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07-25-2021 , 04:52 PM
Poor shuffle can't get a break. I mean it's all over Twitter!

The evolution of one man's delusion

Vaccines are an all out pump n dump scam
Vaccines will verly likely harm you
Ok not yet it seems but very likely to harm in the future
Vaccines just don't work, have almost no efficacy
Ok maybe they work at greatly reducing deaths/hospitalizations but they don't stop infections
Have fun getting a booster every 6 months

This is not a personal attack, this is very much along the lines of the past months of posting
07-25-2021 , 04:53 PM
For some people, the glass is always half-empty. If you give him the benefit of the doubt -and assume he's posting in good faith - then he's consuming information voraciously and yet only absorbing then regurgitating that which reinforces his viewpoint that WAAF.

Canada update: 7 Day average just under 400 cases - from a high of 7000 back in May before vaccination kicked into high gear. Delta variant is widespread, but here in Ontario, it's not helping the spread noticeably. Think everyone is holding their breath for September, when the numbers start coming in after school is back in session.
07-25-2021 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Poor shuffle can't get a break. I mean it's all over Twitter!

The evolution of one man's delusion

Vaccines are an all out pump n dump scam
Vaccines will verly likely harm you
Ok not yet it seems but very likely to harm in the future
Vaccines just don't work, have almost no efficacy
Ok maybe they work at greatly reducing deaths/hospitalizations but they don't stop infections
Have fun getting a booster every 6 months
They are basically drugging people to death.

This is not a personal attack, this is very much along the lines of the past months of posting
07-25-2021 , 05:01 PM

1: Olympian selection bias.
2: Aggressively dismissive of any counter opinion. Counter opinion must be in bad faith/Propaganda.
3: Complete lack of self awareness of the above.
07-25-2021 , 05:04 PM
He desperately wants the world to end for everyone. He also wants the vaccine to be a failure, because - see above. When the world only kind of ends for many within the voluntary unvaccinated community, at that point he will find that he has painted himself into an awkward corner, and a lot of people are with him (even if they are not ones that want to see the whole world end). No doubt he will adapt his messaging somewhat, even if it is kind of yikes worthy, but the virus will not care as it smashes many of them in the face in the future. Just the way it will be.

In a micro sense - the dude clearly has some significant mental issues and should get help, though whether he does or not is his choice. Not hard to guess which way he will choose, and I cannot really pretend to care much about his choice in that regard.

It will be interesting to see how things play out in USA#1 vs Canada in the future. Glad I live in the latter.
07-25-2021 , 05:07 PM
Sad thing is one could quite rationally and calmly be pointing out the end of the world right now, with complete objective detachment.

Check the weather, its gone complete ming the merciless.
07-25-2021 , 05:15 PM
If you make him take a break here he will just post his stuff in the Laugh or Links! forum anyways.
07-25-2021 , 05:26 PM
Not going to waste a lot of time on this. Yes, I know you left it vague on purpose. I'll leave it at that.

As for "every 6 months"...

Originally Posted by Shuffle
You can search all over twitter, and all over google, and find numerous articles and experts who are stating that immunity appears to be waning significantly after ~6 months. Whether it said in that article or not, as if every known fact has to be contained in every link cited, is irrelevant, and implies you are looking for reasons to take issue with my post, based on a difference of opinion.
Cool. "waning significantly after ~6 months" says nothing about needing a booster ~every 6 months, as you said in your post.

Here's my point. You took "people who are 65 and older or who have compromised immune systems will most likely need a third shot" and turned that into "...people will need booster shots every ~6 months". Whether you have preconceived notions that have rendered you unable to see the difference, or you're being intentionally misleading, I couldn't say.
07-25-2021 , 05:42 PM
You are putting strategy onto someone who is effectively a salmon trying to return to the spawning beds that they once hatched from. He wants the world to end and die so he will change his messaging to serve that purpose purely due to instinct. Whether you and others try to debate and logically discuss things with someone like that is your choice.
07-25-2021 , 05:55 PM
I got really upset after the disinformation and flip flopping about the masks. The gov straight up lied and said masks were not effective. That came from fauci imo and the highest sources. Then they got back and said the opposite. That really pissed me off.

What's up with Sweden? I talked to a Swede recently and he said nobody cared there. Nobody needs to get vaccines in Sweden.

So what is up? How are the Swedes doing would be interesting.

And what do the doctors know that we dont know?
I know a doctor that I don't talk to due to different opinion. I know they are not vaccinated. What's up with that? What are they waiting for?
07-25-2021 , 07:02 PM
Imagine if the doctor you know was Swedish. What's up with that!
07-25-2021 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
addendum: Having said that, I plan to get my first jab today!
07-25-2021 , 08:05 PM
Nice to see Shuffle stop with the "every 6 months" silliness.

