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Critical Race Theory Critical Race Theory

06-27-2021 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
06-27-2021 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Proffett
Are you claiming that society today is racist?

Might as well ask a question like this now. This whole thread's a pig**** anyway.
Why don't you ask the next 5 or 10 black people you run into instead You realize there are also ~80yr olds etc ya who have been around for a long time?

Last edited by wet work; 06-27-2021 at 09:16 AM.
06-27-2021 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Your issue is that you're being completely disingenuous here.
My entire issue with what you before was your use of the term "brown menace" to describe the anti-CRT rhetoric. I wanted some examples of it as opposed to the numerous examples that I was previously aware of vis-a-vis CRT and education.
I even told you that the migrant caravan stuff and the rhetoric surrounding it would certainly qualify as "brown menace".
And fortunate Wookie provided me with exactly what I was asking for and I thanked him for it. And you know all of this because I said as much multiple times.
What you're trying to do is shift the your term "brown menace" to apply to any and all criticism of CRT-- this is as a result of your tendency towards race-baiting hyperbole.


You call me disingenuous and then type the above. FLOL.

NO. You can't change, disingenuously, what I said CLEARLY and meant.

This comment by me,

"...OK. But do you think this would be a topic at all in the News right now if not for the 'Brown Menace' threat narrative it feeds into..."

is in no way a comment on CRT or the "anti-crt rhetoric". That is a complete fabrication by you.

It is solely pointing WHY IT IS BEING ELEVATED AS AN ISSUE, without addressing any of the content or merits arguments. The the GOP and Right Media are using it as 'racial bogeyman' (brown menace) to try and gin up support/votes and raise money.

And I stated that over and over in each post.

You seem to think any such statement such as mine has to address merits or be a point in the debate and it does not. An argument can be meritorious or meritless and yet still be ginned up for political purposed.

These are two very different distinctions.
06-27-2021 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
This comment by me,

"...OK. But do you think this would be a topic at all in the News right now if not for the 'Brown Menace' threat narrative it feeds into..."

is in no way a comment on CRT or the "anti-crt rhetoric". That is a complete fabrication by you.

Lol what?
06-27-2021 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Cuepee's argument is that because I don't buy all of his race war rhetoric, that I'm a helpless dupe.
It's fun.
No, you are dupe as you really have a Grade 1 level of arguments and the information you digest. Truly childlike.

For those not comprehension challenged they understand that an analysis of 'what is driving any discussion' is not a comment on the argument itself. It is NOT race war stuff.

What it is, is an examination of the factors OUTSIDE the debate and who is trying to manipulate and use it for personal, political or other reasons.

You really struggle with that. You seem to be incapable of comprehending that this type of thing is ever done or could be done by disingenuous political actors. Again that is no comment on the merits of the argument but that will be lost on you.

In your tiny world view you just seem to be completely clueless to the idea of 'outside manipulation' by gov't actors being a thing and how that can be COMPELETE SEPERATE from the underlying argument.

It was something I found strange as I would have thought, based on your prior posts, you would have a hyper awareness (paranoia) about it. But this talk shows how perplexed and unable you are to wrap your head around the concept and separate the two. Even now you cannot engage them as separate issues showing you think they MUST be linked. That no outside manipulation divorced of the arguments could be weaponized and used.

That is why you are dupe. You are a CTer who struggles to believe such manipulation occurs. Or i guess, a best case is maybe you think that is the CT, and that any such allusions to such manipulation is a CT itself.
06-27-2021 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Lol what?
And there you go again proving my point in my last post.

Your inability to see that political actors can look at any XYZ topic that they think can inflame a populace to their ends and without care or concern for the arguments of the topic try to enflame it for their benefit.

Lucky : WTF a politician or right media would never do that. It is always an argument on the merits by them

Only you think that Lucky. Only you do not understand.
06-27-2021 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Lucky : WTF a politician or right media would never do that. It is always an argument on the merits by them

Can you quote me saying anything like this and if you can't do you think you should be banned for lying?
06-27-2021 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Lol what?
Haha, the Youtube algorithm auto started this video after a non political vidoe I was watching ended while i was making my breakfast.

I hold zero confidence you will be able to understand what he is saying with regards to the 'manipulation for political purposes' (which he quotes Steve Bannon admitting) and how he says that is SEPERATE from the core arguments which could be meritorious but I give it to you anyway.

