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Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Death penalty (extracted from mod thread)

09-10-2023 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Yeah well that's what a **** load of prozac will do to you. Where's the psychiatrist's life sentence???
No, it's not. I have studied lots about Prozac and other SSRIs for the past 33 years, as well as taking most of the medicines myself. I took the maximum legal dose of prozac for awhile, and I never had any violent incidents, nor did I have ideation of murder (for anyone other than my forementioned lifelong tormentor).
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 04:43 AM
So how do you deal with homicidal ideation in a healthy productive way? Certainly not me, I'm most definitely not talking about myself, but I've read stories about this person having homicidal ideation for well over a year because of these people stealing a decade of their life's work and then completely ****ing them out of their lawsuit against them by hiring a good ole boy's club attorney who was super chummy with the corrupt and biased judge.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
So how do you deal with homicidal ideation in a healthy productive way? Certainly not me, I'm most definitely not talking about myself, but I've read stories about this person having homicidal ideation for well over a year because of these people stealing a decade of their life's work and then completely ****ing them out of their lawsuit against them by hiring a good ole boy's club attorney who was super chummy with the corrupt and biased judge.
Unfortunately I don't have any particular ideas for someone like that. But I would recommend that person see a psychiatrist and likely start taking some psychiatric medication.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 04:51 AM
This person worked their entire ****ing life at one thing, to be something, to be somebody, and after working their entire life, and after working an entire decade for other people, they got absolute ****ing NOTHING out of it cause NO ONE ****ING CARES ABOUT ANY HARD WORK YOU PUT INTO ANYTHING unless you're already rich, or have corporations propping you up with money and shoving you into everyone's faces and ears in magazines and radio.

What's the ****ing point? What's it all for? What's any of it matter at all? Work your whole ****ing life to be absolutely ****ing nothing to anyone. Work your whole ****ing life and be absolutely ****ing amazing at what you do to end up with nothing. Not have a ****ing romantic partner for nearly 20 ****ing years.

Why not just say **** it all and go murder a bunch of people? Bad publicity is better than no publicity, right? Why work your whole ****ing life at something in an honest and dedicated way when it leads to absolutely nothing but irrelevancy and poverty, when you could just go be the biggest baddest ****ing monster you can imagine and be known all over the world? Not only that but you actually get groupies. Look at all the women that adored Ted Bundy and Charles Manson. What the **** is the point in any of it? What kind of ****ing rules do we live under for life?

they makes no sense, no sense, no sense, no sense, we have no sense
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Unfortunately I don't have any particular ideas for someone like that. But I would recommend that person see a psychiatrist and likely start taking some psychiatric medication.

Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 04:56 AM
The great irony that I've read about this person is that for the first time in their life, they actually, finally, have a whooooole lot to lose in life. This person writes that its led to a huge conflict in their life, wanting to throw it all away in revenge, but that feeling coming from their life long existence of having nothing in life, a situation now drastically changed. This person writes about how if they had nothing in life, they'd have nothing to lose and would do the ultimate taking. But they can't, because now they have a whole lot to lose, and it's caused a tremendous internal conflict for them.
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09-10-2023 , 05:13 AM
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I think those people shouldn't be executed because it lets them off too easy. However, I also support removing the ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

Letting them roam free is ridiculous though. I can't imagine Jesus thinking that is a good idea.
Chicago let this Satanist cannibal serial killer roam free

And this dude who murdered 71 people was freed and became a youtuber until he was murdered himself last March

Quite a few cases of convicted serial killers being free today actually
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I think the punishment for murder should be 7 years in prison but we should have nicer prisons.
Seven years? For actual murder? Including first degree? You should get a life sentence for first degree murder and lwop for especially heinous ones. You show such an utter disregard for life, then you should forfeit your freedom for life.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I don't know that it would happen and have no evidence for it, but it certainly would "make sense" for people living on the street to be willing to do whatever it takes to get luxury accommodations along with good treatment for 7 years, and I'm sure most of them know of a person or two they would love to get rid of anyway.

But now that I think about it, most of the homeless in the US likely wouldn't want to go to any prison where they weren't allowed access to their drug of choice, as that is what keeps so many of them out of homeless shelters currently.
The reason it doesn't make sense is because there are many lesser crimes you can commit if you just want to go to a laid back jail for a few years. No normal person is going to murder someone due to marginally improved conditions in prisons.

Second, it seems like you're just finding ways to denigrate homeless people needlessly. Instead, we should just provide homes for the homeless. It's a problem the is easily solved, if we wanted to solve it. This is classic victim blaming.
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09-10-2023 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Instead, we should just provide homes for the homeless. It's a problem the is easily solved, if we wanted to solve it. This is classic victim blaming.
Agreed, it's time to bring the loony bins back.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Seven years? For actual murder? Including first degree? You should get a life sentence for first degree murder and lwop for especially heinous ones. You show such an utter disregard for life, then you should forfeit your freedom for life.
No, actually draconian punishments do not deter crime but instead create more violent societies.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
No, actually draconian punishments do not deter crime but instead create more violent societies.
Deterrence is not the only goal of incarceration. As commonly accepted in jurisprudence, retribution, both on on behalf of the direct victim(s) and on behalf of society, is one of the stated goals of punishment (incarceration or otherwise).

