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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

12-12-2022 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Musk showing there's almost no depth to which he will not sink for "engagement".

A lot of the 'Left' reduced engagement with Twitter when Musk took over and his cost him massively in terms of financial loss.

Musk is not dumb. He realizes the best way to get the prior engagement levels back is to get the hypersensitive extreme left and the bigoted far right passionately fighting again on the platform.

So ya, you are correct, this is just something he is willing to say to try and bring back engagement.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
... or that Fauci should be prosecuted. If the latter - for what?

.... Is there something new going on with Fauci that necessitated a weekend tweet mocking pronouns and calling for Fauci's prosecution?
Not saying i want Fauci prosecuted as the gov't seems to have carved out the space for what is ostentatiously Gain of Function by another name, so that is not his fault, imo.

My post from the other discussion on this.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
Gain of Function research.

I have said since the inception of the Gain of Function question, long before it was focused on as a point of contention in Congress or elsewhere, that I do not believe (would bet all my money) that the US gov't and other gov'ts would ever STOP participating in some form of Gain of Function research.

this is an area where the government is caught between 'Citizen ire due to the optics' and 'practical National defense issues' that may look unsavory.

If top gov'ts do not continue Gain of Function research and lets say China and Russia or Iran quietly do, there is an opportunity there for them to create not just Bio Weapons, but then having access to these strains of Super Virus or Bacteria, they could also develop a cure and then control who gets it, when they release the bug.

For that reason the US would never, IMO, cede this area of research only to 'bad actors' and they will always find a way to 'rename it' as something else, while still doing it.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
I didn't get that one either . Your trying to bring some sanity to Twitter and you tweet that.
There is a big push currently for Liberals and the Left to leave Twitter for a couple newer emerging platforms and while the movement is slow, if it hits critical mass Twitter could easily become the MySpace to the new Facebook, story.

And that is because it is Liberal/Left/Centrist thought that is the core of engagement and not right thought, typically.

Right thought, like conspiracy theory talk has been unable to generate anything more than very limited echo boxes with low engagement. What people on the right and CTers need is already healthy platforms of mostly left/Centre discussion where they can go in and oppositionallly post their content, to outrage the Left/Centre. That is what then generates ongoing discussions where they can keep posting more and more.

In many ways right talk, like CT talk is parasitic as its needs an establish, healthy host to tag on to.

Elon is trying to get the left to not leave and to reengaged them in passionate talk. Once they reply to him with outrage, he can step back and let the right trolls do the rest, in raising engagement levels. He is not trying to return any 'sanity'.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
You're just guessing that the reason he tweeted that was to increase engagement. Neither of us actually knows what is going on in his head.

We've had Bari Weiss dripping out info on shadow banning that Twitter long denied, and Matt Taibbi putting out info related to Twitter and Trump. My guess is that he's teasing info to come on COVID information that was suppressed, and communications between Twitter and the CDC. I've long suspected drug use as a factor in Elon's behavior as well.
Has there been new info released released re 'Twitter and Trump' as the only stuff of note i saw was a BS narrative where Elon pointed to Twitter removing a bunch of content which was related to what is called their 'revenge porn' rules which prohibit posting nudes of people without their permission. Elon and Trump spun 'Biden and co asking Twitter to enforce their rules and take it down, and then them doing so' as proof of some gov't violation between a Corporation and the govt. Except Biden was not in gov't at the time and its fine for anyone to send a link to nudes breaking the rules and asking them to take it down.

What Elon did not release is that the Trump GOVERNMENT was also vey engaged with Twitter asking for certain things to be taken down or posted. And unlike Biden,... Trump request came with the weight of the Federal gov't behind it. Elon is refuses to release any of that data.

And not sure what Shadow banning you are citing (link?), but I cited up thread how Elon is actually instituting the practice of shadow banning, up thread.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by NotinVegas
Y'all need some new blood..

Here's the issue...

There's been tons of FOIA emails released via Twitter from Fauci, and others, that raises serious concerns in regards to Fauci's ethics. He's done things in private, while claiming differently in public. These are not getting reported on by establishment media, among other things...

Unlike what Cupee is saying about the first Twitter Files, it's not about dikpiks. They censored a major media outlet's story, at least in part using FBI (bad/incorrect) intel, as supported by an FBI agents and Yoel Roth's sworn testimony. Then they kept that media outlet suspended for 17 days.

