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Does the US spend too much on the military? Does the US spend too much on the military?

05-01-2019 , 04:13 PM
The US is the country with the biggest debt in the World. Therefore it makes sense to have the biggest army as well, otherwise one day someone could knock at the door and ask for his money. You don't want that.
Does the US spend too much on the military? Quote
05-01-2019 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
No, 1950, and it was a UN counter-offensive in response to North Korea's invasion of the South. The UN then pulled back because the Red Chinese with Stalin's backing attacked in enormous numbers.
Yes, fall of 1950. True, the invasion of the north followed the attack on the south, but it was a distinct decision to rollback the opposition rather than return to the status quo. Threatening China was a worse decision than even the 2003 Iraq invasion.

"The UN then pulled back" is a nice way of putting the longest retreat in US military history. Who was it, Rusk, Acheson? who said it was the worst defeat since Bull Run.
Does the US spend too much on the military? Quote
05-01-2019 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I didn't know NSF was in the military budget. That does make it harder to measure, if true. But I'm so far away from being able to give very detailed answers on any of this that it probably doesn't matter. This is very 50k foot view stuff for me.
Pretty sure the NSF is not funded through the military budget. Same for NIH and NASA. DARPA and others fall under the DOD.
Does the US spend too much on the military? Quote
05-01-2019 , 05:45 PM
The DoD also directly funds a lot of research. If you go down the rabbit hole and look up the institutions of the authors and where the grants come from, obvious military sources pop up more tHan you would think.

It’s peobably just a drop in the bucket, but I guess the point is the “military” budget is probably more thaings than you think.

For example, it probably covers drinks anytime a military personnel is getting sloshed at a Trump property.
Does the US spend too much on the military? Quote
