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China China

06-28-2021 , 05:43 PM
China Quote
06-29-2021 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by jfound
China gonna be #1 within 30 years, Americans doing all they can to prolong this but the domino is fallin. Taiwan is Chinese territory like Hawaii is American territory.
Taiwan isn't Chinese territory no matter how many online CCP cheerleaders proclaim otherwise. End of story.
China Quote
06-30-2021 , 11:43 AM
China Quote
06-30-2021 , 11:50 AM
Plays taken straight from the SS playbook.
China Quote
07-01-2021 , 02:20 PM
Are you a bothersome troublemaker who thinks the CCP went a shade overboard at Tiennamen Square in 1989?

Do you feel the Great Chairman Mao may have gotten things a bit wrong when he murdered 45 million people?

Do you feel the Glorious CCP should take a less genocidal approach to Uighurs?

If the answer to these questions is "Yes", then you my troublemaking and potential terrorist friend are engaging in Historical Nihilism and absolute shame on you.

But have no fear, patriotic Chinese citizens because we of the Glorious CCP (long may we reign and may our enemies be destroyed by floods) have a Handy Hotline where you can report any historical nihilist troublemakers to the appropriate authorities, where they will be helped by being sent off to one of our glorious and decidedly non threatening re-education centers where this vicious disorder will just as viciously be stamped out without mercy.
Call 555 S.N.I.T.C.H.

We have already deleted two milliom troublemaking posts on decadent social media.

Join us in our fight today so we may celebrate our glorious centenary free of dangerous historical talk!
China Quote
07-01-2021 , 08:31 PM
Charlie Munger loves him some CCP. Disgusting.
China Quote
07-02-2021 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Taiwan isn't Chinese territory no matter how many online CCP cheerleaders proclaim otherwise. End of story.
not yet at least but one day i hope it will but without a war and with a better chairman.
China Quote
07-02-2021 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by jfound
not yet at least but one day i hope it will but without a war and with a better chairman.
Interesting take.
Taiwan seems to be quite happy on their own and they both make boatloads of money working together.

After seeing what China has done to HK it's hard to see any incentive for Taiwan to want to come under the CCP umbrella.
China Quote
07-02-2021 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Interesting take.
Taiwan seems to be quite happy on their own and they both make boatloads of money working together.

After seeing what China has done to HK it's hard to see any incentive for Taiwan to want to come under the CCP umbrella.
Obvious not in the current environment but maybe one day prayers, China will get a empathic leader. A man can dream

They be happier with no missiles pointing at them.

Chinas a proud country so they want to return to glory at any cost, China’s been humiliated for so long n we will never want that to happen again but hopefully the future generation will understand love and peace is the ultimate power.

Last edited by jfound; 07-02-2021 at 04:41 AM.
China Quote
07-02-2021 , 10:45 AM
Foreign countries that 'bully' China will meet a 'great wall of steel,' says Xi during Communist Party centenary

China's rise is a "historical inevitability" and it will no longer be "bullied, oppressed or subjugated" by foreign countries, its leader, Xi Jinping, said Thursday during an event commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party.

"Anyone who dares to try, will find their heads bashed bloody against a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people,"...

In a continuation of his hardline foreign policy, Xi said while China would welcome "helpful suggestions" from other governments, it would not accept "sanctimonious preaching."

On the subject of Taiwan, the self-governed democratic island that the Chinese government has long maintained is part of its territory, Xi said its "reunification" with the mainland was part of the "historic mission" of the Communist Party.

The Chinese leader also vowed to "utterly defeat" Taiwan "independence." In the past, Xi has refused to rule out the use of force in his efforts to "reunite" Taiwan and the mainland and although he didn't make similar threats in Thursday's speech, the Chinese leader did call for the country's armed forces to be elevated to "world-class standards."
"We must accelerate the modernization of national defense and the armed forces," Xi said.

In response to Xi's speech, Taipei said its resolve to protect the island's sovereignty and democracy remained "unwavering."...

"No one should underestimate the great resolve, the strong will, and the extraordinary ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity," Xi said.
China Quote
07-02-2021 , 03:20 PM
Not sure "Wall of Steel" will catch on like "Iron Curtain," but guess we will see!
China Quote
07-03-2021 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by jfound
Obvious not in the current environment but maybe one day prayers, China will get a empathic leader. A man can dream

They be happier with no missiles pointing at them.

