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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

12-19-2020 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
Holy ****, can't he sue for slander?
The better play is GoFundMe. By a couple commas.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 04:10 AM
Another day of being led by our glorious commander in chief, Donald Trump.
No one can stop what is coming.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 12:17 PM
He is running out of Pardon Time. Maybe he thinks if he strarts issuing them he is admitting defeat.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 12:49 PM
The pardons remain a problematic challenge for him.

As Trump will certainly face continued scrutiny from both Congress, potentially a new AG and various legal actions already in progress, anyone who is pardoned by Trump can be called to testify or give evidence and cannot take the 5th due to the Pardons.

They would need to disclose anything they knew honestly or face a perjury charge and potential jail time. And for what? To protect Trump now that he is out of power at the risk of going to jail themselves? Not likely. Even the most ardent Trump supporter I think would not risk that.

Better to Commute the sentence as he did for Roger Stone as Roger can still take the 5th on any investigations and is motivated to do so. I expect to see Manafort get a last minute Commutation and not a pardon as well, for the same reason.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 01:25 PM

"Obama - Golfer in Chief" was a very serious recurring plenty-plaint from the derposphere that went straight down the goldfish memory hole.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 01:42 PM
Ya but Trump works very hard while golfing and is very productive whereas Obama was so busy fudging his golf score that he never paid any attention to the US's issues.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:20 PM
Lol 250000 new cases great country you have there
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 03:27 PM
The golfing stuff is always deeply stupid, because it's clear that every partisan hack who attacks a President for it will turn a blind eye if they like the President. Which basically means that the whole thing just cancels out and comes back to where it should be, which is substantively assessing how good or bad the President is.

Granted that, in a perfect world, people who have been massively hypocritical would have several people following them around 24/7 screaming "HYPOCRITE!" in their ears on a loop until they lose their minds, but that might be resource-prohibitive.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Actually, it is over 250,000 votes of about 16.5 million total for Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania (rust belt states being discussed).

Does not seem that it was that close to me. Obviously it was not close like Gore/Bush, but does not seem that it was even similar to how close Trump/Clinton was as well.

All the best.
250k isnt close? out of 155m votes, 250k isnt close?

regardless, 250k isnt even accurate (unsurprising you misrepresent things).

he wins with WI AZ GA NV and thats 70k votes.

WI AZ GA puts him at 269 at 37k. take your pick on the other state to get the next electoral vote.

presidential elections are close bc swing states matter show much. despite your inability to do math, or inability to be honest, they are still close.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 05:22 PM
Not quite sure the 155m figure is that relevant. If Trump gets 4,000,000 votes flipped in California then nothing changes.

This is not Gore/Bush where a few hundred votes in a single state was the difference. These are multiple states, so casually saying "if Trump simply won xxx,yyy, and zzz while he did not lose some other state (or the 1 electoral vote in NH)" then he wins is kind of a meaningless statement. He did not win any of those states. Biden won Nevada 50.1% to 47.7% so closeish, but not really close. North Carolina (which Trump won) had a smaller percentage difference in the voting (50.1% to 48.7%).

If Biden won NC by 20,000 votes and Florida by 30,000 votes, then you could still say look how close it is - its still just over 100,000 vote difference in 155 million votes and all Trump had to do was flip votes in WI AZ GA NV FL NC so it was a narrow 350-188 electoral college win.

Trump lost. He ran a near nut low campaign with the help of his Trumpderps and it showed at the polls where a ton of people did all red tickets except for the orange man. If he runs a competent campaign then he wins. Similarly if pigs had wings they could fly.

Also, speaking of honesty, I am still waiting for you to link all those pro-Trump posts you said I made. You know, to show you were not lying about that claim. Given how much you hate liars, I expect to see links supporting those claims fairly soon. You know, something even like the following. Thanks!

All the best.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 05:53 PM

Originally Posted by Victor
250k isnt close? out of 155m votes, 250k isnt close?

regardless, 250k isnt even accurate (unsurprising you misrepresent things).

he wins with WI AZ GA NV and thats 70k votes.

WI AZ GA puts him at 269 at 37k. take your pick on the other state to get the next electoral vote.

presidential elections are close bc swing states matter show much. despite your inability to do math, or inability to be honest, they are still close.
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Not quite sure the 155m figure is that relevant. If Trump gets 4,000,000 votes flipped in California then nothing changes.
I am very confused by you two. Victor less so.

So i will ask my question again and add, if the electoral college outcome is TIE of 269 votes each, Trump WINS and is POTUS again.

So what I am missing if anyone says this was not really close in terms of less than 50,000 votes divided across THREE States.

Heck 50,000 in each of 3 States would be close, wouldn't it?

