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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

05-24-2024 , 07:05 PM
"Fascism's extreme authoritarianism and nationalism often manifest as a belief in racial purity or a master race, usually blended with some variant of racism or discrimination against a demonized "Other", such as Jews, homosexuals, ethnic minorities or immigrants."

Add a touch of "We don't care who 77 million people voted for, we want to stay in power. We are happy to fraudulently disenfranchise 77 million people" (while saying they are the ones stealing the election, this as a classic idiotic projection defense mechanism), thus, yes, totally undercutting ideas of America and freedom in fascist style.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-24-2024 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
"Fascism's extreme authoritarianism and nationalism often manifest as a belief in racial purity or a master race, usually blended with some variant of racism or discrimination against a demonized "Other", such as Jews, homosexuals, ethnic minorities or immigrants."

Add a touch of "We don't care who 77 million people voted for, we want to stay in power. We are happy to fraudulently disenfranchise 77 million people" (while saying they are the ones stealing the election, this as a classic idiotic projection defense mechanism), thus, yes, totally undercutting ideas of America and freedom in fascist style.
Biden got 81,283,501 votes, the highest ever in american history
ex-President Trump Quote
05-24-2024 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
Here's some fun reading for you, though.
Happen to read this one. Not so sure most of those who vote against Trump are onboard with what it has to say.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
The 14 characteristics of fascism ("Fascism Anyone?, Dr. Lawrence Britt "Free Inquiry, Spring 2003, page 20 - fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common):

I put an X next to the ones that were clearly and prominently displayed during Trump's presidency.

[X]1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are
flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

[X] 2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases
because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of
prisoners, etc.

[X[ 3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious
minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

[X] 4. Supremacy of the Military
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic
agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

[X] 5. Rampant Sexism
The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more
rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.

[X] 6. Controlled Mass Media
Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or
sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

[X] 7. Obsession with National Security
Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

[X] 8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and
terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies
or actions.

[X] 9. Corporate Power is Protected
The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually
beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

[X] 10. Labor Power is Suppressed
Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely
suppressed .

[X] 11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other
academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.

[X] 12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even
forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

[X] 13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use
governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and
even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

[X] 14. Fraudulent Elections
Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even
assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media.
Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
I hope we can purge Trump from American politics once and for all, so we can remain a healthy, democratic republic in which only 11 or 12 are those are checked.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Biden got 81,283,501 votes, the highest ever in american history
Thanks I had the 77 million to 70 million thing in my head from before the final count. The important thing is, the fascists want those 81 million votes negated by "I just need you to find 11,780 votes in Georgia" ... so they can have their vulgarian in the office illegally, while claiming the other side is stealing. And THAT, combined with the above descriptions, is fascism ... "I am not vulnerable to elections, I'm the dictator."

"Oh, but he never issued any executive order that was unconstitutional." LOL.

And now, I'll go Nostradamus for a second ... and now his disgusting fascist supporters will scamper away from the debate.

Last edited by FellaGaga-52; 05-25-2024 at 05:17 AM.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Please give me some examples of "fascism", instead of using a broad term that literally means nothing. What exactly did President Trump while he was in office do that suggests he's a "fascist"?

And for the other posters above, I agree with them more than 100%. Trump is literally just a front who means nothing at all, as much (if not a lot more) as pResident byden is a front to the global corrupt satanic deep state (who WERE (key word) planning to unite in a global communist government where you own nothing and be happy) but the major difference is President Trump (who a LOT of generals today have more respet for than byden who I can happily name) is on the side of freedom and free will (literally) and byden is on the side of a satanic cult that wants to further enslave the world. Yes all elections were rigged but would you rather it get rigged by the good guys or the bad guys?
Personally I would rather it go to a satanic cult than a religious one (or a cult of personality). Both of those have caused so many wars and so much hatred that it's time to give someone else a try. It really can't get much worse.

The Mission Of The Satanic Temple Is To Encourage Benevolence And Empathy, Reject Tyrannical Authority, Advocate Practical Common Sense, Oppose Injustice, And Undertake Noble Pursuits.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
You're giving me the definition but I asked what he did specifically (such as signing executive orders, etc.) that is such a "danger" to our way of life? You're hero pResident signed e.o's to open up the boarder to hundreds of thousands of military aged men who are being shipped to every city in the country (doesn't that alert you at all?) Could this be a plan to take over a country from the inside out? (it's in the range of the hand without a doubt). How many more examples do you need? I haven't heard one yet.
The ones shipping them to cities all over the country are Republican governors!
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
Thanks I had the 77 million to 70 million thing in my head from before the final count. The important thing is, the fascists want those 81 million votes negated by "I just need you to find 11,780 votes in Georgia" ... so they can have their vulgarian in the office illegally, while claiming the other side is stealing. And THAT, combined with the above descriptions, is fascism ... "I am not vulnerable to elections, I'm the dictator."