Chinas a proud country so they want to return to glory at any cost, China’s been humiliated for so long n we will never want that to happen again but hopefully the future generation will understand love and peace is the ultimate power.
most people think leverage is the ultimate power which is so wrong. we live in a pretty sad world lol. I sit back do as much as i can to help the world and be more understanding. But the f is wrong with the world. Where did all the fighting and hate come from? Im so confuse how we are in such a mess up world. where did it go wrong? i mean bible say eve but then what?
China Quote
07-03-2021 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by jfound
not yet at least but one day i hope it will but without a war and with a better chairman.
Well it won't, unless China reunite with a war, or else they decide to try ditching their oppression and go democratic like Taiwan and maybe then they can reunify peacefully and fat chance of that happening so until either of those things eventually do happen, Taiwan is its own sovereign nation with a right to self determination for its people, despite China's bellicose posturing and saber rattling.
Plus the current chairman seems to want to be chairman for life, so he won't be going anywhere anytime soon unless he's purged at a later date after a successful power struggle from whatever inner party cliques align.
China Quote
07-03-2021 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Well it won't, unless China reunite with a war, or else they decide to try ditching their oppression and go democratic like Taiwan and maybe then they can reunify peacefully and fat chance of that happening so until either of those things eventually do happen, Taiwan is its own sovereign nation with a right to self determination for its people, despite China's bellicose posturing and saber rattling.
Plus the current chairman seems to want to be chairman for life, so he won't be going anywhere anytime soon unless he's purged at a later date after a successful power struggle from whatever inner party cliques align.
Like I said a better leader, and democracy isn’t out of the question in the future just not now, might seem hopeless but miracles do happen
China Quote
07-03-2021 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by jfound
Like I said a better leader, and democracy isn’t out of the question in the future just not now, might seem hopeless but miracles do happen

That movement all but died on Tiananmen Square, the party leaders who favored reforms or didn't take a stance directly against reforms were slowly removed and were later completely written out of Chinese history books, the topic of the movement itself become seditious and illegal reading and all political power become entrenched in a small circle around the Secretary Chairman.

Ten years later it was over, and since the 2000s that small circle in the party has slowly tightened the grip in what was already an alarmingly autocratic regime and it has shown no signs of slowing down that process.

I don't mean to take away from Chinese citizens who fight for change, but I suspect liberal reforms are at best generations away.
China Quote
07-03-2021 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
That movement all but died on Tiananmen Square, the party leaders who favored reforms or didn't take a stance directly against reforms were slowly removed and were later completely written out of Chinese history books, the topic of the movement itself become seditious and illegal reading and all political power become entrenched in a small circle around the Secretary Chairman.

Ten years later it was over, and since the 2000s that small circle in the party has slowly tightened the grip in what was already an alarmingly autocratic regime and it has shown no signs of slowing down that process.

I don't mean to take away from Chinese citizens who fight for change, but I suspect liberal reforms are at best generations away.

agreed, its not gonna be for awhile but still can happen. let see what happens in the next 50 years

Last edited by jfound; 07-03-2021 at 08:31 PM.
China Quote
07-04-2021 , 12:10 PM
It will eventually happen some day. History has shown us time and again that at some point the center cannot hold re oppressive regimes. They always eventually crumble.
The CCP will eventually go as well. I doubt it will be in our lifetime but it will eventually crumble also.
China Quote
07-04-2021 , 02:06 PM
Centralization, surveillance technology and facial recognition will give the inherent entropy of totalitarianism a run for its money: if it happens within 50 years it's due to profound society pressure rather than a new, dynamic leader taking charge.
China Quote
07-04-2021 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
That movement all but died on Tiananmen Square, the party leaders who favored reforms or didn't take a stance directly against reforms were slowly removed and were later completely written out of Chinese history books, the topic of the movement itself become seditious and illegal reading and all political power become entrenched in a small circle around the Secretary Chairman.

Ten years later it was over, and since the 2000s that small circle in the party has slowly tightened the grip in what was already an alarmingly autocratic regime and it has shown no signs of slowing down that process.

I don't mean to take away from Chinese citizens who fight for change, but I suspect liberal reforms are at best generations away.
Originally Posted by corpus vile
It will eventually happen some day. History has shown us time and again that at some point the center cannot hold re oppressive regimes. They always eventually crumble.
The CCP will eventually go as well. I doubt it will be in our lifetime but it will eventually crumble also.
China is sowing the seeds of their own undoing in that regard.

