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Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

08-01-2019 , 09:50 PM
And, the Fed shouldn't even exist. The free market can regulate their own rates.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-01-2019 , 09:56 PM
Trump forced the Fed's hand.

He will quietly remove all tariffs that matter around 8-6 months before the election, after Fed drops a few times.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-01-2019 , 11:55 PM
Smudger seems to be off his meds
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
And, the Fed shouldn't even exist. The free market can regulate their own rates.
Are you a gold bug?
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 02:01 AM
nope. No gold or bit coin.

Just a free market capitialist who hates the fed
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 02:29 AM
Aside from usury laws and industry price fixing, the free market does regulate its own rates.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
nope. No gold or bit coin.

Just a free market capitialist who hates the fed
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 02:45 AM

Mfer in chief. Why is this ahole still president? Malicious polarizing d1ckh3ad. US didnt deserve this insecure garbage of a human for this position. One day history will be very rude to Republicans that never found the courage to draw the line to who represents them, cowards unable to rise up and demand that its unacceptable to be held hostage to an indeed irredeemable 30% base of unable to critically think, simplistically reasoning, hypocritically claiming to be ethical while worshiping devil to hell, losers.

Either both parties unite to end this bs or it will end bad, very bad.

Exactly what prevents a permanent rise to this position of people like Trump that will stop at nothing and continue to polarize simplistically thinking people holding hostage the moderates to the will of the cruel thinking 30% extreme thinking core. If one has conservative positions and doesn't like the democrats there ought to be a better way to present these ideas and remain a person of dignity without embracing fascism.

Last edited by masque de Z; 08-02-2019 at 03:09 AM.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I agree that you shouldn't waste your time justifying why people dislike inequality. However, I do want to point out that not everyone who thinks inequality is a big problem is stupid. They are uneducated and don't understand that if their neighbor gets raise they aren't somehow magically worse off, but they are stupid.
I agree it's nothign to do with stupidity. I don't think it's anything to do with education either.

I could possible be persuaded that some economic maximum involves quite a lot of inequality. I'd still, probably prefer a different maximum that has less inequality. Unless one is dominant, there is no way clear way to decide between these. It comes down to what we want.

The reason people tend to vote for the extreme type of populist candidate who vilify rich people is in part (and I'd argue mainly) because they don't understand inequality and the causes of it. They also tend to buy into this absurd notion that all poor people will still be poor people in 20 years and that is what happened previously.

I disagree we need to attempt to limit inequality in fear of the stupid vote. We just need politicians to educate the people - right now the dems are doing a great job of blaming repubs for the made up problem.
I disagree. Most people do not give a hoot about the causes of inequality. they just want it to be reduce. Nothing will persuade them that a lot of inequality is a good thing although most are fine with some limited amount of inequality.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 05:10 AM
Of course lets not try to educate and talk to the irredeemables as they stand (but not permanently, decisions and actions can always recover you) that their loser leader fails to recognize that how you treat your enemies, even the worse of them, when your prisoners, is precisely one of the things that makes you different and better than them. You would expect honorable people that sacrifice for their country to recognize that little detail which is one of the fundamental reasons you risk your life for your country. Because it does indeed make you stand taller than your enemies and their ideas when in position of strength you do not lose your humanity and faith in your own principles.

Only fascists see patriotism as a blind duty without protest, without criticism, without the slightest ethical responsibility to all those before you that lost everything for their country to always remain a place of inspiration and exceptionalism, a true defender of its promise. That is to be a patriot, how you contribute to this exceptionalism and how you care to make your country a better system, not a system that is afraid and simplistic and essentially barbaric.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I disagree. Most people do not give a hoot about the causes of inequality. they just want it to be reduce. Nothing will persuade them that a lot of inequality is a good thing although most are fine with some limited amount of inequality.
I agree with you that most people don't care about the causes of inequality and that nothing will persuade them to believe large inequality is a good thing. They also don't care that the laws the government has enacted to reduce inequality have failed (raising MW, obamacare) and will continue to do so.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 11:28 AM

"Horowitz, like Barr, is a true professional. His intrepid work revealed to the world the whole picture of Comey’s number two, Andy McCabe, whose own improper leaks to the media got him fired just days before he would have been eligible for a government pension. It was his extensive investigation through which we learned the full extent of FBI Agent Peter Strzok and DOJ lawyer Lisa Page’s anti-Trump text exchanges that disqualified Strzok from further participation in Special Counsel Mueller’s probe.

The investigation of the investigators is only just now coming into focus. We already know there was wrongdoing throughout the Obama DOJ, and that it continued among the holdovers from that era after the 2016 election -- and we know that it fueled the most pernicious conspiracy theory in modern American history. Some of that wrongdoing may well be prosecutable."

Comey was referred for a possible crime on leaking classified information. The DOJ declined to go for the case. I think it is a fine decision. This is the beginning of the investigation into the FISA warrants, leaks, spying of the 2016 election into the Drumpf campaign.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Well I'm still a bit confused about what you are asking, but you mention the fed's interest rate policy & then pushing wealth to the 1% back to back so let me say this:

The feds lowering rates & halting their plan to cut their balance sheet further punishes those who have saved because they are in theory getting a lower interest rate on things like savings accounts, CDs, short term treasuries and (to a lesser extent) bonds and helps those who are borrowing because they are getting lower rates on car loans, mortgages, business loans, etc.

