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The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left?

10-13-2022 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Well than how do you think i think different? It may be a valid point but please explain
You're probably imagining that the general public is against war and that Tulsi is as well.
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-13-2022 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
You're probably imagining that the general public is against war and that Tulsi is as well.
Anyone who is truly anti-war could only win the nomination for their party if they belonged to the Green Party or the Libertarian Party.
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-13-2022 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I don't believe you that you think trump would have shut down businesses and schools for as long or as hard as dems would have. No person that can write in complete sentences (which you can) and is interested enough in this topic to reply in this thread (which you have) is that dumb.
...says the guy who, more often than not, says things 'that dumb'.
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-15-2022 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
I think she was overreacting to treat the dem party as a sinking ship and evacuating. I know there are some who think the dems nominating and voting in a man in Biden’s mental condition is unforgivable as is pushing the green agenda so hard that we are facing a very serious inflation issue and their insane overreaction to Covid, but I think history has shown us even the most serious immoral decisions a party can make are forgiven and these 3 would certainly fit the bill.

Dems have done an amazing job distracting people away from Biden’s mental aptitude, their Covid overreaction and the massive negative intended consequences of their push to go green by constantly bringing up trump and abortion.
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-16-2022 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Dems have done an amazing job distracting people away from Biden’s mental aptitude, their Covid overreaction and the massive negative intended consequences of their push to go green by constantly bringing up trump and abortion.
Easy to do since, even though I agree that Biden's brain has been going downhill, it's still better than Trump's ever was.
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-16-2022 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Easy to do since, even though I agree that Biden's brain has been going downhill, it's still better than Trump's ever was.
The reality is a good part of the Dems hope Biden/Harris doesn't run and a large majority of the GOP other than the extreme trumpster's hope Trump doesnt run
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-18-2022 , 07:12 AM

Sinema’s ‘incredibly unpopular’ idea

in Sinema’s vision, the wishes of her country’s electorate should be ignored if the minority party says so

“Sinema and others like her are the Grown Ups.
And We The People are spoiled children constantly asking for things.”

Sinema, believes more should be done to encourage Senate abuses,
empower abusers, and shift more authority away from those who win elections.
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-18-2022 , 09:08 AM
The most donor money flows to politicians when they ensure the minority position can be maintained. Sinema learned this early and is a pig at the trough.
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-18-2022 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
The most donor money flows to politicians when they ensure the minority position can be maintained. Sinema learned this early and is a pig at the trough.

The number that blew me away was the Georgia Senate election were the Dems have spent 70 million and the GOP 70 million . Largest ever

They all learn about the trough. I saw that Maxine Waters has paid her daughter over a million bucks from campaign money
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-18-2022 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
The number that blew me away was the Georgia Senate election were the Dems have spent 70 million and the GOP 70 million . Largest ever

They all learn about the trough. I saw that Maxine Waters has paid her daughter over a million bucks from campaign money
yes US politics has been hopelessly corrupted by big money.

And lol, should I even ask 'where' you learned about Maxine Waters payments to her daughter or can I guess? Btw do you have any idea or not how common or not that is with other politicians???
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-22-2022 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
yes US politics has been hopelessly corrupted by big money.

And lol, should I even ask 'where' you learned about Maxine Waters payments to her daughter or can I guess? Btw do you have any idea or not how common or not that is with other politicians???
Joe Rogan Podcast I do believe

I bet its common equally amongst both parties.

The one that got me is the stock trading they have all broken the rules and the fines for doing so at most are $250. The new bill would be a $1000 but Nancy will never let it get to the floor

Sometimes I wonder if Nancy and Mitch have more power than the President
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-22-2022 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by lozen

I bet its common equally amongst both parties.
It was but trump/maga have taken it so much farther... 10X, 100X?
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-22-2022 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by steamraise
It was but trump/maga have taken it so much farther... 10X, 100X?
I actually think that is false I'm sure it was just as bad before Trump and will be after Trump
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
10-22-2022 , 08:34 PM
I think Trump Maga and Repubs in general do take things much farther in terms of naked power grabs.

but it doesnt matter in the end bc both sides govern about 95% the same. like, I voted for Biden bc Immigrants were being locked up in cages, sent to hostile areas, and there was a stupid wall. Biden has continued all of that while drastically increasing military and police spending. its really a joke.
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
11-05-2022 , 04:47 PM
Herschel Walker was a great player in high school.
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
11-05-2022 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by nucularburro
Herschel Walker was a great player in high school.
Yep, too bad he didn't pay more attention in his English and Sex Ed classes.
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
11-05-2022 , 06:05 PM
That doesn't matter to God fearing christians
The Democratic Party... Is there really anything left, that is left? Quote
