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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

12-07-2020 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I saw a post by one of my Covid Lockdowns and masks bad persons were he posts about how Texas and California pretty much have the same cases yet Texas has barely locked down and California has been in much of a lockdown from the start. My first thought is California must have 4-5 times the population but does not its 40 mill to 30 mill .
CA's cases are being driven overwhelmingly by LA county (about 25% of the population but more than half the cases), which locked down about as well as Texas did.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-07-2020 , 02:12 PM
California deaths per 100k: 50
Texas deaths per 100k: 80

California cases per 100k: 3,316
Texas cases per 100k: 4,323

Deaths per 100k last 7 days

Texas: 0.6
California: 0.3

Yep, seems "pretty much the same"

California also suffers from the problem of being a massive tourist destination.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-07-2020 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I saw a post by one of my Covid Lockdowns and masks bad persons were he posts about how Texas and California pretty much have the same cases yet Texas has barely locked down and California has been in much of a lockdown from the start. My first thought is California must have 4-5 times the population but does not its 40 mill to 30 mill .
Originally Posted by MrWookie
CA's cases are being driven overwhelmingly by LA county (about 25% of the population but more than half the cases), which locked down about as well as Texas did.
And lets not how much of California's damage was in the first wave when no US jurisdictions had the proper information on how to protect themselves.

Texas curves, in almost every regard look far worse with their only saving grace being by the time it hit them our understanding of how to treat it and manage it and prevent deaths had grown significantly.

If Texas curve in this second wave (or however you want to classify it) had hit instead during the first wave, you can clearly extrapolate how much worse they would have been, almost certainly in every area including deaths.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-07-2020 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I guess, but without sustained viral replication, you're going to eventually exhale all of it. You're talking about a scenario where, like, you get a shot, and 2 weeks later, you're immune, but you inadvertently show up in a room with a ton of sick people and breathe it in, and then for the next little while, you're breathing it out? That doesn't sound impossible, but it's not at all going to be common, nor is that unique to mRNA viruses.

BTW, the original statement in question about mRNA vaccines is that they weren't specifically tested to see if the vaccine blocked transmission. It was only tested to see if it protected the recipient. That does not mean that you can spread it after getting vaccinated, only that no one has checked.
Just was watching this with a second top doctor answering the 'can i transmit after getting vaccine even if i am immune'. Same answer as Fauci.

Not sure if me timestamping it works and if not its at 59.23 of the segment.

Edit: ya timestamp not seeming to work. I tried to remove it but that seems to not work. So manual time selection is needed.

Last edited by Cuepee; 12-07-2020 at 03:47 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-07-2020 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
California deaths per 100k: 50
Texas deaths per 100k: 80

California cases per 100k: 3,316
Texas cases per 100k: 4,323

Deaths per 100k last 7 days

Texas: 0.6
California: 0.3

Yep, seems "pretty much the same"

California also suffers from the problem of being a massive tourist destination.
Thanks i shared it with the person.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-08-2020 , 04:34 PM
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-09-2020 , 09:04 PM

oh, and 3,000 reported dead today, a new record
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-10-2020 , 01:09 PM
Good news, everyone. We're looking at over a month of more than one 9/11's worth of deaths every day, and that's if we start to reverse the trend of rising daily case numbers today. We, uh, won't be reversing that trend today.

Noem/Kemp 2024.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-10-2020 , 01:43 PM
And yet the debate rages in the Corona BFI thread over the claim of 'not going full herd immunity, let it rip' was a mistake as there 'is no proof it would have cost any more lives and would have saved economic damage'.

Different worlds these forums live in.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-10-2020 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
And yet the debate rages in the Corona BFI thread over the claim of 'not going full herd immunity, let it rip' was a mistake as there 'is no proof it would have cost any more lives and would have saved economic damage'.

Different worlds these forums live in.
We're going to lose, like, over 100,000 people between when Pfizer announced their vaccine results and widespread vaccination this spring, almost all of whom could have been spared by mask wearing and suspension of all indoor gatherings featuring activities that cannot be performed with a mask until vaccination was widespread.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
We're going to lose, like, over 100,000 people between when Pfizer announced their vaccine results and widespread vaccination this spring, almost all of whom could have been spared by mask wearing and suspension of all indoor gatherings featuring activities that cannot be performed with a mask until vaccination was widespread.
I think a 100,000 is a low estimate as next 90 days could be the worst. id say 250,000 is realistic
Though I look at the USA and how badly they are doing and here in Canada were getting bad as well. My province one of the most conservative our leader has been slow to shut things down cause of Freedom. We still allow churches to have 15% capacity. Like the USA we have no federal guidelines.
The successful countries have mandated things federally. WE have a Canada Emergency Act that our leader will not use as it will hurt him politically.

Sadly you have the biggest idiot at the helm that will not even tell folks to wear a mask but you have democrats that record a video while on vacation in Mexico telling folks to stay home.
Take a state like California were Gavin Newsom tells folks to stay home no large gatherings yet ignores it himself. His latest shut down outdoor patios while his winery remains open. The lady that shows her patio getting shut down while NBC studios sets up catering tents for the show. People get frustrated and fed up.
The list of hypocritical democrats is a disgrace

Every other civilised country pays its people to stay home or the ones effected. Yet you give folks one $1200 check and expect them to survive. Your business subsidies go to Consulting firms and hedge funds. You could have had a second stimulus check yet Nancy did not want to give Trump a win and the excuse is well Mitch wouldn't have passed it

Countries Providing percent of wages subsidized by Covid
Japan 100 % for small biz
Netherlands up to 90%
Norway up to 90%
Germany up to 87%
France up to 87%
Italy 80%
UK up to 80%
Canada up to 75%