I do think Trump deserves a lot of the blame for this rate cut. I don't think the president should have any kind of influence over the fed but I think he does.
Obviously it's not a surprise that Trump wants rates cut, he's been a borrower his entire life. In fact, he probably has pending financing deals out there now that will benefit by having the fed cut rates.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 11:56 AM

47 seconds in. Typical Trump supporter.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 12:12 PM
Horowitz, like Barr, is a true professional.

stopped reading here
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by microbet

47 seconds in. Typical Trump supporter.
I'll take the under on juan valdez starting a thread about this.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jsmith27
The decision not to prosecute Comey is likely based on two things:

a) There is nothing to prosecute.
b) It would open them to discovery.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Jsmith27

"Horowitz, like Barr, is a true professional. His intrepid work revealed to the world the whole picture of Comey’s number two, Andy McCabe, whose own improper leaks to the media got him fired just days before he would have been eligible for a government pension. It was his extensive investigation through which we learned the full extent of FBI Agent Peter Strzok and DOJ lawyer Lisa Page’s anti-Trump text exchanges that disqualified Strzok from further participation in Special Counsel Mueller’s probe.

The investigation of the investigators is only just now coming into focus. We already know there was wrongdoing throughout the Obama DOJ, and that it continued among the holdovers from that era after the 2016 election -- and we know that it fueled the most pernicious conspiracy theory in modern American history. Some of that wrongdoing may well be prosecutable."

Comey was referred for a possible crime on leaking classified information. The DOJ declined to go for the case. I think it is a fine decision. This is the beginning of the investigation into the FISA warrants, leaks, spying of the 2016 election into the Drumpf campaign.
no one involved in producing or spreading stories like this has a shred of integrity. ****ing bootlickers
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
47 seconds in. Typical Trump supporter.
It is very surprising that there is a trump supporter who has started a fight with another man who was too embarrassed to admit what he said to the trump fan before the fight started. I really thought all 63 million trump voters would be able to sit there and take this guy's verbal taunts without becoming violent.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
It is very surprising that there is a trump supporter who has started a fight with another man who was too embarrassed to admit what he said to the trump fan before the fight started. I really thought all 63 million trump voters would be able to sit there and take this guy's verbal taunts without becoming violent.
Typical Trump voter can't DRIVE BY a protest and not stop the truck in the middle of an intersection to get in to a fight with a 70 year old who was yelling at him from the sidewalk. Also, typical Trump voter here apologizing for typical Trump maniac.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Typical Trump voter can't DRIVE BY a protest and not stop the truck in the middle of an intersection to get in to a fight with a 70 year old who was yelling at him from the sidewalk. Also, typical Trump voter here apologizing for typical Trump maniac.
He is clearly not the driver, a lot of times cars are required by law to stop at an intersection and with anti-trump protests known for blocking traffic let's not act like it isn't a possibility that those anti-trump people could have been morons who were blocking traffic.

lol at saying I am apologizing for this moron. I was mocking the person who posted the video here who said that is typical behavior from one of the millions of trump voters. The guy in the video is obviously a dumbass, but to say he is a typical trump fan because of this is arguable even dumber.

Admit you lump people together based on their political party/voting history because you are a bad person and let's move on. We don't need to make a big deal out of this.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 04:47 PM
microbet is a bad person. Now I've heard everything
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 04:57 PM
bahbah, I get the point you're trying to make with microbet, but you do sound like a defense lawyer for this asinine character in the video...

That's sort of the whole point. Trump supporters (and the right wing by and large) tend to show a sole interest in the tree and not the forest. Woman gets raped, inquisition on the woman. Unarmed black male killed by police, inquisition on the black male. Hispanic actual citizen living near the border, inquisition on their legality

Now your response (and the right by and large) defaults to the Libertarian one, so as to have a nuance that absolves you from the possibility that you really do have some ****ty, prejudicial views. Even worse, you'll default to projection (microbet lumps everyone together, is bad person) or sheer dishonesty (accuse me of calling you a racist, misogynist, etc)

The problem is it really doesn't matter what you say up to this point. Your posting history has done all the talking for you

Seriously, microbet is a bad person? Please tell me that post was sheer emotional tilt and not something you actually think as a sober view. Internet anonymity aside, you can't possibly draw that conclusion based on the body of posts he's made on 2+2. I certainly can't
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 05:17 PM
So, I don't apologize for this, but obviously the post that it's "typical" is trolling. The sentiment of wanting to run over or beat up protesters is hardly rare from a Trumper, but few actually jump out of their cars and fight.

bahbah, you are apologizing for it though. The intersection was not blocked. That can be seen. The guy he started fighting is like 70. "obviously a dumb ass" is a super weak condemnation. You don't have to condemn him. You could have just not posted at all. But if you're going to take a shot at being anti-political violence you could try harder.

So what if he blocked traffic anyway? That's a minor citation. Your Trump supporter is getting a battery conviction.

I don't want to walk it back much though. "Typical" might be overdoing it, but that kind of ******* among Trumpkins is not a rare thing at all. Also keep in mind the cause this guy is fighting for. He's out there punching 70 year olds because he doesn't want to look at people from Guatemala or hear people speaking Spanish.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
08-02-2019 , 05:20 PM

Thanks. He's trolling. Most of the adversarial posting here is obviously trolling at least to some degree, but I think you're not supposed to say that it is.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else) Quote