06-27-2021 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by LOL
This comment by me,

"...OK. But do you think this would be a topic at all in the News right now if not for the 'Brown Menace' threat narrative it feeds into..."

is in no way a comment on CRT or the "anti-crt rhetoric". That is a complete fabrication by you.
What are you referring to in that statement there? What is the topic there when you say 'this topic'?
I didn't realize that you didn't even mean to be talking about CRT.
06-27-2021 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Can you quote me saying anything like this and if you can't do you think you should be banned for lying?
You literally lol'd at the idea that this could be driven by a manipulation tactic by the GOP and Right Media to 'gin up the next racial bogeyman (brown menace) for political reasons of polarizing voters and raising money'.

You were not only entirely unaware but you could not accept or believe that to the extent you thought it was laughable to even suggest it.
06-27-2021 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You literally lol'd at the idea that this could be driven by a manipulation tactic by the GOP and Right Media to 'gin up the next racial bogeyman (brown menace) for political reasons of polarizing voters and raising money'.

You were not only entirely unaware but you could not accept or believe that to the extent you thought it was laughable to even suggest it.
Can you quote me literally LOLing?
06-27-2021 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What are you referring to in that statement there? What is the topic there when you say 'this topic'?
I didn't realize that you didn't even mean to be talking about CRT.
You "don't realize" a lot. That is pretty much the clear conclusion here.

GO back and re-read your few exchanges with ecriture d'adulte and spend some time trying to figure it out as he was basically saying the same thing to you.

There is no possible way for you to be unable to determine what I am "referring to with that statement", unless you are just interested in playing games, or so daft it just beyond you. Either way I am not doing your work for you as I have clarified EXACTLY what i mean by numerous times already.

SO instead I will tell you to re-read (or get someone with better comprehension to read it to you) and then come back once they've explained it to you.

(this is where you pretend you are my boss and start a list of demands of 'no, I will not do anything you ask but I demand you do what I ask, as it is easy. oh lol, you won't do as ordered!', type ******ation )
06-27-2021 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by LOL
This comment by me,

"...OK. But do you think this would be a topic at all in the News right now if not for the 'Brown Menace' threat narrative it feeds into..."

is in no way a comment on CRT or the "anti-crt rhetoric". That is a complete fabrication by you.
Just tell me what it's about Cuepee if it isn't about CRT. Why do you have to make discussion so difficult?

I mean I think you should just admit you made a mistake and admit that we are actually talking about CRT in this thread.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 06-27-2021 at 11:03 AM.
06-27-2021 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Yeah, Trump's an idiot. However, his idiocy is magnified when you have these disingenuous arguments being made by the left. If your first response is the back the idea of the populist argument of the great white menace, you're essentially feeding Trump's populism.

The left keeps trying to play that same game and Trump is way better at it than they are. The media is going to play that generals statement over and over and over again..
So the left created this opening for right wing politicians to blast the military leadership as unpatriotic because a general said it was his duty to study academically various topics?
06-27-2021 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
So, you agree that segregation is the answer given the assumption of unremitting White racism?

Looks like Reverend Farrahkan might get his way after all.
Is this where you try to pretend you wouldn't have been cheering on the guys with fire hoses back in the day?
06-27-2021 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
So the left created this opening for right wing politicians to blast the military leadership as unpatriotic because a general said it was his duty to study academically various topics?

You avoid any sort of honest criticism of the left. The general wants to understand white rage, or "the great white menace". That's a preposterous assertion, both philosophically and practically. However, you don't believe it's preposterous assertion, nor does the media, nor does the progressive block of the Democratic party. When choosing which populous argument to listen to, which one do you think people are going to gravitate toward? They're not going to gravitate to the one that says all white people are angry, have white fragility, have privilege, are racist. They are certainly not going to do it when the argument is liberal values is what makes them racist.

I mean, your question implicitly accepts that study in "white rage" is a valid academic topic.

If you still don't believe that critical race theory's entire purpose is to undermine liberal and capitalistic values, you just not paying attention to what critical race theory is actually saying. If the left position is to embrace this type of populism, the right is going to exploit it. The right is reactionary.

Again, if you really thought "white rage" was an issue, you'd be concerned about this:

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 06-27-2021 at 11:37 AM.
06-27-2021 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by wet work
Is this where you try to pretend you wouldn't have been cheering on the guys with fire hoses back in the day?
White supremacist/segregationalist/racist buy into identity based perspective's of the world. Is the Iron Law of Woke Projection. Those who don't subscribe to identity-based perspectives of the world are the racist. No, it's almost certainly the woke were the racist back in the day.
06-27-2021 , 11:30 AM
Any general wanting to understand the great white menace should definitely just be looking in the mirror and perhaps pouring over the notes from their most recent meetings.
06-27-2021 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
White supremacist/segregationalist/racist buy into identity based perspective's of the world. Is the Iron Law of Woke Projection. Those who don't subscribe to identity-based perspectives of the world are the racist. No, it's almost certainly the woke were the racist back in the day.
I'm not so sure. Fascists probably sure. Racists I doubt.
06-27-2021 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Just tell me what it's about Cuepee if it isn't about CRT. Why do you have to make discussion so difficult?

