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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

07-10-2022 , 01:36 PM
When they say BA5 causes worse disease its still on a probability range highly influenced by vaccination status/previous infection etc.

Im not sure about the Delta comparison but BA5 is worse than previous Omicrons due to it infecting lungs (as did Delta) instead of upper air ways.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 01:52 PM
The articles I've read have not shown an increase in hospitialisation rates. Early days though.

Blimey, i've just done 5 minutes of something remotely physical (preparing some rubbish to throw out) and sweat is pouring off me.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Seems to have finally caught me. Probably not a bad time to get it. Standard drugs and a healthy supply of bady fat sems to be doing the strick so far.
Hope you experience a mild case Chez.

if you can get one of those quick and easy blood oxygen monitor things for the finger (I think they work??) you should maybe consider it as that seems to be a key indicator you might need elevated care.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
some people committed suicide because of getting cancelled and ruined and publicly shamed from shitstorms on the internet to kicking your kid out of school for even voicing that.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 04:13 PM
so you are not familiar with this at all? I thought you were a doctor.

interesting although possibly not satisfactory for you:

Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 04:21 PM
None of those links prove your hypothesis in anyway, you have posted some dumb **** before but this is idiotic even for you. Even for you.

They are nothing about anyone being cancelled and ruined for **** storms on the internet.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 04:22 PM
if you don't understand it don't attack me for you ignorance.

even doctors were losing faith here it was too much politics. if you are really a doctor ganstaman you know that.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 04:25 PM

Dude they literally have nothing, zero, to do with your claim about suicides from being cancelled etc, zero, and that is not opinion its stone cold objective reality.

You have no clue wtf is going on.


This is washoe comedy gold, the clown that never stops giving.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 04:29 PM
"Doctors die by suicide at twice the rate of everyone else. Here’s what we can do."

why? if everything went smooth why?
I tell you why, even doctors were mistrusting their government in corona times.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
"Doctors die by suicide at twice the rate of everyone else. Here’s what we can do."

why? if everything went smooth why?
Dude are you really this stupid?

Date on article Oct 2020.

Opening paragraph:

One Monday about a year ago,
I walked down the hall of our clinic to ask my colleague’s advice about a patient. I often sought his guidance over the years.
But that Monday was different. After we talked, Skip canceled his patients for the week, left the office and killed himself.
So it starts with a story about doctor who killed himself before the pandemic, and this is your evidence that doctors are killing themselve for being cancelled about claiming the virus was lab leaked.

Stick to video, reading is too much for you.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 04:38 PM
youre a dumb troll, i didn't read that article, I skimmed the other ones. since the topic was doctors suicide rate is double I assumed it fell in line with the other article which you ignored.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 04:46 PM
Doctor’s Suicide Note Has Parents Asking: Was My Child Really Vaccinated?

there were a few doctors that were strictly anti vaxx that committed suicide. it was too much pressure and stress for them.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 04:47 PM
The guy to not admitting reading his own cites calls other peoples dumb.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 04:50 PM
i made a rule that I don't talk to people who dont know the difference between but and butt.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman

There is no english article on this german doctor who committed suicide last year, run in though google translator.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Doctor’s Suicide Note Has Parents Asking: Was My Child Really Vaccinated?

there were a few doctors that were strictly anti vaxx that committed suicide. it was too much pressure and stress for them.
So nothing to do with anyone committing suicide over being cancelled over lab leak theory.

So far you have not supplied a single cite that gets within a million miles of supporting your claims.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by washoe
There is no english article on this german doctor who committed suicide last year, run in though google translator.

ran in through google translator:

This was a doctor who stood up againt the mandates, which many doctors, more or less silently criticized.

Not saying anything to this, just that many doctors voiced concerns that politics took over and created panic.

"My brother fell in the Corona war against humanity! He took his own life the day before yesterday! May his soul find peace! With infinite sorrow, Yours, Falko.” With these haunting words, specialist doctor Falko Bengen announced the death of his brother briefly and painfully a few days ago. Jens Bengen was one of the critical doctors from the very beginning who publicly opposed the government's Corona course - and dared to take away people's fear of Corona. This is what Christian Euler writes on the "" portal. Euler continues: "For some he was the "star for conspiracy theorists", for others he is a hero who sacrificed himself. The fact is: Bengen stood up for his convictions. His conviction that face masks are also a health burden for healthy people and do not offer protection against the corona virus. The mainstream media worked its way up on the doctor. In addition, investigations by the public prosecutor's office and the medical association, as well as constant defamation, took their deadly toll. On May 26, Bengen saw no way out for himself - possibly also for the big picture. No words of sympathy for the family The mainstream media present themselves as equally callous and irreverent. “The dramatic consequences for the corona denier doctors,” headlines T-Online, for example. In Bengen's name, tens of thousands of courtesy certificates for mask liberation are on the way. One day after the introduction of the nationwide mask requirement on April 28 last year, the doctor provided a link to download a blank certificate to fill out yourself. significantly higher rates (at least 1.58 times) of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts between February...

