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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

11-13-2020 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
What is the allure of this guy?
The media is very polarizing in both directions. If you watch CNN you're going to think Trump is a dictator and if you watch conservative news stations you're going to think that the Democrats rigged the elections. I would speculate that most citizens that follow politics closely lean strongly one way or another. Due to the heavy biases it is hard to decipher the un-biased truth and most are not going to put in the work to look deeply into it. So if your friend starts watching conservative news he's most likely going to have the beliefs illustrated as they also have smart people on air making good points.

People want a leader who is going to fight for them and he is very charismatic. He's brands himself as a winner who is smart and follows through. He's willing to bend the rules and be spontaneous and that resonates. The more that the left demonizes Trump and his supporters calling them dumb rednecks etc. the more his base bands together to fight. Trump is their fearless leader who will lead them into battle.

Last edited by nohands; 11-13-2020 at 02:21 AM.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by nohands
The media is very polarizing in both directions. If you watch CNN you're going to think Trump is a dictator and if you watch conservative news stations you're going to think that the Democrats rigged the elections. I would speculate that most citizens that follow politics closely lean strongly one way or another. Due to the heavy biases it is hard to decipher the un-biased truth and most are not going to put in the work to look deeply into it. So if your friend starts watching conservative news he's most likely going to have the beliefs illustrated as they also have smart people on air making good points.

People want a leader who is going to fight for them and he is very charismatic. He's brands himself as a winner who is smart and follows through. He's willing to bend the rules and be spontaneous and that resonates. The more that the left demonizes Trump and his supporters calling them dumb rednecks etc. the more his base bands together to fight. Trump is their fearless leader who will lead them into battle.
Ok, you've gone too far. No way you're real. POTY, though, A+ satire.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by nohands
Trump is their fearless leader who will lead them into battle.
And then leave them stranded in the cold to try to catch a ride home.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
But what on earth causes smart people to not be able to see thru it? Similar to a preacher who everyone knows is full of it, but they sit there and follow and nod and neglect to see that it is a mountebank. That guys quote, a hunger for lies, an aversion to truth, we all have some of that in us, but Trump seems to tap into it and turn them into zombie apocalypsers. Anybody know what the hell is going on?
Smart Trump supporters typically recognize that Trump is a conman of sorts, but they think it is the media and the left that are the marks. They believe the media/left/academia etc will be implacably opposed to their political viewpoint regardless but that since leftists can't stop themselves from responding to Trump's daily outrage they don't pay attention to McConnell in the background passing tax cuts and appointing conservative judges and cutting regulations, etc. It's not pleasant watching the Trump sausage being made, but it works and what else should you do when the media is so incredibly hostile? Be all meek like that weakling Romney who was relentlessly mocked by the media? Game theory, bitches. Tit for tat.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by that_pope
And then leave them stranded in the cold to try to catch a ride home.
Before losing an election vs a fairly weak opponent. So much winning!
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by nohands
The media is very polarizing in both directions. If you watch C̵N̵N̵ reputable news stations you're going to think Trump is a dictator and if you watch c̵o̵n̵s̵e̵r̵v̵a̵t̵i̵v̵e̵ ̵n̵e̵w̵s̵ ̵s̵t̵a̵t̵i̵o̵n̵s̵ OAN you're going to think that the Democrats rigged the elections. I would speculate that most citizens that follow politics closely lean strongly one way or another. Due to the heavy biases it is hard to decipher the un-biased truth and most are not going to put in the work to look deeply into it. So if your friend starts watching conservative news he's most likely going to have the beliefs illustrated as they also have smart people on air making good points.

People want a leader who is going to fight for them and he is very charismatic. He's brands himself as a winner who is smart and follows through. He's willing to bend the rules and be spontaneous and that resonates. The more that the left demonizes Trump and his supporters calling them dumb rednecks etc. the more his base bands together to fight. Trump is their fearless leader who will lead them into battle.

Last edited by AnotherMakiavelli; 11-13-2020 at 05:02 AM.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 05:23 AM
he's a 1000 man onslaught pattern mapper
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
What is the allure of this guy? I was just astounded that a lifetime D friend had crossed over into his camp ... was somehow mesmerized into supporting The Donald, along with the conspiracy theories and whatever else you have to to support him.

Without being overtly partisan, I'd like to hear idea about why this happens to people with normally good brains, high IQ's even. How do they fall for this? What is it? I heard that good one by the Philly election official yesterday, "People are hungry to believe lies." Put that with the PT Barnum quote, some other stuff.

Manhattan Mountebank Unreality King's primary followers: religious, racist, rich, rabble rouser suckers, authoritarian types looking to be led. There must be some common denominators, although it is a combination of things I'm sure A deeper look at the "Make America Great Again" might help. Of course some are just substituting "white" for "great" - and that's tens of millions. Fundamentalist type religious is another tens of millions. Ten million rich just voting the economics. Basic tribalism and identity politics tens of millions.

