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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

12-24-2020 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by GTO2.0
This will result in, best case scenario-
-6-12 month fight to enforce the GJ subpoena and get them to show up. Maybe more. That DANY tax thing has been going on for longer than that.
-“I don’t remember that” / vague non-committal Barry Bonds answer
-12-18 month to fight to dismiss any charges that get indicted, and make outlandish discovery requests including demands to dig through the entire Mueller teams phones and emails for bias etc.
-High profile trial that is far from a sure thing

Biden would probably be gone by the time it was over. But yeah sure, pretty easy.
I wouldn't be too worried about the outlandish discovery requests, but the bolded is very, very, very accurate.

Responding with generalities and claiming not to remember specifics (or, in some cases, anything at all) about damaging documents or conversations is by far the most common form of lying for witnesses under oath. If a witness takes that approach during a deposition, and then remembers a lot of self-serving specifics at trial, he or she will get skewered at trial on cross. But if your main goal as a witness is to lie without getting in trouble for lying, then consistently claiming that you don't remember is by far the safest approach.

Prosecution of a witness for perjury or obstruction in a case where the witness consistently claims a lack of memory is very rare.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 11:01 AM
Shall we start the countdown clock to Lindsey updating his position on this?

Any bets on the form it takes?

- Criticism
- Praise
- fawning praise with slobbering thank you for acting
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Shall we start the countdown clock to Lindsey updating his position on this?

Any bets on the form it takes?

- Criticism
- Praise
- fawning praise with slobbering thank you for acting
I'll go with Option 2. But Option 3 is definitely more likely than Option 1.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 12:53 PM
It’ll be the same as the SCOTUS appointment. “I said that then, but Ds have gone completely off the rails since then and so that’s why it’s different now”.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 02:14 PM
His SCOTUS position wasn't even reconcilable with itself even if you accepted his premise. He was confronted with the position that he took after the Kavanaugh confirmation, and his excuse was that the Kavanaugh confirmation had changed everything for him.

But I agree that it's always just going to be pointing back at the evil Dems.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 02:39 PM
calls for supporters to participate in a "wild" protest in Washington, D.C.

ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Prosecution of a witness for perjury or obstruction in a case where the witness consistently claims a lack of memory is very rare.
So true.... just ask Jim Comey.....

Last week, Comey testified before members of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. In a single appearance, Comey, on 245 separate occasions, while under oath, stonewalled questions with “I don’t know,” “I don’t remember” or “I don’t recall,” according to a congressional interrogator, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 07:06 PM

ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 07:33 PM
I don't suppose anyone has tried to explain to him that Twitter's approach is the opposite of stifling free speech, even if "free speech" was a useful concept to grade private companies by. They've specifically made a choice to allow his disinformation tweets to stay up.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
So true.... just ask Jim Comey.....
leftist hero James Comey
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
leftist hero James Comey
Comey is no one's hero.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 09:01 PM
Wouldn't repealing section 230 make Twitter crack down even harder? Because they could be liable for misinformation that Trump or other idiots post on it. It protects these big corporations from stuff their users do, as long as they make a "good faith" effort to remove it.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 09:18 PM
Yes. It would potentially keep things like #DiaperDon from trending. He hasn't thought about the consequences beyond that.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
There is a lot of precedent for people being sick of both parties.

The result is never a third party rising up.
I mean that’s kinda what the Trump cult is though
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think he just wants an excuse to mire Biden in a war as he heads out the door.
If we accept that trump is running again in 24 and presumably against Harris kinda seems like it would be in his best interest to make things as problematic as possible
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 10:35 PM
Meet Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman. She is one of Sidney Powell's confidential witnesses. According to the Washington Post:

In a recent civil fraud case, attorneys for the state of North Dakota said that Maras-Lindeman falsely claimed to be a medical doctor and to have both a PhD and an MBA. They said she used multiple aliases and social security numbers and created exaggerated online résumés as part of what they called “a persistent effort . . . to deceive others.”
North Dakota’s assertions about her credentials came in a civil case brought by the state’s attorney general in 2018 over a purported charitable event she tried to organize in Minot, N.D., where she and her family resided. Attorneys for the state said she used money she collected — ostensibly to fund homeless shelters and wreaths for veterans’ graves — on purchases for herself at McDonald’s, QVC and elsewhere.

