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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

04-02-2024 , 08:41 PM
Blow me

Last edited by StoppedRainingMen; 04-02-2024 at 08:42 PM. Reason: Also definitely didn’t read a word of your post. Just saw you quoted me and put you ignore, Playbig2000*60%
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Do you actually even know what MAGA stands for? It stands for Make America Great Again.

The "MAGA People" stand for living and working and playing in a great country. NOT a country that's being drained from the inside out by a global elite entity who are planning to enslave you. They're the ones controlling your hero president byden. That's why they opened up the borders, and that's why they've been actually flying illegals into the country from southern and central America. Thats also why Obama sent plane loads of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF U.S. CASH CURRENCY TO IRAN BEFORE HE LEFT OFFICE! WAKE TF UP BUD!! And that's why we've sent a hundred billion dollars to Ukraine, a country the deep state took over in 2014. You don't have to be too smart to see what's going on.
Republicans: this is what you look like. Take a good look.
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 08:48 PM
As my initial post has been deleted I will recognize I have gone too far with the deleted post and will instead respond to the ignored post

Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Do you actually even know what MAGA stands for? It stands for Make America Great Again.

The "MAGA People" stand for living and working and playing in a great country. NOT a country that's being drained from the inside out by a global elite entity who are planning to enslave you. They're the ones controlling your hero president byden. That's why they opened up the borders, and that's why they've been actually flying illegals into the country from southern and central America. Thats also why Obama sent plane loads of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF U.S. CASH CURRENCY TO IRAN BEFORE HE LEFT OFFICE! WAKE TF UP BUD!! And that's why we've sent a hundred billion dollars to Ukraine, a country the deep state took over in 2014. You don't have to be too smart to see what's going on.

Also I’m Iranian. So I’m glad you validated my choice to not take your post in good faith blindly

Sorry I’m not Christian tho

Edit: guess my post wasn’t deleted. I still stand by every word
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 08:54 PM
PB1200, if it makes you feel any better to know a brown man hates you and you can take that to truth social or rumble or whatever else to be like SEE?! just know I’m happy to help
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 08:58 PM
Lol @posters taking PB seriously ITT. Have you been to the conspiracy thread? Dude is a space cadet to put it lightly.
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:00 PM
It’s truly hilarious to see these MAGA chuds writing posts directing their world view at someone like me and having their message basically be ‘assimilate or be destroyed’

And yet somehow these trolls think they deserve me treating them like intellectual human beings just wanting to have discussions

Lololololol. Imma pass

You all are **** incels who deserve nothing in life. I’ll happily eat another ban for saying that

Last edited by StoppedRainingMen; 04-02-2024 at 09:03 PM. Reason: You ****ing snowflake pussies
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:18 PM
Maga people just kinda suck though. I get they’re angry, but they can vote for better representation locally and fix their crap hole welfare communities and terrible culture. Am I supposed to hire maga rurals who can’t do at 20 what the highly educated immigrants I’m allowed to fast track green cards and citizenship could at 5 just because these rurals are angry?
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
I think we need to reinstitute the 3/5ths rule but apply it to the MAGA chuds

You people are not full human beings. And you don’t deserve to be treated as such

Eat a dick forever (if you’re mad at this post and report me for it it says way more about you than me)
I guess the "groups can't be judged by the inherent moral worth of the individuals composing them" rule only works in some cases

Rococo, king, ganstaman, are you there?
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
I don't know, or pretend to know the laws that were broken and how they literally attempted to remove a presidential candidate from the ballot for being in the opposing party. That's communism. Why they committed treason isn't in my hands but it's being dealt with currently by JAG's deep inside our (thank God it's still ours) military. Do you think our "real" gov't will let our country be taken away right from under us by a clown administration? I think not (and I know not).
Man you can't break laws when deciding as a judge. YOU ARE THE LAW when deciding a case in common law. That's a weird system yes, but it's the law of the land in the USA. You don't break the law, you make it as a judge.

Judges can rape every value you believe in, and they are fully allowed to do that, and they did many times, that's why it's very important to put the right people on the benches.
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Maga people just kinda suck though. I get they’re angry, but they can vote for better representation locally and fix their crap hole welfare communities and terrible culture. Am I supposed to hire maga rurals who can’t do at 20 what the highly educated immigrants I’m allowed to fast track green cards and citizenship could at 5 just because these rurals are angry?
Approx half American surgeons will vote for trump in 2024, but keep going your route I guess
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I never said setting one fire outside of Walgreens is just as bad as breaking into the capital. I completely understand why you think I’m a bad person - your reading comprehension is so poor that you have trouble keeping up with what is actually said.

However, I did say that setting fire to a bunch of buildings/stores, government buildings, cars, other personal property along with killing a bunch of people and hurting a lot more is worse than breaking into the capital to say you don’t think the election was not fair.

