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Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Does our society have a systemic bias against short men?

11-14-2023 , 04:08 PM
Oh and btw
Putin and Zelensky are BOTH about 5.5 ~ 5.6. WHY?
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 04:12 PM
Lack of proper nutrition?

washoe telling on himself a little bit here, or maybe I'm just a weirdo, but I tend not to stand 6 inches away from people when talking to them. I get pretty miserable neck/lower back pain from doing things at standard height countertops for a prolonged period of time, but not from simply talking to shorter people at a reasonable distance.

Been married for more than 20 years to a woman who is almost 20 inches shorter than I am and the height difference really isn't a problem there. She's a big fan, for various reasons.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 04:31 PM
My oldest son is 6'7" and he's smarter than all of you. Second son is puny at 6'5"..... but still way smarter than this lot.

They are getting ahead because they are tall? lol
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 04:46 PM
Dr. Spew had the tallest pool boy on the block, it seems.

Does #2 know his older brother is the clear favorite?
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Dr. Spew had the tallest pool boy on the block, it seems.

Does #2 know his older brother is the clear favorite?
LoL pretty good.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Putin and Zelensky are BOTH about 5.5 ~ 5.6. WHY?
I don't see any of you courageous enough to answer this question.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I think it was a jocular way of him saying he's less than six feet tall.
Ya I’m 5’11
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
My oldest son is 6'7" and he's smarter than all of you. Second son is puny at 6'5"..... but still way smarter than this lot.

They are getting ahead because they are tall? lol
They have an unfair advantage.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Oh and btw
Putin and Zelensky are BOTH about 5.5 ~ 5.6. WHY?
Mostly genetics, with some small amount of environment. To answer the how could a short guy become leader of a country, same reason j9 suited can beat kT offsuite. The odds are in the favor of the taller person but they aren't overwhelming.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 05:39 PM
I love my height and feel zero discrimination. I might make up for it in other ways though! Trashy girls who discriminate have already lost my interest.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Metod Tinuviel
Mostly genetics, with some small amount of environment. To answer the how could a short guy become leader of a country, same reason j9 suited can beat kT offsuite. The odds are in the favor of the taller person but they aren't overwhelming.
Why would Z and Putin have similar genetics? Your story doesn't hold up.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0

Does #2 know his older brother is the clear favorite?
The oldest is always the favorite. I remind my younger sister of this all the time.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why would Z and Putin have similar genetics? Your story doesn't hold up.
I never said they have similar genetics. I said they are the height they are because of genetics since height is largely genetically determined.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
They have an unfair advantage.
This is just one of many “unfair” advantages. I don’t get the focus on this particular one.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Metod Tinuviel
I never said they have similar genetics. I said they are the height they are because of genetics since height is largely genetically determined.
Sounds like you’re hiding something.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Sounds like you’re hiding something.
The lizard people pay pretty well so I will continue to cover for them.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
everyone is under 6 feet. well 99%
the rest is ****ed finding beds and cars.
Or in the real world, ~90% of adults. But I guess being off by 10x isn't all that much when you're just pulling numbers out of your ass, amirite?
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 11:03 PM
In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over.
Roughly 1% of US women are 6 feet tall or taller.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-14-2023 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
They have an unfair advantage.
Shorter men live longer, are less likely to have cancer and have lower fasting insulin levels.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-15-2023 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
Shorter men live longer, are less likely to have cancer and have lower fasting insulin levels.
Those things don’t really affect how society treats you
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-15-2023 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
Shorter men live longer, are less likely to have cancer and have lower fasting insulin levels.
Are you saying that's because none of them are president of the United States or C-suite executives?

Overcoming a significant height disadvantage is a tall order... it's stupidly arbitrary how short men are looked down upon
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-15-2023 , 01:34 AM
Someone create an SLM avatar and I'll proudly display it.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-15-2023 , 02:42 AM
i think threads like this are bad because it just creates a feeling of self loathing/defeat for short people

it's out of your control, there's nothing that can be done about it - so stewing on it is dumb

it's more important to have a tall and confident attitude than to be tall

i'm 6'2, (closer to 6'3 than 6'2)

i did not consider myself tall for the longest time because I had a late growth spurt and there were always people taller than me

i also hunched over a bit so i was often closer to eye level with my peers than I should have been and frankly didn't even really notice height - i never thought of myself as short but definitely didn't think of myself as tall

it took years of people offhandedly referring to me as tall before i finally began to accept it

but the main thing was part of growing up and boosting my confidence in general and standing upright and caring about how i dressed (did my clothes fit? were there stains on my clothes? were they wrinkled?) and having a regular haircut i then began to experience an overwhelming difference in how strangers treated me vs when i was slovenly dressed and slouched over with a neckbeard

i see this thread and it makes me sad, just feels like a self pity party that will just reinforce a "woe is me i'm short" mindset and that mindset is what sets you back not the physical height.

so just chill, keep your head up, & dig dig dig dig dig

Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-15-2023 , 03:28 AM
as the resident short guy of this thread, i affirm rick's beliefs and must admit that my big personality irl makes me feel like i'm 6'6".

basketball is the only thing.
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
11-15-2023 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
i think threads like this are bad because it just creates a feeling of self loathing/defeat for short people

it's out of your control, there's nothing that can be done about it - so stewing on it is dumb

it's more important to have a tall and confident attitude than to be tall

i'm 6'2, (closer to 6'3 than 6'2)

i did not consider myself tall for the longest time because I had a late growth spurt and there were always people taller than me

i also hunched over a bit so i was often closer to eye level with my peers than I should have been and frankly didn't even really notice height - i never thought of myself as short but definitely didn't think of myself as tall

it took years of people offhandedly referring to me as tall before i finally began to accept it

but the main thing was part of growing up and boosting my confidence in general and standing upright and caring about how i dressed (did my clothes fit? were there stains on my clothes? were they wrinkled?) and having a regular haircut i then began to experience an overwhelming difference in how strangers treated me vs when i was slovenly dressed and slouched over with a neckbeard

i see this thread and it makes me sad, just feels like a self pity party that will just reinforce a "woe is me i'm short" mindset and that mindset is what sets you back not the physical height.

so just chill, keep your head up, & dig dig dig dig dig

Tall privilege itt
Does our society have a systemic bias against short men? Quote
