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Critical Race Theory Critical Race Theory

03-16-2021 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
The guys It's Hot is linking to all say it.

They blather on of course but that's the basic message.

There is no real systemic racism at this time and it's hurtful to teach that there is.

They have a point in that you have to play the hand you're dealt in life but they protest way too much.
Responding to this here. But I had never heard of James Lindsay until this thread-- McWhorter I knew about and have known about for awhile.
But that's definitely not even close to what either of them are saying.
03-16-2021 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
**** me, I’ve been asking you guys what you think CRT is this whole time.
"You guys"
Do you realize how ignorant you are?
To lump me in with itshot, as if I agree 100% with itshot on this when in reality I've gone back and forth with him on various points and we only agree on some aspects of things.
Now please address my questions, and if not, you should consider taking your presence to another thread.
03-16-2021 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
You're right of course. I just don't know what whiteness is in that context. I suppose we could start by banning golf. But's a hard discussion but we still are somehow managing.
And definitely a lot of nuance is required (which I've had except today I'm going for hyperbole and rhetoric)
But the nuance is required on all ends. If proponents of CRT are claiming that it's no big deal at, that it's geared towards only college students, and that racial sensitivity training is all it is, then those people are failing to see what has people like McWhorter up-in-arms and are basically whitewashing (pun definitely intended) CRT.
That was the question I asked.

I watched some of that podcast and I really don't see what he's up in arms about. The old 'so what ? you have to do your best' routine is fine. But that doesn't mean there's any harm being caused by CRT. At least no more harm than any other dumb college program that you're not going to get paid for when you're out.

The op is upset because there are Marxists in America (Marxists of color it would seem) and also because he can't distinguish between racism as an ideology and racial activism as a reaction to that ideology.

That makes for a pretty terrible discussion.
03-16-2021 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Yeah, but does it matter to my standard of living of my kid's chances in life that I have to listen to some people of color explain to me what it's like living a couple of generations out from slavery and Jim Crow ?

The only examples I've seen where this would be inappropriate is where the AA girl comes in and berates all the whites at work. I mean, so what ? Suck up your feel feels when you're on the job's absolutely going to backfire and cause resentment.

But done in a polite manner it's fine.

And the people who have the most fragile egos are likely the ones who need them checked the most.
People with blue eyes earn twice as much and have 5x the household wealth of people with brown eyes. [/guess]

So suck up your fragility and acknowledge your blue-eyed privilege you blue-eyed devils.
03-16-2021 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
"You guys"
Do you realize how ignorant you are?
I mean, I’m not asking you guys these questions because I already have the answers.
03-16-2021 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
That was the question I asked.

I watched some of that podcast and I really don't see what he's up in arms about. The old 'so what ? you have to do your best' routine is fine. But that doesn't mean there's any harm being caused by CRT. At least no more harm than any other dumb college program that you're not going to get paid for when you're out.

The op is upset because there are Marxists in America (Marxists of color it would seem) and also because he can't distinguish between racism as an ideology and racial activism as a reaction to that ideology.

That makes for a pretty terrible discussion.
The podcast wasn't with McWhorter but James Linsday and John Ford Jr-- afaik no McWhorther youtube has been posted-- but that's really besides the point.
And I don't feel like the discussion as been bad. I'm learning things at least. Maybe no one else is idk.
I try to stay out of cultural related topics in general (preferring to stick with bigger picture questions like whether it's a plutocracy or oligarchy that we live in). But this one has "theory" in the name. And I think it's an interesting topic. Obviously your perspective is quite different but I do appreciate it.
If you are going to choose to view CRT as basically a college curriculum then obviously it's no big deal. And there's nothing really stopping you from viewing it that way if you want. Any sort of real world applications of it can be dismissed. And if you largely agree with those as in then you won't see any issue.
03-16-2021 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I mean, I’m not asking you guys these questions because I already have the answers.
What are those answers?
03-16-2021 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Responding to this here. But I had never heard of James Lindsay until this thread-- McWhorter I knew about and have known about for awhile.
But that's definitely not even close to what either of them are saying.

