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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

01-10-2021 , 05:46 PM
Donald Trump may be able to get Mexico to pay for a border wall after all. Canada too.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by CheckCheckFold
I've said this before but it's more apt now than ever, one cannot heal until the parasite is destroyed and removed from the body.

America have to take the hard choice of a surgeon opening you up all bloody and remove the ****ing parasite over going to see some alternative medicine goop specialist healer.

Anyone calling for healing is a moron.
Depends what you mean by the parasite that needs removing. Are you lumping all 70+ million trump supporters together?

Hopefully not and then doing something about the division is required. If you think that's moronic then I'm very happy to be the moron.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 06:25 PM
I hope Trump pardons all the rioters just to show how undemocratic & idiotic the "pardon power" is! IMHO, it goes against EVERYTHING America is supposed to be about! We gotta get rid of this thing! (Along with the electoral college!)
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 06:32 PM
He will not pardon them or himself, albeit for quite different reasons. Hopefully the mods start a predict his pardons thread!
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
I agree, but the problem is bigger than you think.

Took civics in 2012 in California and was taught that the Civil War was about states' rights by a teacher who openly complained to us that it was unfair he had been reprimanded for using the N word in class. Was made explicit that slavery had absolutely nothing to do with the civil war.

Also taught us that slaves were better off under slavery than free and that the end of slavery destroyed black families. (because the black family was a more functional unit under slavery, since men couldn't leave their kids)

Can't even imagine what they teach in a place like Alabama

California is a big state. Assume this was like Shafter/Oildale, Modesto, someplace like that.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
It's not economic anxiety. It's cultural anxiety. It was a white supremacist mob who don't like the fact that the country is becoming more multi-racial and less white dominant. That was Trump's whole MO since he started with the birther stuff.

This is there primary beef.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
He will not pardon them or himself, albeit for quite different reasons. Hopefully the mods start a predict his pardons thread!
He could very well pardon the rioters as a last chance of cementing his cult. I think he could legit keep running rallies after Biden is in office, asserting that he was wronged, silenced, etc., and all of them thinking they can start a new party or whatever.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
There isn't a prayer that it will happen, but it's hard to argue with the idea that it should happen.
I've heard approximately 928,233,091 "Trump should.." or "Congress should..."s since 2015. I'm sick of them. They mean nothing. Bonus for "I call on Trump to..."
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 07:52 PM
Consider taking money from Trumpderps in the future if such an opportunity exists again. It does not solve the political issues, but it is very, very enjoyable money to make.

Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
He could very well pardon the rioters as a last chance of cementing his cult. I think he could legit keep running rallies after Biden is in office, asserting that he was wronged, silenced, etc., and all of them thinking they can start a new party or whatever.

I guess we will see, but if Alex Jones has a hard time agreeing with a chunk of that cult then perhaps Trump pardoning all of them will not do what you suggest. I admit I do not know how the various factions of Trumpderps are getting along after that event, but if the Buffalo horn guy and cos playing military guy and the Elizabeths with towels and the religious wackos are all still holding hands and singing kumbaya together - then yeah, guess a mass pardon would be good for that narrow niche. Still is not going to happen, especially with a couple of police officers dead from the event.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Consider taking money from Trumpderps in the future if such an opportunity exists again. It does not solve the political issues, but it is very, very enjoyable money to make.
I get the strange feeling you've said this before.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 08:08 PM
It was very enjoyable.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Depends what you mean by the parasite that needs removing. Are you lumping all 70+ million trump supporters together?

Hopefully not and then doing something about the division is required. If you think that's moronic then I'm very happy to be the moron.
The parasite is Trump and his violent followers.

Prosecute them to the full extent of the law. Then we can heal as a nation together.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-10-2021 , 10:15 PM
My prediction is that on his last day in office he finally marries Ivanka in the basement of the White House and then shoots himself.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 01:19 AM
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by CheckCheckFold
I've said this before but it's more apt now than ever, one cannot heal until the parasite is destroyed and removed from the body.

