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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

05-02-2024 , 08:25 AM
So given we are in the Trump thread, an easy wrap up:

1) it's stupid in general to blame inflation (or lack thereof), and generic economic conditions to presidents, with specific exceptions linked to the actual powers of POTUS (oil regulation, international trade are some of those exceptions)

2) Inasmuch as some macroeconomic variable depends on politics, it depends mostly on what CONGRESS does.

Which potus can sometime try to influence, but that's a very different claim. Main source you should complain to if you dislike outcomes is CONGRESS.

Main source you should reward with compliments if you like economic outcomes, is CONGRESS. That's for the part that can be determined by politics (which is usually smaller than what most people think).

3) It's simply insane to keep doing deficits at close to record employment and with inflation over target, as per 95% of macroeconomics except some very fringe theories.

So even if you guys want to claim the inflation in 2022 depended on trump, being wrong on 1) and 2) (and also on macroeconomics), it's still the case that you can never justify democrats passing EVEN MORE SPENDING LATER ON when the only debate should be how much to drastically reduce expenses / increase taxes and that has been the case for a minimum of 24 months if not more.

How the hell do you justify the 2023 deficit?
ex-President Trump Quote
05-02-2024 , 08:30 AM
Or we could just subscribe to dumbdumbmickey's theory that the lag between a president's decisions and the effect of those decisions on the economy depends on a). whether the effect is desirable or undesirable and b). whether the president in question is a democrat or a republican. In the small number of cases when a republican president's bad decisions are undeniable, we claim that the democrats made him do it.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-02-2024 , 08:39 AM
Things being closed down is lack of supply, not lack of demand.

If people are afraid to go out to dinner or take a trip, the problem isn't that they don't have enough money.

Using less gas, etc because of working from home is a lack of demand, but also not something that can be changed by injecting cash into the economy. People aren't going to start buying gas they don't need just because they have more money.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-02-2024 , 08:42 AM
I certainly realize that the president doesn't have a lot of power to change general economic conditions. The reason this gets brought up in the Trump thread is because Trump supporters keep saying that things were so much better under Trump, particularly lower inflation. Why aren't you correcting them?
ex-President Trump Quote
05-02-2024 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Things being closed down is lack of supply, not lack of demand.

If people are afraid to go out to dinner or take a trip, the problem isn't that they don't have enough money.

Using less gas, etc because of working from home is a lack of demand, but also not something that can be changed by injecting cash into the economy. People aren't going to start buying gas they don't need just because they have more money.
if people want a lot of something and for whatever reason that something isn't available in large enough quantities, that's a supply problem.

if people want (economic want: are willing to spend money they have access to) less of a lot of stuff without making up for that elsewhere, that's a lack of demand. It can be because not enough money is in the hands of people wanting to consume, or it can be because people are scared to consume for whatever reason (pandemic, but only economic recession delaying big expenses and so on, even if you don't lose your job you often save more when the economy is bad because you get scared of losing your job or getting a pay cut, and viceversa).

THOSE PEOPLE, the "demanders" who got scared, don't need any money true.

But the people working in the sectors where demand collapses need it, otherwise they can demand less of everythign else and there is a generalized downturn . You fix / avoid THAT, with keynesian intervention.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-02-2024 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I certainly realize that the president doesn't have a lot of power to change general economic conditions. The reason this gets brought up in the Trump thread is because Trump supporters keep saying that things were so much better under Trump, particularly lower inflation. Why aren't you correcting them?
they are right (for a good portion of the inflation of the last 24 months), it's just they should blame primarily democrats in congress for inflation, not biden.

I am correcting them, i am telling them they should never vote democrats for congress if they care a lot about inflation. Not that republicans are perfect for that but they are far better about that.

In fact i am "on record" claiming a very good outcome in 2024 would be Biden president with a solid republican majority in the senate.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-02-2024 , 08:54 AM
If Trump loses he goes away from the scene (with some bangs sure), republican brand can move to normal rightwing people again, win and consolidate the center which the democrats can't win unless there is someone like Trump on the other side (because they have to cater to too many leftists among them), republicans in the senate can block almost everything they dislike about biden (including all judicial nominations of anyone too leftist, very important), the "not so smart" american public would blame Biden for the upcoming recession (which is simply inevitable for cycle reasons, it's just about when that will happen), and win massively in 2028 with trump out of the picture (probably in jail somewhere).
ex-President Trump Quote
05-02-2024 , 09:37 AM
Trump's plans for a second term

would pursue a policy of kicking out 11 million people who came to the country illegally.
The former president said he would pursue building migrant
detention camps and use the U.S. military at the border and inland

when asked whether governments should monitor pregnancies to track whether a woman has an abortion.
“I think they might do that,” Trump said. “Again, you’ll have to speak to the individual states.”

"And if we don't win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of an election,"
Trump told Time, not dismissing the possibility of further violence around the 2024 election.

Trump also doubled down on his promise to pardon the hundreds
of people sentenced for crimes committed stemming from January 6.
Trump has called these individuals “hostages,” though many
have pleaded guilty to violent crimes or have been convicted by juries.

