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Education in the United States Education in the United States

01-16-2023 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
Grizy- please reply to this post with a little blurb describing the content of this video, and your thoughts about it, so people can get a feel for how it relates to the education in the US topic and if they want to watch a 15 min video.

Education in the United States Quote
01-16-2023 , 09:48 PM
I watched the video. It covers various topics around the general theme of our current society failing men, especially low SES men, but in the context of education it basically just covers topics anyone that is paying half attention already knows.

--Boys are well behind girls, and falling further behind by the year, at every level of education.
--Male educators are mostly gone from primary education and are increasingly disappearing at every level of education, and this most likely is part of the problem.
--Despite the narrative around "Girls in STEM," in reality females are by far the majority of higher education, and have numerical majorities in most disciplines comparable to the male majorities in STEM.
--Males are especially under-represented in fields that are expected to grow the most in the coming years (eg. Health, Education, Administration, Language)

Note: This isn't part of the video, but at one point I read a Matt Yglesias substack where he makes the point of the story at all, because it doesn't support the narrative that girls are being discriminated against in higher education; but in reality it has gotten to the point where girls on average are so much more qualified and prepared for higher education than boys that colleges have to quietly perform affirmative action for males just to get male enrollment to 40%.

--There is more, but I have to run. But I am sure most get the gist.
Education in the United States Quote
01-16-2023 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
I watched the video. It covers various topics around the general theme of our current society failing men, especially low SES men, but in the context of education it basically just covers topics anyone that is paying half attention already knows.

--Boys are well behind girls, and falling further behind by the year, at every level of education.
--Male educators are mostly gone from primary education and are increasingly disappearing at every level of education, and this most likely is part of the problem.
--Despite the narrative around "Girls in STEM," in reality females are by far the majority of higher education, and have numerical majorities in most disciplines comparable to the male majorities in STEM.
--Males are especially under-represented in fields that are expected to grow the most in the coming years (eg. Health, Education, Administration, Language)

Note: This isn't part of the video, but at one point I read a Matt Yglesias substack where he makes the point of the story at all, because it doesn't support the narrative that girls are being discriminated against in higher education; but in reality it has gotten to the point where girls on average are so much more qualified and prepared for higher education than boys that colleges have to quietly perform affirmative action for males just to get male enrollment to 40%.

--There is more, but I have to run. But I am sure most get the gist.
Thanks for the excellent summary.
Education in the United States Quote
02-05-2023 , 11:53 PM
This is something I have been thinking about for awhile. With all the discussion about (white) privilege and school choice, something that never gets talked about at all is the distinct privilege that comes from private schooling. IMO its distinct absence from the narrative suggests that it is real, and something no elite wants to even consider giving up.

By now those of us that dont rely completely on left wing MSM propaganda for our news have seen the viral Florida school bus video of a teenage boy hitting a girl half his size as hard as he can in the face and head about 100 times, while a couple smaller boys jump in to do the same. Watching that video, I can't help but think that the one sure fire thing that would ensure something like that never happened is if Joe Biden's granddaughter (one he acknowledges at least) or Bill Gates daughter was on that bus.

All the data is very clear that we are continually pouring more and more monetary resources into public eduction, with little return (if any), while progressive elites more and more silo their own children away from this system. Show me a progressive elite who champions public education as opposed to school choice, and I'll show you a progressive elite whose own children would never get within 1000 feet of any public school.

I think a very real reason there is so little return on the education effort is because the people that have the power to enact the most positive change aren't particularly motivated to do so because it just doesn't affect them, and if you want to be cynical you could suggest they actually prefer public schooling be so dysfunctional because it gives their own private school educated children such a competitive advantage.

It obviously isn't happening, but I do believe the public education situation would dramatically improve for the better if the elites were forced to send their children to public schools and were motivated to actually make things better.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
hi tooth
No. Truthfully he writes way better than I do, independent of whether this is something he would believe or not (I have no idea). Give credit where it is due.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
This is something I have been thinking about for awhile. With all the discussion about (white) privilege and school choice, something that never gets talked about at all is the distinct privilege that comes from private schooling. IMO its distinct absence from the narrative suggests that it is real, and something no elite wants to even consider giving up.

By now those of us that dont rely completely on left wing MSM propaganda for our news have seen the viral Florida school bus video of a teenage boy hitting a girl half his size as hard as he can in the face and head about 100 times, while a couple smaller boys jump in to do the same. Watching that video, I can't help but think that the one sure fire thing that would ensure something like that never happened is if Joe Biden's granddaughter (one he acknowledges at least) or Bill Gates daughter was on that bus.

All the data is very clear that we are continually pouring more and more monetary resources into public eduction, with little return (if any), while progressive elites more and more silo their own children away from this system. Show me a progressive elite who champions public education as opposed to school choice, and I'll show you a progressive elite whose own children would never get within 1000 feet of any public school.

I think a very real reason there is so little return on the education effort is because the people that have the power to enact the most positive change aren't particularly motivated to do so because it just doesn't affect them, and if you want to be cynical you could suggest they actually prefer public schooling be so dysfunctional because it gives their own private school educated children such a competitive advantage.

