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China China

07-29-2021 , 08:38 PM
I mean purely in response to the concentration camps. Just saying that they have presence in areas that are vulnerable. Not that they’d be attacked just for being there.
China Quote
07-29-2021 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Adebisi
I mean purely in response to the concentration camps. Just saying that they have presence in areas that are vulnerable. Not that they’d be attacked just for being there.
China Quote
07-30-2021 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by Adebisi
I mean purely in response to the concentration camps. Just saying that they have presence in areas that are vulnerable. Not that they’d be attacked just for being there.
The industrial horror camps may not even piss them off. We really don't know the history and present state of tribal insanity that goes on in those hell shapes.

They may like it. They're the taliban, not a Muslims for humanity protest group. I wouldn't put it passed those psychos to enjoy what's happening with the Uyghur

Whatever is happening is being approached differently. China has some big balls going into the graveyard of empires, but this about the belt and road initiative, and China is about to make the taliban as rich as thieves.
China Quote
08-01-2021 , 06:02 AM
What do u guys think of China joining the WTO. Obviously China has prosper a lot monetary wise but did America? Is the life better to most Chinese? Is it better for most Americans? I don’t know the answer so please enlighten me but I do know Chinese got the better of America in the wto deal
China Quote
08-01-2021 , 08:58 AM
These people sick students on the professional class and 5 million people die. Then they cause a famine where 50 million people die. Then they perform I dunno a billion forced abortions so families will not have enough children to replace the parents.

But somehow they’re going to figure out business. We should be nervous about competing with these idiot communists. I don’t see it.

Plus they’re never getting that Dutch chip making machine and when they build they’re own shitty version in 2040 I’m sure we’ll have a new one.
China Quote
08-01-2021 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
These people sick students on the professional class and 5 million people die. Then they cause a famine where 50 million people die. Then they perform I dunno a billion forced abortions so families will not have enough children to replace the parents.

But somehow they’re going to figure out business. We should be nervous about competing with these idiot communists. I don’t see it.

Plus they’re never getting that Dutch chip making machine and when they build they’re own shitty version in 2040 I’m sure we’ll have a new one.
Keep underestimating china
China Quote
08-01-2021 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by jfound
What do u guys think of China joining the WTO. Obviously China has prosper a lot monetary wise but did America? Is the life better to most Chinese? Is it better for most Americans? I don’t know the answer so please enlighten me but I do know Chinese got the better of America in the wto deal
I am generally all for opening up every thing to China including the WTO.

I think the only thing that EVENTUALLY changes things there is the growing middle class gaining enough power to force change and that any attempts to isolate and fight China keeps the people on side the gov't, in the way it typically does where people will always fight against the outsiders before focus on internal problems.

That said I think if the rest of the world does not tighten up their alignment when it comes to what is a go, no go area for China I think the world is in for some its biggest challenges to come.

I am convinced China, as the biggest world power ('if') will bully and be imperialistic in ways that would make the US blush in embarrassment at how comparatively little they did during their reign.
China Quote
08-04-2021 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by jfound
Keep underestimating china
Does it really matter if we underestimate them since our leaders have already sold us out to them?

What we really need to quit underestimating is our elected leaders' willingness to **** us.
China Quote
08-05-2021 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by FuToN_SLG
Does it really matter if we underestimate them since our leaders have already sold us out to them?

What we really need to quit underestimating is our elected leaders' willingness to **** us.
God is my leader, but my pm or ur president are useless in helping the average joe
China Quote
08-06-2021 , 06:08 AM
Financial Times quick summary of the paper linked below on Chinese loans to developing nations:

462 billion between 2008 and 2019
Terms are similar to those offered by western agencies (such as US Exim Bank)
The two big differences cited are:
-No participation in collective sovereign debt restructuring agreements
-Disputes are to be resolved in China, under Chinese law. (resolution in the lending country isn't unusual, what is unusual is the Chinese legal system is, shall we say, sus.)
China Quote
08-10-2021 , 01:32 PM
While I feel that Canada should have refused this request from the US, as I think the US was setting Canada up to be the proxy dupe here, I also think China's reaction is why I am particularly concerned about a future with China as the worlds biggest power as I think their tolerance for decent and their willingness to use oppressive power when they feel they cannot be checked (bully tactics), will be something that will make the prior world powers look tame in comparison.

