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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

06-10-2020 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
So, in your opinion nothing has changed in 250 years to require an update to some of the late 1770s approach to things?

I mean it is great that piracy on the high seas is still a significant issue and all, so much so that nothing new has happened to require updates for changes as time passes.

Libertarians are kind of fun in a way, they are like the chia pets of politics.

All the best.
Congress is free to follow the existing process for Constitutional amendments any time they wish. Referring to the Constitution as a "living document" and saying "times have changed" ignores the Founders created a process for changing the document.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Congress is free to follow the existing process for Constitutional amendments any time they wish. Referring to the Constitution as a "living document" and saying "times have changed" ignores the Founders created a process for changing the document.
Did they provided any mechanism for addressing grievances such as yours (doing things that are not in the Constitution)?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 01:54 PM
Nope. They just do it. Judicial Branch was supposed to be the check, but activist justices have failed in their duty and allowed to use the commerce clause to include absolutely everything. Also, the Judicial Branch decided to lean more on precedent of previous activist justices rather than taking their oath to the Constitution seriously.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Nope. They just do it. Judicial Branch was supposed to be the check, but activist justices have failed in their duty and allowed to use the commerce clause to include absolutely everything. Also, the Judicial Branch decided to lean more on precedent of previous activist justices rather than taking their oath to the Constitution seriously.
Welp, so much for your constitutional argument. ****ing founders, am I right?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Welp, so much for your constitutional argument. ****ing founders, am I right?
Well, the way it is going, the Legislative Branch ignored the Consitituion. The Judicial Branch allowed for it. The Executive Branch, not liking what anyone does, ignores everyone and just does things through executive order.

The I'm just an Executive Order skit on SNL was perfectly stated.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:23 PM
Well, this gives you more time to build that road of yours, since not every road will be a postal road.

All the best.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Well, this gives you more time to build that road of yours, since not every road will be a postal road.

All the best.
I don't think a Constitutional amendment supporting the highway system would be that difficult to achieve.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Well, since Covid overreaction has been exposed as a fraud, he will get his big beautiful convention there, then.
While I wouldn't have agreed with you last week (I agree with Trump that if social distancing and other measures weren't taken we would be looking at over 2 million dead or so), I would have agreed that progress has been made, deaths are down, things look promising.

idk though. Cases are up all in many States. TX, AZ, CA, NC, FL,...and a lot of these places are talking hospitalization issues. That is now. To me, first cases, then hospitalizations, then deaths...It is promising that death rates are falling, but i am not as optimistic as I was even a week ago.

And by that is now, we are just reopening, and yes, these demonstrations probably will add a bunch. This isn't over. This could get worse. This could keep getting worse until the Fall, when it gets really bad like a lot of past viruses (the "second wave")
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
While I wouldn't have agreed with you last week (I agree with Trump that if social distancing and other measures weren't taken we would be looking at over 2 million dead or so), I would have agreed that progress has been made, deaths are down, things look promising.

idk though. Cases are up all in many States. TX, AZ, CA, NC, FL,...and a lot of these places are talking hospitalization issues. That is now. To me, first cases, then hospitalizations, then deaths...It is promising that death rates are falling, but i am not as optimistic as I was even a week ago.

And by that is now, we are just reopening, and yes, these demonstrations probably will add a bunch. This isn't over. This could get worse. This could keep getting worse until the Fall, when it gets really bad like a lot of past viruses (the "second wave")
Yes, hospilization issues are a concern. If the system does not "crack" after all the protests, then we should be fine. There are doctors saying covid is not infecting to the level it was. I am not a doctor, and sounds funny, but I posted an article on this not long ago.

It is also possible that the warm weather thesis is true, meaning cases will uptick in the fall.

They may have to play whack a mole, shutting down certain areas and preventing travel to and from those areas. Is certainly a better alternative then another national shutdown.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Well, this gives you more time to build that road of yours, since not every road will be a postal road.

All the best.
Each state can build any roads they want.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Well, the way it is going, the Legislative Branch ignored the Consitituion. The Judicial Branch allowed for it. The Executive Branch, not liking what anyone does, ignores everyone and just does things through executive order.

