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02-14-2023 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
The Marxists are focused on uniting people by class, not dividing them on class.
Sure, whenever the Marxists have been in charge everyone ends up poor. Except for a few people in charge of course.
02-14-2023 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Ok, so the Marxists are only focused on dividing people by class. I was thinking there was some other radical ideology that focused on dividing people by race, and they had this idea that one race was really terrible and historically made things bad for another race or something, and these historical wrongs should be righted even if other people don't like it. But I can't remember what it is now......
Not exactly. Marxists believe people very much are divided by class, whether they recognize it or not, and that most policies conceived and executed by elites are best seen as continuing an ongoing class warfare. Elites are extremely class conscious while trying desperately to diminish class consciousness in the lower classes. Marxists believe most, but not all, racism is subsumed in the class warfare. Black skin and racist doctrine is just another avenue of exploitation of labor. If we had universal worker rights there could not have been slavery and no need for the racist doctrine which justified it.
02-14-2023 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Sure, whenever the Marxists have been in charge everyone ends up poor. Except for a few people in charge of course.
Not real Marxists....

Maybe Chavez was....but then you have the fact that they have powerful enemies, i.e. the capitalists.
02-14-2023 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Sure, whenever the Marxists have been in charge everyone ends up poor. Except for a few people in charge of course.
Take away all of the guardrails/limits put on it and I'm pretty confident capitalism would end up the same way/or even possibly just a king type guy.
02-14-2023 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Take away all of the guardrails/limits put on it and I'm pretty confident capitalism would end up the same way/or even possibly just a king type guy.
Yeah it would, but the rich would be richer and the poor would be richer.
02-14-2023 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
My sentences are fine. I was responding to the recent exchanges at large. There is an obvious presumption, in this discussion and most every discussion on racism, that the problem (no matter whose fault it is) is that there is something wrong with black people and if we can help them conform then things will be look as they should, as some kind of race neutral or post racist society. I was trying to point on some dynamics showing how it's not that simple.
Help them conform to what?
02-14-2023 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Help them conform to what?
perceived societal etiquette
02-14-2023 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
perceived societal etiquette
I don't think I have ever heard a lack of that being blamed for lack of advancement by black people, and I certainly don't think it is often presumed.
02-15-2023 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Help them conform to what?
Help them conform to the demands of the supposed meritocracy: good grades, clean record, professional degree, the right internships, talking like a white person, etc. Only, my point is, that meritocracy doesn't exist for black people to the degree it does for whites and it's not even close. This is obvious to black people and informs their incentive. Breaking into gainful networks is difficult when attributes, even harmless attributes, conferred simply by the neighborhood one was born in, serve to mark a black person as in the "out group".
02-15-2023 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Help them conform to the demands of the supposed meritocracy: good grades, clean record, professional degree, the right internships, talking like a white person, etc. Only, my point is, that meritocracy doesn't exist for black people to the degree it does for whites and it's not even close. This is obvious to black people and informs their incentive. Breaking into gainful networks is difficult when attributes, even harmless attributes, conferred simply by the neighborhood one was born in, serve to mark a black person as in the "out group".
Well, obviously there is still racism in the US, but I do think most of those things will be beneficial regardless of one's race. But I think there is really nothing close to a true meritocracy for anyone.
02-15-2023 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Well, obviously there is still racism in the US, but I do think most of those things will be beneficial regardless of one's race. But I think there is really nothing close to a true meritocracy for anyone.
I agree there is no true meritocracy. It's ironic that we are seeing, perhaps, less sympathy for the plight of black people as more white people are having their potential stifled, economically being treated more and more like black people. This means lower wages, more soul crushing work, hyper accountability, unyielding indifference from management to problems beyond one's control, etc. The reaction from white people could be "wow I see now how it's been for blacks" but I think it's more "Hey don't complain it sucks for everyone not just blacks".
02-15-2023 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by iillllii
I will get banned for this but I dont really care. 2 plus 2 doesnt matter much to me these days. So lets go::

The book you want is written by Matthew Lohmeier. It is called "Irresistible Revolution".

It explains it all and it cost me my user account to even bring it up.
its always surprising to me how many dope fiends turn into reactionaries. you would think that recovery from such a life would push people towards cooperation.

but I guess that there is something in the prison and rehab system that shapes your mind this way.
02-15-2023 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Sure, whenever the Marxists have been in charge everyone ends up poor. Except for a few people in charge of course.
this is amazing

Originally Posted by formula72
Yeah it would, but the rich would be richer and the poor would be richer.
only if there are infinite resources and peoples to exploit.
02-15-2023 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
this is amazing

only if there are infinite resources and peoples to exploit.
You haven't seen all of the High Class Hobos we have running around?
02-15-2023 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
You haven't seen all of the High Class Hobos we have running around?
You joke but that's literally a liberal bogeyman. Welfare queens and food stamps for lobster pisses off the Dems just as much as the Repubs.
02-16-2023 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
this is amazing

only if there are infinite resources and peoples to exploit.
I would agree that it isn't sustainable.
05-17-2023 , 08:41 AM
He doesn't know what it is, but he knows that Fox News told him to hate it.

This is the GOP strategy in a nutshell. Their "boogeyman" scares the **** out of
the guy, even though he doesn't have a single clue why. This is what Republicans do.

05-17-2023 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
He doesn't know what it is, but he knows that Fox News told him to hate it.

This is the GOP strategy in a nutshell. Their "boogeyman" scares the **** out of
the guy, even though he doesn't have a single clue why. This is what Republicans do.

The power of the media I am sure he might believe the election was stolen as well.
Though you still believe Trump colluded with Russia tells you the role the media plays
05-17-2023 , 09:14 AM
They sure stopped caring about CRT once Fox News told them to stop and move on to the next moral panic.
05-17-2023 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
The power of the media I am sure he might believe the election was stolen as well.
Though you still believe Trump colluded with Russia tells you the role the media plays
Do you believe the Russians influenced the 2016 election away from Hillary?
05-17-2023 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Do you believe the Russians influenced the 2016 election away from Hillary?
I think every election in a democratic society has other countries trying to influence it through social media. So Yes I believe Russia, China , Iran and North Korea and other countries attempted to influence the 2016 and 2020 election and will try in 2024 .

Were finding out here in Canada China made major attempts to influence our last election as well . They tried to influence it for Trudeau but I sure as heck do not believe he colluded with them to do it nor do I think that about Trump or Hilary

Hilary lost because she ran a horrible campaign and Trump lost for the same reason
05-17-2023 , 03:08 PM
kk jw

do you think hillary colluded with the DNC to keep bernie off of the ballot?

do you think hillary worked to ensure trump received the RNC nomination?
05-17-2023 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
kk jw

do you think hillary colluded with the DNC to keep bernie off of the ballot?

do you think hillary worked to ensure trump received the RNC nomination?
yes I believe the DNC and Hilary colluded to ensure Bernie was not the candidate

Nope not at all on Trump though I do think the Dems are doing that now and all the power to them
05-17-2023 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
yes I believe the DNC and Hilary colluded to ensure Bernie was not the candidate
Is colluded the right word here?
05-17-2023 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
Is colluded the right word here?
