Originally Posted by biggerboat
I'd be interested to hear the trumpers take on this.
Not a trumper but i suppose you think i am one so i will answer that.
Being a credible madman works in game theory to accomplish stuff you can't otherwise accomplish ("credible threat of irrational action" and all that).
Basically if you agree that pushing EU countries to spend more for defense is a worthwhile goal (that's a different topic which i understand not everyone will agree with), then whatever works to bring that about is a positive development.
NATO countries have been increasing military spending following the ukraine invasion, and they often cite Trump "mad claims" to justify increasing it lately.
Do you see how that is literally working even without him winning elections?
Sometimes being a crazy bullshitter accomplishes worthwhile outcomes and as bad as it looks, i truly only care about the practical outcomes of communication, i give 0 **** about how bad it looks or sounds.
So if you are pro a strong NATO, you have to admit Trump is making it stronger by threatening allies, as he pushes NATO countries to spend more on defense, which makes NATO stronger.
To be clear i am not even sure that's what Trump wants, i truly believe he doesn't give too much of a **** of european allies and he thinks the USA has been "ripped off" by us, still the only thing that matters is what practical consequences words and actions have.