But what on earth causes smart people to not be able to see thru it? Similar to a preacher who everyone knows is full of it, but they sit there and follow and nod and neglect to see that it is a mountebank. That guys quote, a hunger for lies, an aversion to truth, we all have some of that in us, but Trump seems to tap into it and turn them into zombie apocalypsers. Anybody know what the hell is going on?
Does your friend cherish his individuality and independence. Is he a working person who might not be enamored with the Party of Davos?
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
What is the allure of this guy? I was just astounded that a lifetime D friend had crossed over into his camp ... was somehow mesmerized into supporting The Donald, along with the conspiracy theories and whatever else you have to to support him.

Without being overtly partisan, I'd like to hear idea about why this happens to people with normally good brains, high IQ's even. How do they fall for this? What is it? I heard that good one by the Philly election official yesterday, "People are hungry to believe lies." Put that with the PT Barnum quote, some other stuff.

Manhattan Mountebank Unreality King's primary followers: religious, racist, rich, rabble rouser suckers, authoritarian types looking to be led. There must be some common denominators, although it is a combination of things I'm sure A deeper look at the "Make America Great Again" might help. Of course some are just substituting "white" for "great" - and that's tens of millions. Fundamentalist type religious is another tens of millions. Ten million rich just voting the economics. Basic tribalism and identity politics tens of millions.

But what on earth causes smart people to not be able to see thru it? Similar to a preacher who everyone knows is full of it, but they sit there and follow and nod and neglect to see that it is a mountebank. That guys quote, a hunger for lies, an aversion to truth, we all have some of that in us, but Trump seems to tap into it and turn them into zombie apocalypsers. Anybody know what the hell is going on?

Could it be that a vast majority of the 72m+ voted against the Demos and all of the bullshit that they spew???
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by redbuck

Could it be that a vast majority of the 72m+ voted against the Demos and all of the bullshit that they spew???
Voting against the BS the Dems spew is +EV.
Voting for the BS that Trump spews in -EV.

Voting against the BS that Trump spews is +EV
Voting for the BS the Dems spew is -EV.

I'm pretty sure the net EV is negative.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Smart Trump supporters typically recognize that Trump is a conman of sorts, but they think it is the media and the left that are the marks. They believe the media/left/academia etc will be implacably opposed to their political viewpoint regardless but that since leftists can't stop themselves from responding to Trump's daily outrage they don't pay attention to McConnell in the background passing tax cuts and appointing conservative judges and cutting regulations, etc. It's not pleasant watching the Trump sausage being made, but it works and what else should you do when the media is so incredibly hostile? Be all meek like that weakling Romney who was relentlessly mocked by the media? Game theory, bitches. Tit for tat.
This is 100% spot on. Had it explained to me like this before by a well-educated Trumper.

Of course, this conservative also used to rail against Obama for lowering the standards and professionalism of the presidency... Can you guys believe the tan suit incident was news worthy back when we lived in a different universe?
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by nohands
Trump is their fearless leader who will lead them into battle.
Originally Posted by that_pope
And then leave them stranded in the cold to try to catch a ride home.
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Before losing an election vs a fairly weak opponent. So much winning!
And by "lead into battle" he means fake he has bone spurs so as to get no where near the battle field and then follow that up by saying those who went on fought on his behalf are "suckers".

You know, all the traits of a great and fearless leader.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Smart Trump supporters typically recognize that Trump is a conman of sorts, but they think it is the media and the left that are the marks. They believe the media/left/academia etc will be implacably opposed to their political viewpoint regardless but that since leftists can't stop themselves from responding to Trump's daily outrage they don't pay attention to McConnell in the background passing tax cuts and appointing conservative judges and cutting regulations, etc. It's not pleasant watching the Trump sausage being made, but it works and what else should you do when the media is so incredibly hostile? Be all meek like that weakling Romney who was relentlessly mocked by the media? Game theory, bitches. Tit for tat.
Ton of truth in what you write.

I've said prior, and many times, that the electorate World Wide is sick and tired of status quo politicians. Given a candidate of perceived 'change' (Obama, Trudeau) or even a perceived 'wrecking ball' (Trump, Boris J), they will wake up and choose the 'change' candidate.

Voters do not believe they will be the winner regardless of who they vote for with a status quo politician. So why not at least choose someone who may also wreck the political class TOO. It is not just the Dem's, they enjoy seeing Trump destroy but also his GOP colleagues. All are good fodder.

All the while, quietly in the background, the types of things that used to raise alarms such as stripping environmental protections to enrich cronies can go on with almost no notice.

Trump is very much a useful idiot in that regard. It is not his plan to be the clown show, distraction but since its his nature he plays the role naturally. If the circus is good enough people may forget they are not getting any bread.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 11:58 AM
As I was wondering which thread was the appropriate for the below and I posted it to the "Elections" one, and that was just closed so that those talks could continue elsewhere, I will repost it here.


Am I missing something here?

Is it not a slam dunk, Georgia win in January for the 2 Senate seats if the Dems just come out and say 'elect our two representatives, and immediately after taking the Senate, we will pass a bill that will see checks sent out to each one of you citizens who qualify for $X'.

