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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

05-18-2020 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
NYC would have been better off if it had locked down nursing homes only and not sent positive patients from hospitals back into the homes.
And what exactly do you think New York should have done in lieu of sending non-critical patients home?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-18-2020 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
And what exactly do you think New York should have done in lieu of sending non-critical patients home?
Kept them in a separate facility away from non-infected elderly people. LDO
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-18-2020 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
These "cultural differences" are not something in the genes of South Korean people and that are absent from Americans, and neither are they immutable.

South Korea's pandemic response is not some accident. They saw the original SARS outbreak and set up a competent response should something like that happen again. America never set up a system as good, and Trump, rather than keeping what we had, scrapped everything. Americans may be less used to wearing masks, but that can change also. However, Trump refuses to model this behavior for others to follow, and he lauds those who flout such rules or recommendations instead. As we open up, people wearing masks and people who ask that others wear masks are met with anger and derision and occasionally murder rather than compliance and compassion. If that's how we respond to masks, we should not be opening up until we have that cultural change.
Yeah, there is no mystery here. South Korea had a recent outbreak and as such were still prepared.

I mean, we eradicated smallpox as late as 1977, and it killed up to half a billion people in the 20th century (highest estimates). Yet, in 2020, anti-vaxxers have a vast social media presence and tons of influence. It doesn't take many years to become lax and stupid.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-18-2020 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Kept them in a separate facility away from non-infected elderly people. LDO
What facility did you have in mind? Giants stadium?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-18-2020 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
What facility did you have in mind? Giants stadium?
They had a hospital ship that wasn't used and javits center which was barely used. I'm sure another similar temporary facility could have been set up if necessary.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-18-2020 , 08:34 PM
The hospital ship was designated for non-covid patients.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 10:45 AM
Well, I guess we're learning why the case numbers don't look so bad as states reopen much earlier than the Trump administration recommendations would suggest:

As Florida starts to reopen, the architect and manager of Florida's COVID-19 dashboard, announced she'd been removed from her position, Florida Today reported.

Rebekah Jones said in an email to CBS12 News that her removal was "not voluntary" and that she was removed from her position because she was ordered to censor some data, but refused to "manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen."
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
The hospital ship was designated for non-covid patients.
It could have been used for COVID patients. That isn't the point. The point is that the hospital ship only had 1000 beds. At the time the hospital ship arrived, there were an estimated 75,000-100,000 new infections in New York state per day. The overwhelming majority of infected New Yorkers were not tested, and could not have been tested, during this time. And even if it had been magically possible to test all New Yorkers in late March, the number of infected persons would have been too large to fit in 20 Javits Centers, much less one. And that completely ignores the difficulty of coming up with half a million beds in short order. Quarantining all infected New Yorkers in one giant facility was never an option, even if the testing had been available.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Well, I guess we're learning why the case numbers don't look so bad as states reopen much earlier than the Trump administration recommendations would suggest:
I'm sure there are too sides to this story, but any official who is manipulating actual date for political purposes (on either side) should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
You are correct sir. I misread the data. That is average daily deaths due to COVID 19.

Daily deaths have decreased. Atlanta opened the zoo (to a sell out crowd) and Botanical Gardens over the weekend. It has been a slow measured reopen in the state. Now, things are really popping back open. The next two weeks will tell the tale. But, there is no indication that even a spike in cases will be anywhere near enough to stress the Georgia healthcare system.

Curve has been flattened. I certainly understand that all high risk people should be extra careful and believe employers should do everything in their power to accomodate them.
Daily deaths lag even farther behind than cases. What we are seeing in the death counts are numbers from when we were still locked down. We should expect a large spike in deaths in the next 3-4 weeks.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Lockdowns don't work, unless they are done very early. Extended lockdowns are in actual fact making things worse.
Gee, if I cant take the word of the fine folks at conservative review, who's word CAN I take?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Well, I'm not sure exactly, but we could start by following the Trump administration's guidelines at the very least: after 14 consecutive days of declining cases.

Man, if only there were a way we could hold off starvation when people are out of work. If only...
Imagine a country that had people starve while staying at home that also gives huge subsidies to farmers who are destroying billions of dollars of food every week.

That would be a messed up country.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Herd immunity models show that this thing isn't really dying out unless 50-80% of the population gets infected AND is immune afterwards. With a IFR of 0.5% that's a minimum of almost 900,000 dead in the USA. Your numbers are very low, and we are nowhere near the point where enough people have already been sick that we won't overwhelm our hospitals like you fear.

Meanwhile, South Korea is doing it right, and they're opening up more.
It is weird the people defending mindless reopening are not asking for intelligent reopening. It is so crazy. All they have to do is ask the president to finally start addressing the testing and tracing issues.

This backwards argument where some people act like others are against reopening and not just in favor of intelligent reopening is wrong.

We have two paths in front of us. One requires a little extra work but is magnitudes safer. Yet they act like it does not even exist. It is all “stay home and die or instant open libtards!”

I can not figure out why they so aggressively oppose doing things the intelligent and deliberate way that has a proven track record.