A judge ultimately found that Maras-Lindeman violated consumer protection laws by, among other things, misspending money she raised and soliciting donations while misrepresenting her experience and education. He ordered her to pay more than $25,000.
Though not a medical doctor, Maras-Lindeman is a podcaster and a fan of PizzaGate. She wrote a 37-page "affidavit" about Dominion voting machines because she concluded that the election was "just not fair." Sidney Powell apparently came across the affidavit somewhere in the derposphere, dropped the allegations in the affidavit into her complaint, and began referring to Maras-Lindeman as a "secret witness". -- all without ever speaking to Maras-Lindeman.

Passing off a random person whose affidavit you found on the internet as a "secret witness" is completely unethical. But you should also ask yourself why Sidney Powell would repeat the allegations in the affidavit in a complaint without speaking to the affiant first. There is only one explanation. Powell suspected, or knew for a fact, that Maras-Lindeman wasn't credible. And she didn't want to learn information that would have confirmed that Maras-Lindeman was full of ****.

Here is the link to the full story.

Last edited by Rococo; 12-24-2020 at 10:48 PM.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-24-2020 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
I mean that’s kinda what the Trump cult is though
It's a powerful faction within a major party. On its own it's simply not enough to win nationally. They need the "I'm super uncomfortable with this, but **** it" Republicans in order to actually be able to win.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-25-2020 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Passing off a random person whose affidavit you found on the internet as a "secret witness" is completely unethical. But you should also ask yourself why Sidney Powell would repeat the allegations in the affidavit in a complaint without speaking to the affiant first. There is only one explanation. Powell suspected, or knew for a fact, that Maras-Lindeman wasn't credible. And she didn't want to learn information that would have confirmed that Maras-Lindeman was full of ****.
Is Sidney Powell not, like, a Giuliani-level crackpot? This post is written like we ever should have taken her seriously to begin with, which is quite generous.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-25-2020 , 06:56 AM
An op-ed by a retired FBI special agent which was part of the investigation of Blackwater contractors following the shootings in Nisour square in 2007:

It is a sobering read.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-25-2020 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Right now isn't the time to worry about 24. The next two weeks are very dangerous.
Don't you worry about 24. Let me worry about blank
ex-President Trump Quote
12-25-2020 , 12:35 PM
ex-President Trump Quote
12-25-2020 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Is Sidney Powell not, like, a Giuliani-level crackpot? This post is written like we ever should have taken her seriously to begin with, which is quite generous.
I have no idea how you could possibly have read my post as support for the proposition that we should take Sidney Powell seriously as a lawyer.

I don't think she is so crazy or mentally ill that we should give her a pass on this sort of bullshit. In other words, I think she is sane enough for us to condemn her as duplicitous and unethical. But that's about as far as I would go in taking her seriously.

It's the same way I feel about Trump. Sure, he might have narcissistic personality disorder. But whatever his mental health issues might be, they are not serious enough for me to excuse his behavior.

Last edited by Rococo; 12-25-2020 at 01:16 PM.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-25-2020 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I have no idea how you could possibly have read my post as support for the proposition that we should take Sidney Powell seriously as a lawyer.

I don't think she is so crazy or mentally ill that we should give her a pass on this sort of bullshit. In other words, I think she is sane enough for us to condemn her as duplicitous and unethical. But that's about as far as I would go in taking her seriously.

It's the same way I feel about Trump. Sure, he might have narcissistic personality disorder. But whatever his mental health issues might be, they are not serious enough for me to excuse his behavior.
A Lawyer that is duplicitous and unethical such a rare thing?
ex-President Trump Quote
12-25-2020 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
A Lawyer that is duplicitous and unethical such a rare thing?
Actually, yes. In my experience as a lawyer, the lawyers almost always take ethics more seriously than the clients do.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-25-2020 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I have no idea how you could possibly have read my post as support for the proposition that we should take Sidney Powell seriously as a lawyer.
I didn't mean to put words in your mouth, sorry, it just seemed like a surprisingly detailed explanation for a situation where "lol insane Trumpers" would have done just as well. She said she was "releasing the Kraken"!
ex-President Trump Quote