03-16-2021 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
The podcast wasn't with McWhorter but James Linsday and John Ford Jr-- afaik no McWhorther youtube has been posted-- but that's really besides the point.
And I don't feel like the discussion as been bad. I'm learning things at least. Maybe no one else is idk.
I try to stay out of cultural related topics in general (preferring to stick with bigger picture questions like whether it's a plutocracy or oligarchy that we live in). But this one has "theory" in the name. And I think it's an interesting topic. Obviously your perspective is quite different but I do appreciate it.
If you are going to choose to view CRT as basically a college curriculum then obviously it's no big deal. And there's nothing really stopping you from viewing it that way if you want. Any sort of real world applications of it can be dismissed. And if you largely agree with those as in then you won't see any issue.
I don't really agree with teaching anyone they're a victim.

I just don't see the big deal if a group of AA's want to study how racial bias has affected their progress in society given they're only a couple generation out of overt second class status.

Also, we're an oligarchy run by plutocrats.
03-16-2021 , 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I didn't listen to that one. But to be fair to McWhorter, he's saying that not all disparities can be attributed to systemic racism, not that systemic racism doesn't exist or not it isn't the cause of some disparity. And I'll attempt to parse out his analysis further because it would seem to require it.
03-16-2021 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Part of the problem in nailing down what is being discussed is that conservative opponents tend to treat CRT as a monolith and focus on activist slogans rather than the ideas behind them.

For instance, you earlier said that you supported the MLK idea of a raceless society. Another way of framing that is that you want to eliminate "whiteness," since you want a society without any races. Alternatively, itshotinvegas quoted a summary of CRT as claiming that "racisim is ordinary in society, sometimes also said to be permanent." If racism is permanent and caused in part by white racial identity, doesn't that imply that it is impossible to eliminate "whiteness"?
My citation said that but that's not conservative rhetoric, nor was it from a conservative, it was the person reciting actual critical race theory.

Here is one citation:

Opening Commentary: The Permanence of Racism, Critical Race Theory, and Expanding Analytic Sites

Can provide more, if you like. It's not conservative rhetoric.
03-16-2021 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
I don't really agree with teaching anyone they're a victim.
I think that's fair enough. But I also don't really think acknowledging that people are in what amounts to a system that is/has been stacked against them(in various ways along with some that don't exclusively apply to minorities). That's just kinda pointing out reality What you do with that info is another thing.
03-16-2021 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
I don't really agree with teaching anyone they're a victim.
Should people be taught on the basis of their skin color that they are oppressors?

I just don't see the big deal if a group of AA's want to study how racial bias has affected their progress in society given they're only a couple generation out of overt second class status.

I don't see a big deal there either.
Also, we're an oligarchy run by plutocrats.
I suppose that's fine. We can say that the oligarchy is pooled from existing plutocrats. Plutocrats who also happen to be almost entirely white (save their buddies the Saudis and Chinese).
03-16-2021 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
If anyone wants to take up the Trolly side of the "CRT does not have the normative aim of eliminating whiteness to improve the world" side of our argument and argue on his behalf, then please feel free to do so. I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
This is mostly a bad faith reading trap that we should just avoid. If "whiteness" is understood as the ways in which dominant American society preserves the privilege and power of people traditionally understood as "white" over those classified as non-white, then what does "eliminating whiteness" mean? Eliminating the ways in which white people are privileged and have power over non-white people? That doesn't sound so bad as a goal.

But frame it as "eliminating whiteness" without specifying what is meant by "whiteness" and you get to use it in culture wars to suggest that CRT people want to eliminate white people. Pretty different.

You were right in an earlier attempt. To discuss this issue in a meaningful way requires talking about more foundational issues. Is the CRT understanding of "whiteness" correct? Is the identification of some aspect of culture as "white" mostly meant to assert power or superiority over non-white people? Or is a more morally neutral understanding of "whiteness" more accurate? Does colorblindness as a goal do more to disguise racial injustice than solve it? What is the relation between dominant American society and "whiteness" and "blackness"?
03-16-2021 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
You’ll engage in dumb strawmen at any time because you’ve got noting of any real substance to add. “Eliminating whiteness” (whatever that even means) is pretty clearly not what the proponents of CRT are trying to do.
THE GOOD NEWS is that there are now a host of writers and a growing number of courses and workshops designed to enlighten white people as to the real benefits and the great cost of their property in whiteness," writes former Harvard Law School professor Derrick Bell in his epilogue to When Race Becomes Real: Black and White Writers Confront Their Personal Histories, edited by Bernestine Singley, LL.M. '76 (Lawrence Hill Books, $26.95). Many of those engaged in this Herculean task are white, Bell notes, among them Noel Ignatiev, Ed.M. '85, Ph.D. '94, C.A.S. '95, author of How the Irish Became White and a fellow at the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute, who writes:

IN THE INTERESTS of survival, Afro-Americans have always studied whiteness. There is a long tradition among them that the white race is a peculiar sort of social formation, one that depends on its members' willingness to conform to the institutions and behavior patterns that reproduce it. By the early was becoming commonplace in the academy to speak of race, along with class and gender, as a social construct....

In addition to the notion of race as a social construct, [an old friend, John Garvey, and I] shared another, which we owed to the West Indian Marxist C.L.R. James: that ordinary Americans are drawn by the conditions of their lives in two opposite directions, one that mirrors and reproduces the present society of competition and exploitation, and another that points toward a new society based on freely associated activity. We believed that this internal antagonism played itself out as a civil war within the white mind, between the desire of whites to wall themselves off from black Americans and their desire to overcome the boundaries that kept them apart.

book cover
John and I decided that it was time to launch a journal to document that civil war. The result was Race Traitor, whose first issue appeared in the fall of 1992 with the slogan "Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity" on its cover. The aim was to chronicle and analyze the making, remaking, and unmaking of whiteness. My book on the Irish was the story of how people for whom whiteness had no meaning learned its rules and adapted their behavior to take advantage of them; Race Traitor was an attempt to run the film backwards, to explore how people who had been brought up as white might become unwhite....

The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. Of course we expected bewilderment from people who still think of race as biology. We frequently get letters accusing us of being "racists," just like the KKK, and have even been called a "hate group." ...

Our standard response is to draw an analogy with anti-royalism: to oppose monarchy does not mean killing the king; it means getting rid of crowns, thrones, royal titles, etc....

Every group within white America has at one time or another advanced its particular and narrowly defined interests at the expense of black people as a race. That applies to labor unionists, ethnic groups, college students, schoolteachers, taxpayers, and white women. Race Traitor will not abandon its focus on whiteness, no matter how vehement the pleas and how virtuously oppressed those doing the pleading. The editors meant it when they replied to a reader, "Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as 'the white race' is destroyed—not 'deconstructed' but destroyed."

Want more?

Whiteness, internationalization, and erasure: decolonizing futures from the Global South

The essay explores the mobility of Whiteness in networks of Communication Studies that posture themselves as speaking from the Global South. Depoliticized languages of de-westernizing, internationalizing, and decolonizing are often articulated by elites in North-South networks pushing neoliberal governmentality, erasing claims to radical equality that emerge from within socialist struggles in the Global South. In resistance, a radical framework of knowledge from the Global South emerges from within subaltern struggles for hegemony, achieved through (a) delinking from the metropoles of the North and (b) explicitly crafting a socialist anticolonial politics that names and dismantles Whiteness as a capitalist project.
03-16-2021 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by John21
People with blue eyes earn twice as much and have 5x the household wealth of people with brown eyes. [/guess]

So suck up your fragility and acknowledge your blue-eyed privilege you blue-eyed devils.
I know this is supposed to point out the absurdity of thinking that minorities might be discriminated against because of the color of their skin. Something so outlandish no human being has ever considered doing *sarcasm*. But if blue eyed people were being paid much more than brown eyed people that seems like it would be something to investigate why.
03-16-2021 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Want more?
Bro, I’m not reading walls of text or watching hour-long yootoobes.
03-16-2021 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
My post was an attempt to point out the ridiculousness of thinking that eliminating "whiteness" (or white people) will fix the world.

Originally Posted by Original Position
This is mostly a bad faith reading trap that we should just avoid. If "whiteness" is understood as the ways in which dominant American society preserves the privilege and power of people traditionally understood as "white" over those classified as non-white, then what does "eliminating whiteness" mean? Eliminating the ways in which white people are privileged and have power over non-white people? That doesn't sound so bad as a goal.

