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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

07-09-2020 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
There both whopper of lies. What does Bush have to do with Trump?

Trump lies the most of any president. Bush Sucked but I bet many Democrats take Bush over Trump.

I think that is why Trump won. Folks just said cant trust any of em lets see what the reality star can do.

Lets say Biden wins and they grab the house and the senate. The right thing to do is ram Universal Health Care through but they won't
lol ofc they wont. and yes, the Dems now ****ing love Bush.

bc the Dem party has gone straight up mask off and its being run by former Bush slappies. The Lincoln Project have been elevated to the lead of the Dems.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
The 30+ million babies aborted in America over the last 50 or so years could certainly attest to that.
Nope, because they were never alive.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
The media is so obvious. BLM protests don't cause the spread, but rallies do.

It's absurd. Not everyone was wearing a mask at the protests, especially the at night protests.

Doesn't matter, we have saved the hospital system and are safely reopening. Of course cases will skyrocket as tests skyrocket.

The spot near me in Roswell GA ran out of tests! Everyone wants a test. Mayor Bottoms tested positive, zero symptoms. Zero problems.

Majority of people who get this don't even get a cold.

Hospitals being overrun is way overdone. Accept victory, my friends. Live your lives (6 feet apart and with a mask), but live your lives.

No reason to stay home unless you are in a high risk group.
Almost hit a 1000 deaths yesterday but that number is going down . Oh wait its actually starting to rise at takes weeks before folks die .

The cases the USA has contact tracing just is not a viable option. As for smudgers argument you test more your gonna get more cases. Our province in Alberta leads the world in testing and we had a horrible day yesterday for us 46 new cases. We have a 1 million more folks than Nevada
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
The 30+ million babies aborted in America over the last 50 or so years could certainly attest to that.
Pretty sure he said “life”.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You'd better be F5'ing this thread pretty frequently, because if he does, it'll be deleted, until he posts it again.
Over time, any given P&S thread will gravitate toward eugenics.

Last edited by well named; 07-10-2020 at 03:16 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Always blame Black people.
Corollary : always blaming black people doesn’t make you racist, it makes you a shrewd independent thinker.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
No one even suggested this (except you). The point is let's not miss the forest for the trees following political partisan narratives, when there are bigger forces at play that are not political at all.
You literally dumped proof of systemic racism on the table as your argument as to why nothing to do with Covid is racist.

Why do you bring up race so much?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
The media is so obvious. BLM protests don't cause the spread, but rallies do.

It's absurd. Not everyone was wearing a mask at the protests, especially the at night protests.

Doesn't matter, we have saved the hospital system and are safely reopening. Of course cases will skyrocket as tests skyrocket.

The spot near me in Roswell GA ran out of tests! Everyone wants a test. Mayor Bottoms tested positive, zero symptoms. Zero problems.

Majority of people who get this don't even get a cold.

Hospitals being overrun is way overdone. Accept victory, my friends. Live your lives (6 feet apart and with a mask), but live your lives.

No reason to stay home unless you are in a high risk group.
Having 80% of people wearing masks at protests and 5% of people at protests makes a massive difference. Do not be this disingenuous. You know better.

Stop paying attention to Kelhus and luckbox. Everything is not the fault of the media and black people.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Almost hit a 1000 deaths yesterday but that number is going down . Oh wait its actually starting to rise at takes weeks before folks die .

The cases the USA has contact tracing just is not a viable option. As for smudgers argument you test more your gonna get more cases. Our province in Alberta leads the world in testing and we had a horrible day yesterday for us 46 new cases. We have a 1 million more folks than Nevada
On a note note related to stupid racism, I'm not so sure about this jump in deaths. Is it possible that deaths finally started rising again on a national level? Absolutely. I even think that's most likely.

However, the fourth of july is a big confounder here. It's possible there was a big backlog with people either not working or barely working. Typically there just isn't any sort of pressure to have timely reporting of deaths.

The stories out of houston showing more people dying at home are eerily similar to what happened in NYC, and I'm guessing we're in for a huge jump regardless soon.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Nope, because they were never alive.
Yes they were.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Over time, any given P&S thread will gravitate toward eugenics
It is weird. I find myself talking about race non stop here, yet I don’t talk about race in other places. On UP, for example I doubt I randomly just brought up racial facts in the massive Covid discussion.

However here it can not be escaped. The “non racists” literally connect everything to racism or like you stated ultimately tie it in to eugenics like good jr tooth sayers.

Here is one of the only threads here not about racism non stop and Kelhus demands it goes there anyways.

For the next iteration of this place I recommend RS Politics for Racist Shithole Politics.

