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The costs of trans visibility The costs of trans visibility

07-31-2023 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
No one is ignoring them, you’re just blatantly lying. What is the point of this thread anymore if the bigots just get to lie their asses off constantly?
Please inform me what I am lying about ? That the detransitioners are pointing out many flaws in the procedures that folks like Uke wish to ignore? That Europeans countries have put a halt to procedures till we can get more reliable studies? That the US medical system looks at this as just another goldmine opportunity. That we are lacking in studies on the mental health of kids that do not get Puberty blockers or surgery and the ones out there are lacking at best

You seem to lie non stop and get away with it
The costs of trans visibility Quote
07-31-2023 , 03:06 PM

I've probably drank more Heineken in the last two months than at any period in my life.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Lol. I get that study after study consistently showing both elevated suicide ideation and attempts among trans youth gets under the skin of certain types of people, but the length ya'll go to to try and dismiss this fact is hilarious.
People can say they are going to kill themselves all they like and they can even attempt it, but it's actual suicides that matter.

I agree that trans people do kill themselves at higher levels that the population. A recent study found it's 3.5 times the population level.

To put this into context, it's roughly the same ratio at which men kill themselves compared with women. In the US for example, it's exactly 3.5.

Male-to-female ratio of suicide rate, 2017

So, trans people are no more at risk of suicide compared with the population, than men are compared with women. Obviously both statistics are concerning, as we should be helping both groups reduce suicide rates to comparable levels.

Last edited by Elrazor; 08-01-2023 at 12:30 AM.
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08-01-2023 , 04:18 AM
I wonder what the male to female suicide ratio would be if you controlled for gun ownership.

I would guess that a good part of the difference would be that men have easier access to that means of suicide than do women. Most studies show women have a rate of depression around twice as high as that of men, so the suicide rate being the opposite is definitely a big thing.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I wonder what the male to female suicide ratio would be if you controlled for gun ownership.
The Our World In data numbers already do that. If you look at countries who have strict rules on gun ownership, like the UK, there is very little difference in the numbers compared with the US (3.4 v 3.5).

It's still an important point about lethal methods though. Women on average attempt suicide more than men, but men are more successful. I think the numbers are something like 1 in 100 women are successful, whereas for men it's 1 in 10.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
People can say they are going to kill themselves all they like and they can even attempt it, but it's actual suicides that matter.
****ing hell, how does a person write something like this and not see themselves as evil?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by Tutejszy
****ing hell, how does a person write something like this and not see themselves as evil?
Because suicide is a complex behaviour and paradoxically most people who attempt suicide are not trying to kill themselves - if they were they wouldn't fail so often.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by Tutejszy
****ing hell, how does a person write something like this and not see themselves as evil?
Get a bunch of bigots in a room for a year, let it fester unsupervised, and you get those kinds of posts.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

I've probably drank more Heineken in the last two months than at any period in my life.
Heineken is amongst the best of the commodity lagers
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
Heineken is amongst the best of the commodity lagers
They also drink a lot of Spaten here which I don't think is commonly available in the US (or at least I don't ever recall seeing it)-- but it's pretty good as well.

All lagers are sort of not that good imo but it's hard to drink gallons of IPA..
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Please inform me what I am lying about ? .... That the US medical system looks at this (transformation surgery) as just another goldmine opportunity.
Unless you are able to back up this statement with proof it is a prime example of you blatantly lying.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Unless you are able to back up this statement with proof it is a prime example of you blatantly lying.
That's not how lying works. Something can still be true without whatever you would consider to be "proof".
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 10:20 AM
LB, you need to look up the meanings of the words you use. Start with Holocaust denier.
Lozen, "Tucker says" is not adequate.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
LB, you need to look up the meanings of the words you use. Start with Holocaust denier.
Lozen, "Tucker says" is not adequate.
It's ironic how the people here who lie the most are the most apt to accuse other people of lying.

Without bothering to look that up, I'm pretty sure it's called projection.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 10:40 AM
Just not a Holocaust admitter, right?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Just not a Holocaust admitter, right?
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself. I do it all for your ego.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 11:07 AM
I'm just not surprised that when Lozen makes a unsupported claim impugning the motives of an entire country's medical community, the guy that rushes to his defense, before Lozen responds with his evidence, is the guy that claims shooting victims are crisis actors.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 11:08 AM
Transphobic bigots and batshit Holocaust conspiracy clowns teaming up for one last job.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I'm just not surprised that when Lozen makes a unsupported claim impugning the motives of an entire country's medical community, the guy that rushes to his defense, before Lozen responds with his evidence, is the guy that claims shooting victims are crisis actors.
Not all shooting victims.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Transphobic bigots and batshit Holocaust conspiracy clowns teaming up for one last job.
Yes 70 % of the country are bigots that think men shouldn't compete in Womens sports as are the sports authorities that are starting to become aware of that. A majority of folks don't give a crap what adults do but when you start letting children be castrated or mutilated they become uncomfortable about that. When they speak up you call them bigots .

Its the go to words for the left when they do not agree with them racists and bigots
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Not all shooting victims.
Just the teenagers not the pre-teens?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I'm just not surprised that when Lozen makes a unsupported claim impugning the motives of an entire country's medical community, the guy that rushes to his defense, before Lozen responds with his evidence, is the guy that claims shooting victims are crisis actors.
Yeah I know the US Medical system or Big Pharma would never capitalize on anything . They are so honest

Try googling the cost of the drugs over the life of someone that has transitioned
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
They also drink a lot of Spaten here which I don't think is commonly available in the US (or at least I don't ever recall seeing it)-- but it's pretty good as well.

All lagers are sort of not that good imo but it's hard to drink gallons of IPA..

We get Spaten here, I drink it occasionally.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 11:35 AM
Damn I want beer now. Oooh I have pizza in the fridge, I know what I'm having for breakfast!
The costs of trans visibility Quote
08-01-2023 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
People can say they are going to kill themselves all they like and they can even attempt it, but it's actual suicides that matter.
This is rather silly. Of course the elevated actual suicides is the ultimate concern, but that doesn’t mean ideation and attempts don’t matter as well. These are key measures of mental health that affect the quality of life of people separately from the risk of deaths. There is also a practical matter that a lot of research might focus on just ideation for instance because ideation is much more common than attempts which is much more common than deaths, so research connecting discrimination to deaths is going to be very hard to get decent sample sizes.

Anyways, while your most recent post is more reasonable it doesn’t defend against the nonsense of your precious post.
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