Originally Posted by Cuepee
What am I missing here as my math says that Trump is POTUS again with 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin as that creates a tie in the Electoral College and Trump wins in any tie.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:05 PM
Even though it's Trump, and Trump gunna Trump, this kind of thing is still amazing:

Trump Weighed Naming Election Conspiracy Theorist as Special Counsel

President Trump on Friday discussed naming Sidney Powell, who as a lawyer for his campaign team unleashed conspiracy theories about a Venezuelan plot to rig voting machines in the United States, to be a special counsel overseeing an investigation of voter fraud, according to two people briefed on the discussion.

It was unclear if Mr. Trump will move ahead with such a plan.

Most of his advisers opposed the idea, two of the people briefed on the discussion said, including Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer. In recent days Mr. Giuliani has sought to have the Department of Homeland Security join the campaign’s efforts to overturn Mr. Trump’s loss in the election.

Mr. Giuliani joined the discussion by phone, while Ms. Powell was at the White House for a meeting that became raucous and involved people shouting at each other at times, according to one of the people briefed on what took place.

Ms. Powell’s client, retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser whom the president recently pardoned, was also there, two of the people briefed on the meeting said. Some senior administration officials drifted in and out of the meeting.

During an appearance on the conservative Newsmax channel this week, Mr. Flynn pushed for Mr. Trump to impose martial law and deploy the military to “rerun” the election. At one point in the meeting on Friday, Mr. Trump asked about that idea.
Trump downplays massive cyber hack on government after Pompeo links attack to Russia

"This was a very significant effort, and I think it's the case that now we can say pretty clearly that it was the Russians that engaged in this activity," Pompeo had said of the cyber hack in an interview Friday on "The Mark Levin Show," adding: "I can't say much more as we're still unpacking precisely what it is, and I'm sure some of it will remain classified."
But Trump, in his first public comments on the issue, appeared to undercut Pompeo's remarks in a pair of tweets Saturday, suggesting without evidence "it may be China" that's responsible. Instead of condemning the attack, or Russia, he wrote that he had been "fully briefed and everything is well under control" -- despite officials in his administration having said this week that the cyberattack "poses a grave risk" to networks across both the public and private sector.

White House officials had drafted a statement assigning blame to Russia for the attack and were preparing to release it Friday afternoon but were told to stand down, according to people familiar with the plans. Officials initially weren't told why the statement was pulled back.
So nothing to say about the hacking issue all week, while he spends his time meeting with everyone he can about ways to overturn the election, then some Tweets hand-waving away the hacking issue and of course making sure he says nothing bad about Russia when he finally "speaks" (Tweets) about it.

You can always count on Trump knowing where his priorities should be! least he's not forgotten about that pesky pandemic.

ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
So nothing to say about the hacking issue all week, while he spends his time meeting with everyone he can about ways to overturn the election
Don't forget, there's a 9/11 a day happening, which Republicans once assured us was so bad when it happened once in a lifetime that we had to spend trillions of dollars and kill hundreds of thousands more people in response. Now, Trump pretends COVID doesn't exist, except for when he does:

300,000 dead, nearly 3,000 more a day, and the only thing he gives a **** about is "no lockdowns"
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:14 PM
Trump abdicated his responsibilities as president a long time ago. It just isn’t very noticeable since his leadership was completely vacuous to begin with.

The US got the worst of luck and was hit by a pandemic, a type of disaster only clear, rational and fact-based decision-making can resolve. Neither of those three describe the type of leader Trump is. He is unclear, overly emotional and obviously sees fact as completely optional.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:14 PM
LOL, I just spotted that Tweet and added it to my own post before seeing yours.

Also a series of retweets questioning mask mandates today as well.

All he's had to say about Covid all week, I believe, has been Tweets either patting himself on the back for good vaccine news, or undermining any health measures. Trump gunna Trump.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I am very confused by you two. Victor less so.

So i will ask my question again and add, if the electoral college outcome is TIE of 269 votes each, Trump WINS and is POTUS again.

So what I am missing if anyone says this was not really close in terms of less than 50,000 votes divided across THREE States.

Heck 50,000 in each of 3 States would be close, wouldn't it?
Sure, but that is a simple example of changing something in a vacuum that simply did not exist. Changing 50,000 votes in one direction in 3 specific states to change their outcomes is a different reality that is not close to the one we exist in. The same thing could be said in the other direction or any direction. I mean if Trump wins those 3 states and Biden wins that single electoral vote in Maine he wins! How many votes did Biden lose that 1 electoral vote in Maine? Guessing not many!