It obviously isn't happening, but I do believe the public education situation would dramatically improve for the better if the elites were forced to send their children to public schools and were motivated to actually make things better.
One of the few good unintentional consequences of the Covid lockdowns was that more and more parents are considering homeschooling.

Public schools are quickly becoming indoctrination centers in the ways of the Spirit of the Age in a perverse and wicked generation.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
One of the few good unintentional consequences of the Covid lockdowns was that more and more parents are considering homeschooling.

Public schools are quickly becoming indoctrination centers in the ways of the Spirit of the Age in a perverse and wicked generation.
Parents that feel the way you do are the ones that show up at school board meetings or send emails to rail against the evil books they want banned and wanting teachers to stop teaching perversions to young children and grooming them with SOGI. Of course they typically have no idea what they're talking about or what kids are learning in schools, and thus their concerns are typically based on a great deal of misinformation. I guess it would make things easier for schools and school boards if they just went off and homeschooled their kids, but I don't think that's especially good for their kids or society in general. Many of those kids will not be getting the same socialization that is so important at a young age, and if they do, it will likely be with a much less diverse group of peers. And many of those kids will be "indoctrinated" (to use your word) with their parents' narrow-minded beliefs.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:07 AM
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Parents that feel the way you do are the ones that show up at school board meetings or send emails to rail against the evil books they want banned and wanting teachers to stop teaching perversions to young children and grooming them with SOGI. Of course they typically have no idea what they're talking about or what kids are learning in schools, and thus their concerns are typically based on a great deal of misinformation. I guess it would make things easier for schools and school boards if they just went off and homeschooled their kids, but I don't think that's especially good for their kids or society in general. Many of those kids will not be getting the same socialization that is so important at a young age, and if they do, it will likely be with a much less diverse group of peers. And many of those kids will be "indoctrinated" (to use your word) with their parents' narrow-minded beliefs.
I think only parents should be in charge of their own kids' indoctrination process. A bad parent can mess up their own kids terribly, but bad schools can mess up an entire generation.

I personally wouldn't want my kids exposed eight-hours-a-day to the filth they would be subjected to at a typical public school in the USA.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
I think only parents should be in charge of their own kids' indoctrination process. A bad parent can mess up their own kids terribly, but bad schools can mess up an entire generation.

I personally wouldn't want my kids exposed eight-hours-a-day to the filth they would be subjected to at a typical public school in the USA.
What filth are you talking about? Are you referring to the behavior of individual students in terms of things like obscene language or inappropriate behavior? Or are you referring to the subjects taught in the curriculum as filth?
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
This is something I have been thinking about for awhile. With all the discussion about (white) privilege and school choice, something that never gets talked about at all is the distinct privilege that comes from private schooling. IMO its distinct absence from the narrative suggests that it is real, and something no elite wants to even consider giving up.

By now those of us that dont rely completely on left wing MSM propaganda for our news have seen the viral Florida school bus video of a teenage boy hitting a girl half his size as hard as he can in the face and head about 100 times, while a couple smaller boys jump in to do the same. Watching that video, I can't help but think that the one sure fire thing that would ensure something like that never happened is if Joe Biden's granddaughter (one he acknowledges at least) or Bill Gates daughter was on that bus.

All the data is very clear that we are continually pouring more and more monetary resources into public eduction, with little return (if any), while progressive elites more and more silo their own children away from this system. Show me a progressive elite who champions public education as opposed to school choice, and I'll show you a progressive elite whose own children would never get within 1000 feet of any public school.

I think a very real reason there is so little return on the education effort is because the people that have the power to enact the most positive change aren't particularly motivated to do so because it just doesn't affect them, and if you want to be cynical you could suggest they actually prefer public schooling be so dysfunctional because it gives their own private school educated children such a competitive advantage.

It obviously isn't happening, but I do believe the public education situation would dramatically improve for the better if the elites were forced to send their children to public schools and were motivated to actually make things better.
Why are you singling out progressive elites? Do you think conservative elites' kids go to public schools?
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920
What filth are you talking about? Are you referring to the behavior of individual students in terms of things like obscene language or inappropriate behavior? Or are you referring to the subjects taught in the curriculum as filth?
All of the above.

Especially the teachings of Evolutionism and the promotion of various sexual perversions.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
All of the above.

Especially the teachings of Evolutionism and the promotion of various sexual perversions.
I went to a private Christian school from K-12. They taught us about the evils of masturbation and the evils of homosexuality nearly every day. And as you can probably guess, all of us who went there only have eyes-closed lights-off missionary sex with our wives like the good lord intended.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 11:55 AM
its even worse at university. Imagine a classroom where the teacher is the poorest person in the room, thats many classes at expensive private universities.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
One of the few good unintentional consequences of the Covid lockdowns was that more and more parents are considering homeschooling.
In an era in which people are spending more and more time in front of a computer, this seems like a terrible development.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Why are you singling out progressive elites? Do you think conservative elites' kids go to public schools?
I was wondering the same thing.

