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Critical Race Theory Critical Race Theory

06-27-2021 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
It's an interesting quirk of right wing politics.
It's by design. We represent the regular guy etc. As if the ranks of the military and business elite aren't filled with conservatives
06-27-2021 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I posted the origjnal post to point out that Tucker wasn't attacking the military en todo but just the officers and then posted Trump's speech because it does the same thing, even explicitly making the distinction between enlisted and officers.

It's an interesting quirk of right wing politics.

As far as I care the officers can learn whatever they feel is appropriate and lean critiques of that as well. Just the standard academic freedom that all academics, even military ones, should enjoy. I don't think there's anything contraversial about that
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
So the left created this opening for right wing politicians to blast the military leadership as unpatriotic because a general said it was his duty to study academically various topics?


it's the defense/embracing of the general/military because he bent the knee to Identity politics. They played his statements over and over again. He stereotyped people he's in charge of.

Which is it? With that said, there's a lot of politics involved with being an officer, and getting promotions at the higher levels. What you're discussing does doesn't exist within right-wing politics but in the services themselves. There's always been a slight tension between officers and enlisted. Classism is a thing, as with labor versus management.

Trump is coming after the working class... By attacking management. And the left bit it hook line and sinker, as some odd peculiarity of right-wing politics.. but it's Lefty politics.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 06-27-2021 at 04:30 PM.
06-27-2021 , 04:45 PM

06-27-2021 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas

it's the defense/embracing of the general/military because he bent the knee to Identity politics. They played his statements over and over again. He stereotyped people he's in charge of.

Which is it? With that said, there's a lot of politics involved with being an officer, and getting promotions at the higher levels. What you're discussing does doesn't exist within right-wing politics but in the services themselves. There's always been a slight tension between officers and enlisted. Classism is a thing, as with labor versus management.

Trump is coming after the working class... By attacking management. And the left bit it hook line and sinker, as some odd peculiarity of right-wing politics.. but it's Lefty politics.
Needing to convince and get the vote of regular people is 1 thing and kinda just part of the reality of getting elected for republicans too--actually implementing policy that puts their interests first is another. trump also has been pretty open about 'liking the guys at the top of the pyramid' etc and that's also who he almost exclusively hangs with--not like he's out in jeans and t-shirt ever He may shake that biker's hand for a little pr pic--but it's not like he's actually hanging out with him--they're just props to him. Somebody to use as a kleenex like back in the Stern days
06-27-2021 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Needing to convince and get the vote of regular people is 1 thing and kinda just part of the reality of getting elected for republicans too--actually implementing policy that puts their interests first is another. trump also has been pretty open about 'liking the guys at the top of the pyramid' etc and that's also who he almost exclusively hangs with--not like he's out in jeans and t-shirt ever He may shake that biker's hand for a little pr pic--but it's not like he's actually hanging out with him--they're just props to him. Somebody to use as a kleenex like back in the Stern days
Wouldn't you agrees rhetoric plays when the left takes the side of the elites, though?
06-27-2021 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Wouldn't you agrees rhetoric plays when the left takes the side of the elites, though?
Well ya I think rhetoric plays. But what elites are we talking about? The ~5 libs the right always bring up in public discourse or the massive pile of conservatives you hardly ever hear about who are very well-represented in the ~.1%?
06-27-2021 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas

it's the defense/embracing of the general/military because he bent the knee to Identity politics. They played his statements over and over again. He stereotyped people he's in charge of.

Which is it? With that said, there's a lot of politics involved with being an officer, and getting promotions at the higher levels. What you're discussing does doesn't exist within right-wing politics but in the services themselves. There's always been a slight tension between officers and enlisted. Classism is a thing, as with labor versus management.

Trump is coming after the working class... By attacking management. And the left bit it hook line and sinker, as some odd peculiarity of right-wing politics.. but it's Lefty politics.
I honestly can't tell what you are even saying at this point. All I can gleam is that you don't even want to hear someone make a defense of even reading any kind of book that involves racial politics.
06-27-2021 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I honestly can't tell what you are even saying at this point. All I can gleam is that you don't even want to hear someone make a defense of even reading any kind of book that involves racial politics.

Which is it, you're commenting on the classism Trump evoked, or are you defending the generals statement in regards to understanding "the great white menace"?
06-27-2021 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Which is it, you're commenting on the classism Trump evoked, or are you defending the generals statement in regards to understanding "the great white menace"?
Trump didn't invoke classism. He invoked a classic trope that there is an out of touch group that isn't in touch with the true military. I thought it was an interesting way to go about it, Tucker did the same thing and it's a way of applying the standard right wing populist view of the world; that there's an out of touch elite who isn't in touch with with true Americans, within the military context.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 06-27-2021 at 08:13 PM.
06-27-2021 , 08:22 PM
Reagan’s austerity budgets left the University of California unable to cover rising instructional and construction costs. In a desperate bid for revenue, officials conceded to Reagan’s demand that they begin charging tuition. Over the ensuing decades, more and more of the cost of public higher education in California was shifted from taxpayers onto individual students. It began to look less like a public system and more like a private one.