"Oh, but he never issued any executive order that was unconstitutional." LOL.

And now, I'll go Nostradamus for a second ... and now his disgusting fascist supporters will scamper away from the debate.
I don't think it's useful to call an alleged election fraud attempt, or claims of election fraud by the other side, fascism, because both things happened a lot of times in history in many countries and often it wasn't from fascists.

No need to use fascism to claim stuff is bad.

Basically if what you list happened, or fear can happen, happened in Castro Cuba regime as well, can't use fascism unless you want the word to just mean "anti-democratic"
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
I don't think it's useful to call an alleged election fraud attempt, or claims of election fraud by the other side, fascism, because both things happened a lot of times in history in many countries and often it wasn't from fascists.

No need to use fascism to claim stuff is bad.

Basically if what you list happened, or fear can happen, happened in Castro Cuba regime as well, can't use fascism unless you want the word to just mean "anti-democratic"
I think you're having temporary amnesia about the 14-point definition above, the other points I made, on top of the refusal to accept and the attempts to steal the election by illegal means after the fact. WTF? Yes it's the most anti-democratic and anti-American thing that has ever been in government here, of course, and yes it's fascist and it's hardly me leading the charge on that.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 01:25 PM
Trump posted that because of his extra-special relationship with Vladimir Putin,
he — and only he — can free the innocent young American
who has been languishing in a foreign jail for over 400 days.

Trump continues to think that his relationship with Putin is a selling point for his presidential candidacy.

Trump has seemed more interested in personal vendettas than
ensuring the continued safety and security of United States citizens.

Trump views the plight of the young hostage as just another opportunity to score political points.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
You're giving me the definition but I asked what he did specifically (such as signing executive orders, etc.) that is such a "danger" to our way of life? You're hero pResident signed e.o's to open up the boarder to hundreds of thousands of military aged men who are being shipped to every city in the country (doesn't that alert you at all?) Could this be a plan to take over a country from the inside out? (it's in the range of the hand without a doubt). How many more examples do you need? I haven't heard one yet.
Seems you and Trump get the same fear-mongering, BS, talking points to spout about...
NEW YORK, May 23 (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump claimed without evidence on Thursday that immigrants from Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere were "building an army" to attack Americans "from within," once again using inflammatory rhetoric about migrants in the U.S. illegally.
During a rally in the mainly Hispanic and Black neighborhood of New York City's South Bronx, Trump sought to portray migrants from China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other countries as a violent threat, even as studies show immigrants are not more likely to engage in criminality.
"Almost everyone is a male and they look like fighting age. I think they're building an army," Trump said to a few thousand supporters who gathered to hear him in the South Bronx's Crotona Park. "They want to get us from within."
Throughout his campaign, Trump has repeatedly used incendiary language to accuse immigrants in the U.S. illegally of fueling violent crime, calling them "animals" responsible for "poisoning the blood" of the country. As evidence, he points to individual instances of crimes, rather than aggregate data.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
Thanks I had the 77 million to 70 million thing in my head from before the final count. The important thing is, the fascists want those 81 million votes negated by "I just need you to find 11,780 votes in Georgia" ... so they can have their vulgarian in the office illegally, while claiming the other side is stealing. And THAT, combined with the above descriptions, is fascism ... "I am not vulnerable to elections, I'm the dictator."

"Oh, but he never issued any executive order that was unconstitutional." LOL.

And now, I'll go Nostradamus for a second ... and now his disgusting fascist supporters will scamper away from the debate.
Yeah, but what if the election was actually stolen? Is it still fascism to question it or investigate it?

By the way if you think Biden got 81 million legal votes I've got a bridge to sell you.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Yeah, but what if the election was actually stolen? Is it still fascism to question it or investigate it?

By the way if you think Biden got 81 million legal votes I've got a bridge to sell you.
Where is the claim by whom that trump and maga are considered fascist solely based on the 2020 stolen election ploy ?

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 05-25-2024 at 04:21 PM.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 04:20 PM
Fwiw already in 2015 ….
Trump was slowly showing his cards .
So nice try BJ of deflection and misinformation ….again.

But it was after Trump started calling for stronger surveillance of Muslim-Americans in the aftermath of the Paris terrorist attacks that a handful of conservatives ventured to call Trump’s rhetoric something much more dangerous: fascism.