Last edited by well named; 07-10-2020 at 03:16 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Pretty sure he said “life”.
I'm pretty sure he did too.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:57 AM
No one cares about your stupid abortion comment.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 12:10 PM
And here is what happens when Republicans who take cues from Trump, have too much control of a gov't body.

26 Mississippi legislators test positive for COVID-19 after outbreak tied to state Capitol

...State Health Officer Thomas Dobbs told The Mississippi Clarion-Ledger that 36 people who work at the Capitol have tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, including 26 lawmakers. The figure means that about 1 in 6 legislators have contracted the virus. ...

...The uptick in infections follows a month in which many legislators worked in the Capitol without following health guidelines recommending the use of face masks. ...

...As of Thursday morning, Mississippi health authorities had reported nearly 33,000 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in the state and about 1,180 deaths caused by it. ...
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Total cases is irrelevant to what we are trying to achieve. Hospitalizations is what flattening the curve was about.

Certainly, I would like to see total cases go down. If they go down, all hospitals will be safe. But, flattening the curve was not about waiting for a vaccine it was about slowing the spread so the hospital system could absorb the problem. I don't see hospital systems having serious problems. If I were in Houston, I would be concerned and perhaps revert some opening policies.
Flattening the curve and then crushing the curve, as most EU countries have now done along with China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, etc. was not only about slowing the spread so the hospitals wouldn't be overrun.

And it wasn't specifically about stalling so that a vaccine could be developed in order to save lives and completely re-open the economy. Because that would be financially catastrophic.

There are several other reasons that are important as well.

It allows time to develop treatments for Covid that could save lives (which has actually happened).

But perhaps most importantly it allows for time to ramp up testing so that contact tracing can be employed successfully. For the states that have taken advantage of this opportunity (like NY, NJ, CT, VT, NH, RI, and hopefully MI and PA) this enables them to open up their economies with the ability to know where outbreaks are occurring so that they can be dealt with locally. Without this states will find that they will have no idea where Covid is out of control until their hospitals get flooded (and they will get flooded).

The best analogy i have heard about this is forest fires. If you have the ability to know where small brush fires are then you can put them out before they become raging forest fires.

Opening up the economy too soon (i.e. before you have the ability to test anybody who needs a test either because they have symptoms or because they potentially came in contact with somebody who has symptoms) will constantly set you back to the point where you have to shut down again to "flatten the curve" because of the flood of hospitalizations.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 01:58 PM
Anyone seen any studies/articles comparing economic metrics across states? Unemployment, tax revenue, sales receipts, etc. Been Googling, haven’t seen anything really good yet.

Probably too early to have good data anyways. Interested to see how much TOTAL VICTORY in Georgia really accomplished.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by GTO2.0
Anyone seen any studies/articles comparing economic metrics across states? Unemployment, tax revenue, sales receipts, etc. Been Googling, haven’t seen anything really good yet.

Probably too early to have good data anyways. Interested to see how much TOTAL VICTORY in Georgia really accomplished.
I dont think any state leader can even fathom how bad those numbers will be.

Look at Nevada were all their state revenue is tourism
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
This is what I've said flatten the curve always has been!

And hospitals in Florida aren't overwhelmed. They have plenty of bed space and ventilators. They are in the process of requesting extra staffing. No one will be turned away or denied access to a ventilator.
This is already happening in Houston. The number of DOA calls for assistance in the home have increased exponentially over the last two weeks.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
And there's the United States, saying "hold my beer": CDC will issue new guidance on school openings, Pence says, after criticism from Trump

CDC: "Schools should take precautions to keep everyone healthy and safe"
Trump: "That doesn't work for me"
Pence: "Don't worry, the CDC will change their guidelines"


Putting political goals like "reopening schools before the election" ahead of any health challenges that stand in the way, totally normal country we have here

Cool cool cool.

We can add giving little Tammy and Tommy potential life long lung/brain issues to sacrificing Grammy and Grampy to the machine.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Pretty much.

In my opinion, the WHOLE WORLD is heading into its final chapter.

Seek God while He may be found.

Have assurance that your name is written in the Book of Life.

It has been said, "An eternity is too long to be wrong."
GFY with this bullshit
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by WaitingOnAP
No one cares about your stupid abortion comment.
Would love to see the data from your survey. Please provide a link. Thanking you in advance.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
GFY with this bullshit
Are you a mod now?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 04:25 PM

"Total victory" - Smudger2408
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 05:49 PM
Cases mean nothing. Hospital beds are everything. No ones dying that doesn’t have to, and we always expected a million deaths.

Just copy/paste that, change the numbers, were good for the foreseeable future.

Small update from the in-laws who are both nurses - about 15 percent of their nursing staff at a hospital in the valley has quit / decided not to come back off furlough. Staff up tho.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-09-2020 , 05:55 PM
Lagtight might as well be acting like he is living in the Game of Thrones universe.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