In the end Trump ran a LOLbad campaign against a meh opponent, and he did it with the help of his Trumpderps (some of whom I thanked at the time for their service) who demanded he run that bad a campaign in 2020. He lost because of that. If he runs a semi-sane campaign he wins easily, but he was not capable of running a semi-sane campaign in 2020, so speculating he does that to change the outcome of 3 cherry picked results is meaningless. You need Trump to not be Trump for that to happen. Good luck with that. So, yeah, if only Trump did things completely different the results may have been different, but really if he actually tried to run a sane campaign the Democrats would have run a different campaign as well. The orange idiot lost a ton of states due to him, because of him. Saying that it was close if only he did things differently or the world was different makes no sense because he clearly could not do things differently, and the world is what it is, and he lost because of the world and the campaign he chose to run.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:57 PM

I guess our very serious Trump supporters like np1234324 are officially done defending this stuff. Still rooting for Trump to succeed though I'm sure.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Sure, but that is a simple example of changing something in a vacuum that simply did not exist. Changing 50,000 votes in one direction in 3 specific states to change their outcomes is a different reality that is not close to the one we exist in. The same thing could be said in the other direction or any direction. I mean if Trump wins those 3 states and Biden wins that single electoral vote in Maine he wins! How many votes did Biden lose that 1 electoral vote in Maine? Guessing not many!

In the end Trump ran a LOLbad campaign against a meh opponent, and he did it with the help of his Trumpderps (some of whom I thanked at the time for their service) who demanded he run that bad a campaign in 2020. He lost because of that. If he runs a semi-sane campaign he wins easily, but he was not capable of running a semi-sane campaign in 2020, so speculating he does that to change the outcome of 3 cherry picked results is meaningless. You need Trump to not be Trump for that to happen. Good luck with that. So, yeah, if only Trump did things completely different the results may have been different, but really if he actually tried to run a sane campaign the Democrats would have run a different campaign as well. The orange idiot lost a ton of states due to him, because of him. Saying that it was close if only he did things differently or the world was different makes no sense because he clearly could not do things differently, and the world is what it is, and he lost because of the world and the campaign he chose to run.
I am not sure what point you are trying to make tbh.

Sure hindsight analyst can only be done in hindsight.

But I was responding to the idea this election was not very close despite the margins in Popular vote and electoral college.

it is not just airy fairy for the Dem's to consider (in hindsight) how less than a 50,000 vote swing across 3 States would have given Trump the win despite the popular vote and overall electoral college margins.

It indicates how important and critical the 'get out the vote' machine is needed because if just the tiniest amount of neglect of that in a few States can change the outcome, despite the other strong metrics, that is something to be aware of and concerned about.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 07:07 PM
Those officials surely know that “Trump hanging out with crackpots” is somewhat disingenuous.

He is a crackpot.

This is a president who trusted a doctor who blamed diseases on demon-sperm and corrected a weather map with a sharpie to convince the nation Alabama would be slammed by a hurricane. This is crackpot territory.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I am not sure what point you are trying to make tbh.

Sure hindsight analyst can only be done in hindsight.

But I was responding to the idea this election was not very close despite the margins in Popular vote and electoral college.

it is not just airy fairy for the Dem's to consider (in hindsight) how less than a 50,000 vote swing across 3 States would have given Trump the win despite the popular vote and overall electoral college margins.

It indicates how important and critical the 'get out the vote' machine is needed because if just the tiniest amount of neglect of that in a few States can change the outcome, despite the other strong metrics, that is something to be aware of and concerned about.

I cannot believe any Democrat would believe this was a top to bottom successful election. America puked out the orange idiot, but otherwise it was hardly a good night for the Democrats. I don't think the Democrats were casual this time, but in the end Trump and his supporters had to help them, which they thankfully (and I thanked them a lot as it was happening) did for the main prize. It was a really unusual election as well, with projectile vomiting out Trump as the main goal, so we will see what the relatively normal 2022 and 2024 do. Trump will be a nothingburger in those. He is done, other than grifting the morons who want to send him money.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 07:44 PM
This is incredible.

ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 09:04 PM

Trump is such a traitor, as are his fans. They would literally rather turn our country over to Russia than see the libs win.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-19-2020 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

Trump is such a traitor, as are his fans. They would literally rather turn our country over to Russia than see the libs win.
I don't think it is controversial to say Trump admires and likes the Russians.

He sees a mostly White populace ("Norway") whom are mostly complacent to being ruled by Oligarchs who dominate any dissenters.

i honestly think if there was a model of governance that Trump could have managed to get to in a second term it would have been to model Putin almost exactly, and only stopping if someone could stop him.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2020 , 05:19 AM
12-20-2020 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett

God forbid anyone reach a partisan conclusion based on these statistics, that would be awful

At least these help put this "Trump the criminal justice reformer" bullshit to rest:

Dumbass conservatives acting like he did something in this area because he pardoned someone Kim Kardashian asked him to, while in reality he's been one of the laziest mother****ers in history at giving clemency
ex-President Trump Quote