This crusade against public higher education eerily presaged today’s school culture wars. Where Reagan made a target of ethnic studies and tried to keep Angela Davis, a member of the Communist Party, from teaching philosophy at UCLA, today’s bogeyman is critical race theory or CRT — a legal theory that has become a vague catchall for grievances of the sort that Reagan weaponized so effectively. To date, laws aimed at restricting how public school teachers talk about race and racism have been proposed in 22 states and signed into law in five.

In making the case for laws that are both vague and sweeping, Republicans have resuscitated one of Reagan’s favorite political insults: anti-American.

Public schools, GOP leaders have argued, are teaching children to believe that the country is inherently bad. But just as Reagan used his anti-campus campaign to undermine support for public higher education, his disciples are motivated by a similar cause. For a Republican party that has grown increasingly hostile to public education, the K-12 culture war is also an opportunity to advance the cause of school privatization.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 06-27-2021 at 08:29 PM.
06-27-2021 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Mostly I just barely even read your posts now fwiw.
While most of us here are playing checkers, Cuepee is playing 4-D Chess. I think maybe his endgame is to get every thread he's participating in locked.
06-27-2021 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Is this where you try to pretend you wouldn't have been cheering on the guys with fire hoses back in the day?
I suspect you're being a flame-baiting troll, but I'll provide a serious answer anyway.

Since I believe that all people are made in the image of God, there is absolutely zero basis for being a racist. We all belong to the human race.

If one believes in Naturalism and Evolution, then it is at least theoretically possible that some races are more highly evolved than others. Some brilliant scientists like Shockley in the 1960's made the claim that some races were more intelligent than others due to superior genetics.

A favorite heroine of the abortion-rights crowd, Margaret Sanger, favored abortion in part to reduce the black population owing to her belief that blacks were genetically inferior.
06-27-2021 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Maybe not give them a reason to do it? You know, like not pushing a Marxist ideology on the school children?

You seem to always be more concerned about the right's reaction to the left idiocy.
06-27-2021 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
A favorite heroine of the abortion-rights crowd, Margaret Sanger, favored abortion in part to reduce the black population owing to her belief that blacks were genetically inferior.
They've just recently disavowed her for being a racist eugenicist.
06-27-2021 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
They've just recently disavowed her for being a racist eugenicist.
Better late than never!

Amazingly, as recently as even about five years ago, Planned Parenthood was still handing out an annual Margaret Sanger Award! They kept giving out the award literally decades after it was well known that Sanger was a blatant racist.

addendum: I assume the Left has roundly denounced, and dutifully deplatformed, everyone still alive who has ever accepted the award.
06-28-2021 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Mostly I just barely even read your posts now fwiw.
It is worth a lot. So thx for sharing.

It shows why I was right on so many levels to ignore your errand boy requests. You cry, cry, cry, 'why won't you just do what I ask' while you refuse to do anything in return for that request while admitting you don't read it anyway.

You are a troll and admitted one. But worse you are dupe. You are exactly the type of guy gov't and media manipulation campaigns target as they know you are the most oblivious to it and easiest to coopt. Let that sink in.
06-28-2021 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
If one believes in Naturalism and Evolution, then it is at least theoretically possible that some races are more highly evolved than others. Some brilliant scientists like Shockley in the 1960's made the claim that some races were more intelligent than others due to superior genetics.
Not really, since "highly evolved" and "superior genetics" are idiotic terms. If you fall in the cold ocean you are worse suited than a shrimp to survive, but it shrimps are pretty bad at chess. Neither of you are more "highly evolved" or have "superior genetics".

Those are normative words which rests on a fundamental misunderstanding of what evolution is. Of course, even professionals mix it up because it is a concept that fits in so well with our intuition, in your case you have argued similar things in thousands of posts in RGT and been explained this hundreds of times, and still just keep on trucking. So I don't really have any idea why I'm writing this post, apart from objecting to an extremely bad take in a debate on culture, ethnicity and race.

Also "race" isn't really a concept in genetics in any context that would be useful in this thread (and not much of a concept of all, really). Trying to divide into race genetically based on things like skin color would be useless, since these represent very small morphological differences which in the genetic level are minuscule. If someone thinks they can look at a person of a certain skin color and make an educated guess about the part of his / her genes that doesn't determine skin color, they are wrong to such a spectacular degree that it is hard to put into words.