A strong, and growing generational middle class will eventually have competing elements within it and those groups will seek their own voice and push back increasingly harder against it. It is because China is 'sharing the wealth' far more than most Autocracies do, and investing to build a world leading middle class that I believe they will eventually be forced to moderate.

Putin's way, of stripping all the wealth and sharing it amongst a handful of powerful elite while allowing no competing interests to evolve makes it far more easy to hold and retain power, imo.

But CHina does not want to rule over a Russia or N.Korea type country that is much weaker than it should be. They want to have the #1 World Power and that, imo, will be their eventual undoing.

In the meantime I legit fear for any nation that gets in the way of Chinese ambitions that cannot protect themselves. As bad as the US and others in the past have been when they have had mostly unchecked power, I fear CHina would exponentially worse. In my view China is truly a nation that thinks 'might makes right' full stop. And if they can impose their will, they will. Without hesitation.

But yes, we are generations away from that.
China Quote
07-04-2021 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
But CHina does not want to rule over a Russia or N.Korea type country that is much weaker than it should be. They want to have the #1 World Power and that, imo, will be their eventual undoing.

In the meantime I legit fear for any nation that gets in the way of Chinese ambitions that cannot protect themselves. As bad as the US and others in the past have been when they have had mostly unchecked power, I fear CHina would exponentially worse. In my view China is truly a nation that thinks 'might makes right' full stop. And if they can impose their will, they will. Without hesitation.
this is a bunch of william westmoreland psychologizing
China Quote
07-05-2021 , 02:59 PM
I struggle to believe China would be this foolish after both the USSR and USA debacles in the region, and due to the fact I cannot find this reporting elsewhere, but it would be interesting if true.

China has a big plan for post-US Afghanistan and it’s worth billions

As the US exits Afghanistan, Beijing is preparing to swoop into the war-torn country and fill the vacuum left by the departed US and NATO troops.

China is poised to make an exclusive entry into post-US Afghanistan with its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Speaking on condition of anonymity, a source close to government officials in Afghanistan told The Daily Beast that Kabul authorities are growing more intensively engaged with China on an extension of the $62 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)—the flagship project of BRI, which involves the construction of highways, railways and energy pipelines between Pakistan and China—to Afghanistan, reported international media.

According to another source privy to conversations between Beijing and Kabul, one of the specific projects on the table is the construction of a China-backed major road between Afghanistan and Pakistan's northwestern city of Peshawar, which is already linked with the CPEC route. “There is a discussion on a Peshawar-Kabul motorway between the authorities in Kabul and Beijing,” the source told The Daily Beast on condition of anonymity. “Linking Kabul with Peshawar by road means Afghanistan’s formal joining of CPEC.”

In other words: The Afghan government, behind the scenes, is welcoming China immediately after saying goodbye to America.

China has been keen on extending its BRI to Afghanistan, and has been asking Kabul to join it for at least half a decade. But the US-backed Afghan government was hesitant to join BRI for fear it could raise eyebrows in Washington. ...
China Quote
07-05-2021 , 03:53 PM
Dont see how China do anything without much more stability, which means boots on the ground, which means welcome to the quagmire.
China Quote
07-05-2021 , 06:03 PM
It could certainly be a curious experiment.

China might see the ability to deploy mass amounts of foot soldiers as a plus. Keep the masses busy and get them battle tested.

If China choose to work with Pakistan and partner it would mean the end of Afghanistan as we know it but it could become stable.

Despite the fact China does not generally tolerate Muslims in their country I don't think they care about them elsewhere. What they care about is 'can you hold power and function with a semblance of order China can operate within'.

Imagine if China did go in next and settled the Afghanistan issue and what that might say about their ability to project power?
China Quote
07-06-2021 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
It could certainly be a curious experiment.

China might see the ability to deploy mass amounts of foot soldiers as a plus. Keep the masses busy and get them battle tested.

If China choose to work with Pakistan and partner it would mean the end of Afghanistan as we know it but it could become stable.

Despite the fact China does not generally tolerate Muslims in their country I don't think they care about them elsewhere. What they care about is 'can you hold power and function with a semblance of order China can operate within'.

Imagine if China did go in next and settled the Afghanistan issue and what that might say about their ability to project power?
The thing is China doesn’t follow international law, so let see how this plays out
China Quote