To sum up my rant you had more deaths yesterday than 9/11 but you spent trillions upon trillions avenging that . Yet almost 300,000 dead and China gets a pass and is the one country that seems to recovered the quickest.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:49 PM
America is gonna America. A combination of politicization, pride, culture and laziness is the cause of most of the COVID deaths. And despite all the deaths and economic damage, it's not enough to change people's behavior.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-10-2020 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Though I look at the USA and how badly they are doing and here in Canada were getting bad as well. My province one of the most conservative our leader has been slow to shut things down cause of Freedom. We still allow churches to have 15% capacity. Like the USA we have no federal guidelines.
The successful countries have mandated things federally. WE have a Canada Emergency Act that our leader will not use as it will hurt him politically.
I'm going to disagree a bit here. We may not have a federal mandate, but we have a *fairly* consistent response across the country, and that's why our numbers remain among the best when compared to Europe and the US, which I think makes the most sense as comparables. Some provinces are trying to keep more open than others, but all see the benefit of *some* kind of restrictions, mask wearing, distancing, etc. And provincial numbers aren't always directly related to how much or little was locked down.

Of course it would be great to see us stamp it out or limit it like a lot of Asian countries have, but I think that would require a wholesale shift in population mindset that just wasn't going to happen this quickly, and likely never would.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-10-2020 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I think a 100,000 is a low estimate as next 90 days could be the worst. id say 250,000 is realistic
Though I look at the USA and how badly they are doing and here in Canada were getting bad as well. My province one of the most conservative our leader has been slow to shut things down cause of Freedom. We still allow churches to have 15% capacity. Like the USA we have no federal guidelines.
The successful countries have mandated things federally. WE have a Canada Emergency Act that our leader will not use as it will hurt him politically.

Sadly you have the biggest idiot at the helm that will not even tell folks to wear a mask but you have democrats that record a video while on vacation in Mexico telling folks to stay home.
Take a state like California were Gavin Newsom tells folks to stay home no large gatherings yet ignores it himself. His latest shut down outdoor patios while his winery remains open. The lady that shows her patio getting shut down while NBC studios sets up catering tents for the show. People get frustrated and fed up.
The list of hypocritical democrats is a disgrace

Every other civilised country pays its people to stay home or the ones effected. Yet you give folks one $1200 check and expect them to survive. Your business subsidies go to Consulting firms and hedge funds. You could have had a second stimulus check yet Nancy did not want to give Trump a win and the excuse is well Mitch wouldn't have passed it

Countries Providing percent of wages subsidized by Covid
Japan 100 % for small biz
Netherlands up to 90%
Norway up to 90%
Germany up to 87%
France up to 87%
Italy 80%
UK up to 80%
Canada up to 75%

To sum up my rant you had more deaths yesterday than 9/11 but you spent trillions upon trillions avenging that . Yet almost 300,000 dead and China gets a pass and is the one country that seems to recovered the quickest.
I dont think the part about Newsom's winery is true. All wineries can remain open for retail sales at the same 20% occupancy cap of all other retailers in the state. No restaurant or tour services allowed
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-10-2020 , 06:25 PM
Also, Nancy did not at all stop a second stimulus check. That falls squarely on Mitch McConnell.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-11-2020 , 05:17 AM
On November 25th, the USA had a 7-day average of 1.85M tests per day, with 172,000 coming back positive, for a national positivity rate of 9%.

A couple weeks later, the USA still has a 7-day average of 1.85M tests per day. But now, 205,000 per day are coming back positive, for a national positivity rate of 11%.

This is the highest it's been at any point since we actually got a testing infrastructure in place.

Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-11-2020 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Also, Nancy did not at all stop a second stimulus check. That falls squarely on Mitch McConnell.
No that falls on Nancy if she would have approved the 1.8 billion package and than Mitch rejects it than its on Mitch. She basically said I do not care about I need Joe to win
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-11-2020 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
No that falls on Nancy if she would have approved the 1.8 billion package and than Mitch rejects it than its on Mitch. She basically said I do not care about I need Joe to win
The house passed a Covid stimulus bill on October 1.

It was ignored by the Senate.

The White House for a while was seemingly negotiating and then a few weeks before the election Trump said he would stop negotiating the bill until after the election.

Had the Senate passed a much smaller bill, there could have been negotiations and a potential compromise reached.

In fact I think this could possibly have made the difference between winning and losing for Trump. Apparently much of America voted for Trump because under his watch they received large Covid unemployment relief checks. These would have been especially appealing to non-college graduates massively impacted economically by the pandemic (one of Trumps main constituencies).
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-17-2020 , 04:40 PM
So glad to see Joel Oosten got Covid relief
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-17-2020 , 10:23 PM

Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-17-2020 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
And yet the debate rages in the Corona BFI thread over the claim of 'not going full herd immunity, let it rip' was a mistake as there 'is no proof it would have cost any more lives and would have saved economic damage'.

Different worlds these forums live in.
BFI is 1 huge idiot Toothsayer and a couple of side trolls vs more rational people.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-17-2020 , 10:59 PM

Republicans are a ****ing disease
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-17-2020 , 11:55 PM
it depends if you consider this a surge:

looks like there was an increase but probably not surge levels (whatever they are)
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-18-2020 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
it depends if you consider this a surge:

looks like there was an increase but probably not surge levels (whatever they are)
I'm perplexed as to what your point is. It seems that goofy's point is that Tucker is typical of many Republicans, who minimize Covid at every opportunity. Is your point that his minimizing isn't really that bad, because the climb ever since Thanksgiving isn't really a surge? OK, I guess, um, Tucker's right again?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-18-2020 , 11:39 AM
Somehow I sincerely doubt Tucker’s point was «this is not a surge, it’s a steady increase in needless death with no immediate end in sight».
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
