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The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend)

08-04-2022 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
It is not hypoctrical to think it is a matter of fact that something is an opinion.

It's also generally true that people are wrong if they claim people are wrong about a matter of opinion just because they disagree.
uke literally cannot understand what you say above thus his claim of hypocrisy.

There was NOTHING hypocritical in what i said and yet he thinks it is some laughing gotcha. It is embarrassing he is an educator but I must assume it is in an Arts area and no way it is in any logic based ones. He simply does not understand logic.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-04-2022 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
QP - you are wrong uke to keep repeating I am wrong.
But I didn't. The only person who said anyone was wrong was you. I'd be embarassed if I totally wiffed and didn't realize I was uncritically sharing Cuban state propaganda - but this is clearly a matter of opinion and I never said you were "wrong" as you did. You are thus a hypocrite. And a liar.

The challenge to your entire MO on this forum is that if anyone criticizes your regularly bad posting, you magically interpret that as them saying you are factually wrong - even if they never say that - and then make up some nonsensical standard you yourself don't remotely follow yourself which is you should never say someone is wrong on a matter of opinion.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-04-2022 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
But I didn't. The only person who said anyone was wrong was you. I'd be embarassed if I totally wiffed and didn't realize I was uncritically sharing Cuban state propaganda - but this is clearly a matter of opinion and I never said you were "wrong" as you did. You are thus a hypocrite. And a liar.

The challenge to your entire MO on this forum is that if anyone criticizes your regularly bad posting, you magically interpret that as them saying you are factually wrong - even if they never say that - and then make up some nonsensical standard you yourself don't remotely follow yourself which is you should never say someone is wrong on a matter of opinion.
Are you trying to save your position and mistake by playing a game that you did not use the word 'wrong' while even above you are still pushing the same position it is wrong to 'uncritically share propaganda'

Because once again what you are saying above ie wrong uke. It is not wrong to uncritically share pregender for comment. You can have your view you do not like it. I can have my view I do like it. And I can act on my view and that is not wrong.

This is the same version of the error you made when you also told me it was wrong to say 'hi' to a random person on the street, but you know a dozen other random places it is fine.

You seemingly cannot help yourself and now I know it is because you are just incapable of understanding what I say again,

Your opinions uke, whether on saying 'Hi' or 'posting propaganda' are only yours. Others are not wrong if they do not agree and act different than you would or do.

But again you are a perfect avatar of the Karen type left. You cannot stand that you cannot force others to do and say what you think is right and so you go into lecture and nag mode thinking it can get results. I can only imagine what your wife puts up with. What your students put up with.

You were wrong. You were wrong in trying to tell me i was wrong for doing things I cannot be wrong in doing and we can only hold differing views on.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-04-2022 , 03:01 PM
Is this performance art?
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-04-2022 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Is this performance art?
uke holds a belief.

He cannot stand and cannot accept that I hold a different belief and I will act according to mine.

Thus he must 'lecture' and say my way is wrong when it is not. Thus we continue.

As always.

uke is simply wrong but cannot stand that he cannot get his way.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-04-2022 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
uke holds a belief.

He cannot stand and cannot accept that I hold a different belief and I will act according to mine.

Thus he must 'lecture' and say my way is wrong when it is not. Thus we continue.

As always.

uke is simply wrong but cannot stand that he cannot get his way.
Holy Christ, no one cares. I’m sorry someone on the internet believes something different from you, but you need to move past that.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-04-2022 , 07:24 PM
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-04-2022 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Are you trying to save your position and mistake by playing a game that you did not use the word 'wrong' while even above you are still pushing the same position it is wrong to 'uncritically share propaganda'
I think you are pretty naive to not notice the obvious propaganda. Ignorant perhaps. Easily persuaded. I'd be embarrassed if it was me. But I didn't say you were wrong because it doesn't even make sense to think you "factually wrong" to fail to observe obvious propaganda.

The only person who accused someone of being wrong about a clear matter of opinion was you. Hypocrite.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-04-2022 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I have to admit, I didn't expect to open this thread and see cuba's official state media propaganda uncritically spammed into this thread.
damn QP got based. welcome comrade.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-04-2022 , 10:07 PM
comrade, cupee. 1 kind of propaganda is as good as the next.

The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-04-2022 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
damn QP got based. welcome comrade.
You, of all people, should shut the **** up.

I'm not sure whether I'd prefer to ban you for being an extremist or for being an absolute ****ing cretin, but it would definitely be one of those two.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 08:56 AM
damn you mad bro
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 10:39 AM
Who gets mad at Victor? It’s like getting mad at toast.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Holy Christ, no one cares. I’m sorry someone on the internet believes something different from you, but you need to move past that.
hahaha. boy you are dumb.

The argument is because uke is mad i believe something different than him. That his opinion cannot dictate my actions. uke made this an issue, not me.

Have you ever comprehended a conversation you read properly? Serious question as no one gets things wrong more than you, imo.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 10:55 AM
And yikes
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I think you are pretty naive to not notice the obvious propaganda. Ignorant perhaps. Easily persuaded. I'd be embarrassed if it was me. But I didn't say you were wrong because it doesn't even make sense to think you "factually wrong" to fail to observe obvious propaganda.

The only person who accused someone of being wrong about a clear matter of opinion was you. Hypocrite.
As i have said and you deliberately ignore as it is the only thing you think saves your lie, "I do not care if it is propaganda'.

I posted at article this morning in the 'In other News' thread that might prove to be propaganda. I do not care. I made no attempt to verify that first. This is a discussion site where that can be vetted in discussion and if someone says 'this is propaganda', 'mostly false', I would say 'good work in sussing that out'.

