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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

01-03-2021 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Nittery
Trump's shenanigans are crossing the line from cheeky and fun to cruel and tragic.
Nice, that’s nice
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Kind of agree with the orange man here. The federal govt needs to hold the states' hands for logistics?
The state should know the best way to get the vaccines distributed in their backyard and then ask for help where there are shortfalls.
I'm sure some states with competent leadership have some alright.
This is entirely wrong. It’s pretty obvious that the federal government in normal hands is far and away the best entity to execute something like this.

Trump just refuses to do anything thinking he can just absolve himself of blame by total inaction.

See what happens in a few weeks.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
I'm not a psychiatrist, so I'm not going to claim I know whether he thinks he was cheated or if he's aware he's cheating, but I don't think it matters.

Anyway, here's the entire call - a bunch of rambling of conspiracy theories:
Truly an astounding hour of audio.
Brad is my hero.
My favorite moment is when Brad says "Mr. President: The data you have is wrong. The number of "dead people voting is not 5000, it's two people!"
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
The latest audio w/ GA ....isn't this going to be another in a long line of nothingburgers?
After the non-impeachment effort it was clear to Trump that he could literally do anything he pleased with no consequences.

So far he's been right.

So yeah, my money is on nothingburger.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Probably best to assume that Raffensperger will be imprisoned for leaking the call.
It's days like this that make me miss a party that presents a loyal opposition.

Meh, people missed horses and buggies too I guess.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
After the non-impeachment effort it was clear to Trump that he could literally do anything he pleased with no consequences.

So far he's been right.

So yeah, my money is on nothingburger.
He lost his re-election bid, which should have been an easy win for him if he did not do literally everything he pleased. He does not seem to happy about that outcome, so perhaps that would classify as a consequence of his choices prior to it.

As to this being a nothingburger - I do not fully disagree as all it does is show again what an unqualified and criminal moron he is every day. That is baked in, so the republicans doing the meaningless song and dance routine in a few days will stay on course for their show. Whether they will benefit or regret that choice in the future - that we will have to see.

All the best.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 07:17 PM
They're not going to regret it politically. Nobody will be held accountable for this. I'm guessing a solid majority of the country disapproves of what Trump has done here, but everyone is a ****ing goldfish and they'll just move onto thinking about whatever is the last thing they saw.

Republicans are freerolling and they know it. It's a very empowering thing to drop all pretense of caring about right vs. wrong.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 07:24 PM
lol npc12345

lol inso0

Everyone knew this is what a Trump presidency would look like and you guys supported it anyway
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 07:31 PM

Such an incompetent moron (that npc and inso0 fully supported) that going full denial-mode on the pandemic that's killing thousands of people per day in this country is just a blip on the radar compared to the other incredible **** this idiot is doing
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 07:34 PM
Trump is a mass murderer, even if he is never charged for that crime.

Originally Posted by LKJ
They're not going to regret it politically. Nobody will be held accountable for this. I'm guessing a solid majority of the country disapproves of what Trump has done here, but everyone is a ****ing goldfish and they'll just move onto thinking about whatever is the last thing they saw.

Republicans are freerolling and they know it. It's a very empowering thing to drop all pretense of caring about right vs. wrong.
Oh, I don't expect people to care about this on a macro level once the orange idiot is booted, but on a micro level it will be interesting to see if this charade is one that helps or hurts those who do it with regard to their future political careers. The irony is a lot of those doing this are doing it to look past Trump, while also counting on Trump being a massive player in the future. Definite gamble in that.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 07:37 PM
I will say that this whole thing could hurt Loeffler and Perdue at the margins later this week, and if it's close enough then perhaps this would tip the scales and allow the Dems to take the Senate, which would be extremely high-impact. So those are two Republicans who could suffer politically I guess, but they're the only ones as far as I can tell. And it's not as though their political fortunes would be better if they took a morally upright position re: Trump.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 07:42 PM
If those two lose, and that is a bit of an underdog to happen, then they can thank Trump and his derps for that, and then Trump will be responsible for the Republicans losing the presidency and the Senate due to his nut low approach for the past year. At that point we see how utterly insane and unhinged he becomes (I suspect that kraken will be released once he is dragged out) and those that did the Trump dance will have a nutjob who cost their party both branches of elected government to thank for it politically. Hopefully this happens, I tossed a small amount of my house Trumpderp money on it for the sweat.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 07:48 PM

This is the current picture of Trump on Drudge.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 07:50 PM
Having the majority in the 2 chambers and the presidency (2016) and losing it all in 1 term would be a massive accomplishment for trump ...

Hopefully republicans still wouldn’t change a thing .
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Having the majority in the 2 chambers and the presidency (2016) and losing it all in 1 term would be a massive accomplishment for trump ...

Hopefully republicans still wouldn’t change a thing .
I would never hope for such a thing. Even if Republicans are giving Democrats a modest advantage at the polls by acting this way, this is dangerous.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I will say that this whole thing could hurt Loeffler and Perdue at the margins later this week, and if it's close enough then perhaps this would tip the scales and allow the Dems to take the Senate, which would be extremely high-impact. So those are two Republicans who could suffer politically I guess, but they're the only ones as far as I can tell. And it's not as though their political fortunes would be better if they took a morally upright position re: Trump.
I recall a news report claiming a poll showed some 36% of eligible voters, regardless of affiliation, in Georgia believed the election was stolen from Trump.

