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Cuomo Cuomo

08-05-2021 , 12:11 PM
Ya I am not.

I don't think an unknown AOC, as she was when she won her Congressional seat, would have a chance in the Mayoral race.

That said I think she has built substantial profile since entering Congress that would aid her now in a mayoral or gubernatorial run along with her demonstrated political savviness as you point out.

Beyond that I think the Mayors race suffered with most of the candidates except for the eventual winner being on the Progressive spectrum and splitting those votes while he ran as the sole more Establishment candidate.

I think the Gubernatorial race could have the opposite dynamic amongst any 'Name' candidates that might jump in. I do not foresee any 'Name' progressives doing so.

But yes again I am not sure how Progressive candidates are generally perceived outside NYC and across broader NYS, but I do think the 'Working People' focus should resonate as the rest of the State is very much blue collar.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 01:11 PM
I don't believe that any current NY State Democrat politician would be a significant favorite over AOC for the party's nomination for Governor.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 01:46 PM
Lol how the hell does Cuomo not resign at this point? Absolutely zero support from Biden on down. Guaranteed to get impeached if he refuses to step down.

I realize he's an obstinate, arrogant jerk it even he has to know it's over at this point.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I don't believe that any current NY State Democrat politician would be a significant favorite over AOC for the party's nomination for Governor.
This checks out. Conservatives love to imagine that progressives dominate the Democratic party.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Lol how the hell does Cuomo not resign at this point? Absolutely zero support from Biden on down. Guaranteed to get impeached if he refuses to step down.

I realize he's an obstinate, arrogant jerk it even he has to know it's over at this point.
Bolded is the key. Cuomo almost certainly does not believe he did anything wrong.

Rarely has a politician deserved a fall from grace as much as Cuomo.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Lol how the hell does Cuomo not resign at this point? Absolutely zero support from Biden on down. Guaranteed to get impeached if he refuses to step down.

I realize he's an obstinate, arrogant jerk it even he has to know it's over at this point.
I would add this as also key to the prior point as Cuomo has shown little care for the establishment applause prior and was more than comfortable putting his thumb in any and all of their eyes if he felt powerful enough to get away with it.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This checks out. Conservatives love to imagine that progressives dominate the Democratic party.
Fair enough.

Having said that, please name somebody who you believe would be a significant favorite over AOC . Thanks.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Fair enough.

Having said that, please name somebody who you believe would be a significant favorite over AOC . Thanks.
Carl Heastie, Andrea Stewart Cousins and a ton of other people you probably haven't heard of because they don't get attacked regularly by national conservative news organizations.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 08:11 PM
Is Cuomo basically the trump of the dems?
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Carl Heastie, Andrea Stewart Cousins and a ton of other people you probably haven't heard of because they don't get attacked regularly by national conservative news organizations.
they certainly look like they could be great candidates but to be fair a quick scan of the MSM shows even left media rarely talks about them. Not that, that is a bar to running and being successful, as they have proven they can do both, but is being mostly low key and off the radar of the masses enough to distance themselves in a race against someone like AOC who would likely get Trump level free MSM press coverage in a run???
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 08:26 PM
AOC isn't running for governor. In her current career path that would be a step down. Not worth discussing.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Carl Heastie, Andrea Stewart Cousins and a ton of other people you probably haven't heard of because they don't get attacked regularly by national conservative news organizations.
Ok, thanks.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
cuomo is what we deserve because we're lazy and indifferent and will happily await the stakeholders choose their offspring as replacements with no qualifications other being offspring of former stakeholders

he only looked decent because everyone else is utterly terrible

we have a bountiful supply of hardworking and intelligent people who'd make fantastic leaders but they can't break through the barrier of getting their names on the ballots so we're just given this and then trick ourselves into believing one is better than the other

cuomo was a garbage fire of a governor who bungled everything with covid doing an absolute joke of a job but because he was actually proactive he didn't look as trash of others we had to compare him to

He only looked decent bc his brother is a big time CNN personality. Queue the Carlin quote about a big club.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
AOC isn't running for governor. In her current career path that would be a step down. Not worth discussing.
I think it's worth discussing. But, thank you for alerting us in advance that you won't be discussing this further.