Originally Posted by lagtight
addendum: Having said that, I plan to get my first jab today!
07-25-2021 , 08:51 PM
Got my first Pfizer jab this afternoon. So far, so good!

Thank y'all for your encouragement!
07-25-2021 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Got my first Pfizer jab this afternoon. So far, so good!

Thank y'all for your encouragement!
Good job!

Your body, your choice!
07-25-2021 , 10:46 PM
The kids and vaccine is a tough one. Do you have kids?
It's like yeah, covid doesn't do **** to kids until one day it does. Can you imagine not getting your kid vaxxed and they then die from Covid. Or you get your kid vaxxed and they have a terrible long term injury from it?

My sister got my 12 year old nephew his 1st shot. I wasn't crazy about the idea but he's got this auto-immune thing that affects his vascular system. He's a super healthy and athletic kid but gets these flare ups every now and then that make him have to stay indoors for like a week or so.
So as you know, we already lost are Dad to it so that's gotta play a role into her thinking. What if her non action caused her to lose her son, however tiny the chances?

Sounds like the kid caught it last week though so all kind of moot at this point.
I'm much more worried about my J&J vaxxed sister and my brother in law than the kid. I know he'll be fine but in my sister's shoes I can totally understand her decision given the circumstances and love for your child.
He's a great kid.

So don't be so hard on some parents.
07-25-2021 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
The kids and vaccine is a tough one. Do you have kids?
It's like yeah, covid doesn't do **** to kids until one day it does. Can you imagine not getting your kid vaxxed and they then die from Covid. Or you get your kid vaxxed and they have a terrible long term injury from it?

My sister got my 12 year old nephew his 1st shot. I wasn't crazy about the idea but he's got this auto-immune thing that affects his vascular system. He's a super healthy and athletic kid but gets these flare ups every now and then that make him have to stay indoors for like a week or so.
So as you know, we already lost are Dad to it so that's gotta play a role into her thinking. What if her non action caused her to lose her son, however tiny the chances?

Sounds like the kid caught it last week though so all kind of moot at this point.
I'm much more worried about my J&J vaxxed sister and my brother in law than the kid. I know he'll be fine but in my sister's shoes I can totally understand her decision given the circumstances and love for your child.
He's a great kid.

So don't be so hard on some parents.
Well said.
07-26-2021 , 01:03 AM
South why are you worried about j&j
07-26-2021 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
So if the boosters are given to younger people, then why? It's a legitimate question to ask why these people, who are healthy and generally not at risk of severe disease, should be recommended to get boosters every six months, when it may not be in their medical benefit. If they are not recommended for these people, on the other hand, then it's a self-own that they never should have been told to get vaccinated anyway, let alone be required to get immunity passports or be barred from public places (as they are currently trying to legislate in countries like Israel and France).
This is not about the kids and young people themselves. Its about protecting everyone in our community and society.

The problem with people in their 20's not getting vaccinated is not that they will die or get seriously ill but that they will catch Covid, not be aware because they are asymptomatic and give it to somebody who is vulnerable. Similarly for children under 20.

The difference of course is that people in their 20's or 30's are adults and get to make decisions for themselves like whether or not they smoke cigarettes or do drugs like meth. And I honestly don't care. I think all drugs should be legal in the US. And if people are suicidal or intentionally delusional they should be allowed to do whatever it is they want to do.

For children it is like most other serious diseases that get transmitted easily like measles, polio, smallpox etc. If children aren't vaccinated for those other diseases (at the time they are raging pandemically) then of course many children would die and/or be crippled. But Covid doesn't kill children (much). So why vaccinate children from Covid? Because they will spread it and families of other children will be at risk.

My wife and I who are semi-vulnerable to Covid potential death decided to hold our child out of school last fall when Covid starting spreading rampantly and a kid in my son's Pod tested positive (we kept our son home after the Quarantine period was up).

Now we are in an interesting situation where something like 25% of the country doesn't believe Covid is deadly, doesn't believe the stats published by the states, doesn't believe the CDC, thinks Fauci intentionally lies, etc. It does seem like the vast majority of deaths will be theirs and if that were strictly the case, I wouldn't care.

But the bigger problem is that people who take immune suppressing drugs can't get vaccinated even if they want to. A friend of mine recently in that situation caught Covid and came very close to dying. From what I have heard there are about 60,000,000 Americans on immune suppressing drugs. That is about 15% of the population. Should the people who don't want to get vaccinated be allowed to put those other people at risk?