Since launching his campaign this summer, the billionaire real estate magnate has regularly deployed inflammatory rhetoric about immigrants – particularly regarding Latinos – and repeatedly raised the alarm about foreigners entering the country.
Trump is a fascist. And that’s not a term I use loosely or often. But he’s earned it,” tweeted Max Boot, a conservative fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who is advising Marco Rubio.

“Forced federal registration of US citizens, based on religious identity, is fascism. Period. Nothing else to call it,” Jeb Bush national security adviser John Noonan wrote on Twitter.

Conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace, who has endorsed Ted Cruz, also used the “F” word last week: “If Obama proposed the same religion registry as Trump every conservative in the country would call it what it is – creeping fascism.”
Scholars of fascists like Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Germany (none of Trump’s conservative critics have compared him to either man) say, however, that Trump does display some of the key characteristics of a fascist. His comments about a national registry for Muslim-Americans, together with his propensity to stir up anti-immigrant and xenophobic sentiments among his supporters, amount to a perception of hostility toward ethnic and religious minority groups.
Historians say they see other characteristics of fascism in Trump in addition to his propensity for racial and ethnic stereotyping. Among them: nativist undertones, attempts to control the media; and even condoning violence against his critics.

At a Trump campaign rally in Birmingham, Alabama, a black protester was physically attacked by a handful of Trump fans in the crowd. Video captured by CNN shows the man being shoved to the ground, punched and at one point even kicked. The next day, Trump drew fierce backlash when he said that perhaps “he should have been roughed up.”

The sentiment was then echoed by Trump’s senior counsel Michael Cohen. “Every now and then an agitator deserves it,” Cohen said on CNN’s “New Day” Tuesday morning.
Ps: was cohen more credible back then if he wasn’t during the current trial lol…
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Where is the claim by whom that trump and maga are considered fascist solely based on the 2020 stolen election ploy ?
It's in the post that you quoted. DUH.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Fwiw already in 2015 ….
Trump was slowly showing his cards .
So nice try BJ of deflection and misinformation ….again.

Ps: was cohen more credible back then if he wasn’t during the current trial lol…
Lol. Using Max Boot and Michael Cohen, two inveterate liars, as arbiters of what is or isn't fascism is not quite the gotcha you imagine it is dude.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
It's in the post that you quoted. DUH.
You don't know what "solely" means, do you?
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Lol. Using Max Boot and Michael Cohen, two inveterate liars, as arbiters of what is or isn't fascism is not quite the gotcha you imagine it is dude.
WTF you talking about .
Many prominent presidential candidates at the time , scholars , etc said so …
Obv u don’t read much what we post ….
Again deflection and misinformation by you …
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
You don't know what "solely" means, do you?
Seem so
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Where is the claim by whom that trump and maga are considered fascist solely based on the 2020 stolen election ploy ?
Amen. All they've got is misdirection. It's pitiful. The thing is laid out in undeniable fashion, but then people can deny even that. Surreptitiously.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 09:06 PM

The Biden regime is far more fascist than anything Trump ever did. Prosecuting and trying to lock up your political opponents is pure fascism.

Again it's just more tedious projection from the left.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Yeah, but what if the election was actually stolen? Is it still fascism to question it or investigate it?

By the way if you think Biden got 81 million legal votes I've got a bridge to sell you.
Let's hear how you know that the 81 to 74 million vote final count is wrong. And let's hear why in court every claim of the machines being rigged or inaccurate was retracted and/or rebuked summarily. The LOL Fascists of America unite!
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 09:20 PM

You wouldn't know fascism if you fell over it. Throwing meaningless slogans around like that is more descriptive of your own ignorance than anything else.
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James

You wouldn't know fascism if you fell over it. Throwing meaningless slogans around like that is more descriptive of your own ignorance than anything else.
I'll take that as surrender on the substantive point. And so will everyone else not invested in the scam. Got a little problem with Hillary and Barack do you ... to the point of "reality be damned?"
ex-President Trump Quote
05-25-2024 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James

The Biden regime is far more fascist than anything Trump ever did. Prosecuting and trying to lock up your political opponents is pure fascism.

Again it's just more tedious projection from the left.
Again deflection ?
So u don’t deny trump is fascist ?

For Biden, 1 thing do not make fascism .
What else u got on Biden ?
Btw is Biden controlling the judicial system or not ?
Cause wernt you saying he was senile and barely knows where he was half the time ?

Remember trump 2016 ?
« Lock her up ! »
Problem is Hillary , contrary to trump , didn’t really do anything wrong much ….
ex-President Trump Quote