Hard to imagine being Governor of New York would be a "step down" from being one of a gazillion House members. If she was a chair of a House committee it might be different.

Also, nobody has gone straight from the House of Representatives to the White House in forever. AOC would probably either need to be Governor or Senator in NY to win a the WH.

Last edited by lagtight; 08-05-2021 at 09:04 PM. Reason: spelling
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I think it's worth discussing. But, thank you for alerting us in advance that you won't be discussing this further.

Hard to imagine being Governor of New York would be a "step down" from being one of a gazillion House members. If she was a chair of a House committee it might be different.

Also, nobody has gone straight from the House of Represents to the White House in forever. AOC would probably either need to be Governor or Senator in NY to win a the WH.
I said it's not worth discussing. I didn't say I wouldn't be discussing it further.

Come one man.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
I said it's not worth discussing. I didn't say I wouldn't be discussing it further.

Come one man.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
AOC would probably either need to be Governor or Senator in NY to win a the WH.
This isn't happening in the foreseeable future either.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
He only looked decent bc his brother is a big time CNN personality. Queue the Carlin quote about a big club.
This isn't the correct order of operations. It would be more accurate to say that Chris rode on Andrew's coattails. And it would be more accurate still to say that both Andrew and Chris rode on Mario's coattails.

But in any case, both Andrew and Chris are pretty much useless.
Cuomo Quote
08-05-2021 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This isn't happening in the foreseeable future either.
I agree with this. But Natediggity thought that AOC becoming governor would be a step down for her career trajectory compared to staying in the House. That was what I was addressing.
Cuomo Quote
08-06-2021 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I agree with this. But Natediggity thought that AOC becoming governor would be a step down for her career trajectory compared to staying in the House. That was what I was addressing.
She would be an awful governor and it would ruin her career trajectory. She isn't mature enough. Too volatile and leftist. No appropriate experience. Lawmaking and governing are different. Governors can transition better to lawmakers.

As in lawmaking can be pie in the sky stuff but governors need to actually administrate.

Cuomo seemed good enough at that stuff.
Cuomo Quote
08-06-2021 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by natediggity
Governors can transition better to lawmakers.
Who is the last person to transition from governor to the legislature? I can't remember anyone.
Cuomo Quote
08-06-2021 , 08:26 AM
I heard a lady from Buffalo on talk radio saying Cuomo has been great for the people of the state and (basically) this should be ignored in light of that.

So NY peeps, was she just a shill from his team or is there any merit in that and might it save him ?

I've always heard he was a prick. Took that phone call with a big grain of salt but if the people want him back, I guess they'll vote for him again.
Cuomo Quote
08-06-2021 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
I heard a lady from Buffalo on talk radio saying Cuomo has been great for the people of the state and (basically) this should be ignored in light of that.

So NY peeps, was she just a shill from his team or is there any merit in that and might it save him ?

I've always heard he was a prick. Took that phone call with a big grain of salt but if the people want him back, I guess they'll vote for him again.
I wouldn't read too much into the bolded. I have no idea whether she was a shill, but NY is a big state and there are a lot of idiots on talk radio. You probably could find someone on talk radio who believes that Cuomo can fly.

Cuomo's biggest problem (and this was a problem for Trump as well) is that he exerts influence solely through intimidation. No one in government likes him on a personal level. To the contrary, most people who know Cuomo actively dislike him. When you are that type of person, and things go bad, people are only too happy to pile on if they sense that you have lost the ability to punish them.
Cuomo Quote
08-06-2021 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Who is the last person to transition from governor to the legislature? I can't remember anyone.
the list is long but Joe Manchin is one

Mitt Romney, Tim Kaine

Mitt and Manchin are famous centrists that make the case
Cuomo Quote
08-06-2021 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by natediggity
the list is long but Joe Manchin is one

Mitt Romney, Tim Kaine

Mitt and Manchin are famous centrists that make the case
Yeah. If I had given it some more thought, I could have come up with Romney, Kaine, Manchin, and Lamar Alexander. Not sure I would have come up with any other names.
Cuomo Quote