I know this may blow your mind, but if 1,000 people whose only goal is to overthrow the most powerful country in the history of the world they would have the same odds of succeeding if they broke into the US capital or a random Walgreens in a random city.
Except they didn't need to overthrow the government, they were looking to keep the same person in power, not put in a new regime. All they needed to do was create a disruption which would give an excuse for Pence not certifying the election. 1001 people would have succeeded - if the one extra person was Mike Pence.
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:27 PM
Rainingmen I am reporting you because I want to be allowed to say the exact same things (and a lot worse) of many other groups, but if I am not, as the mods clearly stated, they you aren't either.
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Except they didn't need to overthrow the government, they were looking to keep the same person in power, not put in a new regime. All they needed to do was create a disruption which would give an excuse for Pence not certifying the election. 1001 people would have succeeded - if the one extra person was Mike Pence.
Pence could have tried it then SCOTUS would have lolled at the attempt anyway btw
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
I guess the "groups can't be judged by the inherent moral worth of the individuals composing them" rule only works in some cases

Rococo, king, ganstaman, are you there?
You sound mad

Are you mad?

Maybe take a mental health day tomorrow and work on yourself
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Rainingmen I am reporting you because I want to be allowed to say the exact same things (and a lot worse) of many other groups, but if I am not, as the mods clearly stated, they you aren't either.
You sound very mad

Definitely take a mental health day
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Lol @posters taking PB seriously ITT. Have you been to the conspiracy thread? Dude is a space cadet to put it lightly.
He is pretty good at tracking planes though. Still don't know why he does it but he is like Trump with a sharpie.
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Rainingmen I am reporting you because I want to be allowed to say the exact same things (and a lot worse) of many other groups, but if I am not, as the mods clearly stated, they you aren't either.
Stop reporting posts crybaby.
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Luciom. You are coming at it from the wrong angle. Look at it as a setup. A trap. Then it all makes sense.
Yes, I think it was a trap, a setup by Donald Trump. He tells people to storm the Capitol and that he will go with them, then of course he goes inside to the safety of the White House. The Capitol Police shoot a lot of the people storming the building, as Luciom suggests should have happened. Then the crazy right wing goes on like they do now about the 1/6 people just being tourists wanting to take selfies, except for there are photos with piles of dead bloody bodies wearing American Flags and MAGA attire.
They become martyrs for the cause and start more riots, etc all over the country.
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I know this may blow your mind, but if 1,000 people whose only goal is to overthrow the most powerful country in the history of the world they would have the same odds of succeeding if they broke into the US capital or a random Walgreens in a random city.
AkShUaLlY, their goal was to delay the certification, in conjunction with the SS removing Pence from the Capital, to then have Grassley take over and issue the false electors, pushing it to the bought-and-paid-for SC to side with Trump somehow.

Do you even coordinated conspiracy, bro? This is all well known and documented. Also, in every other timeline of US history, most high-level conspirators would have ended up at the end of a rope or in front of a firing squad after trial.
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Yes, I think it was a trap, a setup by Donald Trump. He tells people to storm the Capitol and that he will go with them, then of course he goes inside to the safety of the White House. The Capitol Police shoot a lot of the people storming the building, as Luciom suggests should have happened. Then the crazy right wing goes on like they do now about the 1/6 people just being tourists wanting to take selfies, except for there are photos with piles of dead bloody bodies wearing American Flags and MAGA attire.
They become martyrs for the cause and start more riots, etc all over the country.
He never told those people or anyone else to storm the capitol
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
I don't know, or pretend to know the laws that were broken and how they literally attempted to remove a presidential candidate from the ballot for being in the opposing party. That's communism. Why they committed treason isn't in my hands but it's being dealt with currently by JAG's deep inside our (thank God it's still ours) military. Do you think our "real" gov't will let our country be taken away right from under us by a clown administration? I think not (and I know not).
I don't know what laws were broken, all I know was that they committed treason.

Oh, but these other guys, we know what laws they broke, but they didn't commit treason, because they never could have gotten away with it.
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Pence could have tried it then SCOTUS would have lolled at the attempt anyway btw
You're sure about that? The same supreme court which today is stalling on Trump's ridiculous immunity claim to help him get reelected?

They likely would have said they don't have jurisdiction over something the congress does. And even if they did decide against Trump, how many troops do they control?
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
He never told those people or anyone else to storm the capitol
He didn't use the word "storm", but he told them to go there. I'm pretty sure they did exactly what he expected them to do. If he actually thought 100% of them would just peacefully demonstrate outside the Capitol, then he has even less intelligence than I generally give him credit for.
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
You're sure about that? The same supreme court which today is stalling on Trump's ridiculous immunity claim to help him get reelected?

They likely would have said they don't have jurisdiction over something the congress does. And even if they did decide against Trump, how many troops do they control?
Does it look like Trump ever controlled any troops?
ex-President Trump Quote
04-02-2024 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Does it look like Trump ever controlled any troops?
Remind me again how many times Congress was stormed and the certification of the elections was jeopardized in the couple hundred years america has existed before trump was president

I mean don’t, we both know the answer, you’ll just be intellectually dishonest about it thinking you got one over while really just showing your whole ass for all to see
ex-President Trump Quote