China court upholds Canadian's death sentence as Huawei executive fights extradition

A Chinese court upheld on Tuesday a Canadian man's death sentence for drug smuggling, prompting condemnation from Ottawa, a day before another court is due to rule on the case of a Canadian accused of spying.

The court proceedings for the two Canadians come as lawyers in Canada representing the detained chief financial officer of Chinese telecoms giant Huawei make a final push ( to persuade a court there not to extradite her to the United States...
China Quote
08-10-2021 , 05:05 PM
If you look at a map with US bases in the UAE, Philippines, South Korea, Japan, Australia as a close ally and I’m surely missing others, China is literally surrounded by the unites states military on three sides with Siberia to the north. I would be surprised if China could control the seas more than 50 miles from its coastline.

Cuppee, you’ll never live in a world where china is the worlds biggest power. Pax Americana reigns as long as the US Navy controls the oceans and until an air force shows up with fighters planes better than the West.
China Quote
08-10-2021 , 05:39 PM
Militarily I agree, unless another Trump type gets in who might be set on dismantling US power and allegiances.

From an economic stand point I think China could surpass the US within a generation and also perhaps control the main levers of the UN with the most support amongst foreign nations (Chinese new Silk Road, debtor partners) even if they would not be able to enforce things from the muzzle of a gun boat.. yet.
China Quote
08-10-2021 , 06:55 PM
A key to US world domination is control of the seas. Absolute control over every ocean. The whole world. That the foundation of global trade that is the source of chinas wealth. Every container ship that goes Shanghai to Sudan sails at the pleasure of the United States Navy.

Duarte in the phillinies just a few weeks ago reversed his position and invited the US military to retain a massive presence and freedom of a port. And that dude is super close to China.
China Quote
08-10-2021 , 06:59 PM
Cuppee in 30 years there’s been a single Chinese that won a Nobel prize for original thought in math science economics, the hard important disciplines. The Chinese are subjects not citizens. This is a country by a government commuting genocide against its own subjects. Their economy is that of factories and strip mines for the West.

They make the plans in Cupertino and follow directions on China. That’s the way it is and will always be. They will never lead anywhere good.
China Quote
08-10-2021 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
In just my lifetime the Chinese have gone from supplier manufacturers of the lowest end and quality goods (the cheapest in the dollar store) to now mass producing competitive OEM quality items in almost all categories. They are arguably leading the US in 5G.

if you were to look at the progression curve of China in areas of invention, manufacture, design it would like like this in the last 50 years...

While the US curve has looked more like this...

No I am not saying China is leading in these areas nor am I saying they don't both steal IP and create it, but what i am saying is you are seriously underestimating China a FUTURE threat in all areas if you only consider where you think they are compared to the US today without looking at the progression curve of both indicating where they will both be in the next 50 years or so.
China Quote
08-10-2021 , 09:13 PM
If mRNA vaccines prove out thats a black eye on the idea that an advancing China is on the cusp of passing the west in your lifetime Cuppee.

Many Malaysian doctors vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine die. The Chinese can’t and won’t get the Dutch machine that is the future of technology.

Yea the Chinese make great cheap routers but you’ll need to post evidence of a rapidly progressing China and a declining west. You know many of Huawei’s business lines were killed by Trump right? Huawei and their cheap routers that half the world will never buy to not offend THE superpower is not a great example of chinas rise anymore.
China Quote
08-10-2021 , 09:15 PM
A free capitalist society is superior to what China has in every way. Free capitalist societies will continue to dominate the world for our lifetimes. That’s my position. China will always be behind. They work for us.
China Quote
08-11-2021 , 08:34 AM
Ok. Well it appears your position is more dogmatic than logical, and that is fine. We don't know how the future will role out and perhaps you are correct.

What we should not do is completely underestimate China. We also should not ignore the facts that they are on a massive up curve and have been closing the gap significantly over the last 50 years as the US has slowed, and if that trajectory continues it is then very predictable they will pass the US in all areas.

