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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

11-19-2020 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

Nothing has been more effective at dispelling the myth that both parties are the same than the past two weeks
I'm assuming "parties are the same" refers to fair play and "game" integrity and not political positions on various topics. If so, republicans have always been more correlated w:

1. Being more religious
2. More racists
3. Less educated

All 3 are correlated with in group us vs them thinking, which is genetically built deep evolutionarily long long ago. In group cohesion was evolutionary advantageous for many of our ancestors.

In group cohesion values in our evolutionary past at certain times was more advantageous than truth seeking values. A couple of classic examples:

1. If 10 of your mates out hunting and they all started to run east, safer to run east as well without questioning.
2. Obvious example is if you see a stranger that don't look or dress same as your group in the wild 19k years ago, much safer to assume hotile and be extremely cautious.
3. a few humanoids in the plains, see grass moving it's safer to assume danger instead of come close and inspect. (A hypothesis is Republicans are more fearful as well of "progress" such as new tech or any major changes, hence "conservatives")

This evolutionary perspective helps explain many things for me over the years...

(Side note: a test can be done to see if the hypothesis that Republicans have more ingroup us vs them thinkers by seeing if Republicans are more likely to be big fans of particular teams in team sports over Democrats)

Last edited by CheckCheckFold; 11-19-2020 at 05:26 PM.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 05:23 PM
At what point does what Trump and his team are doing constitute treason?
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
At what point does what Trump and his team are doing constitute treason?
Trump shoots an election official in the middle of Fifth Avenue?
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by CheckCheckFold
Trump shoots an election official in the middle of Fifth Avenue?
If I were Biden I would let Trump know that if major unrest happens due to their lies that he will be held responsible.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
If I were Biden I would let Trump know that if major unrest happens due to their lies that he will be held responsible.
Yeah, that sounds like wise advise. Totally agree. Strategically, I only see upside and little downside for Biden to do this. Biden do need to use the right tone as to not make it sound like an escalation of us vs them.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 05:37 PM
After what trump trying to pull off, I changed my stance and hope if some investigation are pending because his still acting president , they follow it up once he leaves office .

This guy trump deserve no forgiveness at all .
That is too much now .
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
After what trump trying to pull off, I changed my stance and hope if some investigation are pending because his still acting president , they follow it up once he leaves office .

This guy trump deserve no forgiveness at all .
That is too much now .
He is willing to crash and burn all of it, the whole country and it's democracy for himself. He is the epitome of narcissism gone wild.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by CheckCheckFold
Trump shoots an election official in the middle of Fifth Avenue?
His followers believe the first moon landing was faked. Faking a video like that would be child's play for the deep state.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by waterwolves
His followers believe the first moon landing was faked. Faking a video like that would be child's play for the deep state.
Haha I can hear chants of "Deep State! Deep Fakes!"
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 05:50 PM
biden should just offer to pardon trump at this point to end the shenanigans. everyone sort of wins
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yeah, I think I agree with you. Graham is certainly unprincipled and a disgusting flip-flopper, but with him, it's at least understandable, as his career and legacy were inexorably tied to Trump the moment Trump won the nomination in 2016. His options were to quit this job or kiss ass, and it's not hard to imagine most people making the latter choice, especially when it's an extremely cushy, completely irreplaceable job. This legal adviser? She could do tons of other things that have nothing to do with Trump and been hardly any the worse for it.
I disagree. Lindsey Graham could have done what McCain likely would have done -- that is, refuse to put his dick entirely in Trump's back pocket. That would have reduced his influence in the Senate, but so what. He wasn't going to get voted out of the Senate for showing a little independence. There is no rule that says you have to do whatever it takes to maintain your influence, even compromise your integrity.

He had a choice. He made it. Now he can sit in it as far as I am concerned.

If anyone has any question about Graham's spinelessness, ask yourself whether Graham would have be throwing around allegations of voter fraud right now if anyone other than Donald Trump were president.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Doorbread
biden should just offer to pardon trump at this point to end the shenanigans. everyone sort of wins
Yeah. That wouldn't accomplish ****.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
At what point does what Trump and his team are doing constitute treason?
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 06:19 PM
Trump is definitely acting like he knows it’s the presidency or prison

And that’s kinda scary
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut

Was posting to say exactly this.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I disagree. Lindsey Graham could have done what McCain likely would have done -- that is, refuse to put his dick entirely in Trump's back pocket. That would have reduced his influence in the Senate, but so what. He wasn't going to get voted out of the Senate for showing a little independence. There is no rule that says you have to do whatever it takes to maintain your influence, even compromise your integrity.

