Originally Posted by lagtight
If one believes in Naturalism and Evolution, then it is at least theoretically possible that some races are more highly evolved than others. Some brilliant scientists like Shockley in the 1960's made the claim that some races were more intelligent than others due to superior genetics.
Not really, since "highly evolved" and "superior genetics" are idiotic terms. If you fall in the cold ocean you are worse suited than a shrimp to survive, but it shrimps are pretty bad at chess. Neither of you are more "highly evolved" or have "superior genetics".
Those are normative words which rests on a fundamental misunderstanding of what evolution is. Of course, even professionals mix it up because it is a concept that fits in so well with our intuition, in your case you have argued similar things in thousands of posts in RGT and been explained this hundreds of times, and still just keep on trucking. So I don't really have any idea why I'm writing this post, apart from objecting to an extremely bad take in a debate on culture, ethnicity and race.
Also "race" isn't really a concept in genetics in any context that would be useful in this thread (and not much of a concept of all, really). Trying to divide into race genetically based on things like skin color would be useless, since these represent very small morphological differences which in the genetic level are minuscule. If someone thinks they can look at a person of a certain skin color and make an educated guess about the part of his / her genes that doesn't determine skin color, they are wrong to such a spectacular degree that it is hard to put into words.
Basically, your arguments is mostly something we recognize from early 1900s eugenics and racists sitting in lab trying to affirm that their race was superior. Which fits in nicely with Shockley, the mid 20th-century physicist (not even a biologist) funded by the Pioneer Fund, an organization which among its many merits can count being started by a Nazi admirer, fighting civil rights legislation and trying to keep segregation intact. It's still going strong too, but who cares, imminent collapse is upon us because some '70s academics wrote that society might discriminate.
Last edited by tame_deuces; 06-28-2021 at 10:07 AM.