Issuing incorrect health certificates can be punished with up to two years in prison and cost the license to practice medicine. According to T-Online, there were investigations by the public prosecutor's office and the medical association against Bengen, but no approval procedure had been initiated against the man from northern Hesse. However, the author does not find words of sympathy for Jens Bengen's family. Also significant: The entry on Wikipedia about the urologist from Hofgeismar in Hesse was deleted around 10 p.m. on June 2nd. Jens Bengen has become synonymous with the divisions in our society: on the one hand, those who can be sure of the full power of state protection - and on the other hand, those who believe in the democratically guaranteed right to criticize and protest venture out of cover and risk destroying their professional livelihood. This polarization is reinforced by a deep lack of understanding: anyone who finds the state measures appropriate, feels protected from danger by them and therefore does not question them, cannot understand this other reality and the existential misery of people. A colleague put it in a nutshell: "The whole landscape in which you can and want to move as a citizen if you want to take responsible democratic participation and participation seriously is so contaminated that with every step that doesn't takes place on the mapped out and sharply demarcated footpath for exemplary citizens, falls into snap traps – including the gasps of indignant guardians of virtue.” Desperate about the state of the Corona Republic of Germany Jens Bengen is not the only one who suffered from the effects of the official measures, which cause a wide variety of health, psychological, social and economic damage. This is also shown by the "Special Survey Germany Depression Barometer" published by the German Depression Aid Foundation at the end of March, the finding of which was: "Second lockdown massively worsens the course of the disease and the care of mentally ill people." 44 percent of people diagnosed with depression report a worsening of their disease course in the last six months – to suicide attempts. Already in December last year, the results of the study "Suicide Ideation and Attempts in a Pediatric Emergency Department Before and During COVID-19" from the USA showed a significantly higher rate (at least 1.58 times) of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts between February and July 2020 compared to the same period in 2019.

Last edited by washoe; 07-10-2022 at 07:23 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 07:24 PM
So nothing to do with anyone committing suicide over being cancelled over lab leak theory.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 07:34 PM

Is it suspicious that the WIV is in Wuhan?
Virology labs tend to specialize in the viruses around them, says Vincent Munster, a virologist at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories, a division of the National Institutes of Health, in Hamilton, Montana. The WIV specializes in coronaviruses because many have been found in and around China. Munster names other labs that focus on endemic viral diseases: influenza labs in Asia, haemorrhagic fever labs in Africa and dengue-fever labs in Latin America, for example. “Nine out of ten times, when there’s a new outbreak, you’ll find a lab that will be working on these kinds of viruses nearby,” says Munster.

Researchers note that a coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan isn’t surprising, because it’s a city of 11 million people in a broader region where coronaviruses have been found. It contains an airport, train stations and markets selling goods and wildlife transported there from around the region5 — meaning a virus could enter the city and spread rapidly.

Anyways, I was reading through some of the links that OAK provided, which by the way none even support his argument there is a consensus the virus was natural, although they are definitely slanted towards that argument. And one section in particular (highlighted above) I found really intellectually dishonest and it really bothered me.

First of all, the only close genetic relatives of the Coronavirus in question are over 2000 miles away in rural caves that no one can get too. There are no close relatives identified anywhere near Wuhan. To suggest that Wuhan could be the location of a natural outbreak because it is near an area that has Coronaviruses is extremely dishonest IMO. Coronaviruses are a class of virus that is everywhere there is animals for them to infect. You could literally make this statement about any place on Earth except Antartica.

This section also completely refuses to acknowledge a reality that anyone with a basic understanding of probability and statistics should recognize right away, that is completely independent of biology and politics. That is

A. We know that the WIV is one of only a tiny handful of places that specialize in Coronavirus research (I have read some estimates it is one of two)
B. We know that researchers from WIV went to the caves in SW China (the place the closest genetic relatives to Covid-19 are located) to study bat coronaviruses that had crossed into humans, and we know they brought virus back to WIV to study.
C. We know the caves are so far away and so remote the chance the virus "naturally" travelled all the way to Wuhan from them is extremely low.

--Given all of this, without addressing a single point of biology, basic probability/statistics and common sense dictates the lab leak hypothesis to be far, far more likely; and it would take an overwhelming amount of evidence for natural origin to tip the scales. And I think failure to acknowledge and address this, and even blatant academic dishonesty (IMO) like the passage above, shows how compromised the scientific community really is.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by washoe

they want us to take a shot every year for a new straint. where can I buy Pfizer stocks there bastards know how to make money!
Like flu shots?

Originally Posted by washoe

even doctors were losing faith here it was too much politics. if you are really a doctor ganstaman you know that.
I'm not positive, but I think he has a PhD in psychology, which has really nothing to do with virology.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
So nothing to do with anyone committing suicide over being cancelled over lab leak theory.

I meant cancelled, not over a lab leak. The lab leak got cancelled, just as hunter bidens laptop.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 07:49 PM
First of all, the only close genetic relatives of the Coronavirus in question are over 2000 miles away in rural caves that no one can get too
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
shows how compromised the scientific community really is.

Thats why they sabotaged the investigations.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1

even I know that.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
07-10-2022 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Like flu shots?

I'm not positive, but I think he has a PhD in psychology, which has really nothing to do with virology.

Much worse than flu shots. Who the f takes flu shots? Are they mandatory, as in forced? As in cant travel, work, live without it?

He would know that even doctors werent happy with all the politics and lies around it imo.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