Regardless of your beliefs that this will not happen (again fine) the fact above is true, that if it continues as it has eventually China will pass the US in pretty much every area.

The best way to check China and their ambitions is for Western nations to begin now cooperating to check them and not laughing at them like 'lol China, who cares. They will never get anywhere'. That would be a very dangerous approach.
China Quote
08-11-2021 , 09:43 AM
What has convinced you China is on the path to pass the West cuppee I’d be interested in checking it out. You say it like it’s self evident but it’s not. What are the signs of our technological decline?

What of the virus? The Chinese let it escape a lab and about half the people in the world know it. All it takes is an American president to commit to a (true) propaganda campaign explaining what happened and then the whole world will know.

What a horrible disaster they caused. Then they lied about it and tried to cover it up. So many people have died. Do you think after Chernobyl that developing countries were clamoring for help from Ukrainian nuclear engineers?

Serious question cuppee, what in your mind makes the Chinese communists different than the nazis, where the cooperation strategy clearly did not work. Less extensive genocide and have yet to start a world war.

Because I don’t want cooperation. I want our universities closed to Chinese, I want our jobs closed to Chinese. As long as the communists have total control of the country they should all be treated as communists. I don’t want anything to do with these people. I want my shirts made in Vietnam and my iPhone assembled in Cambodia.

We’ve been wide open cooperating with the Chinese communists for nearly 50 years. How has it moderated their behavior? An active genocide. President abolished term limits.
China Quote
08-11-2021 , 09:52 AM
The virus is a great example of cooperation in action.

In 1994 a professor at Duke I think or UNC alters the first animal coronavirus in make it infect human tissue. Americans do all sorts of science with this breakthrough, and one of the things they need are live viruses. So these scientists hook up with a Chinese lady in Wuhan and send her into caves to collect viruses. The viruses were sent back to America for the science.

That’s where the chain of cooperation should have stopped. We do the important things, the Chinese do the grunt work.

But no. The American scientists taught the Chinese their science. So then the Chinese could do experiments on their own! How great and equal.

Well how many kids don’t have parents right now because the Chinese wanted to try science. How many kids will never see their grandparents again. How many people are hooked up to ventilators right now because this virus developed in China escaped their lab.

We’ve had a lot of lab leaks in American labs. They don’t become pandemics because we are better than them. We have better people who have better leaders that live in a society with better rules.

Last edited by phoneaccount; 08-11-2021 at 10:20 AM.
China Quote
08-11-2021 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Ok. Well it appears your position is more dogmatic than logical, and that is fine. We don't know how the future will role out and perhaps you are correct.
yes phonesccount your absolutely racist and loathsome views here painting the chinese as inferior to the western man are just fine since you are reinforcing the preferred mainstream narrative "china bad"
China Quote
08-11-2021 , 10:52 AM
If the Chinese evicted the communists then took some years to develop a free society I’m sure Chinese people would be just as good as people who live in the west.

A Chinese dissident who gets asylum in Canada becomes one of us. How is that racist. If I’m completely in favor of relations with and the people of Japan and Indonesia that’s a weird kind of racism.

The Chinese communists are enemies of my country. If you live a free life they’re your enemies too. The communists have complete control of the Chinese people. Right now there is no distinction between the two.

Yea, if the Chinese sit back and let 5 million people be murdered in the cultural revolution and take it, then 50 million people die of famine, then their government performs a billion forced abortion, then a ****ing by the book genocide is being carried out with their tax dollars

And they say ‘thank you sir may I have another’ no I don’t want anything to do with them. Keep your genocide, your virus and your man made famines, keep your government designed collapsing population . Keep your totalitarianism.
China Quote
08-11-2021 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
Free capitalist societies will continue to dominate the world for our lifetimes. That’s my position. China will always be behind. They work for us.
Cant you just smell the freedom!
China Quote
08-11-2021 , 11:01 AM
These Chinese can **** up so bad that they literally ruin life for the entire world for 18? months, their mistake kills 3? million people, they cover it up but watch out before you call attention to this epic world altering failure, your own people will apologize for the Chinese and call you a racist.
China Quote
