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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

01-31-2021 , 12:02 AM
I'm going to say it has more to do with the retainer required... and the two lawyers not accepting cheques.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-31-2021 , 01:50 AM
Can't the Dems call Trump as a witness at the trial? Not sure if they would want to but I believe you only need a simple majority to agree to call a witness. Or is he considered the defendant and can refuse being called to testify?
ex-President Trump Quote
02-01-2021 , 03:48 PM
My Trumpkin neighbor seems to be following through.

His condo is up for sale and he is flying (today) to Ecuador to buy a house.

He told me it was because Biden won.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-01-2021 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
My Trumpkin neighbor seems to be following through.

His condo is up for sale and he is flying (today) to Ecuador to buy a house.

He told me it was because Biden won.

My neighbor moved to Costa Rica when Obama was elected and moved back when Trump was elected. Not sure his plans now that Trump is out but his house is also for sale.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-01-2021 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Trump was an abnormal POTUS. What ever happens to him is not going to change anything as far as how a POTUS behaves. The prosecution, or lack thereof, will have no meaningful impact on anything.
I feel like taking him off the streets will prevent him from causing further harm. So yes, he should be looking at prison time. He committed violence using the mob as a weapon and his words as the trigger that set it off.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-01-2021 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
My Trumpkin neighbor seems to be following through.

His condo is up for sale and he is flying (today) to Ecuador to buy a house.

He told me it was because Biden won.
He'll like it there. The current President ran on a campaign of leftist policies, then abruptly changed his policies to be more right wing after he was elected. He's also trying to subvert the constitution so that he can stay in power probably indefinitely and milk the country for all its wealth. So very on brand for a Trump fan.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-01-2021 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Congress has better things to be doing, and their role really isn't bringing justice to perpetrators.
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
If you want to talk about limiting executive power, go for it... nothing you do to Trump will stop the next bad POTUS.
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Goofy, you're never going to get any justice from a political process. it's a pretty strong argument you don't want politics involved with justice, which is why most people look skeptically at a person like Barr who seemed to be operating politically rather than an interest of justice. You want justice to be apolitical. Second, if you want want to limit executive power, have Congress try and pass a law instead of trying to send somebody to jail.
You keep acting like this is all about sending Trump to jail and "getting justice" and multiple posters keep stating, directly, that this is about preventing the completely f'd up event that just happened at the Capitol

Do you not agree that this is about preventing the completely f'd up event that just happened at the Capitol?

While you may be correct that some people "want justice" and to see Trump in jail, others are more interested in preventing such a horrible event from happening again...That has nothing to do with political motivation. It has to do with an interest in preventing loss of life in terms of the violent event that transpired and the broader implication that a President's behavior actually matters, lest you care not for the fact that if something like that happens again, anyone, anyone can blend in with that crowd and blow themselves up at any number of points during said event. Any one of those in the mob could have pulled out weapons and slaughtered every politician in the building. People were literally chanting some disturbing things that implied a desire for further violence. People had weapons on them. Cops were beaten with the American flag. People had plastic cuffs on them. Others were trampled to death. Hundreds of people sustained injuries. Someone lost an eye...

It would be nice if action was taken so that the very person who catalyzed it is never given the chance to repeat history, and precedence set for all in the future to not feel so emboldened by the lack of consequence for someone who wields so much power. That event could have been much, much worse than it turned out to be. Some of those members of Congress actually thought they were going to die that day and no longer trust other members of Congress as well. I would argue that if he had been convicted in the first impeachment, or removed on day 1 for what he's been in violation of from day 1, the Emoluments Clause, then none of this would have happened, no injuries, and those 5 people would be alive today
ex-President Trump Quote
02-02-2021 , 01:00 PM
So Trump voters are moving to Hispanic countries to get away from Biden ?

