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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

08-02-2020 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
As has been previously cited, the protests kept everyone else home and away from more dangerous activities, like eating indoors at restaurants. The protests increased social distancing overall, saving lives.
Right, hundreds of thousands of people jammed together increased social distancing overall. Sure bud.

My pig can fly too.

Last edited by joe6pack; 08-02-2020 at 04:42 PM.
08-02-2020 , 04:44 PM
What part of averages don't you understand?
08-02-2020 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
LOL at social distancing at a mass protest.
There were as many cases of Covid at that single kids camp in Georgia as happens in all of Canada on a typical day and there were plenty of large protests in Canada, and in case you are not sure - the population of Canada is a tad higher than the population of that summer camp in Georgia.

LOL at thinking single outdoor protest events where most people are wearing masks is anything equivalent in terms of virus transmission as bars, clubs and summer camps, where apparently kids were not as immune as Trump suggests. Guess they did not get their demon semen and zinc suppliments.

I think it is great that the best your side can do is complain about protests. Karl Rove must be cringing watching the tactics of Trump and his supporters as they lose to LOLBiden.

All the best.
08-02-2020 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
As has been previously cited, the protests kept everyone else home and away from more dangerous activities, like eating indoors at restaurants. The protests increased social distancing overall, saving lives.
GOP complaints about protesters spreading COVD are super dumb, but I am extremely skeptical that protests kept large numbers of people away from indoor dining.
08-02-2020 , 05:27 PM
I suggest they continue base their whole strategy on blaming protests. When a ton of schools have to close in September they can blame pride protestors for instance. Flawless strategy, I encourage them to continue to use it.
08-02-2020 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by lvr
If it was that easy you could have also searched it up within a few seconds and link it but here we are again ey
You realise that that statement explicitly acknowledges that the protests are risky in terms of Covid-19 transmission right? The entire point of the statement is to say that they are not condemning the protests because they believe the cause is important enough that they support it in spite of the risks.

It is patently absurd to say that doctors ever suggested there was no risk from the protests, it was only ever a consideration of the acknowledged risk relative to the importance of the cause.

As has been pointed out, investigation found that at a societal level the protests actually resulted in reduced overall transmission of the virus due to the secondary behavioural effects associated with civil unrest (people not protesting being less likely to leave the house). While I don't know that anyone would claim that to have predicted this beforehand, the outcome of the protests with respect to the virus was increased risk to the protesters but reduced risk for the rest of the population.
08-02-2020 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
GOP complaints about protesters spreading COVD are super dumb, but I am extremely skeptical that protests kept large numbers of people away from indoor dining.
Correlation =/= causation BUT...

There is no denying that the cities where protests were large scale protests were focused did not suffer a spike in covid compared to cities that had no similar scale protests.


- protests being outdoor, and also perhaps largely making many other people stay home as other people in other cities and States started to return to more normal life may have in fact forced a bit longer 'shelter in place' which resulted in less overall virus.

Even those who report on the contact tracing have made very correlation to spread via protests.

THose are facts. They don't give us conclusions but they they are arguably the strongest reasons we have seen offered.
08-02-2020 , 07:49 PM
I get that. But in cities with significant protests, especially cities in the NE and on the west coast, how large can the group of people be who are/were:

i) Afraid to go outside because of protests


ii) Unafraid to dine indoors.

I would have thought that quite a small number of people would check both boxes. Also, in at least some cities (e.g., New York), indoor dining wasn't even allowed during the time when protests were at their peak. In cities where very early curfews were imposed, but indoor dining was permitted, I guess it is possible that the protests had a net negative effect on the spread of the virus.

In any case, I would guess that the main reasons that infections did not spike in cities with major protests is because the protests were outside and protesters were pretty good about wearing masks.
08-02-2020 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
stay safe goofy.

praying for you.

Herman Cained?

08-02-2020 , 09:46 PM
He did really end his life as a terrible human being.

They say we should not talk ill of the dead but when the guy who died was actively promoting the idea, that was costing disproportionately POC their lives and he was dong so solely for partisan politics, it just has to be said.

He ended his life as a terrible human being.
08-03-2020 , 12:06 AM
Pretty awkward for Trump supporters that after months of crying about liberals supposedly "rooting for the virus" for blasting this incompetent administration and their terrible response that's helped get 150k Americans killed, they now have to walk all that back since Dear Leader is tweeting the exact same sentiments towards the rest of the world


(what's particularly funny is that the cited "disaster" in Australia is about a country testing their populace at roughly the same rate as the United States with 1/20th as many cases per capita. LOL)
08-03-2020 , 12:56 AM

08-03-2020 , 09:28 AM

Weird how Republicans keep making these innocent mistakes.

Georgia's coronavirus data made reopening look safe. The numbers were a lie

..."I have a hard time understanding how this happens without it being deliberate," microbiology and molecular genetics PhD and state Rep. Jasmine Clark told the Journal Constitution. "Literally nowhere ever in any type of statistics would that be acceptable."
Georgia isn’t the only state itching to reopen that has a penchant for dubious data. Florida actively tried suppressing county coroners from releasing COVID-19 death tallies....
08-03-2020 , 09:35 AM
In all seriousness, if Biden wins, I would like to see him convene a Congressional Investigation to examine the entire handling of this pandemic which could and SHOULD even include criminal charges if it was found a Governor purposely did things to misrepresent data or otherwise confound facts that lead to more deaths.

I know we are not used to using words like this in politics but that is negligent homicide.

If an individual was inside a clinic changing all the data and it lead to many deaths they would be charged, and so too should a governor be.

