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Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

12-27-2019 , 01:21 PM
That's sort of the point. The world is not as black and white as it's often argued to be when it comes to politics.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
That's sort of the point. The world is not as black and white as it's often argued to be when it comes to politics.
Rounding up people in concentration camps and ripping infants away from their parents vs. having to live around Central American people: so much gray.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 03:07 PM
Your overly emotional phrasing doesn't change the facts of that situation.

Won't someone think of the Sudanese children who don't get to sneak into the US as easily as those from Columbia? Seems unfair to leave them out just because of the ocean blocking their migration. As long as we're pretending our immigration laws don't exist, we may as well be equitable about it. I volunteer Wookie's first 2020 paycheck to seed the transportation fund. Share the wealth, brother.

Once we murder all the rich people and confiscate their wealth for redistribution, how low are you willing to go with your cut before saying, "Hey hey, that's enough" to adding more people to the split? $10,000? $500? $3.50?
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 03:54 PM
Ins0 accusing other people of being “emotional” never ceases to amaze.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Your overly emotional phrasing doesn't change the facts of that situation.

Won't someone think of the Sudanese children who don't get to sneak into the US as easily as those from Columbia? Seems unfair to leave them out just because of the ocean blocking their migration. As long as we're pretending our immigration laws don't exist, we may as well be equitable about it. I volunteer Wookie's first 2020 paycheck to seed the transportation fund. Share the wealth, brother.

Once we murder all the rich people and confiscate their wealth for redistribution, how low are you willing to go with your cut before saying, "Hey hey, that's enough" to adding more people to the split? $10,000? $500? $3.50?
There are few decisions that don't harm anyone but are Sudanese children really being harmed by not locking up Columbian children?

The situation is very unfair but we can't be paralysed from helping some because we can't help all. Then we would be able to do nothing - can't even give to charity because there are so many other good causes we're not giving to.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 04:05 PM
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 04:05 PM
Now follow that sentiment through to its logical conclusion. 100% free and open borders for anyone who shows up and wants a piece of the action.

What do you think would happen to the UK with such a policy in place, for instance?

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

My bad. Columbia St. Mary's Hospital is across the street and that's where my head went when randomly selecting a South American country.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I volunteer Wookie's first 2020 paycheck to seed the transportation fund. Share the wealth, brother.
lol, yeah, your concern here is definitely wasted taxpayer dollars. Because locking up refugees indefinitely is good fiscal conservatism.

Who are you supposed to be fooling with this emotional nonsense?
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Also, last I checked there aren’t very many Colombian refugees coming to the US these days? They’re taking in loads of Venezuelans, as I recall. I get that all the scary brown people look alike to Ins0, but come on, man.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 04:20 PM

Colombia made the short (legal refugee) list. Not sure about the people who DGAF about the rules though. No official stats for that that could be found in the 30 seconds of Googling I gave it.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Also, last I checked there aren’t very many Colombian refugees coming to the US these days? They’re taking in loads of Venezuelans, as I recall. I get that all the scary brown people look alike to Ins0, but come on, man.
I don't know if many Colombians are heading to the US. I know that when Colombia was experiencing its problems with drug violence and FARC, they were fleeing to a prosperous Venezuela. But Colombia, given its geography does have plenty of migrants traveling through it on the way north--from all over the world. The border region between Panama and Colombia is called the Darrien gap and it's said to be one of the more dangerous places there is. Below is part 1 of a two part Vice documentary that I thought was pretty interesting.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 04:22 PM
We can't let dems off the hook for their role in luring illegals here for their own benefit even though they know it puts the illegals at risk. Since trump and dems can't decide on how to best combat illegal immigration I guess we have to blame them both.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 04:41 PM
Illegal imigration has only benefitted businesses whos owners are overwhelmingly republican...the white middle class should deff take notice, but their republican business owners are using illegal immigrants for low wages and labor. Go to home depot ands see how many trump bumping foremen are picking up mexican workers, hypocricicy at its finest.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 04:44 PM
Bush was a Texas republican... why did he not care about illegal immigration on his home sate, yet choose to go to IRAQ. No talk about border security? Because its modern day slave labor and dumb middle class wont realize they dont care about them when it comes down to it. They see white and vote white when the people they idolize only see green and people to be fleeced.

Last edited by JodoKast; 12-27-2019 at 05:00 PM.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 05:01 PM
You missed a big segment of the population who is helped more about illegal immigrants. Think of a party or group of people who have a long history of supporting illegal immigration and how more illegals in the country help their voting power.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by JodoKast
Illegal imigration has only benefitted businesses whos owners are overwhelmingly republican...the white middle class should deff take notice, but their republican business owners are using illegal immigrants for low wages and labor. Go to home depot ands see how many trump bumping foremen are picking up mexican workers, hypocricicy at its finest.
I agree with the jist of your post in that cheap labor benefits big business, but think it's a mistake to characterize immigration policy as coming from mostly Republicans or to characterize the Democrats as not also being a big business party. Immigration is too big of an issue for there not to be a lot of bipartisanship involved.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Now follow that sentiment through to its logical conclusion. 100% free and open borders for anyone who shows up and wants a piece of the action.

What do you think would happen to the UK with such a policy in place, for instance?
But it's still a fallacy - Doing a good thing for some in no way implies extending it to everyone. I'd like to but not everything is equally possible - no reason not to do the more possible
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 05:13 PM
Ultimately (imo) it's a common market that the ruling elite want and the way to go about this is through eliminating barriers to a common market like national borders (e.g., the EU/Schengen agreement). And this is what drives immigration policy not lobbying from the construction or agricultural industries.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
But it's still a fallacy - Doing a good thing for some in no way implies extending it to everyone. I'd like to but not everything is equally possible - no reason not to do the more possible
In this case, it absolutely does imply extending it to everyone.

If you think we'll just grant legal status to the X thousands of people at the border now, but totally put our foot down on the XX thousands who hear about it and follow in their footsteps, you haven't been paying attention to what's going on in America.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
You missed a big segment of the population who is helped more about illegal immigrants. Think of a party or group of people who have a long history of supporting illegal immigration and how more illegals in the country help their voting power.
1. The 14th Amendment was ratified by Republicans in Congress.

2. Why can't Republicans try to win the votes of American citizens fair and square? Unless you think that Republicans cannot possibly appeal to Latino people?
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
But it's still a fallacy - Doing a good thing for some in no way implies extending it to everyone. I'd like to but not everything is equally possible - no reason not to do the more possible

If you can only do good for some shouldn't the criteria for whom you do it for be based on something other than geographic or other luck? For instance numbers. Or who is most in need. Or who is most deserving. Or who is most likely to pay you back.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 06:23 PM
I've pondered this long and hard and concluded it should largely be based on whatever is easiest.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
You missed a big segment of the population who is helped more about illegal immigrants. Think of a party or group of people who have a long history of supporting illegal immigration and how more illegals in the country help their voting power.

What concerns you more--the (maybe)1 day a year you cast a vote or the entire rest of the year at your job? Pretending like the republicans haven't supported and benefitted from it is beyond silly.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
You missed a big segment of the population who is helped more about illegal immigrants. Think of a party or group of people who have a long history of supporting illegal immigration and how more illegals in the country help their voting power.
Tell us more about the voting tendencies of illegal aliens.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
12-27-2019 , 07:48 PM
I'm certain that data exists somewhere. There are at least a dozen or so states that give Driver's Licenses to illegals. I'd bet my bottom dollar that means they're also on voter rolls and can and do vote in elections.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