In later editions of the TwitterFiles, Twitter directly moderated a tweet flagged/intitated by the FBI for disinfo, i.e. legally protected speech.

Twitter's trust and safety team was in bed with the FBI and DHS with the goal of policing "disinformation", not crimes, all the while their child sexual exploitation team was gutted.

What was going on at Twitter is so far beyond Trump, Hunter and politics. The lack of establishment media reporting on it, and it's active attempts to discredit it, only further shows how broke and/or corrupt our establishment media is.
Nothing quite says "new blood" like a rando established and or previously banned poster creating a new gimmick to post conspiracyderp material on a small, outdated forum! You may have a career ahead of you being one of those posters that posts the "yeah its a great place" in response to "another" brand new poster spamming a question about some company they are shilling. Keep up that good work Mr. New Blood and also update us when the Pope will be arrested. Also, while here - toss washoe some unconditional support for his posts - he can use it from anyone, even a gimmick like you. Thanks!

All the best.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 03:04 PM
Is this guy hot in vegas
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 03:58 PM
He is apparently unaware that he is a brand new gimmick account spewing conspiracyderp stuff and how that type of account should be treated. I have used this reference a couple times but it is akin to the contestant on American Idol in the tryouts who could sing ok, but she was dressed up as a cow. When she was declined she asked in a stunned manner how come and was informed that she was dressed like a cow.

Originally Posted by NotinVegas

"Things the left wants to keep their head in the sand about..."
A rando gimmick account spewing extra derpy stuff will get even less importance placed to it than a washoe post and washoe posts get zero importance so that is not easy to beat. Why not post your derp from your main account here? Why are you afraid to do that? Welcome to how the world actually works though I say that knowing it will have zero impact and you will continue to spew stuff that you get monetized on that nobody else will even care about much, except washoe who may bite on some of your stuff. Keep up the derpy work, and again - Pope update on arrest time. Do not put your head in the sand on the Pope and his arrest date. Also your thoughts on Lizard People would be appreciated.

All the best.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
He is apparently unaware that he is a brand new gimmick account spewing conspiracyderp stuff and how that type of account should be treated. I have used this reference a couple times but it is akin to the contestant on American Idol in the tryouts who could sing ok, but she was dressed up as a cow. When she was declined she asked in a stunned manner how come and was informed that she was dressed like a cow.

A rando gimmick account spewing extra derpy stuff will get even less importance placed to it than a washoe post and washoe posts get zero importance so that is not easy to beat. Why not post your derp from your main account here? Why are you afraid to do that? Welcome to how the world actually works though I say that knowing it will have zero impact and you will continue to spew stuff that you get monetized on that nobody else will even care about much, except washoe who may bite on some of your stuff. Keep up the derpy work, and again - Pope update on arrest time. Do not put your head in the sand on the Pope and his arrest date. Also your thoughts on Lizard People would be appreciated.

All the best.
That's a lot of words to expend and not address the substance of his posts. Although I understand why you don't want to do that.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Is this guy hot in vegas
I can neither confirm or deny the existence of a itshotinvegas in this thread.

If they are the same poster, I would advise the user to refrain from coming back on this subforum and immediately posting the same schtick as b4.

Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
That's a lot of words to expend and not address the substance of his posts. Although I understand why you don't want to do that.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
While I am no longer an active mod in this subforum, I still retain mod "powers". Understand please washoe that I am addressing your continued use of sources that have been discredited. JFK Jr is a moron, anti-vaxxer for YEARS. No scientific background.... just a troll (conspiri-derp if you prefer) with a megaphone. He is NOT an authority on the subject of C19.

You received a warning for this copied link you posted. Another time.... you will be banned by me.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 04:56 PM
I think you meant RFK Jr. JFK Jr is the one that is supposedly not dead and will run on a ticket with Trump in 2024 after the Pope is arrested, though I personally believe that Trump will actually not bother running. Not sure what that means for the undead JFK Jr.