I do believe the bar should be very high, but if it can be substantiated there was a deliberate process put in place to obscure data, then charges should be leveled.

The idea that certain governors can obscure data, cause untold citizens deaths, keep an entire country at risk, and all solely for partisan reasons, and it's not a crime and is 'just politics', cannot be tolerated in a future where pandemics may be the biggest world wide risk going forward.
08-03-2020 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Pretty awkward for Trump supporters that after months of crying about liberals supposedly "rooting for the virus" for blasting this incompetent administration and their terrible response that's helped get 150k Americans killed, they now have to walk all that back since Dear Leader is tweeting the exact same sentiments towards the rest of the world


(what's particularly funny is that the cited "disaster" in Australia is about a country testing their populace at roughly the same rate as the United States with 1/20th as many cases per capita. LOL)
TRump is right about other countries having flare ups. Take our province Alberta we went over a 100 cases a day so now we have mandatory masks. If you look at Australia it is the Melbourne region and its 100's of cases as well.

USA its 1000's of cases a day and little to know change. Sadly Donald is the fake news
08-03-2020 , 09:52 AM
Gov'ts need to tell these flagless city ship lines that they either need to set up a place (one of their 'owned' tourist islands) as a docking and hospitalization area for any of their infected ships and its passengers, and treat them there, until all are better. ...OR, they will be charged back any and all costs related to the care given to the patients they repatriate back to the home countries.

Ya, ya, we get it, you want to get back to making profits and if it goes wrong you just offload the majority of costs back to the Nation States you pay no taxes in. And that has to stop. But it won't stop as long as they get to keep the profits when it works and offload the majority of costs when it does not.

Norway's Hurtigruten halts cruises after COVID-19 outbreak

Norwegian cruise line Hurtigruten is halting all its so-called expedition cruises until further notice following an outbreak of COVID-19 on one of its vessels last week, the company said on Monday.

At least 41 passengers and crew from the MS Roald Amundsen have so far tested positive for the coronavirus, while hundreds more have been told to self-isolate for 10 days, public health officials said...
08-03-2020 , 10:50 AM
The recirculated air is just a recipe for disaster. One person can easily infect scores of others. The ships are also terrible for the environment and the cruise lines love to dodge taxes by flying foreign flags on their ships. Shutting it all down would be a pretty big win.
08-03-2020 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
If it was that easy you could have also searched it up within a few seconds and link it but here we are again ey
and, for completeness, the following two paragraphs of the article:

The letter writers said they are concerned about health implications of protests, including how tear gas or smoke might cause people to cough, which can spread the coronavirus, and that people may be spending a lot of time together and not able to stay 6 feet apart.
"Prepare for an increased number of infections in the days following a protest," the letter says. "Provide increased access to testing and care for people in the affected communities, especially when they or their family members put themselves at risk by attending protests."
08-03-2020 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by markksman

People who’ve been opining on this in real time are just now learning why methodology and controls are so important especially when talking about a condition that has a 95+% chance of recovery at the start.
08-03-2020 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
The recirculated air is just a recipe for disaster. One person can easily infect scores of others. The ships are also terrible for the environment and the cruise lines love to dodge taxes by flying foreign flags on their ships. Shutting it all down would be a pretty big win.
Privatize profits.

Socialize losses.
08-03-2020 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
........ especially when talking about a condition that has a 95+% chance of recovery at the start.
recovery numbers include all the post-infliction complications like heart and kidney long-term damage? Asking for a friend.
08-03-2020 , 04:06 PM

How the Pandemic Defeated America

A virus has brought the world’s most powerful country to its knees.

How did it come to this? A virus a thousand times smaller than a dust mote has humbled and humiliated the planet’s most powerful nation. America has failed to protect its people, leaving them with illness and financial ruin. It has lost its status as a global leader. It has careened between inaction and ineptitude. The breadth and magnitude of its errors are difficult, in the moment, to truly fathom....


How you ask?



I am not sure even Historians will ever be able to figure out that answer.
08-03-2020 , 04:26 PM
If we can accept that controlling protests is out of the question then can we also accept that controlling other acts is out of the question as well?
08-03-2020 , 04:37 PM
Pennsylvania man shoots at store clerk who told him to wear a mask, then shoots an AK-47 at police who show up to arrest him

When a cigar shop clerk told Adam Zaborowski on Friday he had to wear a mask in the shop, the 35-year-old angrily refused. Instead, he grabbed two stogies, stormed outside — and then pulled a handgun and shot at the clerk, Bethlehem Township, Pa., police said.

The next day, cornered near his home, Zaborowski allegedly fired at police with an AK-47, sparking a wild shootout with at least seven officers that ended with him shot multiple times and under arrest.
Zaborowski’s alleged rampage started Friday morning at Cigars International in Bethlehem Township, where he adamantly argued he didn’t have to wear a mask, even after a clerk offered to serve him curbside.

Instead, Zaborowski pulled out a sheet of paper to point out a line in Pennsylvania state law that he insisted proved he didn’t have to wear a mask, a witness to the scene told WFMZ. In fact, Pennsylvania, which has had more than 113,000 cases of covid-19 and more than 7,200 deaths, made masks mandatory in most locations outside of the home starting July 1.
After Zaborowski walked out without paying for his cigars, police say he fired his gun once in the air and twice at a clerk who confronted him outside. Multiple customers were also sitting outside the shop in the direction he fired.
08-03-2020 , 04:56 PM
Some of the headlines are classic. But he's stressed out from the pandemic etc lol