He had a choice. He made it. Now he can sit in it as far as I am concerned.

If anyone has any question about Graham's spinelessness, ask yourself whether Graham would have be throwing around allegations of voter fraud right now if anyone other than Donald Trump were president.

He would have been primaried for showing insufficient fealty.

Of course, a person with character would accept this consequence, and I ****ing hate him for doing otherwise. But his job was definitely on the line if he didn’t kiss the ring.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

[ ] Trump won by a landslide
[ ] they will prove it
[?] they will reclaim America for their anti-democratic cult
So she just yapping about usual trump style stuff with absolutely no evidences of fraud , corruption or anything else .

Ok but when she says , republicans won by a big margin , can she at least show us the evidences of that ?
Where are the data that suggest that affirmation ?

They cannot provide evidence of wrong doing and they can’t even show us evidence on what they based their opinion to suggest they won .

It look like more and more like a religion and less like a political party.....

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 11-19-2020 at 06:54 PM.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
At what point does what Trump and his team are doing constitute treason?
That is what I am asking myself too ....
They respect none of the institutions in place anymore .
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
So she just yapping about usual trump style stuff with absolutely no evidences of fraud , corruption or anything else .

Ok but when she did , republicans won by a big margin , can she at least show us the evidences of that ?
Where are the data that suggest that affirmation ?

They can provide evidence of wrong doing and they can’t even show us evidence on what they based their opinion to suggest they won .

It look like more and more like a religion and less like a political party.....
A post I made earlier relevant to your bolded. curious what you think.

Republicans have always been more correlated w:

1. Being more religious
2. More racists
3. Less educated

All 3 are correlated with in group us vs them thinking, which is genetically built deep evolutionarily long long ago. In group cohesion was evolutionary advantageous for many of our ancestors.

In group cohesion values in our evolutionary past at certain times was more advantageous than truth seeking values. A couple of classic examples:

1. If 10 of your mates out hunting and they all started to run east, safer to run east as well without questioning.
2. Obvious example is if you see a stranger that don't look or dress same as your group in the wild 19k years ago, much safer to assume hotile and be extremely cautious.
3. a few humanoids in the plains, see grass moving it's safer to assume danger instead of come close and inspect. (A hypothesis is Republicans are more fearful as well of "progress" such as new tech or any major changes, hence "conservatives")

This evolutionary perspective helps explain many things for me over the years...

(Side note: a test can be done to see if the hypothesis that Republicans have more ingroup us vs them thinkers by seeing if Republicans are more likely to be big fans of particular teams in team sports over Democrats)
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 06:56 PM

Seems as though history is repeating itself
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
That is what I am asking myself too ....
They respect none of the institutions in place anymore .
Winning now is more important than whatever vague concepts of institutions, truth, or democracy etc. That can be worried later. Picture this as a war and you can see and even empathize with their perspective.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 07:43 PM
I was definitely begrudgingly on the side of ignore his crimes and don’t bother prosecuting for the good of the nation but at this point how can you not. He has to be made an example of and of all the sick **** he’s normalized if we allow him to normalize the plain sight demolition of democracy why even bother anymore

He’s jeopardizing national security, lives, the economy, he’s militarizing his cult, he’s causing civil unrest and soon violence without a shred of evidence

Whatever they can use to put him away for the rest of his life they have to. If Biden is inaugurated and trump continues to exist a free man the playbook is written and nobody will bother to stop it til it’s too late. Trump is incompetent and a dumbass. An charismatic, intelligent man taking the mantle could end American democracy
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
At what point does what Trump and his team are doing constitute treason?
When we are at war with a foreign nation, and Trump gives aid and/or comfort to members of the foreign army or government.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 07:51 PM
Little mental exercise: If a narcissistic psychopath with delusions of adequacy were the president instead of Donald Trump, who would he be acting differently from what is happening now?
ex-President Trump Quote
11-19-2020 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
When we are at war with a foreign nation, and Trump gives aid and/or comfort to members of the foreign army or government.
You should look up the definition of treason.
ex-President Trump Quote