You keep asserting an OPINION that i have some obligation to know and its embarrassing not to know. Neither of which is fact or accurate and is factually wrong on both accounts.

You lose as always to me uke. there is nothing more common than you losing argument while pretending you do not.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 11:07 AM
Things to do, gotta aids threads errr stay on top of my life.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
They use a pretty loose definition of 'war'. Makes for a cool story though.
Yes indeed that point can be argued.

It can be argued that article or Blog is propaganda.

That is what makes is good for discussion. Don't let uke state otherwise.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
It can be argued that article or Blog is propaganda.

That is what makes is good for discussion. Don't let uke state otherwise.
Some dude's old blog post and Cuba's state run media are pretty different types of "propaganda", but sure, in both cases having some basic media literacy to be able to judge the source you are quoting is likely going to be helpful for any good discussions you seem to want to have. The problem arises when you don't have the ability to detect that what you are quoting is obvious propaganda.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
As i have said and you deliberately ignore as it is the only thing you think saves your lie, "I do not care if it is propaganda'.
Well that's your choice. Basic media literacy - being able to detect if you are being fed obvious propaganda - is something I'd suggest you ought to care about to help you navigate the world, but you do you.

You keep asserting an OPINION that i have some obligation to know and its embarrassing not to know. Neither of which is fact or accurate and is factually wrong on both accounts.
This whole OPINION VS FACTUALLY WRONG thing sure does trip you up, eh? Like I'm sorry I said you should be embarrassed for not being able to detect obvious propaganda, but this is pretty clearly an opinion and I never said or implied you had violated some fundamental fact of the universe. You like telling people they are quote wrong unquote all the time, not to mention all the time you imply they are wrong about matters of opinion, so nobody takes you seriously that this is some big problem for you. Instead, it seems that if someone criticizes you, then you bust out this faux-concern that they are conflating opinion and facts. Nope, sometimes people are just mocking your ridiculousness.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Well that's your choice. Basic media literacy - being able to detect if you are being fed obvious propaganda - is something I'd suggest you ought to care about to help you navigate the world, but you do you.
Of course I will do me and sadly for you, you cannot stop that on these issues of opinion.

Your suggestion is irrelevant as I have no desire to see if an article like that is propaganda before posting it as I believe that is part of a chat forums function. That anyone can post any article and the forum can comment, point out errors, or expose it as propaganda.

Your opinion is the person should do that FIRST and exclude it ... my opinion is the opposite.

This whole OPINION VS FACTUALLY WRONG thing sure does trip you up, eh?
No, i got it exactly right and you are factually wrong on this and yet still do not understand why.

Like I'm sorry I said you should be embarrassed for not being able to detect obvious propaganda,
Again "I should not" be embarrassed (so that is one factual wrong) as I neither try to nor feel the need to detect propaganda. What you say would only be factually correct if i agreed with you and I do not.

but this is pretty clearly an opinion and I never said or implied you had violated some fundamental fact of the universe.
No, But you keep telling me "I should be embarrassed", "I should catch it", are factual errors by you as explained prior. The word 'should' has no place there as it assumes, these are things I 'should' do which would only be true if I agreed with you. Since I do not agree these postings need to be vetted than i certainly 'should not' vet them.

You like telling people they are quote wrong unquote all the time, not to mention all the time you imply they are wrong about matters of opinion, so nobody takes you seriously that this is some big problem for you. Instead, it seems that if someone criticizes you, then you bust out this faux-concern that they are conflating opinion and facts. Nope, sometimes people are just mocking your ridiculousness.
I don't care that you do not understand you are wrong.

I would post $1000 in an escrow count with Rococo versus $100 of your money right now on this as you are absolutely wrong. because you are dumb you do not know it. But that does not change that you are wrong.

All you do is show over and over and over again how right i am always am.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Some dude's old blog post and Cuba's state run media are pretty different types of "propaganda", but sure, in both cases having some basic media literacy to be able to judge the source you are quoting is likely going to be helpful for any good discussions you seem to want to have. The problem arises when you don't have the ability to detect that what you are quoting is obvious propaganda.

A good discussion can just easily happen even if it is propaganda. Exposing that is part of a good discussion. So once again you are wrong as you are AGAIN framing your preference as if something others need to follow.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Who gets mad at Victor? It’s like getting mad at toast.
Well I did get a stalker so extremely mad that he made death threats and tracked down every piece of information he could find about me.

And I got you and the rest the libs so mad that you will defend him incessantly.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Again "I should not" be embarrassed (so that is one factual wrong) as I neither try to nor feel the need to detect propaganda.
Lots of people really suck at basic media literacy - this is a core problem in today's society in my mind - but proudly declaring you don't even want to bother trying is just stunning. A great demonstration of how a few gentle pokes from me send you spiraling into full-throated defenses of the most outrageous nonsense.

The whole bit at the beginning where you magically think a clear matter of opinion (that you should be embarrassed) is somehow bizarrely interpreted as some type of factual claim and not obviously my opinion is weird, a darling you probably should kill. But it pales in comparison to the end.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
08-05-2022 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

A good discussion can just easily happen even if it is propaganda. Exposing that is part of a good discussion. So once again you are wrong as you are AGAIN framing your preference as if something others need to follow.
It seems quite disrespectful to the mods that you've taken this approach to sideways returning to a since-moved tangent by way of a name-dropping me to a third party person. But nevertheless, here we are, at least for now, so I'll perhaps point out that exposing that you linked to cuban state media propaganda without appearing to notice was literally what I did. So I think "thank you uke_master" is in order! As always, forever and ever, this is just my opinion and not a discovery of a fundamental law of a nature.
The containment thread (aka Hello darkness, my old friend) Quote