I mean I think you should just admit you made a mistake and admit that we are actually talking about CRT in this thread.
OMG FLOL to the max level.

You are still clueless and incapable.

I have stated over and over and over that the underlying discussion can be accurate true and that IS SEPERATE from the point I made and you lol'd at.

You keep coming back with 'ok but tell me why you think it was not about CRT'.

There is no ability to cut through the depths of your inability to comprehend what is being said.

Again, any topic whether it be meritless or meritorious can be used SEPERATELY by politicians for entirely disconnected ends that care little about the debate other than its usefulness for their politics.

I have not, am not and never did make any comment on the actual underlying debate. My comment was solely about why Politicians and Right media are pushing and using it.

If you cannot comprehend that don't ask me again to repeat it. Ask one of the other posters here to explain it you in smaller words.
06-27-2021 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Why don't you ask the next 5 or 10 black people you run into instead You realize there are also ~80yr olds etc ya who have been around for a long time?
Why wouldn't I ask the next 5 or 10 people that I see, regardless of who they are?

Also why does it matter how long people have been around? The question was is society racist today. No doubt society was racist 60 years ago.
06-27-2021 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Proffett
Why wouldn't I ask the next 5 or 10 people that I see, regardless of who they are?

Also why does it matter how long people have been around? The question was is society racist today. No doubt society was racist 60 years ago.
Because you might get a candid take on things?

So you don't think people who were alive when literal lynchings were still happening might see things somewhat differently?

A couple years ago I was leaving this little convenience store. There was a ~90yr old black guy with a cane etc right behind me so I held the door for him after I walked out. As he was walking by he said--sorry I'm just walking a little slower than normal I wanted to savor it--that's the first time that has Ever
happened in my entire life
06-27-2021 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

If you cannot comprehend that don't ask me again to repeat it. Ask one of the other posters here to explain it you in smaller words.
Mostly I just barely even read your posts now fwiw.
06-27-2021 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
You avoid any sort of honest criticism of the left. The general wants to understand white rage, or "the great white menace". That's a preposterous assertion, both philosophically and practically. However, you don't believe it's preposterous assertion, nor does the media, nor does the progressive block of the Democratic party. When choosing which populous argument to listen to, which one do you think people are going to gravitate toward? They're not going to gravitate to the one that says all white people are angry, have white fragility, have privilege, are racist. They are certainly not going to do it when the argument is liberal values is what makes them racist.

I mean, your question implicitly accepts that study in "white rage" is a valid academic topic.

If you still don't believe that critical race theory's entire purpose is to undermine liberal and capitalistic values, you just not paying attention to what critical race theory is actually saying. If the left position is to embrace this type of populism, the right is going to exploit it. The right is reactionary.

Again, if you really thought "white rage" was an issue, you'd be concerned about this:

I posted the origjnal post to point out that Tucker wasn't attacking the military en todo but just the officers and then posted Trump's speech because it does the same thing, even explicitly making the distinction between enlisted and officers.

It's an interesting quirk of right wing politics.

As far as I care the officers can learn whatever they feel is appropriate and lean critiques of that as well. Just the standard academic freedom that all academics, even military ones, should enjoy. I don't think there's anything contraversial about that
06-27-2021 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
White supremacist/segregationalist/racist buy into identity based perspective's of the world. Is the Iron Law of Woke Projection. Those who don't subscribe to identity-based perspectives of the world are the racist. No, it's almost certainly the woke were the racist back in the day.
The Wide Awakes never marched anywhere in the South in 1860, but they represented the South's greatest fear, an oppressive force bent on marching down to their lands, liberating the slaves, and pushing aside their way of life. Their outfits and equipment only further incited that fear with beliefs that "they parade at midnight, carry rails to break open our doors, torches to fire our dwellings, and beneath their long black capes the knife to cut our throats." To the South, the Wide Awakes were only a taste of what was to come if Lincoln were to be elected. The North would not compromise and could force themselves upon the great South. "One–half million of men uniformed and drilled, and the purpose of their organization to sweep the country in which I live with fire and sword."That mindset was not appeased by the wide acceptance of the Wide Awakes in the North.