In the case of smokers we don't allow it. They can smoke in their own homes. Or out in public. But not inside buildings where their cigarette smoke could harm other individuals. Similarly with gun use. Should people be allowed to fire their guns anywhere they want?

So like with the measles, mumps, chicken pox vaccines children are required to take them to protect others they might come in contact with and to protect themselves. The more people who are vaccinated the less likely there will be an outbreak.

My guess is that vaccines will become mandatory in some places but not everywhere. There are republican governors who will fight that in their states. And the response by the public will be similar to what happened in March of last year when people stopped going to restaurants, theaters, etc. before the bans.

Except now this will affect people who can't get vaccinated for medical reasons. So a much smaller % of the population. The rest of us will either get vaccinated and not be at risk or be unvaccinated and continue to die (probably at a rate considerably higher than the worst Flu seasons).

But as the variants get worse, those of us who are vaccinated will likely start taking protective measures again. Or take new and improved vaccine boosters. Gladly.

In the end it will also be about hospitals. Given the recent outbreak, no doubt some states will start exceeding their ICU capacity. Missouri already has in some counties. Many of the people hospitalized now are in their 30's and 40's. Eventually it is likely the variants will get worse and we will possibly see a lot more people in their 20's hospitalized. So ultimately it will be about whether we want to shut down indoor non-essential businesses again or have everyone who can, get vaccinated. I think its an easy choice.
07-26-2021 , 01:47 AM
Canada has 73% white but that's ok ik facts don't matter to you if they get in the way. Obv stopped reading there
07-26-2021 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
South why are you worried about j&j
To be honest I haven't really read into it, just see the clickbait headlines that seems to frame it as the least effective of the American offerings but would be happily corrected in my perception.
07-26-2021 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle

I have a friend in Indonesia, her mom just got sick. Probably with Covid, she will find out today. Her mom is 60 and has many underlying conditions, needless to say her prognosis versus the delta variant is not good, especially in a place where even in the large cities hospitals are running out of oxygen. These are the people who can't get anything while the available vaccines are being hoarded by hypocritical people who then want to turn the whole pandemic into a scapegoat charade.
I have a good friend I chat with daily in Indonesia, it's bad over there, vaccines are near impossible to get and what is available is of the Sino variety.
Here in Thailand it's not even that bad yet and we're already out of hospital beds and oxygen is running low. We're right on the path of Indonesia at the moment. They're vaxxing a few 100k people a day on some days but not nearly enough to go around and going to take a year at this rate. When we had our vaccine kick off we were doing almost 1mil a day and then supplies ran out.
Really frustrating to see the US have vax lotteries to try and get their hill Billy population vaxxed when unprotected countries would readily accept them.

Whatever you guys have on the shelves now should be it. All new production for export and we'll pay.
07-26-2021 , 02:37 AM
Shuffle is right about Canada hoarding vaccines. Trudeau promised to donate a lot but we have enough to ship right now. I'm in Toronto and it isn't fair that I was able choose which vaccine I got while you can't even get your hands on one. Fighting a global virus as if it gives a crap about national borders is lunacy
07-26-2021 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
To be honest I haven't really read into it, just see the clickbait headlines that seems to frame it as the least effective of the American offerings but would be happily corrected in my perception.
I have zero medical training, aside from some university courses which don't count at all here and are completely unrelated, and ofc could be wrong about my thoughts but I chose viral vector over mrna bc at my age, 39, without any comorbidities I felt better going with lower efficacy and a delivery system that has a much larger side effect and safety profile and which had been used for far longer across far greater population samples. That said, I felt better having my mom receive mrna, 75 years with diabetes, bc with her health profile I just wanted higher efficacy period. If I was in her shoes I would have taken mrna bc in her group, with heightened health problems, higher efficacy is a no brainer.

These are ofc just my musings as a random internet poster
07-26-2021 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Shuffle is right about Canada hoarding vaccines. Trudeau promised to donate a lot but we have enough to ship right now. I'm in Toronto and it isn't fair that I was able choose which vaccine I got while you can't even get your hands on one. Fighting a global virus as if it gives a crap about national borders is lunacy
My friend in Bangkok (Aussie) just flew to LA last week to get a vax. Walked in, offered J&J, Pfizer or Moderna. His choice. In/out in 5min.

Anyone with any means in Thailand have been flying to the states for their vax vacations. I'm sure it's pretty common for all countries.

I'm sure it will end up the same over here, similar to you guys in NA/Europe. Eventually there will be a tidal wave of vaxxes but it's quite a white knuckle ride getting there and a fair amount of death.