The I'm just an Executive Order skit on SNL was perfectly stated.
I know, right. It's everywhere. Very recently the GOP-controlled Senate (and Supreme Court Chief Justice) ignored their Constitutional duty to give Trump the boot despite overwhelming evidence that he abused the power of his office and sold out the country for personal gain and whatnot.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
The infalliblity of a bunch of slave owners ITT.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
I know, right. It's everywhere. Very recently the GOP-controlled Senate (and Supreme Court Chief Justice) ignored their Constitutional duty to give Trump the boot despite overwhelming evidence that he abused the power of his office for personal gain and whatnot.
Republican politicians are ALMOST as evil as Democrat politicians, in my opinion.

Time to dissolve the Union and start over, in my opinion.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-10-2020 , 03:02 PM
Both parties apparently hate the Constitution.

That's why I'm registered "No Party Preference."
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-11-2020 , 09:00 PM
CA is having it's worst day ever, TX had it's yesterday, FL today, AZ today, NC, GA, AL...These are our warmest states, so this warm weather thing... While it might be worse if it was colder, clearly this isn't going anywhere. The original hardest hit areas, NY, NJ, MI, WA, etc. are doing much better. Also, the death rate, at least for now, has gone down. but I think Wall St. realized today this isn't going well.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-11-2020 , 09:37 PM
California counts as an original hardest hit, but it's split between the Bay being pretty good and SoCal, especially LA, being horrible and opening up anyway.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-11-2020 , 10:06 PM
California has had massive testing shortages from the get go. In Los Angeles County until very recently if you went to the hospital with every Covid symptom, they most likely would tell you to go home without testing you and not to come back unless you were in severe distress. And most people of course would get better at home and never get tested at all.

And even those people that did get tested, would often have a backlog of weeks before the results would come in. And they would be counted when the results came in.

I suspect cases are actually going down, they are just catching more of them than they were, and catching up on backlog. However, they are still missing A LOT of cases I suspect.

Edit: And if I am wrong and So Cal really is getting 2-3x more cases now than a few weeks ago, it should show up in the death count in a few weeks. But I doubt it.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-12-2020 , 01:09 PM
Cases in CA hit new highs every day when you look at 7 day and 14 day rolling avgs. Unlike most other states, CA never really hit a peak and then got better (at one point in late April they dropped about 200 cases per day over a five day period but then went back up after that). This could be a result of not testing enough.

But CA has one of the lowest death rates per capita (~125/million) than any other big states and by a wide margin (NY is at ~1,265/million). This is likely because they shut down earlier than everybody else.

The other thing is that CA really hasn't gotten their death counts down by much. They peaked at 78.5 (14 day rolling avg) on May 2 and hit a low of 60.8 June 6. But they are now at 64.9 going up every day. So that basically suggests that their recent problems started around May 23.

If you look at this website you will see that CA's R0 is at just over 1 so their cases are going up slowly. Their positive test rate % is still below 5% for the most part so they are sufficiently testing. And in the last 7 days or so their testing capacity has stayed basically the same. So the recent increase in cases the last few days isn't a result of more testing.

On the bright side CA is tracing 33% of their cases now. Whereas NY is tracing about 13%. So if they can improve their tracing they may be able to reduce the spread that way.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-12-2020 , 05:32 PM

I'm really excited for this rally next week
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-12-2020 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

I'm really excited for this rally next week
Dunno...something tells me u want the death count to go up right?
Please do correct me if im wrong.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-12-2020 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
Dunno...something tells me u want the death count to go up right?
Please do correct me if im wrong.
There are forum rules against one of the possible answers to that question.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-12-2020 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
There are forum rules against one of the possible answers to that question.
Why oh why...everytime i have one of your brothers/sisters pinned 1,2,3...u show up?
Do admire the response time though! Well oiled machine!, grant u guys that!
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-12-2020 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
everytime i have one of your brothers/sisters pinned
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-12-2020 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Cut to the chase...u want it to go up.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
06-12-2020 , 07:49 PM
Unlucky. You really had him. Nice hand anyway.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