Basically, your arguments is mostly something we recognize from early 1900s eugenics and racists sitting in lab trying to affirm that their race was superior. Which fits in nicely with Shockley, the mid 20th-century physicist (not even a biologist) funded by the Pioneer Fund, an organization which among its many merits can count being started by a Nazi admirer, fighting civil rights legislation and trying to keep segregation intact. It's still going strong too, but who cares, imminent collapse is upon us because some '70s academics wrote that society might discriminate.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 06-28-2021 at 10:07 AM.
06-28-2021 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Better late than never!

Amazingly, as recently as even about five years ago, Planned Parenthood was still handing out an annual Margaret Sanger Award! They kept giving out the award literally decades after it was well known that Sanger was a blatant racist.

addendum: I assume the Left has roundly denounced, and dutifully deplatformed, everyone still alive who has ever accepted the award.
Most people are savvy enough to separate her contributions to women’s health from her terrible (though common at the time) views on race. Not you and Lucky, though!
06-28-2021 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I suspect you're being a flame-baiting troll, but I'll provide a serious answer anyway.

Since I believe that all people are made in the image of God, there is absolutely zero basis for being a racist. We all belong to the human race.

If one believes in Naturalism and Evolution, then it is at least theoretically possible that some races are more highly evolved than others. Some brilliant scientists like Shockley in the 1960's made the claim that some races were more intelligent than others due to superior genetics.

A favorite heroine of the abortion-rights crowd, Margaret Sanger, favored abortion in part to reduce the black population owing to her belief that blacks were genetically inferior.
Well, the orig post I responded to was pretty scummy so uh ya.

If you wouldn't have been on that side back in the day--then why are you today?
06-28-2021 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by wet work

If you wouldn't have been on that side back in the day--then why are you today?

I think racism and segregation are both stupid.

It is also stupid to claim that "All white people are racists", which some CRT proponents are claiming.
06-28-2021 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Not really, since "highly evolved" and "superior genetics" are idiotic terms. If you fall in the cold ocean you are worse suited than a shrimp to survive, but it shrimps are pretty bad at chess. Neither of you are more "highly evolved" or have "superior genetics".
Well said.

Those are normative words which rests on a fundamental misunderstanding of what evolution is. Of course, even professionals mix it up because it is a concept that fits in so well with our intuition, in your case you have argued similar things in thousands of posts in RGT and been explained this hundreds of times, and still just keep on trucking. So I don't really have any idea why I'm writing this post, apart from objecting to an extremely bad take in a debate on culture, ethnicity and race.

Also "race" isn't really a concept in genetics in any context that would be useful in this thread (and not much of a concept of all, really). Trying to divide into race genetically based on things like skin color would be useless, since these represent very small morphological differences which in the genetic level are minuscule. If someone thinks they can look at a person of a certain skin color and make an educated guess about the part of his / her genes that doesn't determine skin color, they are wrong to such a spectacular degree that it is hard to put into words.

Basically, your arguments is mostly something we recognize from early 1900s eugenics and racists sitting in lab trying to affirm that their race was superior. Which fits in nicely with Shockley, the mid 20th-century physicist (not even a biologist) funded by the Pioneer Fund, an organization which among its many merits can count being started by a Nazi admirer, fighting civil rights legislation and trying to keep segregation intact. It's still going strong too, but who cares, imminent collapse is upon us because some '70s academics wrote that society might discriminate.
I think I agree with almost everything you said. Thanks for taking the time to write such a thoughtful post.
06-28-2021 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Most people are savvy enough to separate her contributions to women’s health from her terrible (though common at the time) views on race. Not you and Lucky, though!
I obviously can't speak for LB, but in my opinion Sanger was horrible even setting aside her racism.
06-28-2021 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Most people are savvy enough to separate her contributions to women’s health from her terrible (though common at the time) views on race. Not you and Lucky, though!
Her views on women's health were motivated by her views on race.

It wasn't "black people are horrible and also we should have women's health"

It was "we should figure out a way to kill black people before they are born".

That's why she's considered a eugenicist and not just a racist.
06-28-2021 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Her views on women's health were motivated by her views on race.

It wasn't "black people are horrible and also we should have women's health"

It was "we should figure out a way to kill black people before they are born".

That's why she's considered a eugenicist and not just a racist.
Oh look, the forums Charles Murray apologist now has decided he doesn’t like eugenics.

Are you against abortion rights? If not, then this is transparent bad faith. Lag is at least a little consistent on this.
06-28-2021 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Oh look, the forums Charles Murray apologist now has decided he doesn’t like eugenics.

Are you against abortion rights? If not, then this is transparent bad faith. Lag is at least a little consistent on this.
You're a Hitler apologist so lol.
And how would calling Sanger a eugenicist make anything I said bad-faith?

Can you back up your claim that I've apologized for Charles Murray? Otherwise I'm just going to call you a liar-- which you are.