Seems like there's irony in here somewhere.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-02-2021 , 02:34 PM
I can at least appreciate that, for once, they're practicing what they preach

"If you don't like it, then you can leave!"
ex-President Trump Quote
02-02-2021 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Habman
I'm going to say it has more to do with the retainer required... and the two lawyers not accepting cheques.
Fees — not just strategy — blew up Trump's legal team


Disagreements over legal strategy weren't the only reason Donald Trump's defense team collapsed just days before his second impeachment trial, Axios has learned.

What we're hearing: The notoriously stingy former president and his lead lawyer, Butch Bowers, wrangled over compensation during a series of tense phone calls, sources familiar with their conversations said. The argument came even though Trump has raised over $170 million from the public that could be used on his legal defenses.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-02-2021 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Habman
They all wanted 20k a day.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-02-2021 , 07:16 PM
Once Rudy was reported to be getting $20k/day all the reputable lawyers wanted $50k/day minimum.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-02-2021 , 07:22 PM
These guys know Rudy ain't getting paid, right?
ex-President Trump Quote
02-02-2021 , 11:55 PM
Been noticed before, during the infamous bleach speech you can see the stupid bastard working out that drinking bleach may kill COVID-19 and thinking that he is more intelligent than the rest of the people in the room
ex-President Trump Quote
02-03-2021 , 02:31 AM
Yeah it’s really pretty amazing. He actually didn’t know that pretty much any virus or really any living cell can be killed with extreme temperatures, acidity, chemicals etc. I’m guessing someone gave him a study that day about experiments done to confirm equipment/surface sterilization procedures and misunderstood how unremarkable it is that wiping a surface with bleach eliminates risk of covid transmission. Dude was in charge of the largest pandemic response In the richest nation in history and didn’t know that killing a virus on a surface is totally different from getting a persons immune system to fight it.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-03-2021 , 02:52 AM
Gotta love the spelling mistake on Page 1 of Trump's response to impeachment.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-03-2021 , 08:06 AM
Well, presumably you could put a hamster as lead lawyer in there and hang a sign on it that says "unconstitutional!" and he would be acquitted.

So haggling over the price of his defence seems warranted.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-03-2021 , 09:27 AM
It would be kind of amusing if he got someone super cheap who went in and literally presented the Chewbacca defense.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-03-2021 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Yeah it’s really pretty amazing. He actually didn’t know that pretty much any virus or really any living cell can be killed with extreme temperatures, acidity, chemicals etc. I’m guessing someone gave him a study that day about experiments done to confirm equipment/surface sterilization procedures and misunderstood how unremarkable it is that wiping a surface with bleach eliminates risk of covid transmission. Dude was in charge of the largest pandemic response In the richest nation in history and didn’t know that killing a virus on a surface is totally different from getting a persons immune system to fight it.

ex-President Trump Quote
02-03-2021 , 12:38 PM
How I feel with no Trump twitter:

ex-President Trump Quote
02-03-2021 , 06:08 PM
And no Lin Wood, either...

Pro-Trump Election Conspiracist Lin Wood Investigated Over Possible Illegal Voting

The Georgia secretary of state's office is investigating allegations that Lin Wood, a high-profile pro-Trump attorney who launched fruitless challenges to election results and pushed baseless conspiracies of fraud, may have voted illegally in the November general election.

Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office confirmed the investigation was opened after a reporter with WSB-TV in Atlanta posted an email from Wood in which the attorney said he had been living in South Carolina for several months.

Georgia state law says that if a person moves to another state "with the intention of remaining there an indefinite time and making such state the person's place of residence," then they are no longer considered eligible to vote in Georgia.
ex-President Trump Quote
02-04-2021 , 06:05 PM

ex-President Trump Quote
02-04-2021 , 06:16 PM

The best part: this company apparently provided software and technology ONLY in LA County. Nevermind the rest of the country.

Nice touch... the lawsuit intro begins with "The Earth is round. Two plus two equals four."
ex-President Trump Quote
02-04-2021 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman

This guys whole ****ing life is satire. Unreal.
ex-President Trump Quote