Rehabilitation is another goal, but that's not relevant in life without parole situations.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Deterrence is not the only goal of incarceration. As commonly accepted in jurisprudence, retribution is one of the stated goals of punishment (incarceration or otherwise).
That's true, but I don't think it should be. Or, it should be the smallest goal.

I am against life without parole in almost all cases.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
That's true, but I don't think it should be. Or, it should be the smallest goal.
Well that is of course your right, but society disagrees with you pretty much uniformly all across the world.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
No, actually draconian punishments do not deter crime but instead create more violent societies.
Not if the violent people are doing lwop they don't and there's nothing draconian in giving lwop sentences to true dangers to society such as serial killers, spree shooters, serial rapists, torture murderers etc. & 7 years is a blatant disrespect to murder victims especially innocent ones.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Well that is of course your right, but society disagrees with you pretty much uniformly all across the world.
I wouldn't say uniformly. certainly there are millions for prison abolition. And then a more moderate group of 100's of millions of people for prison reform who to varying degrees agree with me. I do think the majority are more for retribution typically the dumber they are( many exceptions, not a direct correlation, etc) .
In the movie harrison bergeron , and the short story by ray bradbury, the dumbed down people decide to fight crime by killing people for parking violations and other minor crimes. There are many countries moving back to draconian punishments, castration, murder, torture etc at the moment and I think it is barbaric.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Not if the violent people are doing lwop they don't and there's nothing draconian in giving lwop sentences to true dangers to society such as serial killers, spree shooters, serial rapists, torture murderers etc. & 7 years is a blatant disrespect to murder victims especially innocent ones.
This isn't clear from what I wrote but just to be clear 7 years is not uniformly the highest sentence I would propose and it's 7 years per murder, not total. So if someone murdered 3 people that would be 21 years. I think due to decades long sentences for relatively ( Relatively!) minor offenses this encourages mass shootings in the us. The punishment for manslaughter might be 20 years, a virtual life sentence , making the punishment equivalent for the criminal to the punishment he would receive for gunning down 30 people.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
That's true, but I don't think it should be. Or, it should be the smallest goal.

I am against life without parole in almost all cases.
Exvcellent post by you.

I'd add to your death penalty points the pressure it can be used to apply.. How many are coerced into pleading by real or implied threats of charges that could result in the death penalty?
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Exvcellent post by you.

I'd add to your death penalty points the pressure it can be used to apply.. How many are coerced into pleading by real or implied threats of charges that could result in the death penalty?
Lots. Most cases never go to trial.

Also, thanks. : )
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 02:26 PM
It’s very simple, if you intentionally end someone’s life you should face the same fate. An eye for an eye
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
This isn't clear from what I wrote but just to be clear 7 years is not uniformly the highest sentence I would propose and it's 7 years per murder, not total. So if someone murdered 3 people that would be 21 years. I think due to decades long sentences for relatively ( Relatively!) minor offenses this encourages mass shootings in the us. The punishment for manslaughter might be 20 years, a virtual life sentence , making the punishment equivalent for the criminal to the punishment he would receive for gunning down 30 people.
Thanks for clarifying. However, if someone murders three people they need to be incarcerated for natural life, without parole, in order to protect society from them. Same for mass shooters and mass shooters are trying to murder as many as possible from the start, it's not because of arguably excessive sentences for crimes such as manslaughter. One needs to put the safety of society above ideology or beliefs in how things should be. And for crimes such as multiple murder, society's safety comes first.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
This isn't clear from what I wrote but just to be clear 7 years is not uniformly the highest sentence I would propose and it's 7 years per murder, not total. So if someone murdered 3 people that would be 21 years.
Why does it take a different amount of time to rehabilitate someone based on the number of people they have killed?
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
Why does it take a different amount of time to rehabilitate someone based on the number of people they have killed?
deterrence. I was discounting retribution not deterrence.
Death penalty (extracted from mod thread) Quote
09-10-2023 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Bryce you should read about Alyssa Bustamante. imo that is the very definition of cruel and unusual punishment. She had a horrible and very traumatic upbringing, it led to a lot of emotional issues and self harm, and the "rational" adults in the room jacked her up on a **** load of prozac when she was 15. A mere week or two after jacking her up on those drugs, she made a horrible mistake and committed murder, and the absolute ****ing monsters in the court room tried her as an adult, and sentenced her to serve basically life in prison. A ****ing 15 year old girl, jacked up on prozac by a psychiatrist who didn't give a **** about her, only cared about making money off of her, and she made one ****ing mistake and the piece of **** judge and prosecutors put her away for life.

Her ****ing psychiatrist should be in prison and she should be free, living her life. She's done her time, they need to let her go
Her crime is horrible, obviously. But she was a 15 year old girl. 2054 is too long. Think of all the stuff she'll miss. Her prom. High school dates . college. Her 20's. Her 30's. She'll be infertile when she gets out. That is probably unnecessarily cruel.
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