But frame it as "eliminating whiteness" without specifying what is meant by "whiteness" and you get to use it in culture wars to suggest that CRT people want to eliminate white people. Pretty different.

You were right in an earlier attempt. To discuss this issue in a meaningful way requires talking about more foundational issues. Is the CRT understanding of "whiteness" correct? Is the identification of some aspect of culture as "white" mostly meant to assert power or superiority over non-white people? Or is a more morally neutral understanding of "whiteness" more accurate? Does colorblindness as a goal do more to disguise racial injustice than solve it? What is the relation between dominant American society and "whiteness" and "blackness"?
I used "whiteness" there to refer to the full range of it has both an abstract concept or of white people themselves. But because I used parentheses around the "white people" part, it's clear that I mostly meant the former. So no bad faith at all.
But yeah...I agree that we can address those questions.
My conception of identity is that it's just an extra layer of bullshit that society puts on the tops of people's egos (which are themselves already mostly bullshit). So I'm not sure how equipped I am for addressing topics of identity.
03-16-2021 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
My citation said that but that's not conservative rhetoric, nor was it from a conservative, it was the person reciting actual critical race theory.
I'm not really sure what point you are trying to make here. I'm not disagreeing with the claim that some CRT scholars believe that racism is likely a permanent feature of American society. My point is that this implies that we can't eliminate whiteness, and so it seems unlikely that these scholars at least would put that forward as a goal of CRT. In Marxist terms, if you don't think a classless society is possible because capital will always prevent it, then you are less likely to have the elimination of the capitalist class as a goal.

As for whether Lindsay is conservative, meh, whatever. I do think he is a reactionary, and he was open about his support for Trump. I have a somewhat non-standard understanding of "conservative" for 2p2ers, so I don't know if he is himself a conservative, but I think concerns about CRT is more a feature of conservative rhetoric in American politics than liberal rhetoric.
03-16-2021 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
And IHIV, I don't really plan to answer your question to my question if you won't take a moment and address my question. I just think that is fair play.

You can see as Luckbox did, it takes little time. And then I think we quickly sorted things to a place of mutual understanding.
Fair enough,I respect that. Maybe I'll come back to it.
03-16-2021 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Responding to this here. But I had never heard of James Lindsay until this thread-- McWhorter I knew about and have known about for awhile.
But that's definitely not even close to what either of them are saying.
I posted a video where JW explicitly acknowledged systemic racism.
03-16-2021 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
What's the point of having a country at all then? Why not just 1 giant open-world with everyone for themselves?
It's not critical theory, or nothing.
03-16-2021 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
My citation said that but that's not conservative rhetoric, nor was it from a conservative, it was the person reciting actual critical race theory.

Here is one citation:

Opening Commentary: The Permanence of Racism, Critical Race Theory, and Expanding Analytic Sites

Can provide more, if you like. It's not conservative rhetoric.
So is this an actual live question in CRT? I can't tell. AFAIK almost no one has heard of CRT or actually is very familiar with it, so who knows?

I mean it's an interesting question. With the assumption that racism is wider spread than mere racial utterances and has indeed "infected" the law, policy, etc. does that pervasiveness preclude any kind of resolution? The answer becomes important because the different answers can lead to radically different solutions.

It's possible to answer yes, it's impossible to overcome. If so, what's the solution?

Ta Nehisi Coates veered into that a little saying that racism is in every aspect and so really the job was to 'bear witness', but why? What does that do?

He has also veered in the opposite direction when under questioning about what should be done after reparations (if they happened) he talked about continuing to reduce inequalities, etc which would seem to imply that racism could be overcame or at least minimized to a degree of importance.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 03-16-2021 at 03:52 PM.
03-16-2021 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Should people be taught on the basis of their skin color that they are oppressors?

They can certainly be taught that the system is not a meritocracy as they are taught by default now.

Should white people feel guilty for being white ?
Of course not. But I'm pretty sure none of us do.
03-16-2021 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
I think that's fair enough. But I also don't really think acknowledging that people are in what amounts to a system that is/has been stacked against them(in various ways along with some that don't exclusively apply to minorities). That's just kinda pointing out reality What you do with that info is another thing.
Right. That's why I'm a bit suspect about the motives of some of these people making a fuss over what amounts to nothing.
