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The costs of trans visibility The costs of trans visibility

08-14-2023 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm

What's lesbian erasure? So much new and improved, useful technology and lmao alternative to lesbian now?

Read: "where have all the lesbians gone?"

Or the Wapo `The latest form of transphobia: Saying lesbians are going extinct`

The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-14-2023 , 11:01 PM
So I guess it shouldn't be shocking that even after a lengthy absence, washoe jumps right back into this topic with both feet. Welcome back, I guess.

Originally Posted by washoe
So the natural question would be to me, how many trans hate gays and lesbians??
Who cares?

Originally Posted by washoe
I thought LGTB are all tolerant and acceptive. Not according to this.
Really? Seems like a rather silly assumption. LGBTQ people are humans like everyone else. Some are tolerant and accepting, some are bigots. Some are wonderfully nice people, some are *******s. Most are in the middle. Kind of the same variety as all humans. Why you think this topic is worthy of a half dozen posts within a couple of hours, I have no idea.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-14-2023 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I've been back in the US for about 2 weeks-- to help my Brazilian friend here with her daughters while she's in your country actually. Back to South America in December I'm pretty sure. But Brazil was great. I think I'll always prefer the mountains but beach life isn't too bad.

Thats cool, Brazil always reminds me of John "Buttman" Stagliano, and of trans women, which I know there are plenty of there. As Thailand, its famous for that imo. He unfortunately allegedly got infected with hiv there from some trans women. Sip some coconuts for me next time.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-14-2023 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Welcome back, I guess.


Who cares?

I think a person subjected to this topic would care a lot, as he was.
Read the article observantly and unbiased, I think that will open your eyes on some topics.

Really? Seems like a rather silly assumption. LGBTQ people are humans like everyone else. Some are tolerant and accepting, some are bigots. Some are wonderfully nice people, some are *******s. Most are in the middle. Kind of the same variety as all humans. Why you think this topic is worthy of a half dozen posts within a couple of hours, I have no idea.

Yeah but if one group is openly or covertly opposed to the other group, that could push people, and is apparently pushing people to the other group. In this instance to the trans group with the certain outcome that are later sometimes regretted. If that happens to a youth, then its bad. He was 13 coerced by a 40 something year old. I hope he wins on court btw.

Im not saying that goes for every individual, but as we learn here its a trend that the whole forum there in Poland was following.

The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-15-2023 , 02:07 AM
You're putting a whole lot of weight into a few anecdotes. Not that they are (or aren't) true, but it's a long way from those stories to being concerned that this some kind of large group vs. group thing.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-15-2023 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm

He needs sheep for his peer pressure angle

Makes me wonder what all the millions of individulol MAGAchuds internalize. There's no universality. And all generalities are false.

Either you're going to calculate or trust. By the time you arrive at trust and your own inadequacy, your life is whatever the focuses had been, with whatever strengths and weaknesses/ frailties these unique individuals possessed. Maybe they all find something they need. You can lift up both somehow. The endless chiding doesnt seem to work lmao
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-15-2023 , 07:58 AM
Saying that what applies to groups of people doesn't necessarily apply to everyone in that group isn't really too amazing an insight.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-16-2023 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
So I guess it shouldn't be shocking that even after a lengthy absence, washoe jumps right back into this topic with both feet. Welcome back, I guess.

Who cares?

Really? Seems like a rather silly assumption. LGBTQ people are humans like everyone else. Some are tolerant and accepting, some are bigots. Some are wonderfully nice people, some are *******s. Most are in the middle. Kind of the same variety as all humans. Why you think this topic is worthy of a half dozen posts within a couple of hours, I have no idea.
I would say ALL trans are nutso. I would say the same about people that like to handle venomous snakes. Their screws are loose
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-17-2023 , 02:39 PM
This one baffles me as there is no physical attributes required

Trans Women banned from Women's division. Not sure why there are divisions at all ?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-17-2023 , 02:52 PM
They aren't banned. They just aren't allowed to compete as women until they are certified as having actually changed their "gender" (however one goes about doing that).

