sure how that can happen, but it seemingly does. Even his demonstrations of what he considers masculine strength, not wearing a mask, is an act of pure cowardice.

I am not sure I can handle much more of the US winning if it means we are constantly wetting ourselves while hiding in the corner, praying no one finds us.

Oh yeah on a different note, the Federal. government spent $28 million dollars to send postcards out to stimulus check recipients to make sure people knew Donald Trump was behind the payment.

Everyone needs to keep that in mind anytime a crack pot talks about Trump donating his 400k salary.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Trump vetoes bipartisan resolution, supported by veterans groups, that sought to overturn his strict rules on student loan forgiveness

Trump gives lip service to supporting vets but when he has to choose, he's on the side of corporate grift every time
He relentlessly takes credit for a Veteran Healthcare program that was established under Obama. Would be interesting to see veterans realizing his fraudulent existence and how he opposes almost everything that helps them.

Quick story, I know a guy who served a while in the military. He has some pretty serious personality disorders, but he is on medication that does miracles for him. He is a very intelligent guy.

We were discussing Trump and he asked me a question. “What do you think Trump will do if he is not re-elected”. I walked him through some possible scenarios, like starting a media company etc. He seemed a little relieved. He knows Trump is a bad president and bad for the people of this country. However, and even though he is not active military, he considers the President his Commander In Chief. So he is really torn about how to vote.

His primary concern though, was if Trump lost the election would he kill himself. He felt that he would feel extremely guilty if he did not vote for him, he lost and he committed suicide.

I assured him that Trump was way too much of a narcissist to ever kill himself. After we talked about it a bit more, he became more comfortable that he could do the right thing (his words) and vote for Biden.

To be clear this is not an anecdote I expect to be extrapolated to represent military veterans or any other group. His circumstances are pretty unique so I think the story represents him and him alone. I had never talked to him about Trump before so I was a bit surprised he felt Trump was harming the country so much as president he had to find a way to vote against him that he could live with.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-29-2020 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Try reading up a bit.

Property damage is not equivalent violence.
Ok, I read your link. Now can you explain what you meant in the post I asked you about?

Property damage is violence according to the Webster dictionary and probably most people who understand the English language. It is far more destructive that some whack jobs walking around with guns not hurting people.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
05-30-2020 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Ok, I read your link. Now can you explain what you meant in the post I asked you about?
No. You've made it abundantly clear that doing so is a waste of time.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
