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CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) CRT continued (excised from mod sticky)

09-05-2021 , 07:38 PM
That’s a good point wet work
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-05-2021 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
The disparity was similar for Lowell that was the district that canceled some AP classes. It was like 30% minority students and 3% in AP classes.

In the Boston example it’s being done by zip code, so the highest performing students from black neighborhoods will be admitted no matter where their scores fall overall. The 70%/80% is so jarring something has to be done. If I was a plumber who bought in a good neighborhood 13 years ago and my kid is 90% smart overall but 70% in their neighborhood so they miss the good high school I would be ripshit.

‘Smart’ meaning test score which I think antiracism takes issue with.
But how does cancelling the AP classes help minorities? That's what I'm having trouble with.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-05-2021 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
But how does cancelling the AP classes help minorities? That's what I'm having trouble with.
It doesn't. But the Mob of Pea Brains that does this stuff doesn't care about minorities. It's all for show.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-05-2021 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
It doesn't. But the Mob of Pea Brains that does this stuff doesn't care about minorities. It's all for show.
I suppose if it's a mostly minority district and tax dollars are being spent that are mostly benefitting non-minorities, then that money could be theoretically reallocated in ways that benefit the majority of the tax-payers.

Not that I think that would happen, but theoretically.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-05-2021 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I suppose if it's a mostly minority district and tax dollars are being spent that are mostly benefitting non-minorities, then that money could be theoretically reallocated in ways that benefit the majority of the tax-payers.

Not that I think that would happen, but theoretically.
There is basic principle at play often in these situations:

If you can't raise the bridge, lower the river.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-06-2021 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
But how does cancelling the AP classes help minorities? That's what I'm having trouble with.
It’s a really good question. I hope an antiracism person will respond but the posters here who love being on that side mostly post useless one liners so maybe we’ll never know.

I think one answer would be the mass of black and brown students stop seeing their white peers elevated in elite classes and that will eliminate one reason to feel bad about themselves. That’s all I got.

You’re probably right that the stated reason would be ‘we’ll take the resources and distribute them equally’ but like you also said that’s probably bullshit in practice.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-06-2021 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
Tests in school are racist. White kids do better on tests because their parents are better at preparing the white kids for tests. So black kids do not underperform white kids on tests because they learned a subject with less mastery than their white peers, it’s because racism. This idea lead a city in my state to cancel some AP high school classes. Black kids did worse on the placement tests so the solution was to cancel AP math for the entire school. Is that effective anti racism?
You picked an especially dumb "anti-racism" policy. That's fine as far as it goes. But remember that most people who cite decisions like the one above do so to discredit the entire concept of addressing institutional racism.

P.S.--I am not necessarily including you in "most people."
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-06-2021 , 10:28 AM
I agree that systemic racism exists and black people have it harder than other people. But you’re right Rococo to get that vibe because I’m more focused on the excesses right now. Having kids in kindergarten sort their class by race like what the ****.

I’m not a random white person, I was good friends with our only three black people in high school, I worked in the ghetto for 4 years and was part of the community. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been in a social setting as the only white person. I went to an all black church every Sunday for a couple years with a girl. My dad was the same way growing up playing basketball as the only white kid on the team in the 60s.

It’s going too far, and there’s going to be political backlash. Trump does marginally better on the virus and he rides anti defund the police messages right to a second term. Watch what happens to Democrat house member in MN about the city council in Minneapolis abolishes the police department. You want to abolish police? For everyone?

Look at the success of the Me Too movement: in 6 months it will be impossible to get an abortion in half the country. The same thing can happen to the Black Lives Matter movement, where apparent public support actually leads to worse outcomes for minorities.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-06-2021 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
The policy debate in the testing example is: grade black and Latino kids on a curve vs give black and brown kids test prep. Affirmative action just seems like dirty business but if people think itÂ’s necessary they should say it and defend it.
One problem with that is people have different ideas of what affirmative action is and their conception has little relation to really existing practices. There are no requirements that any firm hire Black people or minorities. In this country someone can setup a business and literally hire only White males in the entire company and that would be totally legally protected as long as the policy wasn't explicitly articulated. There are no laws to prevent that and, critically, the SCOTUS has made it clear through case law that statistics are insufficient to prove racism. To prove racial discrimination the mere pattern means nothing- intent has to be proven. In other words, there has to be some spoken or written articulation, like when Trump used to have his employees write "C" on the applications of Black people who wanted to buy into his buildings so that the applications could be scuttled on a racial basis- that would be illegal.

What you actually see, in places like Chicago where I live, is entire companies with all of the Black people in lower tier jobs and entirely White/Indian/Asian at the corporate level. But within that corporate level the Asians and Indians will be higher level technical specialists. Black and Latino minorities will have "management" positions like "team leader" and will supervise mostly other minorities.

And with a lot of startups what you see are young White people, not especially talented, from wealthy families, being paid from venture capital financing, hiring older experienced Asians and East Indians to do the technical work, hiring other young White people into management, and hiring Black people with college degrees to work customer service or low level processing jobs. This is the real affirmative action, benefitting Whites, and it can't be justified by profit margins because there are no profits. This is how something like We Work or Theranos or tons of other failed enterprises happen.