Article headline and text are incongruent with each other.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-17-2023 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
This one baffles me as there is no physical attributes required

Trans Women banned from Women's division. Not sure why there are divisions at all ?
Because otherwise men would dominate. Only 3 women have ever been rated in the top 100 for chess players.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-17-2023 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
I would say ALL trans are nutso. I would say the same about people that like to handle venomous snakes. Their screws are loose

Careful, I got a 30pt infraction for saying the same thing. The mods here want to keep this forum an echo chamber of their own beliefs. If someone posts an opinion/belief they don’t agree with they just delete it and give them an infraction. Then they wonder why this site has no traffic.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-17-2023 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by wsopfinaltable
Careful, I got a 30pt infraction for saying the same thing. The mods here want to keep this forum an echo chamber of their own beliefs. If someone posts an opinion/belief they don’t agree with they just delete it and give them an infraction. Then they wonder why this site has no traffic.
You couldnt be more correct. This site is as bonkers left as it gets
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
This one baffles me as there is no physical attributes required

Trans Women banned from Women's division. Not sure why there are divisions at all ?
Originally Posted by Metod Tinuviel
Because otherwise men would dominate. Only 3 women have ever been rated in the top 100 for chess players.
This. While men and women are as intelligent on average, there are sex differences in certain aspects within mathematics. For example, men are better at mechanical and visual spacial reasoning and women are better at calculus. This, plus greater male variability mean men are likely to dominate something like chess to a similar extent to physical domains.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
I would say ALL trans are nutso. I would say the same about people that like to handle venomous snakes. Their screws are loose
This is a bit like saying all old people are dumb or incompetent. Some are, but the more society treats them as useless, the less likely they are to be given opportunities to prove they can be useful.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 07:56 AM
What are the odds that the anti-trans bigots are also misogynistic?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What are the odds that the anti-trans bigots are also misogynistic?
The people looking to protect sports for females hate females?

Do you think this is a Freudian thing? Reaction formation?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
This is a bit like saying all old people are dumb or incompetent. Some are, but the more society treats them as useless, the less likely they are to be given opportunities to prove they can be useful.
No, not really at all. Not even close. How much dope did you smoke to come up with this nonsensical comparison?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
The people looking to protect sports for females hate females?

Do you think this is a Freudian thing? Reaction formation?
Yes exacly, what on earth does that have to do with anything? other than protecting sports?? I have no clue what they are thinking. but defending women used to be noble thing and now it's bad, very bad. and you get attacked. it's like a game full of crazies.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Can we maybe move on from calling trans people trannies?
Originally Posted by campfirewest
No we can't. But I did drink a Bud Light tonight in a public place.
Originally Posted by washoe
Yes exacly, what on earth does that have to do with anything? other than protecting sports?? I have no clue what they are thinking. but defending women used to be noble thing and now it's bad, very bad. and you get attacked. it's like a game full of crazies.
Yup who would of that your a trans phobe or bigot for defending women's rights

This trans athlete beat the nearest competitor by over 200 Kg and than went on to mock the biological women competing

Andres, 40, competed in the Female Masters Unequipped category and set a Canadian women’s record and an unofficial women’s world record by lifting 210 kg more than second-place finisher SuJan Gill.

Andres’ total weight lifted in squat, bench and deadlift was 597.5 kilograms while Gills finished at 387.5 kilograms.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Yup who would of that your a trans phobe or bigot for defending women's rights

This trans athlete beat the nearest competitor by over 200 Kg and than went on to mock the biological women competing
She said this before the competition.

I will win by a good margin. This is due to my training ethic, but people widely misattribute it to my history 20 years ago.
This stuff is comical. Yeah you won because you gave it 110%. The other women just need to try harder and stop making excuses.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Yup who would of that your a trans phobe or bigot for defending women's rights

This trans athlete beat the nearest competitor by over 200 Kg and than went on to mock the biological women competing
Where in the article is this mentioned?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What are the odds that the anti-trans bigots are also misogynistic?
I'm taking the over.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 05:28 PM
I'm not sure if this has been discussed in here, but the primary reason trans has become such a hot topic is because the GOP did internal polling of their base and discovered trans issues as a whole weren't enough to activate their base because of fear of bigotry labels. However, when they focused on trans issues in relation to sports, and the fairness and integrity of sports, then they noticed that people were Ok with voicing their anti-trans views and felt justified in doing so.

And so here we are.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-18-2023 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Where in the article is this mentioned?
It wasn’t mentioned in the article but here it is

.50 second mark
The costs of trans visibility Quote