If true, this whole debacle could also provide a substantial boost to people aligned with Trump. Upset people are more likely to vote.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 08:18 PM
Once Trump is out of office and ragetweeting with no real power there is a good chance the heat of those who follow him will diminish. Some of the reps - I get it, they live in hicksville with everyone wearing red hats - they have to do this dance whether they believe in it or not, however some of the Senators and others are taking a gamble that Trump will continue to matter once he is done, all the while not have the same grifter capabilities that Trump has to do the job. Not quite sure this gamble will pay off for them in the way they hope, and hopefully that is exactly what will happen. Fun bonus if Trump turns on them as well!
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Once Trump is out of office and ragetweeting with no real power there is a good chance the heat of those who follow him will diminish. Some of the reps - I get it, they live in hicksville with everyone wearing red hats - they have to do this dance whether they believe in it or not, however some of the Senators and others are taking a gamble that Trump will continue to matter once he is done, all the while not have the same grifter capabilities that Trump has to do the job. Not quite sure this gamble will pay off for them in the way they hope, and hopefully that is exactly what will happen. Fun bonus if Trump turns on them as well!
It might be because of political expediency, but I would not accept “have to do this”. They don’t have to do it anymore than someone “has to” have their spouse murdered to save money on alimony.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I recall a news report claiming a poll showed some 36% of eligible voters, regardless of affiliation, in Georgia believed the election was stolen from Trump.

If true, this whole debacle could also provide a substantial boost to people aligned with Trump. Upset people are more likely to vote.
The Dems may well lose - it's still my prediction that they will - but the early voting data pretty strongly suggests that it won't be for lack of turnout if they do. I don't think Republicans potentially being more motivated will be the deciding factor either way.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 08:33 PM
The transcript is so incredible

So we’ve spent a lot of time on this, and if we could just go over some of the numbers, I think it’s pretty clear that we won. We won very substantially in Georgia. You even see it by rally size, frankly. We’d be getting 25-30,000 people a rally, and the competition would get less than 100 people. And it never made sense.

We think that if you check the signatures — a real check of the signatures going back in Fulton County — you’ll find at least a couple of hundred thousand of forged signatures of people who have been forged. And we are quite sure that’s going to happen.

And I know you would like to get to the bottom of it, although I saw you on television today, and you said that you found nothing wrong. I mean, you know, and I didn’t lose the state, Brad. People have been saying that it was the highest vote ever. There was no way. A lot of the political people said that there’s no way they beat me. And they beat me. They beat me in the . . . As you know, every single state, we won every state.

They’re changing the equipment on the Dominion machines and, you know, that’s not legal. And they supposedly shredded I think they said 300 pounds of, 3,000 pounds of ballots. And that just came to us as a report today. And it is a very sad situation.

You know, one of the things that happened, Brad, is we have other people coming in now from Alabama and from South Carolina and from other states, and they’re saying it’s impossible for you to have lost Georgia. We won. You know in Alabama, we set a record, got the highest vote ever. In Georgia, we set a record with a massive amount of votes. And they say it’s not possible to have lost Georgia. And I could tell you by our rallies. I could tell you by the rally I’m having on Monday night, the place, they already have lines of people standing out front waiting. It’s just not possible to have lost Georgia. It’s not possible.

You know the Internet? You know what was trending on the Internet? “Where’s [name]?” Because they thought she’d be in jail. “Where’s [name]?” It’s crazy, it’s crazy.

Where were the poll watchers, and why did they say a water main broke, which they did and which was reported in the newspapers? They said they left. They ran out because of a water main break, and there was no water main. There was nothing. There was no break. There was no water main break.

I didn't even get halfway through
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
It might be because of political expediency, but I would not accept “have to do this”. They don’t have to do it anymore than someone “has to” have their spouse murdered to save money on alimony.
I agree with that, but in the end the voters in their areas vote based on their beliefs, and a lot of these people want to keep their job, and that is not quite the same as the spouse murder you are talking about. You can certainly make the case that what they are doing is horrid in and by itself, particularly if they do not believe in it, and I would agree with that. However, this is politics, and some of these reps may genuinely believe it like that Q woman that got voted in, so while they are being crazy - they are representing their beliefs, and also of those who voted them in, in a genuine manner. In some ways that is more correct for their jobs than those who are doing it WWE style as as a political act.

Call me naive, but I suspect that things change a lot once Trump is gone, as the need for these charades are effectively gone as well. Basically - tick tock.
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 08:46 PM
What's a little light felony election tampering between friends?
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 09:07 PM
The rally size argument in the middle of a ****ing pandemic tilts me so much still
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
The rally size argument in the middle of a ****ing pandemic tilts me so much still
It's like catnip for idiots. There were multiple posters on this forum making the "Trump can't lose, just look at the rallies!" argument!
ex-President Trump Quote
01-03-2021 , 09:28 PM
I hope they bet their beliefs, and I thanked them for their approach for most of 2020. They helped make his loss happen and as a bonus the Trumpderp money was the best kind to win, with the post election wagering money (after the result was known) being the bestest of them all. Seems most of those Trumpderps have stopped talking for some reason, with the exception being that dude that voted for McGovern, and even he will not talk about any potential kraken dates any more.

I kind of wonder what the extreme Trumpers will say about this recording. Is it fake? Is it out of context and fake? Does not really matter in the end, more its fun to see how Trumpderps have to re-shape reality to validate their beliefs with this moron.
ex-President Trump Quote
