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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

12-29-2020 , 08:01 PM
The cynical part of me wonders if the extra 1400 is to limit the rioting and protests if he successfully pulls off a coup
ex-President Trump Quote
12-29-2020 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
It wasn't because of his and O's skillful protection of the American populace :-) H1N1 =60.8 million cases.... COVID19 = 19.9 Million cases....WP sir!!!

Only through the grace of Mother Nature was there not a calamity of Biblical proportions.

Such a silly comparison/argument. It was sort of humorous, though.....
Imagine being so dumb you're still doing idiotic swine flu whataboutism after >300k Americans have died of COVID. Trump supporters are not sending us their best or brightest
ex-President Trump Quote
12-29-2020 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
As I write that post, here's the pathetic dipshit that people like npc and inso proudly voted for in 2016 trying to blame others for his failures:

We developed the vaccines (lol) but states are the reason people haven't gotten them, right, right
Kind of agree with the orange man here. The federal govt needs to hold the states' hands for logistics?
The state should know the best way to get the vaccines distributed in their backyard and then ask for help where there are shortfalls.
I'm sure some states with competent leadership have some alright.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-29-2020 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Even if the Dem's win the Georgia Senate seats and take control they would not have the votes (66%) to 'Convict' in the Senate and it would be pointless to do it again to an outgoing POTUS if you cannot convict.

But if there is a desire by the GOP by then, to put a bullet in Trump and end his threat to run again in 2024 because most of them know it is theatre and just meant to keep them in check, and they could get enough GOP votes to convict, then they should do it.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-29-2020 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Kind of agree with the orange man here.
I think you haven't considered (as you should with any statement from Donald Trump) that he's actually just lying, and the federal government hasn't actually given states all the doses they claimed they would. The CDC website itself claims only 11 million doses have been distributed, when the government was recently targeting 40 million by end of the year.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-29-2020 , 08:30 PM
Oh hey, np1 thinks an administration should use its stick handling to stop the spread of a disease they know does not have a high fatality rate to just prove they can.

What np1 does not know is that humans build up a little data base of protections due to exposures to these lesser viruses (especially Corona Viruses) such that future strains may have less impact on us, when they spread. Thus if you know you have a new strain with small and mostly inconsequential impacts, it is actually good to stick handle it through and let it run.

The good stick handler blocks and pushes aside the bad viruses (covid19) while letting the lesser ones through (H1N1).
ex-President Trump Quote
12-29-2020 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
So if someone can correct me if my understanding is off repealing section 230 seems like it’s objectively a good thing. Trump and the disinformation machine would be instabanned from basically every social media site cuz they’d be liable for their lies and slander

I imagine it probably leads to the end of 2p2 as well but I mean, so?
I just posted this in the congressional stimulus thread but the internet in its current form is essentially impossible without something at least similar to section 230.

Originally Posted by Willd
Repealing section 230 with no other related legislation being introduced will simply stop Facebook/Twitter/literally any website that allows user-generated content to be displayed without prior moderation from being able to operate in the US. It wouldn't be a case of judicial judgement either, the law (in the case of section 230 being repealed) states in no uncertain terms that a company is liable for any and all content published on their platform, including user-generated content.

I don't think it's hyperbole to say that 90%+ of internet businesses would not be viable without something akin to the legal protections provided by section 230.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-29-2020 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think you haven't considered (as you should with any statement from Donald Trump) that he's actually just lying, and the federal government hasn't actually given states all the doses they claimed they would. The CDC website itself claims only 11 million doses have been distributed, when the government was recently targeting 40 million by end of the year.
Come on dude, you think this is Amazon or something? We've got to actually deliver the things also??

Although I guess it's fair to say organising delivery of 40 million Pfizer vaccines that need to be kept at a constant temperature almost as cold as Hillary's heart is a unique situation but they've had months to figure it out.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-29-2020 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
Only through the grace of Mother Nature was there not a calamity of Biblical proportions.
Yeah, had H1N1 been as deadly as Covid, I'm sure they would have handled things exactly the same way. No way they respond differently to completely different viruses. Thank goodness for Mother Nature!
ex-President Trump Quote
12-29-2020 , 10:55 PM
You should have seen how Obama let another corona virus, the common cold, run through America during his two terms. If not for the grace of Mother Nature it would have been year after year of calamity of biblical proportions.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 01:03 AM
Donald Trump has had four years to prove himself the ultimate dealmaker

What he has proven instead is the truth of a line from his own book:
‘If you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.'
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
When did elegant and gold digger become synonymous. She is a glorified mail in whore bride, so naturally I think elegant when I see her face. Thinking of the disgusting things she had to do to rise to her post as queen of the gold diggers really screams elegance

She knows 'anal is extra' in six languages though.

I stole that
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
No. A leopard does not change its spots.
But it does eat your face.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 01:50 AM

Not too dumb for npc12345's favorite president though!
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
She knows 'anal is extra' in six languages though.

I stole that
Not too shabby, I'll likely borrow it at some point
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 04:29 AM
Massachusetts State Republican Party official Tom Mountain,
who was hospitalized twice for Covid-19 symptoms after contracting the virus
following attending a White House Hanukkah party and subsequently spreading it to his family.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 05:33 AM
Anyone watched 'Death to 2020' yet? Brooker does a sterling job trying to satirise Trump, but Trump satirises himself constantly, so it's not easy to find a new angle. The focus on the really uncomfortable advisor during the Trump babblings about bleach and light was good though.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 06:49 AM
Was looking at it, as I've loved Brooker ever since his TVGoHome website days, but all the reviews I've seen slated it.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 09:00 AM
weird, self-promotional propaganda video,
Donald Trump seems to suggest that he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Anyone watched 'Death to 2020' yet? Brooker does a sterling job trying to satirise Trump, but Trump satirises himself constantly, so it's not easy to find a new angle. The focus on the really uncomfortable advisor during the Trump babblings about bleach and light was good though.
I watched like 20 minutes and had to turn it off. Terribly unfunny and all the celebs come off as self-important *******s. Pretty hard to have “serious” comments about George Floyd right after making jokes about screwing bats.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Anyone watched 'Death to 2020' yet? Brooker does a sterling job trying to satirise Trump, but Trump satirises himself constantly, so it's not easy to find a new angle. The focus on the really uncomfortable advisor during the Trump babblings about bleach and light was good though.
It's patchy but has its moments. Diane Morgan as one of the 5 most average people was pretty good.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 11:43 AM
Too soon.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 06:19 PM
I thought Hugh Grant's turn as the history professor was pretty funny.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 08:13 PM
Heading Into The ‘Crescendo Of Crazy’
ex-President Trump Quote
12-30-2020 , 08:29 PM
Why does trump keep saying "see you jan. 6th" whats his end game here ?
ex-President Trump Quote
