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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

04-25-2020 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
I think Georgia got it right. Sheltered in place. Hospitals did not get overrun and now they are beginning to reopen.

At no point in this post did I intend to criticize decisions made to this point. Now, it is time to go back to work.

Brian Kemp 2020, actually, but Trump already has the nomination locked up, so looking out to 2024!

Are hospitalizations in GA increasing or decreasing?
04-25-2020 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Many people died due to financial crisis of 2008. Fortunately, it was short lived and we had a V shaped recovery. The longer things go on the worse it gets. Not reopening is more deadly than the disease. 5 weeks of shelter in place was enough. Now, no one is saying to not change how business is done. In Georgia, they are taking temperature checks before they come in, the hair stylists are wearing masks and gloves, the person getting their hair done is wearing masks, gyms have shut down every other treadmill to manage social distancing inside of the gym. Restraunts will max at 25% capacity initially. Slow, measured, but reopen. Get people back to work. Enough of the nonsense.
Mortality rate actually went down during the Great Recession
04-25-2020 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie

Are hospitalizations in GA increasing or decreasing?
I don't know, but most cases in any County is Fulton, which is 2,500. The hospital system can easily absorb that.

And on the Disney thing, it is what Georgia is doing. Limited reopenings, up to the business owner with Social Distancing in place and practice.

Some businesses that are able to open dont' feel it is safe. That is their call. Doesn't prevent them from PPP or other government programs.

Temperture checks before letting people in stores. Distancing inside of stores and gyms.

It's a phased reopening. Sure, we can criticize tattoo parlors and tongue piercings. If I was governor I would have put them in phase 2, but directionally, he is doing a great thing for his state.

Be very interesting in 2024, will be two new candidates. Trump will have maxed his terms and Biden, given age will likely be a one term President if he wins.

I think, today, the Democrats feel that Andrew Cuomo is getting it right and the Republicans feel that Brian Kemp is getting it right. Be an interesting 2024 matchup.
04-25-2020 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Mortality rate actually went down during the Great Recession
Mortality rates decrease every year due to increased medical technology.

Have to look at the rate with which it decreased.

Lipitor and other drugs have been massive game changers.
04-25-2020 , 01:54 PM
I live in SW Ga and our area has been hit pretty hard. The county due N of us has the most deaths (108) in the state and we have 25. They have < 90k residents and we have 22k. The 4 main counties around Atlanta (3.5m) have about 250 deaths.

Dougherty Co's biggest city is Albany and that's where all the problems started - there were 2 funerals that were widely attended in Feb.

Hope Kemp is right. I was out earlier and didn't see any change from a few days ago...
04-25-2020 , 02:00 PM
the "more deaths due to depression and drug use caused by economic downturns" thing is making its way around Right wing facebook.

totally unsurprising to see it here.

the numbers are massively inflated and even with the total after 3 month unemployment spike to 33% don't reach the number of deaths from COVID per day that we are currently experiencing.
04-25-2020 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
the "more deaths due to depression and drug use caused by economic downturns" thing is making its way around Right wing facebook.

totally unsurprising to see it here.

the numbers are massively inflated and even with the total after 3 month unemployment spike to 33% don't reach the number of deaths from COVID per day that we are currently experiencing.
It's not just deaths.
Alcohol sales up 51%
Depression rates increasing
Domestic Abuse increasing
Child abuse increasing
Nutrition decreasing in economically hit areas
Stress levels increasing

These are things that have long term health consequences, if we are making a health based argument only.

Now, if we add in the devastation that can occur when a currency loses its value to hyper inflation, or loss of faith in that currency, you are looking at far worse consequences.

WWII comes to mind...

Last edited by Smudger2408; 04-25-2020 at 02:10 PM.
04-25-2020 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by vafongool
Suddenly you sacks of **** care about the working and poor people killing themselves?

How many murder suicides have there been because our joke of a healthcare system? How many suicides happened because of the last conservative caused recession/depression (2008/9). Trump was pretty happy about that one. Called it "a great buying opportunity".

That recession was definitely a bi-partisan operation.

Sent from my moto e5 cruise using Tapatalk
04-25-2020 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
They don't have to kill people. We have the wealth and resources to provide for the people struggling. Instead we gave trillions to the corporate cartels.

Sent from my moto e5 cruise using Tapatalk
04-25-2020 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408

There isn't one.

Says who? You and Kemp? Are you an epidemiologist?

Your definition of adequate testing is...whatever level of testing there is such that our case numbers keep going up?

That Stanford study is deeply flawed, and the notion that appreciable numbers of people having had this without ever being symptomatic is wholly inconsistent not only with the number of deaths we've had but also with the timing of them. Also, the number of deaths is being substantially undercounted.

Oh right, let's not just kill off 0.5%-1% of our population, let's do it multiple times!

People are showing severe lung damage that could cause long term health problems long after the virus is gone.

We could try taxing rich people.

"try taxing rich people."

04-25-2020 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yo Smudger,

If all government restrictions were ended today, do you think Disney World would open today also?