Originally Posted by campfirewest
That's a lot of words to expend and not address the substance of his posts. Although I understand why you don't want to do that.
How about you do it then. Take that gimmick account (that lacks the courage to post his derp on his main account) and expand on it and address the substance of his half a dozen posts. He is self described "new blood," so if you are sympathetic to his messaging then you are the one that should take the mantle and build on it. You can use his derpy Twitter source of a person with a small amount of followers that created her own news site with the words "Free Press" in it with as derpy a description of what they do as is possible. You will love it and should support her for her efforts. I look forward to you building on this Twitter thing with your future posts. Thanks!

All the best.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 06:14 PM
Well, you are the definition of a derp so your outlook on that area is not exactly accurate. Of course you don;t get it. Why would you?

You seem to think your latest spewage is important stuff that you have consumed and been monetized on. After all, look at all the Twitter feeds you are linking! The question then remains - why are you hiding behind a gimmick. You asked Lucky in his derp thread if his Discord is still going, so you clearly aint a newbie here, so why not post under your normal posting account as that will give a much better idea of what your history is like as a poster in terms of how seriously you should be taken. My guess is either you were banned or are afraid to reveal it, which kind of makes the stuff you vomit from a gimmick that much weaker, but in the end that is your choice. Also, update us on the Pope arrest timing please.

All the best.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
While I am no longer an active mod in this subforum, I still retain mod "powers". Understand please washoe that I am addressing your continued use of sources that have been discredited. JFK Jr is a moron, anti-vaxxer for YEARS. No scientific background.... just a troll (conspiri-derp if you prefer) with a megaphone. He is NOT an authority on the subject of C19.

You received a warning for this copied link you posted. Another time.... you will be banned by me.
You're threatening to ban him because he linked to a book by RFK Jr?

Who exactly do you think you're protecting by this?

I would try just not reading this thread if a little anti-vax stuff is going to offend you.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 06:47 PM
Some house-cleaning was done, the thread might look a little weird as a result.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 06:50 PM
Guessing the rando who created that gimmick account was a previously banned poster as I assumed. Mildly amusing that they think their stuff should be taken seriously when they do that, although that one established poster can no longer comment on the "LOLsubstance" of the posts that he implied he cared about, since they no longer exist. Oh well, at least I get to look like I replied to myself a couple times!
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
You're threatening to ban him because he linked to a book by RFK Jr?
Lucky, do you think a single person here is this obtuse?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 06:53 PM
I used to think he was doing a routine in that regard, but then I realized he was nothing more than an experienced washoe and it all made sense. Yeah, he thinks that.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Lucky, do you think a single person here is this obtuse?
Is there something else about RFK Jr that should make posting a link to one his books a bannable offense that I don't know about?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Is there something else about RFK Jr that should make posting a link to one his books a bannable offense that I don't know about?
Yeah I dont get that either
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Is there something else about RFK Jr that should make posting a link to one his books a bannable offense that I don't know about?
Yeah, the part where he said that washoe has a lifetime achievement award of posting that type of derp content, which he does, so he needs to stop. If a genuine rando posted it because he was a newbie sucker for that type of content it probably would not get the same treatment. washoe has not figured out the dance you do of skirting posting guidelines yet. Perhaps he will in time, though I suspect we see him at his peak state currently, so I would take the under on him figuring out how to skate along the edges like you do.

All the best.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Yeah, the part where he said that washoe has a lifetime achievement award of posting that type of derp content, which he does, so he needs to stop. If a genuine rando posted it because he was a newbie sucker for that type of content it probably would not get the same treatment. washoe has not figured out the dance you do of skirting posting guidelines yet. Perhaps he will in time, though I suspect we see him at his peak state currently, so I would take the under on him figuring out how to skate along the edges like you do.

All the best.
I'm genuinely curious, what does a day in the life of Monteroy look like?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Is there something else about RFK Jr that should make posting a link to one his books a bannable offense that I don't know about?
No, but you already knew that and you’re playing dumb like you always do.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-12-2022 , 09:50 PM
He does not "play dumb" as often as you may think.

Originally Posted by campfirewest
I'm genuinely curious, what does a day in the life of Monteroy look like?
I have no equivalent curiosity about a day in your life.

All the best.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-13-2022 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
No, but you already knew that and you’re playing dumb like you always do.
This is where Luckbox and I differ. I really am dumb. (But I try to make up for that with my comedic brilliance.)
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