It also depends on where you live. In many places, especially in suburbia, the local public schools are as good or better than the private schools. And in those places, the "elites"--regardless of whether they are progressive, centrist, or conservative--unsurprising tend to send their kids to the public schools.

I grew up in a place where the public schools were far, far better than any private school option.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 02:55 PM
Most public schools are perfectly fine. I'd much sooner trust a middle-of-the-curve public school over a random homeschooler.

I assume the instances of teaching kindergarteners about chicks with dicks is a few rogue teachers with an odd agenda. People who act like the left is all up in their classrooms putting a woke spin on every subject should maybe ask to sit in on classes one day. The right to do so was enshrined in federal law at one point, but maybe that's no longer a thing.

However, most public schools being fine doesn't change the fact that many are absolutely not fine, and it's getting so much worse. Milwaukee for example, has maybe 1 in 7 kids with basic grade-appropriate math skills, and 1 in 5 for reading. While we talk about the N-word in 100 year old books and Billy's three mommies, another generation of black Milwaukeeans are getting shoved through the system without basic skills.

They can't even read Huck Finn well enough to get offended by the language in it.

Maybe if we quadruple the per-pupil spending there instead of simply doubling the statewide average, it'll all fall into place.

Also, like tgiggity says, if you go too far to one end of the spectrum, kids will satisfy their curiosities elsewhere. No amount of filth at public school can hold a candle to the wonders of the internet. It's better for society as a whole if you allow early exposure to the world's various oddities and just have a conversation about it at home. I'll still go to bat for most parochial schools, though. Everybody needs a little Jesus in their lives from time to time. As with the spectrum of public schools, most religious ones are on the up and up and will spit out educated and mostly well-behaved kids on the back end if given the opportunity.

WWJD? Jesus wouldn't crack the teacher over the head with a chromebook and call her a **** and then get into a giant brawl because Tasha liked your boyfriend's insta. Why are 4th graders on social media, again? Why do they have phones at all?

15 MPS students were shot and killed last school year in the process of doing things that weren't homework or bible study.

No, it wasn't at the hands of the police. These kids know full well that the cops won't chase them.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:06 PM
I've disagreed very strongly with Inso0 on a lot of stuff in this thread, but I my find myself hard-pressed to disagree with anything in this post. The parts I agree with very strongly:

Originally Posted by Inso0
Most public schools are perfectly fine. I'd much sooner trust a middle-of-the-curve public school over a random homeschooler.
Originally Posted by Inso0
I assume the instances of teaching kindergarteners about chicks with dicks is a few rogue teachers with an odd agenda. People who act like the left is all up in their classrooms putting a woke spin on every subject should maybe ask to sit in on classes one day.
This, this, so much this.

Originally Posted by shortstacker
All of the above.

Especially the teachings of Evolutionism and the promotion of various sexual perversions.
Ah, of course. So really not a lot of point having this conversation, since I believe you basically think that education that is counter to Young Earth Creationist beliefs is wrong/perverted/what have you and/or that at the very least creationism should be taught alongside evolution.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
All of the above.

Especially the teachings of Evolutionism and the promotion of various sexual perversions.
And u speak about being against indoctrination

Doesn’t mean because don’t like it u don’t like it it ain’t true .
It’s not a choice , it’s where the evidences point at .
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:15 PM
I was sick the day they taught us about sexual perversions.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
I went to a private Christian school from K-12. They taught us about the evils of masturbation and the evils of homosexuality nearly every day.
Nearly every day? Sounds rather excessive to me.

And as you can probably guess, all of us who went there only have eyes-closed lights-off missionary sex with our wives like the good lord intended.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I was sick the day they taught us about sexual perversions.
Good! You were very fortunate!
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Ah, of course. So really not a lot of point having this conversation, since I believe you basically think that education that is counter to Young Earth Creationist beliefs is wrong/perverted/what have you and/or that at the very least creationism should be taught alongside evolution.
You have summarized my position well.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
And u speak about being against indoctrination
I am not against indoctrination per se. I'm against public schools indoctrinating kids into the ways of a wicked and perverse generation.

Doesn’t mean because don’t like it u don’t like it it ain’t true .
It’s not a choice , it’s where the evidences point at .
Neither Evolutionism nor Young Earth Creationism are based primarily on scientific evidence.

The history of Evolutionism doesn't start with Darwin in the 19th century; it starts with Ancient Greek Philosophy around 400 B.C.
Education in the United States Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
I am not against indoctrination per se. I'm against public schools indoctrinating kids into the ways of a wicked and perverse generation.

Neither Evolutionism nor Young Earth Creationism are based primarily on scientific evidence.

The history of Evolutionism doesn't start with Darwin in the 19th century; it starts with Ancient Greek Philosophy around 400 B.C.
Are u telling us that the evidences of evolution va the evidences of creationists are the same amount ?

Ps: something perverse for someone might not be perverse for another ….
Education in the United States Quote