Sent from my moto e5 cruise using Tapatalk
04-25-2020 , 03:40 PM
There is no guarantee that we will ever have a good vaccine.
04-25-2020 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
No area has an overwhelmed hospital system.

One awful effect is that due to cancellation of elective surgeries, areas that do not have COVID problems are laying people off and won't be equipped to handle a COVID problem if it comes.
Not exactly sure what you're even trying to say. No overwhelmed hospital systems is a consequence of shutting things down in light of an acceleration of hospitalizations, not something that's a condition to finally close things down. If you close things down when your hospital system is overwhelmed you're already too late.
04-25-2020 , 04:21 PM
I know you want Kemp but think bigger Smudger. After 4 more years of Trump GOP should kick Pence to the curb and run a Hannity Don JR. ticket
04-25-2020 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by maulaga58
I know you want Kemp but think bigger Smudger. After 4 more years of Trump GOP should kick Pence to the curb and run a Hannity Don JR. ticket
That's not a bad ticket. Going on a limb, even if Trump wins a second term, Pence will not be the nominee.

Some heavy hitters wait. Nikki Haley, Brian Kemp, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul.

COVID changes everything, though. If they go with online voting, the Republican Party is going to have to make a massive shift left, resembling Obama's Democrat Party, and the current Democratic Party will resemble AOC/Bernie wing.
04-25-2020 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Not exactly sure what you're even trying to say. No overwhelmed hospital systems is a consequence of shutting things down in light of an acceleration of hospitalizations, not something that's a condition to finally close things down. If you close things down when your hospital system is overwhelmed you're already too late.
I agree. Now with adequate testing and containment proceedures outbreaks should be easier to identify and contain.

But, given many hospitals have lost staff due to economic reasons and layoff's, certain areas won't be able to deal with this if it comes.

If elective surgeries were allowed they would not have had to lay those people off.

Hip replacements, shoulder surgeries, etc., should be immediately open in all states. Think it was a mistake to cancel those in areas without COVID issues. Hindsight is 20-20 and I don't fault them for it, but now that we see the results, immediately allow those in all 50 states, but not counties dealing with heavy related COVID issues.
04-25-2020 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
I don't know, but most cases in any County is Fulton, which is 2,500. The hospital system can easily absorb that.

And on the Disney thing, it is what Georgia is doing. Limited reopenings, up to the business owner with Social Distancing in place and practice.

Some businesses that are able to open dont' feel it is safe. That is their call. Doesn't prevent them from PPP or other government programs.

Temperture checks before letting people in stores. Distancing inside of stores and gyms.

It's a phased reopening. Sure, we can criticize tattoo parlors and tongue piercings. If I was governor I would have put them in phase 2, but directionally, he is doing a great thing for his state.

Be very interesting in 2024, will be two new candidates. Trump will have maxed his terms and Biden, given age will likely be a one term President if he wins.

I think, today, the Democrats feel that Andrew Cuomo is getting it right and the Republicans feel that Brian Kemp is getting it right. Be an interesting 2024 matchup.
Hospitalizations are increasing, Smudger. Now, if we relax shelter in place orders, do you think hospitalizations will

A. Go down
B. Stay the same
C. Increase at the same rate as now
D. Increase at a faster rate than now
04-25-2020 , 05:13 PM
I would be impressed with a protester in the US having a "We Need Hip Replacements Now!" sign, while holding an AK-47 of course. And wearing gloves and a mask.
04-25-2020 , 05:16 PM
Mr. Wookie, hospilizations increasing at a level that hospitals can handle it is okay with me.

If they skyrocket and Atlanta becomes overwhelmed, we are screwed.

CNN posted an article today that WHO says antibody testing is unreliable as they believe it is possible you can get this twice.
04-25-2020 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Mr. Wookie, hospilizations increasing at a level that hospitals can handle it is okay with me.

If they skyrocket and Atlanta becomes overwhelmed, we are screwed.

CNN posted an article today that WHO says antibody testing is unreliable as they believe it is possible you can get this twice.
You mean "are handling," and that is a very different thing from "will be able to handle in the near future if the rate of hospitalizations increases." Opening up before hospitalization numbers start decreasing is exactly how we get to "we are screwed."
04-25-2020 , 05:37 PM
With the way the media was trying to scare us, I thought hospitals would have been overwhelmed by now, even with the shutdowns.
04-25-2020 , 05:40 PM
"Nothing to be afraid of after all!" says resident of country with an unprecedented amount of death from an infectious disease even while the number of cases is still increasing
04-25-2020 , 05:43 PM
He was chewing on a Lysol wipe at the time, so he is good.
04-25-2020 , 06:59 PM
Mr. Wookie, there are no problems with beds even in NYC.

Equipment is being produced every second.

Time for measured reopens.

I'm hoping for full stadiums in September for NFL games. If not safe, then at least a way we can watch the games on TV without crowds.
04-25-2020 , 07:39 PM
What do you do, OP?