America have to take the hard choice of a surgeon opening you up all bloody and remove the ****ing parasite over going to see some alternative medicine goop specialist healer.

Anyone calling for healing is a moron.
while these clowns may be parasites, the true sickness is capitalism
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by CheckCheckFold
The parasite is Trump and his violent followers.

Prosecute them to the full extent of the law. Then we can heal as a nation together.
Ok. Near enough in agreement to not quiblle.

That's handling a minute proportion of the 70M+ so you still have to do something about the deep divisions and polarisations.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
while these clowns may be parasites, the true sickness is capitalism
Haha yeah, I cannot agree more.

Capitalism leads to huge inequities since capitalists(owners) have all the power.

Inequities leads to anger, hatred, and blame.

It would be hard to be angry and hateful if you're financially secure.

I would bet that the one thing in common with all rioters is that %99 make less than 100k/year and or in debt.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Ok. Near enough in agreement to not quiblle.

That's handling a minute proportion of the 70M+ so you still have to do something about the deep divisions and polarisations.
Yeah totally. We all (including 70M+ rep voters) can agree on some things to start the healing. There may be differences of opinions on solutions but I think many will agree on the following:

1. There is too much inequity. Polls after polls show huge majority of Americans agree on this. Then it follows that the lower 90% should be having more money than they do now and it is fine that the top 10% to have less money.

2. Current healthcare system is broken and associated costs are rediculous.

3. Politicians in general are not trustworthy

Obviously everyone has an opinion on what they think a good solution is for each of those giant problems and we can argue until the cows come home.

However, it is prudent as leaders, that they spend more time talking about the problems to get everyone to collectively nod their head first before they jump to solutions. When people feel that you understood their problems, they are more likely to listen to solutions you want to sell.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 04:48 AM
If only the Capitol had a Terminator on its steps....
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 04:59 AM
That's quite moving.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise

I almost start to like republican thinking
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by CheckCheckFold
Yeah totally. We all (including 70M+ rep voters) can agree on some things to start the healing. There may be differences of opinions on solutions but I think many will agree on the following:

1. There is too much inequity. Polls after polls show huge majority of Americans agree on this. Then it follows that the lower 90% should be having more money than they do now and it is fine that the top 10% to have less money.

2. Current healthcare system is broken and associated costs are rediculous.

3. Politicians in general are not trustworthy

Obviously everyone has an opinion on what they think a good solution is for each of those giant problems and we can argue until the cows come home.

However, it is prudent as leaders, that they spend more time talking about the problems to get everyone to collectively nod their head first before they jump to solutions. When people feel that you understood their problems, they are more likely to listen to solutions you want to sell.
Totally agree on this sort of approach. Make it about policies that address problems and/or inspire people. It's a never ending long haul but that's what we always have to keep doing and we have to defeat those who want to make it about name calling and never letting people forget or move on.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by CheckCheckFold
Haha yeah, I cannot agree more.

Capitalism leads to huge inequities since capitalists(owners) have all the power.

Inequities leads to anger, hatred, and blame.

It would be hard to be angry and hateful if you're financially secure.

I would bet that the one thing in common with all rioters is that %99 make less than 100k/year and or in debt.
Plenty of financially secure people that are angry and hateful though. Perception that people want their money, racism, thinking they're carrying everyone and on and on. And there's plenty of media to keep feeding their feelings about that kinda stuff to keep em that way.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Hasta la vista, baby!
ex-President Trump Quote
01-11-2021 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by wet work
Plenty of financially secure people that are angry and hateful though. Perception that people want their money, racism, thinking they're carrying everyone and on and on. And there's plenty of media to keep feeding their feelings about that kinda stuff to keep em that way.
Fiscal policy is also just one piece. The social culture is changing, and people of all economic stations are prone to getting riled up about that.
ex-President Trump Quote