This White person turned a TV sideways, put some reflection in it, and sold it for 500 million cash even though the business never made any profits:

Labor is so repressed and capital is rolling in so much extra money they literally are just giving it away to the children of the upper class- White children. The Ivy League admits about 30% legacy admits. This is the only semblance of actual affirmative action, in the unfair sense, going on. Jared Kushners of the world are getting the preferential treatment based on their non-meritocratic genetic inheritance, embodied in their privileged networks. The Black kids in Chicago who manage to survive warzone like conditions and get a college degree get the privilege of working in a call center and there is no law, existing or conceivable in our racist legal framework, to correct any of this. Affirmative action, as conceived of in the conservative mind, simply doesn't exist and the closest thing to it exists for White people predominantly.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-06-2021 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken

Labor is so repressed and capital is rolling in so much extra money they literally are just giving it away to the children of the upper class- White children. The Ivy League admits about 30% legacy admits. This is the only semblance of actual affirmative action, in the unfair sense, going on. Jared Kushners of the world are getting the preferential treatment based on their non-meritocratic genetic inheritance, embodied in their privileged networks. The Black kids in Chicago who manage to survive warzone like conditions and get a college degree get the privilege of working in a call center and there is no law, existing or conceivable in our racist legal framework, to correct any of this. Affirmative action, as conceived of in the conservative mind, simply doesn't exist and the closest thing to it exists for White people predominantly.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-06-2021 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
The Black kids in Chicago who manage to survive warzone like conditions and get a college degree get the privilege of working in a call center and there is no law, existing or conceivable in our racist legal framework, to correct any of this.

Further upstream:

CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-06-2021 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by John21
So, now at least we can all agree that the system is gamed in favor of Asians?

Noteworthy that the gap between Asians and Whites is even greater than the gap between Whites and Blacks.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-06-2021 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
So, now at least we can all agree that the system is gamed in favor of Asians?

Noteworthy that the gap between Asians and Whites is even greater than the gap between Whites and Blacks.
So if we agree, why do asains make more than Whites who make more than blacks?
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
So, now at least we can all agree that the system is gamed in favor of Asians?

Noteworthy that the gap between Asians and Whites is even greater than the gap between Whites and Blacks.
Nigerian Americans are one of if not the most educated ethnicities in America. They have a higher proportion of PhDs and master's degree than Jewish Americans, the group typically thought of as the most educated. I bring them up because, like Asians, they are unencumbered by hundreds of years intergenerational, brutal oppression under American slavery, re-enslavement, and Jim Crow. While they do have to put up with ongoing racism, the damage from that is small compared to the cultural adaptations to slavery which slaves and their ancestors have had to make in order to survive. For a crude example, if your family has observed over many generations that trying to read a book might result in catastrophic injury by beatings, or even death, there would be a survival bonus for the cultural behavior of being averse to books which can be culturally inherited through generations.

Technical jobs are less affected by racism. Like if a Black dude wanted to be a helicopter pilot and he passed all the tests he would probably face some unwarranted skepticism from passengers, but ultimately there is assumed to be a White run institution which has said he is able to do this specific thing, so such avenues are open. When it comes to most jobs, however, the decisions are a lot less objective. So you see White people with literature degrees getting high powered jobs at hedge funds and Black people with econ degrees driving for Uber. In theory entrepreneurship and technical skills could be a way out for non-immigrant Black people. But that requires capital or households built around focused study and child development, things which a lot of Black families have never acquired largely due to racism, and which White families seem to be losing due to general increasing inequality.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
So if we agree, why do asains make more than Whites who make more than blacks?
The same reason we have much more massive intra-racial income gaps—lack of access to more affluent social networks.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
So if we agree, why do asains make more than Whites who make more than blacks?
Less Asians living in trailer parks.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 04:12 AM

"Don't ever underestimate White supremacy's ability to adapt."

It's for stuff like this that we needed a new CRT thread.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
So if we agree, why do asains make more than Whites who make more than blacks?
White's are lazy.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
While they do have to put up with ongoing racism, the damage from that is small compared to the cultural adaptations to slavery which slaves and their ancestors have had to make in order to survive. For a crude example, if your family has observed over many generations that trying to read a book might result in catastrophic injury by beatings, or even death, there would be a survival bonus for the cultural behavior of being averse to books which can be culturally inherited through generations.
What other cultural adaptations do you believe occurred (and presumably persist)?
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 08:56 AM
“Black culture evolved to hate literacy” is an amazing take.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
What other cultural adaptations do you believe occurred (and presumably persist)?
There could be a lot. Black non immigrants, White, and African immigrants have different attitudes which are reflected in surveys. Some aren't surveyed but seem plausible.

I would posit another adaptation is the orientation toward the dominant ethnic group, Whites. Blacks who didn't fear and defer to Whites could be killed or debilitated. So what are they going to teach their kids? Be bold when you interact with White people? Treat White people like you would Black people?

This is why someone like Obama can be president. He can network more easily with White people, a key to success in this country, in large part because there are no American slaves in his family tree. He didn't learn ways of interacting with Whites which are holdover practices from enslavement and Jim Crow, preserved through racist practices like the formation of Black ghettos and other forms of segregation. Obama really isn't Black insofar as he really doesn't share a lot of experiential overlap with the Black majority. He might have, at one time, had trouble catching a cab, but he wasn't encumbered by a lot of the effects of past racism which are actually a lot more relevant.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Obama really isn't Black
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 02:21 PM
Incredible stuff from Deuces ITT.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
“Black culture evolved to hate literacy” is an amazing take.
Whose take is that? Not mine. Mine is more like "White supremacy imposed cultural adaptations deterring literacy through violence" and that's an entirely different take.

I'm trying to show you guys the truth about things that few people understand. I invite arguments and criticism but why not act in good faith in that?
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
09-07-2021 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Whose take is that? Not mine. Mine is more like "White supremacy imposed cultural adaptations deterring literacy through violence" and that's an entirely different take.

I'm trying to show you guys the truth about things that few people understand. I invite arguments and criticism but why not act in good faith in that?
Society imposed cultural adaptations on generation of my family that keep me from taking neo-eugenics seriously.
CRT continued (excised from mod sticky) Quote