Why do you guys oppose intelligent reopening so strenuously? Is it just because the president is an imbecile who thinks having more tests makes him look bad? None of you on team “open wide” ever talk about testing and tracing. You act like it is some kind of pipe dream and not something pretty much any other president would have had us on the road towards long ago.

Tl;dr lol those stumping for mindless reopening. Aka why do 30% of Americans ALWAYS make the wrong choice?

Last edited by markksman; 05-19-2020 at 02:19 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
The hospital ship was designated for non-covid patients.
Which they accidentally sent a Covid patient to... it is easy to a manage all this during a pandemic.

Put dr. Six pack in charge. He is at least as smart as the president.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
I'm sure there are too sides to this story, but any official who is manipulating actual date for political purposes (on either side) should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Hear that Brian Kemp? Your biggest fan wants you prosecuted!!!
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Which they accidentally sent a Covid patient to... it is easy to a manage all this during a pandemic.

Put dr. Six pack in charge. He is at least as smart as the president.
Sixpack barely has a room temperature IQ and he is easily twice as smart as the president.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 04:48 PM


For the dummies here who still do not get it, deaths related to this will not show up for several weeks. In the meantime this outbreak and countless others like it will spread the virus all over. Then the death count will catch up and it will be too late as we will watch as deaths stack up for 6-8 weeks, even with an immediate shutdown.

On the idea that people just want to go to work, if the only place people could not go was work there would be no protests, demonstrations or cries of “freedom”.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by markksman


For the dummies here who still do not get it, deaths related to this will not show up for several weeks. In the meantime this outbreak and countless others like it will spread the virus all over. Then the death count will catch up and it will be too late as we will watch as deaths stack up for 6-8 weeks, even with an immediate shutdown.

On the idea that people just want to go to work, if the only place people could not go was work there would be no protests, demonstrations or cries of “freedom”.
FTFY (you included some stuff after the actual tweet id)
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 06:46 PM
If people are angry about oppressive lockdown measures, they should probably turn most of their anger to an incompetent US administration which bungled the initial response.

it doesn't take a genius to realize that bungling an initial response when it comes to exponential growth will cost you a lot more later when you are playing catch up.

And anyone who objects to the usage of "bungled", please recall when the president of the United States told his fellow citizens the pandemic was not a problem and it would soon be 0 cases. Even though his own agencies had already given briefings contrary to this.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 05-19-2020 at 06:53 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 07:26 PM
If you had to pick one industry that may be the last to open in Movie Theatres. I wonder if they consider immediately releasing more movies on demand for $20 like they are doing with some now.

Churches and theatres should be the last to open but we all know the power of religion so that will not be the case
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 09:49 PM
Hard to believe that some casinos are opening...
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 09:52 PM
Ok, I think we need a little perspective here. If you order deaths/million here are the top US states:

New York 362,630 +1,364 28,648 +168 271,310 18,641 1,473 1,489,521 76,568 [projections]

New Jersey 151,014 +927 10,591 +143 133,508 17,002 1,192 522,911 58,872 [projections]

Connecticut 38,430 +314 3,472 +23 28,694 10,779 974 185,520 52,035 [projections]

Massachusetts 87,925 +873 5,938 +76 54,175 12,757 862 476,940 69,197 [projections]

District Of Columbia 7,434 +164 400 +8 5,994 10,533 567 39,374 55,790 [projections]

Louisiana 35,038 +329 2,581 +18 6,208 7,537 555 278,073 59,816 [projections]

Michigan 52,350 +435 5,017 +102 19,099 5,242 502 438,565 43,914 [projections]

Rhode Island 12,951 +156 532 +26 11,533 12,225 502 117,246 110,676 [projections]

Pennsylvania 67,427 +753 4,751 +83 55,913 5,267 371 362,379 28,306 [projections]

Illinois 98,030 +1,545 4,379 +145 93,540 7,736 346 621,684 49,060 [projections]

Maryland 41,546 +1,784 2,081 +58 36,659 6,872 344 208,568 34,499 [projections]

Delaware 8,037 +168 304 +7 4,188 8,254 312 42,458 43,602 [projections
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 09:54 PM
Whatever the Southern red states are or are not doing right, at some point we should acknowledge that they are not really the states we should be focusing on right now.

The focus on Georgia, Texas, etc. definitely feels more political than based on reality on the ground.

I doubt Gov. Kemp is the solution, but he is not the problem either.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-19-2020 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by redbuck
Hard to believe that some casinos are opening...
Yeah that may rank worse than churches and movie theatres. I know Vegas will not be on this CDN's vacation list in 2020 and possibly 2021

USA/Canada border closed another 30 days Trump not happy about that I bet
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
05-20-2020 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Whatever the Southern red states are or are not doing right, at some point we should acknowledge that they are not really the states we should be focusing on right now.

The focus on Georgia, Texas, etc. definitely feels more political than based on reality on the ground.

I doubt Gov. Kemp is the solution, but he is not the problem either.
I mean Florida just fired a lady for allegedly not agreeing to artificially lower the numbers. So yeah I guess the southern states are doing something right. Lying about the whole thing.

Also should probably do cases per million and testing per million rather than deaths because we obviously know deaths lag behind cases..
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