I mean it is the simplest bribe ever and a legit bribe since one side wants to provide direct stimulus, as in money into the hands of consumers, and the other does not.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
As I was wondering which thread was the appropriate for the below and I posted it to the "Elections" one, and that was just closed so that those talks could continue elsewhere, I will repost it here.


Am I missing something here?

Is it not a slam dunk, Georgia win in January for the 2 Senate seats if the Dems just come out and say 'elect our two representatives, and immediately after taking the Senate, we will pass a bill that will see checks sent out to each one of you citizens who qualify for $X'.

I mean it is the simplest bribe ever and a legit bribe since one side wants to provide direct stimulus, as in money into the hands of consumers, and the other does not.
I think there are enough moderate Dem voters who would be turned off with the chance of the Dems packing the court and will either stay home or vote republican.
Think the Dems are going to have to vow not to pack the court to get the win.
Hopefully they do all of the above and then go full Republican and rescind on their promise and pack the court anyways. That would win me back to the Dem side!
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
I think there are enough moderate Dem voters who would be turned off with the chance of the Dems packing the court and will either stay home or vote republican.
Think the Dems are going to have to vow not to pack the court to get the win.
Hopefully they do all of the above and then go full Republican and rescind on their promise and pack the court anyways. That would win me back to the Dem side!
I don't even think the Dem's need to address that, beyond what Biden's done at this point. That January runoff election will arrive really soon and the Dem's should make it a single issue election.

Dangle real tangible money to the citizens. Trump was willing to offer more Trump Checks at the last minute to try and buy votes and the Dems should go even further.

It is a no lose situation for them. Give Joe a stimulus bang to kick start his economy as he is taking office and make citizens feel great.

Mitch will have to oppose it. His goal over the next 2 years will be to try to make sure Joe achieves nothing and people are hurting so they want change by the 2022 midterms and he can take the House while holding the Senate.

if the Dems allow Mitch to win these and hold the Senate they are in for a world of hurt after as his Obama obstruction will look mild by comparison. His path to domination of both Houses is clear. And it is obstruction.

So dangle big money now. Great big checks for every citizen and promise they go out almost immediately after the vote. Just elect these two Dems and they are in the Mail or don't and expect the NOTHING Mitch is offering.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 02:10 PM
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
To my point. It's worth noting that several of the judges pissing all over Trump's legal claims were Republicans.

And it is much less comfortable for a lawyer to lie and dissemble in court than one might image.
And now Jones Day and Porter Wright are out or on their way out. LOL at anyone who thinks these legal cases have legs.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 02:52 PM
There is no belief or any intention for them to have legs.

They are pure marketing. Fox can announce all the filings and put up big headlines and then simply not report a word of the dismissals and thus much of their audience will never hear they were meritless and dismissed.

Federal Judges need to start sanctioning them for bringing these cases citing them as 'nuisance suits'.

Individuals who are overly litigious receive such threats from the judiciary when spamming meritless cases.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 02:54 PM
Stable genius update

ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 02:58 PM
Safest election ever where we won, rampant fraud where we lost. You love to see it.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 03:00 PM
WaPo has more on the fact that the President of the United States hasn't actually been doing his job for awhile

On Thursday, six American service members were killed in a helicopter crash during a peacekeeping mission in Egypt. Tropical Storm Eta made landfall in North Florida, contributing to severe flooding. The number of Americans infected with the novel coronavirus continued at a record-setting pace, sending the stock market tumbling.

At the White House, President Trump spent the day as he has most others this week — sequestered from public view, tweeting grievances, falsehoods and misinformation about the election results and about Fox News’s coverage of him.
It was Biden who offered the first public condolences to the families of the service members who died in Egypt. “I join all Americans in honoring their sacrifice, as I keep their loved ones in my prayers,” he wrote on Twitter in the early afternoon Thursday.

By that time, Trump had issued nearly four dozen critical tweets and retweets about the election results and Fox News, including a baseless conspiracy theory from a far-right television network that alleged votes had been improperly tallied in Pennsylvania. He also found time to thank actor Scott Baio for posting a photo of a craft store’s candle display, which had been arranged to spell out, “Trump is still your president.”

“Thank you Scott, and stay tuned. You are terrific!” Trump wrote.
I had no idea about that helicopter crash, can you imagine the conservative fury if a Democrat didn't immediately bring all flags in the country to half-staff lmao

But his public schedule has not included the daily presidential security briefing since early October, even as his administration has refused to launch the formal transition, depriving President-elect Joe Biden’s team of access to national security information.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 03:02 PM
It was so predictable and we deserve what we get.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 03:16 PM
Trump being the equivalent of the guy who gives a months notice, starts showing up at 10 in Birkenstocks, and then burns 3 weeks of built up leave on the back end while dumping everyone else with half done projects and missing files is 100% on brand.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-13-2020 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
It was so predictable and we deserve what we get.
Yeah, like, his presidency basically went exactly as liberals predicted four years ago. Riding on the coattails of good growth while being corrupt as hell, then sending the whole country into the shitter when any kind of crisis hit that we knew he would be too incompetent to manage.

Conservatives got 3 years of gloating that none of the liberal doom & gloom predictions came to pass, but year 4 had the last laugh.
ex-President Trump Quote