During an exchange on the issue, Time asked: “Will you consider pardoning every one of them?”
Trump replied, “I would consider that, yes.”
Time: “You would?”
Trump: “Yes, absolutely.”
ex-President Trump Quote
05-02-2024 , 09:52 AM
Feeble Trump shuffles away from mic, visibly disoriented.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-02-2024 , 10:38 AM
Trump's pretrial remarks, the rantings of a madman.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-02-2024 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
So given we are in the Trump thread, an easy wrap up:

1) it's stupid in general to blame inflation (or lack thereof), and generic economic conditions to presidents, with specific exceptions linked to the actual powers of POTUS (oil regulation, international trade are some of those exceptions)
What isn't discussed much is that by closing the border during Covid Trump caused a massive shortage of agricultural workers. So while there are millions of tons of food not picked every year it went up drastically during Trump's term particularly in 2020 (but already rising from his border policy in the first 3 years).

As a result food prices skyrocketed more than they should have.

Biden's almost opposite plan (or at least the resurgence of migrants at the Mexican border) basically has allowed food prices to lower and make inflation in the US the lowest of any industrial country after Covid.

2) Inasmuch as some macroeconomic variable depends on politics, it depends mostly on what CONGRESS does.

Which potus can sometime try to influence, but that's a very different claim. Main source you should complain to if you dislike outcomes is CONGRESS.

Main source you should reward with compliments if you like economic outcomes, is CONGRESS. That's for the part that can be determined by politics (which is usually smaller than what most people think).

3) It's simply insane to keep doing deficits at close to record employment and with inflation over target, as per 95% of macroeconomics except some very fringe theories.

So even if you guys want to claim the inflation in 2022 depended on trump, being wrong on 1) and 2) (and also on macroeconomics), it's still the case that you can never justify democrats passing EVEN MORE SPENDING LATER ON when the only debate should be how much to drastically reduce expenses / increase taxes and that has been the case for a minimum of 24 months if not more.

How the hell do you justify the 2023 deficit?
In part the massive nature of it is a direct result of the Democrats with a thin majority in congress trying to pass an increase in taxes for the very rich only and Krysten Sinema killing it as well as zero Republicans supporting it. The other part of the tax increases which would have bumped up Corporate taxes (which had declined under Trump) was killed by Joe Manchin (I believe).

The Democrats incredibly thin margin in the Senate meant they couldn't pass Biden's attempted policy.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 08:24 AM
De Niro on Trump.

"He's not just a bully, he's a stupid bully."

Trump is the first person in my long life that I can’t find one redeeming feature.

ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 10:00 AM
This was President Trump yesterday after sitting in a courthouse for 8 long hours.

When this man gets hungry everyone better watch TF OUT!!!!!!

ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
When this man gets hungry everyone better watch TF OUT!!!!!!
I will concede that he does look like someone who would bite your finger if you tried to take a piece of his pizza.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 11:54 AM
President Trump is so graceful and heroic PlayBig can't help but be impressed by the fat orange bastard carrying two boxes of pizza. #NotACult
ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 12:48 PM
Imagine. 8 whole hours. Crazy. What a trooper.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
This was President Trump yesterday after sitting in a courthouse for 8 long hours.

When this man gets hungry everyone better watch TF OUT!!!!!!

Learning from the left wing media of distorting the truth. He brought Pizzas to a fire department .

Id like to see Joe Biden even carry two boxes of pizzas and walk at the same time.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
Imagine. 8 whole hours. Crazy. What a trooper.
Whoa! Let's not get carried away just yet. Does he get a full 8 hours credit if he slept during half of it?
ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Learning from the left wing media of distorting the truth. He brought Pizzas to a fire department .
Did he need to go there because his pants were on fire?
ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Corporations are sitting on 6.9 TRILLION dollars in cash. Your trickle down theories are bullshit. It's been trickle up for decades now.
As your article points out, the companies sitting on all that cash are weighing their after tax return and the risk of current and future opportunities. As you know biden is trying to raise corporate taxes, increase stock buy back taxes and increase personal taxes - all of which lower the after tax return.

So blaming trickle down for companies sitting on cash is quite silly. Your article is closer to proving trickle down works than proving trickle down doesn't work.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
As your article points out, the companies sitting on all that cash are weighing their after tax return and the risk of current and future opportunities. As you know biden is trying to raise corporate taxes, increase stock buy back taxes and increase personal taxes - all of which lower the after tax return.

So blaming trickle down for companies sitting on cash is quite silly. Your article is closer to proving trickle down works than proving trickle down doesn't work.
Btw in a week a couple hundred billions of extra stock buybacks were just declared so the money is actually going to be used
ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Or we could just subscribe to dumbdumbmickey's theory that the lag between a president's decisions and the effect of those decisions on the economy depends on a). whether the effect is desirable or undesirable and b). whether the president in question is a democrat or a republican. In the small number of cases when a republican president's bad decisions are undeniable, we claim that the democrats made him do it.
Cute nickname.

Different policies take differing ranges of time when and how they effect the economy in the same way that the different strategies to stop a moving vehicle have different ranges of outcomes on when and how quickly they would stop a car. For instance a pit maneuver is almost immediately, popping the tires of a car is much slower and building a bunch of brick walls in the path of the car would stop it nearly instantaneous.

I don't think you will find many, in any, economists who would debate this.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
Imagine. 8 whole hours. Crazy. What a trooper.
he pulled an all-dayer.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-03-2024 , 02:12 PM
TrumpsCuteButt is quite a screenname. Five stars.
ex-President Trump Quote
